英雄第三季亚瑟有不死之身超能英雄 海地人人离开他还能复活呀 为什么会死?弄得沙拉像英雄似的

Season 3, Episode 3: Chapter Three 'One of Us, One of Them'
Previously on heroes
-Sylar: You're special and I couldn't kill you even if I wanted to.
special: 独特,特别【因为英雄里的很多人物都具有不同常人的超能力】&and: 但是(此处表转折,但多数时候仍然是递进的意思)even if: 尽管,即使
-Hiro: At formula could destroy the whole world.
formula: 公式,分子式&destroy: 摧毁
-Daphne: I was just heading out to get the other half of this.
head out: 出发,启程
-Hiro: Come on, Ando. The game is afoot!
afoot: 在进行中的
-Usutu: It's not right that you're here.
&Tells me the future is not as I have painted it.
&paint: 画
&You must spirit walk many miles.
&spirit: 精神,思绪& 【spirit walk: 精神之旅。类似词组还有迈克杰克逊的太空漫步舞moon walk】&mile: 英里【形容走了很久】
-Future Peter: I was the one who shot you.
-Nathan: What do I do next?
-Future Peter: You gotta make the right choices.
gotta: &美俚& =have got to &&choice: 选择
-Nathan: I&d be honored to serve as junior senator from New York.
honor: 荣幸&be honored to: 很荣幸的做某事&serve as:担任(充当,起...的作用)&junior senator:在美国的参议员有两种,改& 选时间各有先后,两人依当选时间的先后分别称为资深参议员(senior senator)、资浅参议员(junior senator)。
-Tracy: That's not me. You can't run this story.
run the story: 报道故事
-Noah: I&ve called someone to help out and I want them gone.
&help out: 帮助解决问题&gone: go的过去分词,表离开的
-Claire: Mom?
-Noah: They're villains, Claire.
&villain: 恶棍
&I&m one of the only people on the planet that knows enough to stop them.
&planet: 行星,星球
-Flint Gordon: Hurry, hurry! Jesse!
-Future Peter: Where is he? Where'd they go?
where&d=where did
-Angela: Escaped.
escaped: escape的形容词形式, 逃脱,避开
-Future Peter: I put him in the body of that guy in that cell right there!
&guy: (男)人,家伙&cell: 牢房
&I need you to look out for someone who looks just like me.
&look out: 小心,留神&look like somebody: 长的像某人&just: 表强调的语气词,形容非常
-Angela: My sons have been such a disappointment.
&disappointment: 失望
&But you&I can give you what all boys crave from their mothers. Inspiration,kindness, comfort.
crave: 指望,渴望
-Sylar: You are not my mother.
-Angela: But I am, dear.
&dear: 美语里的常用语,此外还有sweetie, darling, sweet heart
&I should never have given you up for adoption.
&give up: 抛弃&adoption: 领养&should never have done: 表不应该做,却已经做了的
&But now I&m going to take good care of you... just like a good mother.
&take (good) care of: (好好的)照顾
-Sylar: My mother?
-Angela: Yes. Because you're right. You are very special. And you need to be strong for what's to come.
&special: 特别的&strong: 坚强的&be to come: 马上,即将发生的事
&Bridgett, would you join us, please?
&join: 参加
-Bridgett: You want to see me?
-Angela: This is Bridgett. And she has a very special ability.
&ability: 能力,才能
&Any object she touches,she can see its history. Everywhere it&s been. Everyone who's ever touched it.
&object: 物体&touch: 接触&history: 历史&it&s: 此处为it has的省略
-Sylar: What's she gonna do to me?
&gonna: &美& 将要(=going to)
-Angela: Feed you.
feed: 喂(养),输入【从Angela说完此话以后,Bridgett的尖叫声中可以知道她被
(Washington D.C)
(华盛顿特区: 美国首都,位于美国东北部)
-Aside: In the ongoing search for self,there are days when we learn something genuinely new.
