
About Porpoises
Porpoise Evolution
Whales, dolphins and porpoises belong to the Order Cetacea.
This title was derived from the Latin term cetus, meaning large sea animal, and the Greek term ketos, meaning sea monster.
Along with bats, Cetaceans are some of the most derived animals in existence.
Although the origin of modern cetaceans is not fully understood, it is believed that terrestrial animals, of the Suborder Mesonychia, may have given rise to modern cetaceans, as they colonized the sea in the Paleocene, roughly 60 million years ago.
Fossils that are recognizable as Cetaceans have been found in rock strata dating back to the early Middle Eocene, roughly 50 million years ago.
These fossils represent elongated quatic animals, of the Suborder Archaeoceti, which, with reduced hindlimbs and a small beak, resembled modern snakes or eels. During the Oligocene, roughly 38 million years ago, these ancient aquatic animals began to decline in abundance and were replace by the present day Suborders Odontoceti and Mysteceti.
Members of the Suborder Mysteceti, which include the Rorqual and Right Whales, posses fine baleen plates which are used to filter food from the water column.
In contrast, members of the Suborder Odontoceti, which include dolphins and porpoises, are referred to as the &toothed whales& because they posses teeth, rather than baleen.
Although both dolphins and porpoises are related to the squalodonts, or earliest true toothed whales, and the kentridontids, or ancestral dolphins, porpoises have been distinct from their dolphin relatives for approximately 11 million years.
The geographic distribution of porpoise fossils suggests that they originated in the North Pacific and later spread to the Atlantic and southern waters.
Porpoise Adaptations
Being one of the most derived groups of modern mammals, cetaceans have undergone a number of adaptations to prepare them for a completely aquatic lifestyle.
One significant area of adaptation deals with the cetacean method of locomotion.
Since cetaceans spend the entirety of their lives in the water, a number of modifications have taken place which help reduce the amount of drag present when the animal is on the move.
For example, the cetacean body is cylindrical in shape, and the reproductive organs are internal.
Cetacean limbs have also been modified to reduce drag and improve locomotion in the aquatic environment. The front limbs have adapted into broad, flat, paddle-like flippers.
The hind limbs have disappeared completely from the external portion of cetaceans, though an internal remnant is still present.
Likewise, the tail of cetaceans has adapted to the aquatic environment, as it has modified into a fluke that provides the propulsion power that enables these creatures to swim and dive so efficiently.
A similar adaptation that allows cetaceans to thrive in their environment is the modification of the skin.
Unlike terrestrial mammals, cetaceans generally lack hair, which also aids in the reduction of drag in the water.
Similarly, a well developed layer of blubber has developed to provide necessary insulation.
Furthermore, nostrils in these mammals have become modified into blowholes to provide easy access to the surface of the water for breathing.
Porpoises as Mammals
One of the greatest misconceptions about porpoises, as well as all Cetaceans, is the belief that they are fishes, rather than mammals. Externally, cetaceans do resemble fishes, as they generally possess dorsal fins, flippers, and flukes. The Fin Whale, Whale Shark, and Vaquita, due to the dorsal fin arrangement, resemble sharks, but these animals, like all cetaceans, are more closely related internally to terrestrial mammals than fishes.
Like terrestrial mammals, cetaceans are warm blooded and must use part of their available energy to maintain a stable core body temperature. Blubber, the shunting of blood from peripheral areas, and Bradycardia, a reduced metabolic state, are tools used by cetaceans to maintain that core body temperature in their often cold aquatic environment.
Another similarity between cetaceans and terrestrial mammals is their method of respiration. Cetaceans possess lungs and must breath air, unlike fishes who take in oxygen across the gills. Reproductive similarities are also observed between cetaceans and terrestrial mammals, as cetaceans give birth to live young who suckle milk secreted by the mammary glands of the mother. Perhaps the most distinct characteristic that distinguishes a cetacean from a fish in the open sea is the movement of the fluke. A cetacean fluke is horizontal and exhibits an upward and downward movement. In contrast, the caudal fin in fishes is vertical and moves side to side.Monterey Bay Whale Watch | Whale & Dolphin Watching :: Planet Whale
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Monterey Bay Whale Watch | Whale & Dolphin Watching
Monterey Bay Whale Watch offers year-round whale watching trips to observe the spectacular diversity and abundance of whales and dolphins inhabiting the Bay.
