
吕布战三英 Pj难上难
  昨晚在WCG2009中国成都世界电子竞技总决赛的主舞台上进行了一场《星际争霸》的焦点比赛,中国星际第一高手Pj对阵韩国星际天王Bisu。经过20多分钟激烈的对攻,最终Pj在一度占据优势的情况下,因一个微小的技术失误,被Bisu逆转。所幸的是Pj在前面的比赛中保持全胜,得以以小组第二的身份晋级8强,而Fengzi和Toodming都排名小组第三无缘决赛&。  第一人对决:Pj遭Bisu暗算  昨天Pj与Bisu的比赛可谓一波三折,同是神族选手的两人在开局时互有攻防,但随后Bisu在Pj的矿区附近修了一个晶体,巧妙地影响了Pj的采矿速度。经过双方制约与反制约的拉锯战,从场面上来看Pj似乎胜券在握。然而Pj却忽略了对方隐形队伍的攻击,Bisu在短时间内升级出了“隐刀”,而此时Pj只顾埋头生产“龙骑士”,而没有想打防守。Bisu利用这个大好机会彻底扭转了战局。虽然Pj也努力采取一些局部战术作最后一搏,但无奈劣势太大,局面已无法挽回,最终他输掉了比赛。  至此,本次WCG全球总决赛中国选手在《星际争霸》项目上对韩国选手已是三连败。随着Fengzi和Toodming被淘汰出局,Pj成为中国队在该项目的独苗,而韩国的星际三天王Bisu、Jaedong、Stork都以全胜的战绩排名小组第一晋级。Pj想凭借一己之力突破韩国三人的包围,可谓难上加难!  电竞职业化:中韩差距明显  韩国三位星际天王是该项目的世界超一流选手,中国队的三名队员在对局的谋篇,甚至在微操上都与之有差距。而造成这些差距的原因其实还在于中国电子竞技运动在职业化道路上的落后。电子竞技职业化之路在中国走得并不顺利,在2000年时全国曾有为数并不算少的职业俱乐部,有《帝国时代》、《星际争霸》的职业战队,比如成都就有“国腾俱乐部”。但是近几年职业俱乐部的数量不仅没有增加,反而还有减少,仅仅西安、上海等少数几个地方还有保留,选手大都是和队友切磋,或者闭门苦练。而韩国则是战队成林,仅仅《星际争霸》就有超过10支战队(每个战队有5个主力,近10名替补),每个季度都有由电竞专业电视台组织的联赛。而欧美的电竞高手也纷纷加盟韩国的职业战队,在提升本身水平的同时,也使得韩国电竞联赛更加异彩纷呈,这也造成了韩国人在电子竞技运动上的世界霸主地位。  中国潜力大:好氛围受称赞  事实上,中国并不缺乏电子竞技职业化的土壤。因为中国有着非常好的电竞氛围,Bisu、Jaedong、Stork昨日在接受采访时都表示,这次在成都完全没有想到中国的电竞氛围如此好,完全出乎他们的意料。Stork说:“我曾几次到过中国参赛,但这次感觉变化相当大,已不是印象中的那个中国了,这里的电竞氛围非常好。”  有了好的氛围,也就为中国电竞运动的职业化发展打下了很好的基础,如果随后中国电竞能博采欧美电竞强国之长,搭建一个适合中国的职业联赛,那么中国的职业电竞选手就可能取得进一步突破,成为各项电竞世界大赛冠军宝座上的常客。本报记者&陈浩&胡锐凯
Copyright 成都日报数字报刊
所有内容为四川新闻网版权所有.未经授权不得复制转载或建立镜像12.17 SPL三星 vs SKT Stork赛后采访:昨天Bisu还跟哥说他不会上场,鬼才信呢!-万丰星际网
<FONT color=#.17&SPL三星&vs&SKT&Stork赛后采访:昨天Bisu还跟哥说他不会上场,鬼才信呢!