&ongoing: 前进的,进行的&search: 搜寻,探究&self: 自我&genuinely: 真诚地,纯正地,真正地
&Something uncovered, hidden that we never knew was there. Something that surprises us.
&uncovered: 无覆盖物的&hidden: 隐藏的&surprise: 使惊奇
&And on that day of self discovery, question remains.
&discovery: 发现&remain: 保持,剩下
&What kind of person are we? Does the hero or the villain inside us win the day?
&hero: 英雄&villain: 恶棍&win: 赢得
(Nathan Petrelli. Washington)
-Nathan: Is Tracy here yet?
-Nathan&s Assistant: No, sir, still no answer.
-Nathan: Where's my brother?
-Future Peter: I don't know. I&m looking for him, too. And you called me?
&look for: 寻找
-Nathan: Peter left me a message last night. But it wasn't his voice.
&message: 信息&voice: 声音
-Peter: (telephone message电话录音) Nathan, it's Peter. I&m trapped in the body of this guy.
&trap: 设陷阱,困住
&I just broke out of level five with these...criminals.
&brake out: 逃脱,逃走
&criminal: 罪犯
&I&m trying to get back. But I&m really afraid they're gonna hurt somebody.
&try: 尝试&get back: 返回&afraid: 害怕,担心&hurt: 伤害&somebody: 某人
(Peter Petrelli. Poughkeepsie, New York)
-Peter: Maybe we should come back at night. It&ll be empty.
&come back: 返回,回来&empty: 空的
-Knox (the fear manipulator): That's not exactly the plan now, is it?
&exactly: 正是&plan: 计划
&You&re terrified, Jesse. I can feel it. What&s up?
&terrified: terrify的过去式&feel:感觉&what&s up: 怎么了,发生什么啦?
-Peter: Nothing. Nothing, I&m good.
-Knox: Light it up.
&light up: 点亮,点燃
-Flint Gordon: Everyone on the ground now!
&ground: 地面
(Primatech facility level 5 Hartsdale, NY)
-Angela: I expected you back earlier, Noah.
&expect: 期望&earlier: early的比较级,更早一点
&All of these prisoners escaped. Most of whom you put away. You can take the man out of the company&
&prisoner: 囚犯&put away: 储存,收好
-Noah: Let me be clear.
clear: 明确的,清楚的
I'm not here to reenlist. I'm here to make sure these psychopaths get put back in their cages where they belong.
reenlist: 延长服役,再从军&make sure: 确保&psychopath: 精神病患者&cage: 笼子
&And then I return to my family.
&return: 回到
-Angela: And our Claire.
-Noah: I&m gonna need my old partner.
&partner: 合作者,搭档
-Angela: Well, unfortunately the Haitian is unavailable. He&s on a pickup assignment for me.
&well: 在此为语气词
&unfortunately: 不幸地&unavailable: 不可使用的&pickup: 拾,拿&assignment: 任务
-Noah: I can't do this alone. You know how it works. One of us, one of them.
&alone: 单独的&work: 运作,起作用
-Angela: don't worry. I have the perfect one of them in mind. Meet your new partner.
&worry: 担心&perfect: 完美的
-Peter: just keep your heads down. All of you.
-Flint Gordon: Ah-ah-ah. No alarms.
&alarm: 警报
-Holly: I&m sorry.
-Flint Gordon: Yeah, you are. But maybe you can work it off.
&work off: 渐渐消除,销掉
&I hear that Stockholm syndrome is like Spanish fly.
&syndrome: 症状& 【the Stockholm syndrome (斯德哥尔摩症候群)是一个在相关研究中,用以讨论人质与绑架者互动关系的重要概念,一九七四年在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩发生银行抢劫案件,歹徒欧陆森(Olsson)与欧佛森(Olofsson)绑架了四位银行职员,在警方与歹徒僵持了一百三十个小时之後,本案因歹徒放弃而结束,然而所有的被害者在事後都表明并不痛恨歹徒,并表达他们对歹徒非但没有伤害他们却对他们多所照顾的感激,并对警察采取敌对的态度,事後,更有甚者,被绑架的人质中有一名女职员克丽斯汀(Christian)竟然爱上欧陆森并与他订婚(Hubbard, 1986; Mcmains & Mullins, 1996)。】&Spanish fly: 西班牙芜菁,(一种植物,春药滴原材料)
-Peter: Leave her alone.
