Rage of Bahamut安卓系统下载版下载地址。

系统支持:安卓, 2.1版本
这是一个卡牌收集?对战的游戏,亮点是卡牌绘制的很精美,有传统的怪兽也有萌妹子--大部分卡随着evolve级别的不同都有四套造型, 既有收集控的福音。 蛋疼的是对战很无聊,就是靠刷刷刷用强力的稀有卡去虐人……顶多也就是考虑下更好的搭配……免费抽卡有次数限制,每天多少来着我忘了。游戏介绍梦宝谷出品的新贵Rage of Bahamut《巴哈姆特之怒》已经在安卓平台上证实了自己的实力,力压Zynga Poker《Zynga扑克》和Draw Something《你画我猜》霸占同类游戏榜首。终于,iPhone,iPad玩家现在可以体验到这部最“惊心动魄”的卡牌游戏作品了!游戏玩法一共有三哥阵营可以选:man、god、deamon,卡片没有阵营限制,但是与阵营对应的会有属性增强,开始的时候会放几个图吸引你一下,基本上都是s rare或者ss rare的。quest是打怪赚normal卡和钱,怪是必定能打死的- -只消耗“stamina”这个属性,一分钟回一点。quest只有deck中的leader上场,因为必定打过除非boss战否则啥都无所谓。battle是和人对战,需要安排一下自己的deck,也是点一下就看结果。enhance可以给某张卡片使用其它不需要的卡,增加经验进而升级,攻防都会加很多――但是还是受制于基础属性,稀有度normal的可能比得上rare卡,但是rare加到死也肯定比不上ss rare。evolve使相同的卡片可以改变造型提升属性,最多可以evolve三次,一张ss rare完全满足不了你的童鞋……最常见的炮灰骷髅,左下角的两星代表了它的炮灰度,右下角表示evolve四次满了的&终极形态&,下边的渣能力再次预示了炮灰的命运――卖钱或者拿来enhance。ss rare我见过的atk一般都三四千。游戏评价游戏从总体风格风格而言与《万智牌》,但增加了不少新的元素,比如像Mafia Wars《黑手党战争》中的社交元素。玩家消耗体力值去完成任务,赢得新的卡牌,最大的创新亮点,则是“卡牌进化系统”,玩家可以通过同种类卡牌的组合,使自己的卡牌“进化”到更高的级别。当然与真的桌游一样,多人模式下玩家之间可以交换甚至交易卡牌。与我们预料的一样,游戏下载免费,不过如果你想要更多精美而威力无边的超级卡牌,花钱买IAP是免不了的了。
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Rage of Bahamut
By Mobage, Inc.
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Over 8,000,000 people worldwide are playing Rage of Bahamut, the original free-to-play collectible card game on Android and iOS. This deceptively simple fantasy adventure is easy to pick up, but nearly impossible to put down!WHAT REVIEWERS ARE SAYING:“With Rage of Bahamut, trading card games have reached a new pinnacle”“A visual extravaganza packed with sharp and detailed art”“Every one of the characters is unique and tastefully designed”“The multiplayer battlefield is extremely addictive”“So many gamers have fallen in love with this smash-hit franchise”IN RAGE OF BAHAMUT YOU WILL:- Personalize your own unique deck of lavishly illustrated cards- Forge powerful alliances with other players- Fight heart-pounding real-time battles against live opponents- Embark on tons of quests to win awesome in-game items- Get access to new content added multiple times every weekDOWNLOAD RAGE OF BAHAMUT TODAY!(C) Cygames, Inc.(C) Metamorphous by James Grieshaber
What's New in Version 6.0.3
Tokens can now be swapped for gems. You can use gems to purchase card packs.The card capacity has been raised. Unlock the archive bonus to increase the number of cards you can hold.The maximum level has been raised from 220 to 230.65 cards have been added in the claim ticket card packs.
Customer Reviews
Do not walk....RUN AWAY FROM THIS GAME!!!
I wish I could give it 0 stars.
This is not written as a revenge review...I used to enjoy this game.
VERY difficult to be competitive unless you spend money which I didn't mind doing until they showed their true colors. Server issues interrupt game play and prevent you from finishing out an event and claiming rewards that you fairly earned following their rules. The measly compensation you are expected to shut up and accept doesn't even scratch your losses that they cheated you out of with THEIR errors.
Do not waste your time and effort trying to plead your case, they just blow you off with standard email response.
The biggest joke and oxymoron of the game is that they even dare to have a button titled &customer service&.
They obviously have no idea what the phrase means.
If they do make
changes under the claim to &improve& gameplay, all they are really doing are changes to increase their revenue at your expense.
Very disappointed that a game that started out as a happy diversion became such a headache.
I strongly suggest staying away from anything that is involved with cygames or mobage.
Poor Quality
The foundation for this game has so much potential. I used to be a very active player until the game caused 2 very important negative turns.1. The quality of play significantly worsened. Too many glitches and errors caused many players from playing the game properly at times and often resulting in inability to attain rewards they normally would have been able to earn. The customer service was very unsatisfactory I addressing these issues and compensation was unacceptable.2. Significant changes to the game made player improvement more difficult and daunting especially compared to other TCG's. This made many people choose to either spend way more money than they wanted to or accept the lack of graded improvement or just quit playing. I chose the third option. I used to spend significant amount of money playing this game but could no longer support a faulty product. Perhaps if they do address these fundamental problems, I will come back. The premise of the game is truly enticing.
Used to be good but customer support doesn't even try..
This game.... Oh this game started out so well! But now it's just like takeshis challenge! Hard to keep up with, doesn't help you at all really, and makes you extremely jealous and angry at those &LUCKY& people who have all the best cards and items.... In my opinion it's not worth anyone's time now to start the game cause you will be cheated and swindled by veteran players and if you complain to staff they are just like &well have tried pressing the home button....& Or & have you tried spending 100 dollars on this game which will give you NOTHING IN RETURN!!! Believe me I know I spent about 125 bucks on this game and I literally got NOTHING. But rates and high rates with a bit of holy powder.... Which by the way is the currency. You don't have powder you don't get anything....... Ok done ranting but seriously don't get this game.... It will be like eating a peanut butter and vomit/diarrhea sand which. Thank you
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 6.0.3Size: 18.9 MBLanguage: EnglishSeller: Mobage, Inc.Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy ViolenceInfrequent/Mild Sexual Content and NudityCompatibility: Requires iOS 5.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Customer Ratings
Current Version:
&&&&&149 Ratings
All Versions:
&&&&&5622 Ratings
Top In-App Purchases
Pouch of 100 RageMedals$0.99Satchel of 305 RageMedals$2.99Bag of 1100 RageMedals$9.99Sack of 2200 RageMedals$19.99Case of 5500 RageMedals$49.99Chest of 11000 RageMedals$99.99
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and discover new iTunes Radio Stations and the music we love.前几周,我们在和邪社里请两位扩散性玩家“”和以玩家的身份介绍了史克威艾尼克斯出品的大人气手机卡牌游戏「扩散性-百万亚瑟王」。而现在DeNA将已经在安卓平台上大获成功的卡片游戏「Rage of Bahamut」的推向日本ios平台。为了能在日本的ios游戏市场上一炮打响,这次DeNa特别邀请了知名动画监督神山健治、知名音乐人菅野洋子以及真人芭比娃娃Dakota Rose移动打造这款游戏的电视广告。下面的视频,是广告制作的花絮,同时也透露了一些广告的内容,正式的广告片还没有公开。
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