○ 三星金秋天主教练结果就像我们预计的剧本一般。同组内战的话,主要看那天的状态和气势,我们的选手打得更好些。我想表扬一下trun,reality还有发展潜力,希望不要因为这次失利就意志消沉了。我们的选手都干得漂亮。○ SKT主教练朴龙云本次比赛总的来说是战斗打得很让人失望。状态也不咋的,集中力也下降了,可能是因为上周釜山行之后还没调整过来。我们需要好好再充电,改正缺点。Q 在‘泽炳录’中获胜. A 在我个人心中还是很在意IEF战绩的。昨天Bisu和我聊微信,他还跟我说他不会出战呢。但是我才不信(笑)。我总觉得我会碰到bisu,所以练得非常努力。但很奇怪我在练习时输得很多,于是就紧张了。不过最后还是我赢了,心情大好。(笑), Q 第22次泽炳录有什么特别的意义吗. A 我举得[NC]...YellOw哥退役之后,豆子帮已经不存在了,不过今天的比赛还是运气比较好吧,还是挺高兴的。因为是第22场泽炳录,感觉我得到了黄神的庇佑。Q 打 SKT的神族取得完胜。感觉很高兴吧 A 我总觉得要遇到bisu,我就针对了他的风格来研究了战术。打上赛季的牛人赢了,感觉真的很高兴。Q 三星的形势大好 A 总的来说,现在有新队员加入,又有&#50724;&#49345;&#53469;助教的加入,我们队内有着全新的气氛。比起哪位选手打得好来说,全队情况都很棒更能让战队在比赛中取得好成绩。我们现在都对星际非常有兴趣(笑). Q 最近活动很多,体力上不会有困难吗.A 说实话确实很累人。打SKT只给我们3天备战时间,觉都没睡够。接下来,睡觉时间应该比练习时间多才行了,这样才能有好的状态。皮肤也越来越不好了。Q 最后要说的话.A 战队的情况很不错。以后希望能延续胜利。我努力地准备了PVZ,要感谢帮我备战的选手和教练组。
&&Tags:三星 vs SKT,Stork 更新时间:<FONT color=#1-12-17 20:09:30
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Lv.7, 积分 7, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID483913U币3164 UB钱包上限4050 UB体力11067 精华0种子0 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间286 小时最后登录注册时间
BISU& && &&&VT无视普通人族,面对一流人族就被无视!
STORK& &VZ可以搞死激动。面对路人虫族却被完败!
BISU对抗纯洁 5:0
石头对抗纯洁 0:5
Lv.20, 积分 20, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID194235U币12091 UB钱包上限16400 UB体力10932 精华0种子1 筐主题帖子性别男在线时间1845 小时最后登录注册时间
Lv.15, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID634060U币12371 UB钱包上限500850 UB体力28407 精华0种子0 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间769 小时最后登录注册时间
Lv.4, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID130593U币2160 UB钱包上限2160 UB体力83022 精华0种子10 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间1775 小时最后登录注册时间
哇!这是除了Alone我看见的第二个副分的桑苏 ...
金徽章都不算出成绩,那STORK岂不是要去撞墙 ...
看你UB就知道是个黑子。。。BISU3个个人联赛 ...
总评分:&U币 -36&
Lv.7, 积分 7, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID483913U币3164 UB钱包上限4050 UB体力11067 精华0种子0 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间286 小时最后登录注册时间
Lv.55, 积分 55, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID187279U币67820 UB钱包上限84360 UB体力23357 精华0种子744 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间5532 小时最后登录注册时间
阅读权限17QQ生日1989 年 10 月 16 日
Lv.16, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID500357U币2644 UB钱包上限11880 UB体力11322 精华0种子0 筐主题帖子性别保密生日1989 年 10 月 16 日在线时间911 小时最后登录注册时间
本帖最后由 百合中沉沦 于
16:24 编辑
4L真逗。。。状态分配的好成万年老2 就对了?谁的成绩出彩很明显。。。赢了S级几场 对胜场有什么帮助?结局是什么都捞不到。
Lv.11, 积分 11, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID412661U币2626 UB钱包上限7130 UB体力7632 精华0种子5 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间338 小时最后登录注册时间
Lv.7, 积分 7, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID483913U币3164 UB钱包上限4050 UB体力11067 精华0种子0 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间286 小时最后登录注册时间
所以这也是bisu在番战中出不了成绩一个重 ...
west2179 发表于
16:21 [/quote
Lv.11, 积分 11, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID412661U币2626 UB钱包上限7130 UB体力7632 精华0种子5 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间338 小时最后登录注册时间
Lv.12, 积分 12, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID402951U币2288 UB钱包上限8000 UB体力7512 精华0种子1 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间454 小时最后登录注册时间看看是啥
Lv.5, 积分 5, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID646887U币2750 UB钱包上限2750 UB体力10092 精华0种子19 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间190 小时最后登录注册时间
Lv.4, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID130593U币2160 UB钱包上限2160 UB体力83022 精华0种子10 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间1775 小时最后登录注册时间
4L真逗。。。状态分配的好成万年老2 就对了?谁的成绩出彩很明显。。。赢了S级几场 对胜场有什么帮助?结局 ...