-Flint Gordon: What are you gonna do, Jesse? Are you gonna stop me?
-Peter: Yeah, I am.
-The German (the magnetic man): It's open!
-Flint Gordon: Let's go collect our winnings.
-Meredith Gordon: Oh, thank you.
-Lyle Bennet: Mom?
-Sandra: Oh, we don't smoke in the house.
-Meredith Gordon: Oh, sorry.
-Lyle: Uh, so, you're Claire&s real mom?
-Sandra: Biological mom.
&biological: 生物的,【即有血缘的,类似的比如biological brother亲生兄弟】
-Meredith: Your dad asked me to stick around, help protect you guys while he's away.
&stick around: 在附近徘徊(停留)&stick: 坚持&protect: 保护&be away: 不在的
-Lyle: With fire?
-Meredith: Yeah.
-Sandra: Claire. You got everything ready to get back to school today?
-Claire: I&m not going.
-Sandra: Excuse me?
-Claire: Well, it is very clear that my life will never be normal. So I&ve decided to stop trying.
&normal: 普通的,正常的
-Sandra: You decided? Your father and I&
-Claire: Dad's not here. He doesn't get a vote.
-Sandra: he's out there protecting all of us.
-Claire: yeah, he's out there stopping villains, helping people doing the same thing that I should be doing with my life.
&villain: 恶棍
-Sandra: You're a 17-year old girl.
-Claire: Who can't get hurt, can&t die, can't even feel pain. You just don't understand.
-Meredith: I think that what Claire is trying to say here is that when you're like us&
-Sandra: Meredith, I&m thrilled that you're here to protect us. But I know how to talk to my daughter, thank you.
&thrilled: (俚语)表感动的
&Claire...Get ready for school...now.
-Noah: You expect me to work with this animal, after what he did to my daughter, your granddaughter? He nearly killed her.
-Sylar: She can't die. You really don't understand her, do you?
-Angela: Noah. We just let a dozen criminals out into a world. That is grossly unprepared to deal with them.
&dozen: 本义为一打,在此表示很多&criminal: 罪犯&grossly: 非常&unprepared: 未准备好的&deal with: 处理
-Noah: So your solution is to send a psychopath after the psychopaths?
&solution: 解决办法&psychopath: 疯子,神经病【这里指Sylar,表示Noah对Angela对此
-Angela: He is the perfect partner. And he can't be killed anyway. You know that.
-Noah: He's a murderer.
-Angela: Then you and Gabriel have more in common than you dare to admit.
&Gabriel: (Sylar的真实名字)&in common: 共同的&admit: 承认
&He&s been misunderstood. He just needs structure. And you're the perfect person to give it to him.
misunderstood: misunderstand的过去式,表误会&structure: 结构
-Noah: And if I refuse?
-Angela: I can't make you do anything you don't want to, but I am going to put Gabriel in play.
&It&s your call whether or not it's under your supervision.
&It&s your call: 决定权在你&& supervision: 监督
[Berlin, Germany]
-Hiro: My tracking device says the speedster is here.
&track device: 跟踪器&track: 跟踪&device:仪器&speedster:高速行走的人【影片中特指Daphne,这是她的超能力】
-Ando: Where? I don&t see her
-Hiro: Nemesis.
&nemesis: 报应
-Daphne: Stop calling me that. My name is Daphne. And why are you two following me?
-Ando: You know why.
-Hiro: I want my father's formula back.
&formula: 公式
-Daphne: That? Too late. It&s been delivered and paid for. I&m on to the next half.
&deliver: 运输
-Ando: There is another half?
-Daphne: There's supposed to be some sort of exchange going down at this theater, and I&m waiting to intercept.
