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Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
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Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Deathmatch Classic, Ricochet, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
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Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Counter-Strike: Source, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
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Includes 24 items:
Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, Day of Defeat, Deathmatch Classic, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Ricochet, Half-Life, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life Deathmatch: Source, Left 4 Dead, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, Portal, Left 4 Dead 2, Portal 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
$99.99 USD
About This Game
With its extensive Tour of Duty campaign, a near-limitless number of skirmish modes, updates and new content for Counter-Strike's award-winning multiplayer game play, plus over 12 bonus single player missions, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is a tremendous offering of single and multiplayer content.
System Requirements
Minimum: 500 mhz processor, 96mb ram, 16mb video card, Windows XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection
Recommended: 800 mhz processor, 128mb ram, 32mb+ video card, Windows XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection
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6.9 hrs on record
I bought this game on sale, because i wanted to have the full CS collection, but what a great surprise i got when i actually played it. Its CS with a campaign mode or Tour of Duty, whatever you wanna call it.If you want a challenging single-player mode with different difficulties and maps, then this game has what you want but expect some bugs and the AI isnt great but gets the job done and its challenging enough for a good time.The Deleted Scenes game only adds more content to CZ with new missions all over the world where you play as different units with a story behind each mission and a lot of objectives to follow. The game isnt recent but you can still have fun with it in 2014, at least, in my opinion.I totally recommend if you wanna have some single-player fun.7.5/10
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5.7 hrs on record
Its 1.6 with better graphics, pretty good
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9.1 hrs on record
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2.5 hrs on record
Condition Zero Deleted Scenes is basically Counter Strike 1.6 with missions.Do you want more from a simple shooter game ?
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84.9 hrs on record
Wait... i did not reviewed this yet? omg...:CS just like 1.6 but... with small map changes and... same ???? all over again...EXCEPT: great awesome singleplayer campaignThese 80 hours i played this game was 95% spent on single player campaign, which gives unique experience of small missions besides the match. There are 18 maps to play on those campaign (classics like dusts or aztec but also forgotten maps like chateau). Games are pretty much about getting better score, just like in any other CS with some changes:- Teammates Selection - Before the match starts, you get an option to choose up to 5 teammates. Each teammate costs points, which you get for winning the maps. Each bot is prefering different weapon, has different skill level, differently play as team, different bravery. So if you are playing map like aztec, you should get some snipers and on office get some guys with higher teamplay skills.- Mini-Objectives - While you play the match, you have usually 3 main mini-missions to finish during the match. Easier ones are like to get few kills with specific weapon, harder are to kill flash-blinded enemy. Sometimes you will have to kill two guys with pistol and survive the round, one of the hardest is even to kill an enemy with knife. To win the match, you have to finish all those objectives and be 2 wins ahead of terrorists. However, if you let them be 2 wins ahead, you loose and you can start all objectives over.Campaign is only playable as Counter-Terrorists, but there are a lot of downloadable campaigns, you can even easily make your own with your own bots and custom maps.+++ Single Player Campaign - you wont find anything like this in any other CS+- Its pretty old game, so graphics is just fine.- Forget multiplayer, i guess its not alive in this game80/100
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1.8 hrs on record
Counter Strike have been always known for the best multiplayer FPS,but how about to the people who have no friends to play together.People have requested a singleplayer for Counter Strike and they finally have given us Counter-Strike:Condition Zero,if you paid more money Counterstrike:Condition Zero Deleted Scence.
This game have perfect Singleplayer gameplay,and it is with mission you gotta actually complete it.If you skilled with CS 1.6 or 1.5,The same skills applied on this game too.If you dont have friends to play CS 1.6 or 1.5,then this game is for you.4/5 Counter Strike Condition Zero
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0.4 hrs on record
this game are really really great.