百合中沉沦 发表于
& & 不懂竞技体育我不怪你,自己去翻查bisu的战绩,上次出现在4强是什么时候.
总评分:&U币 -18&
Lv.4, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID130593U币2160 UB钱包上限2160 UB体力83022 精华0种子10 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间1775 小时最后登录注册时间
Lv.41, 积分 41, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID496362U币5661 UB钱包上限51460 UB体力547 精华0种子546 筐主题帖子性别男在线时间3933 小时最后登录注册时间
阅读权限17QQ生日1989 年 10 月 16 日
Lv.16, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID500357U币2644 UB钱包上限11880 UB体力11322 精华0种子0 筐主题帖子性别保密生日1989 年 10 月 16 日在线时间911 小时最后登录注册时间
本帖最后由 百合中沉沦 于
16:40 编辑
& & 也就是说 正常的状态就是万年老2 出不来成绩吗? 您别搞笑了。这不是4个人的星际 被各种菜虐还是状态分配好 真逗。
Lv.27, 积分 27, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID391210U币17759 UB钱包上限25850 UB体力2292 精华0种子1 筐主题帖子性别男在线时间1431 小时最后登录注册时间
总评分:&U币 -7&
阅读权限1居住地四川 泸州生日1950 年 10 月 23 日
UID632480U币27338 UB钱包上限27360 UB体力23377 精华0种子8 筐主题帖子性别男生日1950 年 10 月 23 日在线时间2137 小时最后登录注册时间
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Lv.4, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID130593U币2160 UB钱包上限2160 UB体力83022 精华0种子10 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间1775 小时最后登录注册时间
& & 也就是说 正常的状态就是万年老2 出不来成绩吗? 您别搞笑了。这不是4个人的星际 ...
百合中沉沦 发表于
& && && &&&为你的价值观感到悲哀,原来万年老二也不算成绩的话,那spl也别办了,除了李双,其他人也别玩了.
阅读权限1居住地四川 泸州生日1950 年 10 月 23 日
UID632480U币27338 UB钱包上限27360 UB体力23377 精华0种子8 筐主题帖子性别男生日1950 年 10 月 23 日在线时间2137 小时最后登录注册时间
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
阅读权限17QQ生日1989 年 10 月 16 日
Lv.16, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID500357U币2644 UB钱包上限11880 UB体力11322 精华0种子0 筐主题帖子性别保密生日1989 年 10 月 16 日在线时间911 小时最后登录注册时间
为你的价值观感到悲哀,原来万年老二也不算成绩的话,那spl也别办了,除了李双,其他人也别玩 ...
west2179 发表于
& & 你的价值观就是只跟几个人玩就行?悲哀的人原来是这样。虐菜是顺便的其他人也不用特在意。说的好像其他人为了虐那帮子菜干了什么似的。
这不是4个人星际。 是N多职业选手组成的。被无数人虐 只虐几个人又意义?
Lv.4, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID130593U币2160 UB钱包上限2160 UB体力83022 精华0种子10 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间1775 小时最后登录注册时间
而且4L,S对抗,BISU上的比较少,也就输给教主一场,石头一场,好像还有卡尔一场,其他S级选手在BISU面前就 ...
tali88 发表于
& & 其实我想说的,不仅仅是对手,而是番战.
Lv.4, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID130593U币2160 UB钱包上限2160 UB体力83022 精华0种子10 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间1775 小时最后登录注册时间
你的价值观就是只跟几个人玩就行?悲哀的人原来是这样。虐菜是顺便的其他人也不用特在意。说的好 ...
百合中沉沦 发表于
& &&&你也知道这不是4个人的星际,作为三星战队的一员,stork只在面对flash jaedong fantasty,bisu,leta,snow,light,sea等spl前20的选手时发力,我喜欢的就是这样的选手.
& & 所以说,你还是看看spl,swl吧.个人联赛没bisu啥事情.