Monterey is the best place in the nation to view a variety of marine mammals and seabirds. The Monterey Submarine Canyon approaches close to the shore, allowing deep water species of whales, dolphins, and seabirds to occur near the coast. Shallow water species, such as the gray whale, are found very close to shore in the narrow shelf region.
Depending on the season, whales and dolphins that are frequently observed include Gray Whales, Humpback Whales, Blue Whales, Pacific White-Sided Dolphins, Risso's Dolphins, Northern Right Whale Dolphins, Common Dolphins, Killer Whales, and Dall's Porpoise. We occasionally spot Fin Whales, Minke Whales, Harbor Porpoise, Bottlenose Dolphins, and Beaked Whales.
Our captains have over 20 years of experience with nature trips and offer excellent views of marine wildlife. All our trips are led by marine biologists, most with 10+ years experience, who fully narrate and answer questions during trips. Our whale watching trips are educationally oriented and our biologists collect valuable data on the marine mammals sighted during these trips, including distribution, relative abundance, and behavior of whales and dolphins. We also photo-identify individual whales and dolphins, contributing to assessments of population, residency patterns, and migration or movement patterns.
We are unique in that we are the only whale watching group that has marine biologists on all trips, offers trips in Monterey Bay on a regular basis, schedules trip lengths depending on the season to allow enough time to watch whales and other marine life, and has the most skilled captains who know where to find whales and how to approach them. There is a world of difference between our quality trips and shorter trips offered by others, providing merely a quick glimpse of a whale with no information. That's why we are considered the best of the whale watches in Monterey Bay!
January o February o March o April o May o June o July o August o September o October o November o December
Short (1-3 hours) o Half-day (3-6 hours)
Vessel types
Large boat (50+ passengers) o Small boat (0-50 passengers)
Times and prices
Summer / Fall (Mid April - Mid Dec): Morning trip departs 9am, returns 1-2pm Adults $45, children 12 and under $35, children 3 and under free
Afternoon trip departs 2pm, returns 5-6pm Adults $36, children 12 and under $25, children 3 and under free
Winter / Spring (Mid Dec - Mid April): Daily trips, 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. 7 a.m. breakfast trips on some weekends and holidays.
Adults $34, Children 12 and under $23, Children 3 and under free.
In Monterey Bay we can watch whales year-round in Dec through April we experience the Gray whale migration.
In May through Nov we see Humpback and Blue Whales plus &abundant dolphins.
About our skippers and naturalist guides
Richard Ternullo, captain of the Sea Wolf II, has been running natural history trips for over 30 years. He has a degree in Biology, is a seasoned naturalist, and has served as president of the Monterey Bay Chapter of the American Cetacean Society (ACS), a non-profit group dedicated to protecting whales and dolphins through conservation, research, and education. Richard is well known in the area for his vast knowledge of marine mammals and seabirds. He also is involved in several research projects on whales in the Bay through the Oceanic Society (non-profit) and the Killer Whale Project, and operates a marine mammal sighting network involving many boat and land sightings which are compiled and reported each month in our&&and in the ACS newsletter.
Monterey Bay Whale Watch is owned and operated by Nancy Black, the marine biologist who accompanies most trips. Nancy has a Master's of Marine Science degree from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, has worked with whales and dolphins in the region for over 10 years, and has become an expert in the biology of killer whales off the California coast. She is currently involved in several research and education programs, including primary investigator for the Oceanic Society's (non-profit) whale and dolphin research program in Monterey Bay. She works on aerial surveys for marine mammals off California with Cascadia Research, assists with field research on Alaskan killer whales with the National Marine Mammal Lab, with co-researchers has compiled a catalog of individual killer whales for California and Mexico for the National Marine Fisheries Service, and is currently photo-identifying killer whales and documenting their behavior in Monterey Bay.
Other marine biologists that may accompany trips have extensive naturalist experience and are often marine educators and/or involved in marine mammal research projects. Many are graduate students from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, affiliated with the American Cetacean Society or Oceanic Society, or work independently as marine naturalists.
Carbon neutral o Hands-on materials (bones, shells etc) o Naturalist guide(s) as well as skipper o Onboard research o PA system o Posters / displays / maps o Reading material available o Restrooms / toilets on board o Snacks / drinks o Support conservation o Use a code of conduct
We frequently
See a whale's tail o See leaping dolphins o See leaping whales o Showered by whale blows o Watch whales and dolphins
Baleen Whales
Blue Whale o Fin Whale o Gray Whale o Humpback Whale o Minke Whale o Sei Whale
Toothed Whales
Killer Whale / Orca
Beaked Whales
Baird's Beaked Whale
Ocean Dolphins
Long-beaked Common Dolphin o Northern Right Whale Dolphin o Pacific White-sided Dolphin o Risso's Dolphin o Short-beaked Common Dolphin
Dall's Porpoise o Harbour Porpoise
Other wildlife and points of interest
Sea Otters, California Sea Lions, and Harbor Seals are seen on all trips, and Northern Fur Seals and Elephant Seals are often seen.