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15.5 hrs on record
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is the first official sequel to mod Counter-Strike, released in retail in 2004. It was pretty much same Counter-Strike on same engine and minimal changes when it comes to multiplayer experience, but it had more to often to solo players, with addition of bots and &Deleted Scenes& pack of single-player missions.Now, for multiplayer community... Is as good as ever. While it's not on the level of Counter-Strike 1.6, you will still be able to find few almost-full servers, whetever it's yet another De_Dust2 map or some server that actually rotates maps. Just more smaller tighter community. BUT it's kinda way too high-skilled by now for newbies to be able to enter in easily.So, when it comes to the main, expected, multiplayer part of the game, it didn't recieve many changes. Explosive grenades are stronger. Hostages are a bit more realistical. The end.Oh, and you will ntoice that graphics got a small boost, as far as HL1 engine goes (&GldSrc&). Models got more detail to them. Few tweaks here and there. Maps are much interesting as far as graphical design goes. If you are going to play de_dust2 non-stop then better do it at the less bland one.And yes, I don't really like Counter-Strike realistical gameplay much here either.Now, for single-player, you finally get some bots to play with. Which are less frustating for new people than online play and helps to hone aiming skills as well better. Though, while they navigate through default maps quite nicely, they don't always make best decision. As a protip, always send them a voice command to stick together, team. They also try not to steal your fun of defusing bomb, waiting for commander to do it, even if said commander is in opposite end of map. Yes, it's a flaw.And like Quake 3 Arena and UT, CZ single player consist of repeated matches with bots, as you will progress through trio of maps, being able to pick less and less stupid teammates over time, always being on side of Counter-Terrorists. And on each map, you have to have more than 2 wins over score of Terrorist team and have to complete each of three objectives, which go like &rescue &x& hostages&, &kill &x& amount of Terrorists yourself&, &finish some round in &x& time& and &kill &x& terrorists with &y& weapon&.
So, fun for a while, but more of &just so something was there&.And now for Deleted Scenes. This is what Counter-Strike: Condition Zero was supposed to be at some point, a full-blown single-player campaign. It was &cancelled& once Valve saw magazines giving it low ratings to preview, just to have it put along as bonus into final game. All just to get low ratings once again due to being &more of same&. Deleted Scenes had 12 missions in retail release, with Steam version adding 6 more that you can select anytime from World Map.Now, Deleted Scene is a mix of good and bad. The excellent level design and repetive core gameplay.First, good things. Level design is quite good one. You will have to take control of unnamed heroes of counter-terrorist operations all over the world, with missions having great variety, with enough lenght to keep you playing, having to stop terrorists from taking over nuke in snowy part of Russia, defending yourself in Arabain town or fighting your way through the jungles. Seriously, some of the missions just have a bit of that scripted hollywood love that would make them worthy of being in Call of Duty and alikes, quite epic! Levels themselves are also build with knowledge of pacing and a bit of exploration, albeit linear.And it really tries to push GldSrc engine! In order to make it look like it's capable of more than expected, developers made a lot of animations of death for terrorists as well as destruction animations. Hell, I was amazed to see a stack of boxes getting squeezed by a door in the third mission, it's all quite joy to look at even if it's scripted. And well, it does hurt occasionally when it comes to enemies deaths. Like, when you shot with pistol at melee enemy into knee and he suddenly teleported half-meter away to the door, swirled and fell toward the door, just to get it open.But core gameplay of Counter-Strike doesn't translate well at all into linear levels of single-player. What you bassicly will do, is to shoot few bullets into heads, while taking some hitscan bullets back. Repeat it on every enemy. Until the end of the game. It really is repetive and boring. Weapons don't matter much, all of them are good enough for bursting enemy again and again. Grenades aren't given often and flashbang don't seem to be as useful as in multiplayer. Smoke grenade is more offensive there though, making enemies cough instead sometimes. There is little enemy variety as well, you just got whatever hitscan stupid enemy, stationary snipers with laser, whatever melee enemy that rushes you and terrorist with freaking bazooka that is pain to avoid too! So, burst headshot, and burst headshot, repeat repeat repeat.It also finally get to have some music there. For once. So, something definitely good.Counter-Strike Condition Zero is better offer than Counter-Strike 1.6 and has more value for solo players, but it's still not good enough to get me much interested in such twitchy realistical shooter. I still wouldn't recommend new people, especially with newer CS titles out there, only those who already play Counter-Strike should check out this one.
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5.4 hrs on record
10/10 would sell children to buy game again.
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3.9 hrs on record
Very cool!
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1.3 hrs on record
rly fun 4 real get so amaze
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250.6 hrs on record
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0.6 hrs on record
Что это за фигня ??????????? я так голодаю! Ой! Это что такое ??????????? Это что такое? Какой-то чум ??????????!Это меня ????????????о ??????????! Это ко что? Пирог какой-то! Какаяж ??????ня это ??????????. Какой это пирог?Какой-то перге????????евас бля! я и не хочу её ебас её бляш иеё рот дублин. я хожу тепря рожу бам по рожу бляс.А это что такое бляс? Это что, банан сухой? Какой банан? Это ебетуе????????н фижи
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0.5 hrs on record
????ing game
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161.6 hrs on record
A pretty well balanced and easy game to play. Lots of servers to choose from even after all these years.