阅读权限17QQ生日1989 年 10 月 16 日
Lv.16, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID500357U币2644 UB钱包上限11880 UB体力11322 精华0种子0 筐主题帖子性别保密生日1989 年 10 月 16 日在线时间911 小时最后登录注册时间
本帖最后由 百合中沉沦 于
16:57 编辑
你也知道这不是4个人的星际,作为三星战队的一员,stork只在面对flash jaedong fantasty,bisu,leta, ...
west2179 发表于
所以说 你好好看看 stork战队的成绩吧 赢了教主被虐了 战队输。 个人联赛翻战双线被淘汰 之后BO1赢了几场S级 意义呢?
& & 还交给小弟。说的好像是无所谓一样
你看看spl swl吧还是
Lv.4, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID221521U币2160 UB钱包上限2160 UB体力12117 精华0种子8 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间257 小时最后登录注册时间
你也知道这不是4个人的星际,作为三星战队的一员,stork只在面对flash jaedong fantasty,bisu,leta, ...
west2179 发表于
如果小饭禽兽在三星 石头也一样 如果在OZ&&解冻也一样 就因为三星没有别人可以出头
所以石头才会让你觉得经常性出彩&&就因为没有强力队友 所以才会有很多的力挽狂澜的机会让你去挥霍 失败了 是正常 你不能靠一个人赢个战队 成功了就变成你牛B 你雪中送炭 石头不就是这样吗?面对前20的选手才发力 你的意思是他面对20开外的一定赢吗?
阅读权限10QQ生日1980 年 3 月 27 日
Lv.11, 积分 11, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID226402U币3441 UB钱包上限7130 UB体力54462 精华0种子4 筐主题帖子性别男生日1980 年 3 月 27 日在线时间1228 小时最后登录注册时间
选手ID& && && & Kespa排名& && && & vs.All& && && & vs.Protoss& && && & vs.Zerg& && && & vs.Terran
Stork& && && && && && & 4& && && && && && & 61%& && && && && & 60%& && && && && & 58%& && && && && & 67%& &&&
Bisu& && && && && && &&&5& && && && && && & 64%& && && && && & 64%& && && && && &&&69%& && && && && &&&60%
Lv.52, 积分 52, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID2502U币59052 UB钱包上限176650 UB体力136317 精华0种子662 筐主题帖子性别男在线时间9884 小时最后登录注册时间
阅读权限17QQ生日1989 年 10 月 16 日
Lv.16, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID500357U币2644 UB钱包上限11880 UB体力11322 精华0种子0 筐主题帖子性别保密生日1989 年 10 月 16 日在线时间911 小时最后登录注册时间
石头自己的苦他自己明白。翻战双线被淘汰。好不容易赢了教主结果 被小弟带走了。还是输。翻战太容易被针对导致万年老2的状况。
Lv.4, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
UID130593U币2160 UB钱包上限2160 UB体力83022 精华0种子10 筐主题帖子性别保密在线时间1775 小时最后登录注册时间
本帖最后由 west2179 于
17:06 编辑
所以说 你好好看看 stork战队的成绩吧 赢了教主被虐了 战队输。 个人联赛翻战双线被淘汰 之后BO1赢了几 ...
百合中沉沦 发表于
阅读权限10QQ生日1980 年 3 月 27 日
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个人联赛亚军+8强,这届能和他比的有谁 ...
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& & stork果然在OSL最关键的比赛上,对阵小范,在优势对抗上,在自己最擅长的对抗上,在对P有利的地图上,给了你一个惊喜
Powered byIn the world of Korean professional StarCraft: Brood War, no one personifies “superstar” more than these four men: Kim “Bisu” Taek Young, Song “Stork” Byung Gu, Lee “Jaedong” Jae Dong, and Lee “Flash” Young Ho. Were it not for the other three, any one of these players would be unanimously considered the best in the world during their prime. These incredibly skilled players made the last years of Brood War possibly the most enthralling era of competition in that game’s history. Finally, at the MLG Spring Championship, they played StarCraft II on Western soil for the first time.
We got a chance to sit down with these legendary figures and spoke with them about the games, their journey to the United States, and their transition to StarCraft II.
What were your initial impressions of StarCraft II?
Jaedong: I think StarCraft II is very similar to Brood War except for the UI. StarCraft II is really fun so I wish to continue to play it. Although I was a Brood War pro-gamer when StarCraft II was launched, I had good feelings about it and really wanted to play the game because I thought this game would be loved globally.