84 Fisherman's Wharf
Town / City
State / County
Zip / Postcode
mary terrell
not pleasant experience
Traveled: , Reviewed:
Safe approach to whales / dolphins
Valuable learning experience
Trip meets expectations
Minimal impact on the marine environment
Own research / support for conservation
There were so many sick people and they weren't cleaning up timely.
1/3 of people were sick.
They need to warn people better to the dangers of getting sea sick.
the boat was rusty and bathroom disgustingly dirty.
boats can be clean and well maintained. this boat was not.
some of the sightings were well but only about 30 min of 4 hours were actually seeing whales or dolphins.
Follow up ELGFHS
Traveled: , Reviewed:
Safe approach to whales / dolphins
Valuable learning experience
Trip meets expectations
Minimal impact on the marine environment
Own research / support for conservation
Follow up to Every little girl for herself
The vessel was the Seawolf II leaving at 1730hrs on Aug 4, 2014
Every little Girl for herself
Traveled: , Reviewed:
Safe approach to whales / dolphins
Valuable learning experience
Trip meets expectations
Minimal impact on the marine environment
Own research / support for conservation
I am in another country working. (most of my work is at sea and I hold a seamans card) and my wife is in Monterey now as I write this and had to stay on shore to look after our infant while my little 4 year old girl went out with her aunt and 10 year old daughter, so I told my wife to tell one of the crew members to keep an eye on my daughter in case something happened.
The crew member rudely responded that she is not a baby sitter and it is every man for himself.
I know very well what the dangers are at sea Nancy Black (was that you who said that to my wife?).
If my little girls aunt is busy saving her daughter who is going to look after my daughter
if something happens?
Is this how you get the responsible whale watch award?
whale watch heaven
Traveled: , Reviewed:
Safe approach to whales / dolphins
Valuable learning experience
Trip meets expectations
Minimal impact on the marine environment
Own research / support for conservation
Wonderful trip, really respectful towards the animals and a lot of information about the enviroment and animals. On 2 trips we made we encountered: common & northern right whale dolphin, 40 humpbacks, Dall's porpoise and Transient Killer whales, sea lions, fur seal, n.sea elephant, seals, sea otter, albatros, blue shark etc.
I cannot recommend this company and area high enough
Rebecca Walker
10 trips in 10 days :o)
Traveled: , Reviewed:
Safe approach to whales / dolphins
Valuable learning experience
Trip meets expectations
Minimal impact on the marine environment
Own research / support for conservation
These guys are great! We were in Monterey for 10 days and went on a trip every day (the crazy english marine biologists at the front of the boat!)
The crew were really friendly and very knowledgeable - the information started as soon as we left the wharf - past the sea otters in the harbour and sea lions on the breakwater and out towards the canyon. We were there for blue whales.. and they ma) - but we were sucessful... on two occasions!
Whatever we saw, the boat was always very careful to keep a good distance, staying parallel to their direction of travel.
But that seemed to be the way of all the whale watch boats we saw - i was impressed with all of them. Excellent trips for viewing a wealth of marine life and learning huge amounts about the area and what you might see... I can't recommend them enough!
Suzanne Rogers
Traveled: , Reviewed:
Safe approach to whales / dolphins
Valuable learning experience
Trip meets expectations
Minimal impact on the marine environment
Own research / support for conservation
We chose this company because we wanted to avoid others in the area that offer both whale watching trips and sports fishing trips. I also wanted the longest time at sea possible. The trip was amazing - I wasn't expecting to see sea otters so closely in the harbour, and hadn't realised that sea lions breach and leap around so far out at sea! We saw a blue whale fluking, many species of dolphin, fin whales, and humpbacks. The best whale watching we've had so far.....very exciting.
I would have liked to have awarded maximum points but the trip runs two boats at the same time - the 'other'
boat had a naturalist who we could hear talking all about the sea otters and pinnipeds on the way out of the harbour. But the marine biologist on our boat didn't really talk to us until a couple of hours into the trip. I felt that the 'other' boat had a more educational side however even on the boat we were on there was an opportunity to ask the biologist questions etc. The 'other boat' also seemed to get closer to the whales than we did - not a good thing as the guidelines say to keep distance etc but I might be overly harsh saying this as perhaps the whales approached the boat...