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14.9 hrs on record
Over rated 4/10
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3.2 hrs on record
The only Counter-Strike I don't enjoy. It's basically CS 1.6 with an exceptionally boring singleplayer.
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0.3 hrs on record
i caused 9/11
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0.1 hrs on record
Idk what this is.
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11.8 hrs on record
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Title: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
Release Date: 1 Mar, 2004
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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CS自日於網站發布後,於同年6月19日釋出測試版Beta 1.0版本。正式版的1.0,則是在日發行。
Beta 1.0是CS的第一個開放版本。整個遊戲只有極少的地圖模組,分別為cs_siege、cs_mansion、cs_prison和cs_wpndepot,而整個遊戲無論是人物、地圖、槍枝、客戶系統等都有存在不少的大型Bug。此時遊戲只有以cs_為開頭的拯救人質模式,而槍械也只有、、、、、、、。
Beta 2大幅改進1.2版,除了增加新武器,包括、、等,並確定M4A1和USP裝上消音器的功能。而夜視鏡原本只是在的附屬項目,後來被改成位於工具欄中。其他還有增加每局回合時間(Roundtime)和比數表、優化人物的模組外型、增加快捷鍵功能(Bind)等。
修改了大量的Bug並增加裝備拆彈包和(HE-Grenade),以及武器和,而閃光彈也重新回到遊戲中。其他還有修正人質解救模式、修改踢人投票系統、更改拯救人質時獲得獎勵金額的方式以及所獲得的金額數;為遊戲加入新玩法de_拆除安裝炸彈模式並增加cs_station、 de_nuke、de_dust、de_prodigy四張地圖,另外在cs_ship、cs_siege、cs_tire增加新的人質救援點並將其距離縮短。
修正一些伺服器的端點、增加的人物模組;亦大大增加了的準度,這個極不平衡的設定一直到Beta 6才有所改善。
增加,不過在Barking Dog Studios開發後出現了許多的BUG及伺服器不穩定的情形。其他的改變如增加兩位新的人質模組和新的人物皮膚貼圖、加入HUD系列的指令串(如hud_fastswitch 1)、並增加cs_back和de_train兩張地圖、增加新的無線電訊息與和其對應的組合以及能夠聽到子彈裝填聲音等;同時此版本確定了許多跟de_拆除安裝炸彈模式相關的遊戲方法,如C4只能放在炸彈安置區、使用炸彈拆解包(Defuse kit)只需5秒拆解而不使用則須10秒、增加了炸彈拆解進度和安裝炸彈進度的顯示尺條、確立炸彈只要能成功拆解就算反恐小組勝利、可將C4炸彈丟在地上給其他隊友拿取、而在雙方購買區以及C4安置區會有提示圖形出現。
Version 1.0
Version 1.0為反恐精英系列推出的第一個正式版,加入手槍、衝鋒槍、狙擊步槍三把新槍。
Version 1.1
增加新的全地圖觀戰視角(Spectator mode)、讓遊戲中恐怖分子持有炸彈者背後會出現背包的造形、反恐分子的拆彈包則重新回到選單中;讓跳躍射擊時的準度再次降低、修改模組使狙擊槍在沒有打開狙擊鏡時不會有準星的出現且不開鏡射擊時會沒有準度、修改程式使得AWP射到腳時不會一槍斃命;在人物模組中加入游泳的姿勢、使右上角的最新死亡名單依反恐(藍色)或恐怖(紅色)而有各自的顏色、增加了字符串文件使得更改遊戲中槍枝的名稱(如AK-47改名為CV-47)、增加了遊戲結束後可截取遊戲畫面的新功能、新增新地圖cs_thunder、de_rotterdam、de_inferno、de_dust2並更新之前的熱門地圖。
Version 1.3