Flash: Honestly, I didn’t like StarCraft II at first because I have been doing very well with Brood War, and I thought that Brood War would continue to be more popular. However, StarCraft II became a global trend and I found it to actually be really fun, so I decided to practice StarCraft II to become a super-star.
Bisu: Hello, I am Taek Young Kim! As a pro-gamer, not as a gamer, I felt a little bit anxious at first because I worried I would lose my job. As time went on, I quickly began to think “Someday I will play StarCraft II,” as I watched the growing popularity of the game. I was sad at first because I lost a lot, but now I’m enjoying the game as I feel my skill grow. I wish to reach a Grand Final at a global competition for passionate global fans.
When you first played StarCraft II, how did your games go?
Jaedong: It was really difficult to play StarCraft II in my first game because I was used to playing Brood War.
Flash: My first StarCraft II game was almost a year after the game was released. I had arm surgery and rehabilitated with athletes in the mountains at that time, then suddenly I felt like playing StarCraft II, so I played alone secretly. Nothing but losses filled my game history, but I kept playing so I could find common ground between Brood War and StarCraft II.
Bisu: I have trouble playing StarCraft II because so many protoss units have been changed. I knew I could change Hotkeys but I didn’t, in order to get used to the new game.
Stork: About two years ago, when StarCraft II launched, StarCraft II was the only game that was allowed to be played in my team house besides Brood War, so we played StarCraft II during break time. I adapted soon because not only were units like the zealot similar, but the overall trend of the game resembled Brood War. Although two Brood War pro-gamers in my team house rapidly turned into StarCraft II pros, I believed that I could catch up with them soon so I remained in the team house.
When did you start practicing seriously?
Jaedong: Let me see… I started to practice seriously about two months ago.
Flash: (whispering - Wait, when did the Grand Final end?) About a month and a half ago?
Bisu: Me, too. About a month and a half ago.
Stork: About a month and a half ago.
What was the hardest thing to get used to about StarCraft II?
Jaedong: I feel Brood War and StarCraft II are completely different games. Every unit in StarCraft II has very clear counter units and this seems to make it harder to turn a game around. That was the most difficult thing to adapt to in the new game for me. The new UI also made me frustrated.&#160;
Flash: The biggest difference from Brood War is that it’s hard to turn the game around. In Brood War, each player’s performance in unit production varied, but in StarCraft II, everyone can make a lot of units with ease due to the convenient interface. I think this is the most important point that makes tuning the game around harder.
Bisu: Unlike Brood War, unit combinations and the counter build order are very important in StarCraft II. This is the hardest part for me.
Stork: Brood War has “standard” build orders which are viable against any kind of opposing strategy, allowing for a long term fight. In StarCraft II, I feel it’s difficult to come back from having my build order countered or from making a mistake. If I take my first expansion a little bit later then my opponent, the resource gap between us widens due to Chrono Boost, Larva Spawn and MULE. It makes the game hard to turn around.
Did you attempt to mimic the build orders of current StarCraft II pro-gamers, or did you try to develop your own builds?
Jaedong: At first, I just tried to mimic other players’ build orders because I knew nothing. I thought that making new build orders and strategies would be only available when I attained full knowledge of units and insight into the game, so I thought I needed more time to reach it.
Flash: I also tried to mimic when I began to play StarCraft II. But even mimicking was difficult for me. When I learned a new build order, I kept practicing repeatedly until I felt sufficient, then I used to modify it. It is the same now, so if I learn a nice new strategy, I practice it repeatedly and then try varying it.
Bisu: At first, I tried to just play the game as much as I could rather than watch GSL matches. Then, I watched GSL and GSTL matches. Though I try to mimic those matches, I lose a lot because I’m not trained perfectly yet.
Stork: I just played games without watching any VODs for the first month. But I ended up watching other matches because I couldn’t learn build orders by myself. I’m not skilled enough to understand as soon as I see other build orders or strategies yet, so I’m asking team mates and learning from those who are better than me.
What unit in StarCraft II is your favorite to use, and what unit from Brood War do you miss the most?
Jaedong: My favorite StarCraft II unit is the infestor. I think it is similar to the defiler from Brood War, but now it is better because it can be produced on Tier 2 (Lair). The mutalisk is very commonly used in Brood War but I feel sad that it is impossible to control mutalisks the way I did in Brood War.