Overall an excellent company and fantastic whale watching - with pinnipeds and sea otters a very exciting bonus. If you also go to San Francisco during your trip then check out the marine mammal information centre at Fisherman's Wharf.
Judith Scott
The best whale watch in Monterey by far
Traveled: , Reviewed:
Safe approach to whales / dolphins
Valuable learning experience
Trip meets expectations
Minimal impact on the marine environment
Own research / support for conservation
Monterey Bay Whale Watch is the best whale watch by a long way in Monterey, which also happens to be one of the best places in the world to see whales and dolphins. This really is the only whale watch in Monterey that has a trained Naturalist on-board and the owners of the company are Marine Biologists. This is one of the most educational whale watches I have ever been on and by spending your money here you are also helping science and conservation. You certainly cannot say that about the other trips running in the town as these boats are also sports fishing boats as well as whale watches! Not very eco friendly. I went on the other boats as well and the information given was scant and sometimes incorrect. It was just given by the skipper, there was no naturalist on the boat.
So once you have chosen the right boat, enjoy the incredible wildlife this place has to offer. With sea otters and Californian Sealions on the way out you get to the canyon and you could see an incredible array of cetaceans. Blue whales, friendly humpbacks, orcas and pods numbering in the thousands of dolphins can be seen if you are lucky. I went to see Northern Right Whale Dolphins in particular and I was not disappointed. I did have to go out every trip for a week though to see them!! It's very addictive and this is the best company you can choose.
Elfyn Pugh
Traveled: , Reviewed:
Safe approach to whales / dolphins
Valuable learning experience
Trip meets expectations
Minimal impact on the marine environment
Own research / support for conservation
My wife and I did this trip on a Friday in November as a prelude to the biennial American Cetacean Society conference held at the Empress hotel in Monterey and we took an 8 hour boat trip out into the famous Monterey Bay on the 'Sea Wolf II' boat operated by Monterey Bay Whale Watch and we had an eminent array of World renowned cetologists aboard which included the likes of Dr. Thomas Jefferson, Dr. Ken Balcomb and Alisa Schulman-Janiger Director of the California Killer Whale Project so we were in the capable hands of experts! The on-board naturalist guide was Kate Spencer and she was really good too. She was extremely knowledgable and quite a renowned artist on whales & dolphins too. During our voyage out into Monterey Bay and over part of the deep canyon we encountered 5 humpback whales and a pod of 4 'transient' orcas or killer whales which were well known to Miss Schulman-Janiger they were a mother orca and her 3 previous offspring known as TA216, TA216a, TA216b and TA216c. We also encountered about 300 Risso's dolphins scattered over a wide area, a blue shark and an ocean sunfish. On the voyage out of the harbour from Fisherman's Wharf we saw Californian sea-lions and sea-otters. The bird life was good too with a black footed Albatross, grey (red) phalaropes, pelicans and lots of 'loons' (Pacific divers). Overall this was an excellent and enjoyable experience. If you visit Monterey please do visit the superb World famous Monterey Bay Aquarium on Cannery Row.& Dolphin Up
Dolphin Up
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"devastatingly addictive" - Polygon"a fantastic update to an already-classic browser game." - Swim and flip your Dolphin up into the sky and do as many tricks as possible in 2 minutes. Successful jumps build speed, allowing you to swim faster and jump higher, doing even more tricks!Features:- Simple, addictive gameplay that anyone can enjoy. - Universal support for ipad and iphone.- Stunning Retina graphics for the newest iPad and iPhone.- Two playable porpoises: The Dolphin and the Orca- Two playable habitats: Dolphin Reef and Glacier Lake- Leaderboards and achievements.- Game Center support- Gorgeous, vibrant backgrounds that change depending on the time of day.- Two intuitive control schemes (Touch and Classic) to accommodate different playstyles.- Quick and easy Tutorial mode teaches you the basics.- Freeswim mode lets you play and practice for as long as you want.
Dolphin Up版本1.5中的新功能
- You can now listen to your own music while playing using the Music app on your device.- New Scoreboard! See local, daily, weekly and monthly high scores. The new scoreboard works independently from Game Center. Game Center support is still there and is unchanged.- New Achievements Menu! View your unlocked achievements from the title screen. - Minor UI tweaks and bug fixes.
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