增加了可以使用麥克風討論戰術的系統,使玩家可以更加迅速下達戰術並相互溝通;改善了玩家與伺服器端點射擊位置的訊息不同步的問題、修改了畫面擷取(screenshots)時第一張圖會被第二張覆蓋的Bug、修正了全地圖觀戰視角的Bug、改善了夜視鏡的問題、修正了命中區域(HIT BOX)的問題等。
Version 1.4
Version 1.5
Version 1.6
新增比更為便宜的突擊步槍和、為反恐小組增加(選單第八欄)、使狙击枪AWP具有开镜延迟的效果、增加槍枝的準確度、加入程式使射擊時準星大小會改變;改善了部分的Bug、將雷達改成不透明狀(指令為:「cl_radartype 3」,1為透明,2為半透明,3為實心)、修改成新的金錢模式、加入許多網路参數的設定、將玩家所能搜索的伺服器顯示其所在區域等。
CS最多可容纳32位玩家在同一服务器内进行游戏。玩家被分为两个队伍:(Counter Terrorists)和恐怖分子(Terrorist)进行对战。在默认游戏模式下,开局时每位玩家会被配发一把手枪、一把战斗刀和800美元的金钱。玩家可在每回合开始时使用金钱购买枪械、防弹衣等装备。最先达到地图胜利条件的队伍获胜。
CS的金钱系统是游戏的特色之一。详细的金钱系统介绍如下: 警、匪均持有一定数量的金钱(正式比赛规则,第一局双方都只有800元)用来购买枪械、防弹衣等各种武器装备,最多可持有16000元(AMXX模组除外)。每杀死一个敌人增加300元;单局胜利增加3250元;单局失败增加1500元,但匪如放炸弹安置后成功拆除引爆则胜利增加3500元。而每局死的先后都有不同的金钱增加。如CT第一个先死就增加1500元,第二个死的就增加2000元,如此类推,第四以后死的就增加3000元。而TR第一个先死就增加1400元,第二个死的就增加1900元,如此类推,第五以后死的就增加3400元。TR成功安置炸弹但被CT杀死及成功拆除C4炸弹就增加800元。每局时间完毕TR还有人没死,该TR(们)不会被增加金钱。
遊戲分為Counter-terrorists (CTs)反恐小組(又名),以及Terrorists (TR)恐怖分子,雙方在最初的CS都分別有四款部隊。
一支信奉正統派的恐怖組織,其成員相信邪惡的計畫將會帶領他們統治整個世界。曾經涉及超過二十個國家的恐怖攻擊事件,殺害超過兩千人以上。其攻擊的目標包括美國、英國、德國及以色列。主要的攻擊事件包括1989年挾持Fly Friendly航空的第983航班,並於國家電視轉播時殺害其機師。還有攻擊希臘的豪華郵輪,於水中下毒殺害所有乘客。該組織有幾百名成員,分散於世界各地。從1987年起,收到來自利比亞及敘利亞的政治支持、訓練、物資協助及經濟資助。1.6版本時穿着綠色+土色的制服,適合在樹林或森林地圖執行任務。
在歐洲CS1.6著名的職業玩家有很多,其中包括已經退役的前SK Gaming的HeatoN和SpawN曾被稱為CS的傳奇,另外在狙擊槍上的擁有高超造詣的Johnny.R,但他們對CS的了解認知被認為局限於CS1.5當中,在其後版本轉為CS1.6後遊戲的改變使他們雖仍穩站在職業CS隊伍的高峰,但不復從前。而目前仍活躍在職業CS賽場上較為著名的則有被稱之波蘭戰神的Neo,瑞典SK Gaming的全能天才f0rest,烏克蘭NaVi戰隊(全名Natus Vincere)的瞄準瘋子Edward及同為NaVi戰隊被稱為新一代狙神markloff等。
現在CS的伺服器模組大多架設例如的管理插件,因而衍生出許多不同的遊戲模式,增加遊戲刺激度,例如喪屍感染(Zombie Plague)、超級英雄(Super Hero)、死鬥(Death Match)、監獄(Jailbreak)、搶旗(Capture The Flag),亦有一些不一定需要插件才能運行的模式,例如滑水(Surf)、死亡奔跑(Death Run)等等,相當多種的玩法隨著CS的成長逐漸出現在各種伺服器上。
部分伺服器設有Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC)的防外掛系統,被偵察出使用外掛的玩家會被封禁。
一款游戏规则基本与CS相同,但画面变为2D的游戏,由Unreal Software製作。在武器的方面增加了不少具範圍攻擊性的武器。
則新版的絕對武力:全球攻勢向各大槍枝工廠、研發商等申請版權,所以能讓大部分的槍枝冠上正確的名稱。傳統絕對武力在槍枝上的錯誤操作也都有改正,例如拋殼窗改正至正確的位置(正確右手慣用槍的拋口在右邊)、手栓式狙擊步槍的的手栓拉柄改為右側、M4A4(取代CS以往的M4A1,其實此槍是Colt Model 933,並沒有所謂的M4A4)步槍終於不再拉槍機助推器。但是槍枝的性能仍然是不符合現實槍枝的性能。
John McLean-Foreman. . .
. CSNation.
. Valve. .


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