Flash: My favorite StarCraft II unit is the marauder. It looks strong and it actually is, so I produce it quite often. I liked to use goliaths very much in Brood War so when I heard that Thor replaced the goliath in StarCraft II, I tried to use it a few times. But the Thor is not my favorite because it feels too massive. I miss the goliath, the slim one.
Bisu: My favorite unit is the immortal because it is incredibly effective against marauders and roaches. I miss the corsair.
Stork: Although I like all of the StarCraft II units, I like especially the sentry. There are no units I particularly want to carry over from Brood War, but if I had to choose one, it’s the arbiter.
Many players in the KeSPA Proleague have claimed Protoss is especially strong, and Protoss players seem to be having the most success in their transition. What causes this, would you say?
Jaedong: Strong? Is protoss strong? I’m not sure about that. I don’t know whether protoss is really strong and I think balance always changes as time passes.
Flash: The reason protoss is so strong is… oh, honestly, I have no idea. I don’t think I have enough skill to judge the balance. However I can say StarCraft II protoss has advantages for new players, like Warp Gates.
Bisu: I think protoss is a race which everybody can play well at first. The protoss win rate is quite a bit higher than other races among us because our skill is not that high yet. However, protoss doesn’t seem to have that many advantages for all high-level matches that I watched. I believe protoss strength is based on a lot of studies and practices that protoss players have done.
Stork: On my team (Samsung Electronic Khan), I have seen protoss players’ skill grow quicker than other races when we started to play the game. Compared to Brood War, I think Brood War and StarCraft II protoss have many things in common and protoss is the most convenient race to control and needs the least consideration. So I think it makes protoss stronger at low levels, but the strongest race would be zerg as players’ skills grow.
The first StarCraft II Ongamenet Starleague is scheduled for July, and it will be open to more than just KeSPA players. Do you think you will be prepared?
Jaedong: KeSPA Proleague would continue into July, but I don’t know whether the StarCraft II OSL (Ongamenet StarCraft II League) is scheduled for July or not. I’m afraid there would not be enough time to practice both Brood War and StarCraft II.
Flash: Only one month remains until July so it seems to be difficult to practice both Brood War and StarCraft II at the same time. I don’t think I’ll be prepared by then.
Bisu: I heard about the July OSL, but I think that I need to practice harder to reach higher rounds in the league. I’ll do my best.
Stork: Our skill grows quicker than many expected, so I believe that we’ll have enough chance to win the final match.
Some of you attended BlizzCon 2011 here in Anaheim, and you’ve been here at MLG this weekend. What do you think of the foreign community as compared to Korea?
Jaedong: This is my second visit to Anaheim, after last year’s BlizzCon, and every time I visit here, the passionate and energetic StarCraft II fans surprise me. As a pro-gamer, I love such fans and couldn’t wait to participate in such matches. So I will practice harder and polish my skill to participate again. I can’t wait for that moment.
Flash: Every time I visit here, I always feel surprised at passions and cheers of fans. I’m very happy with it because it is not common in Korea. Of course, I know every fan’s love is not comparable because each fan has different ways of expression.
Bisu: I appreciate everyone’s love for me very much. I love those fans’ passionate cheers. I also love the BarCraft culture: watching the game with drinking. I wish it would be held in Korea.
Stork: Unlike Korean fans, fans in here are very passionate and active, so I feel envious. It’s very interesting that while Korean fans, teams, and pro-gamers are tend to focus on victory, but global fans generally enjoy watching the game itself.
Do you have any words for these fans, at home in Korea and abroad?
Jaedong: I really appreciate both my Korean and global fans. Now as I start to play StarCraft II instead of Brood War, I’ll do my best to improve my skills and reach the top GSL players’ level.
Flash: Thanks to my global fans for their constant love. The only thing I can do to show my thanks is to show victories and epic matches to you guys. I will participate in a lot of global matches, so cheer me on! Thank you.
Bisu: I don’t have a single victory in StarCraft II yet, so I hope to show a great match someday. Cheer me on please. Thanks.
Stork: I promise to show you guys a good performance in KeSPA Proleague that I’m participating in currently. Although we are not popular globally compared to GSL players, we will do our best and promise victories and epic matches beyond the GSL players’.
Images courtesy of R1ch and Silverfire.
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