&be supposed to: 应该&sort of: 有几分地&exchange: 交易&intercept: 拦截
-Hiro: You're telling us your plan? What kind of overconfident nemesis are you?
&overconfident: 过于自信的
-Daphne: You're 0 for 2 against me, Pikachu. That&s just regular confidence.
&Pikachu:【日本著名动画人物,个人认为因Daphne觉得他好胜,自认为有拯救地球的使命,所以用这个称呼来嘲笑他】&confidence: 自信
-Hiro: Pikachu? We will find the other half of the formula before you, and we will save the world.
-Daphne: Yeah. Good luck with that.
&I&m slow.
&What did you do?
-Ando: What did you do?
-Hiro: Nothing
-Ando: Well, her powers don&t work. This is our chance.
-Hiro: Mine don&t work, either.
-Daphne: Whatever. I don't need powers to beat you two losers.
&whatever: 【美语中使用频率超高的词,表示说话人满不在乎的口气,可翻译为随便,无所谓】&beat: 打败&loser: 常用口语,表笨蛋
-Ando: What&s happening, Hiro?
-Hiro: I don&t know. That man there&I met him in the future.
&He stopped my powers from working then. This can&t be a coincidence.
&coincidence: 巧合
-Ando: His briefcase&Maybe that&s to hold the other half of the formula!
&briefcase: 手提箱
-Hiro: Advantage, us.
&advantage: 优势【Hiro在此暗自高兴他比Daphne会更快得到公式】
-Meredith: Well, that went well, don't you think?
&go well: 进展顺利
-Claire: Welcome to the Bennet household.
&household: 家
-Meredith: well, what is with this new superhero kick anyway?
-Claire: There are bad people out there. I just feel like I should help.
-Meredith: Sure you wanna help people, huh?
-Claire: I keep trying to be normal...fit in. But I just end up the victim.
&fit in: 适应&end up: 以&告终
-Meredith: your mom told about your attack. You feel like talking about it?
-Claire: I just wanna move past it and I wanna do something. Fight them.
&move: 【本义为前进,但转义过来就是在生活中忘记过去的悲伤,向前看,比如常用的口
&语move on】
-Meredith: How you gonna do that, huh? How you gonna learn how to fight?
-Claire: well, I was hoping you could teach me.
-Meredith: Hop in. We&re gonna play hooky today.
&hop in: &口& 上车&hooky: 曲棍球【此处表示训练】
-Tracy: It's open.
-Nathan: Had my swearing in this morning. You kinda missed it. Everything okay?
&swear: 发誓,宣誓&kinda: &口& kind of&miss: 错过
-Tracy: You called me Niki Sanders yesterday. Then...a reporter shows me this. Last year at the Corinthian hotel in Las Vegas.
你昨天叫我Niki Sanders。接着&一个记者给我看了这个。去年在拉斯维加斯的柯林斯酒店(的录像)。
&Just tell me who the hell she is.
-Nathan: I still kinda think that's you. I&m just waiting for this all to make sense.
&make sense: 讲得通,有道理
-Tracy: It's not me.
&Look, I&m trying to find her, talk to her. All I can get is an address in New Orleans.
&address: 地址
&Tell me what you know about her.
-Nathan: You're really not Niki sanders?
&你真的不是Niki Sanders ?
-Tracy: I need to go to New Orleans
-The German: this is all of it. Let's move.
-Flint Gordon: How the hell did they know we were here?
&the hell: 【语气词,表不可思议】
-Knox: Probably because I called them.
probably: 也许
-The German: You what?
-Knox: It wasn't just about the money. In fact, it was mostly about revenge.
revenge: 报仇
-The German: It was only about the money for me. That&s why I&m going to take mine and leave before the company shows up.
show up: 出现
-Knox: The Company is supposed to show up... while I got all these scared people powering me up.
power up: 加电,电源回复,充电【此处表示Knox吸收了其他人的恐惧,因为Knox是操作恐惧的超能力者】
-Peter: Hey, we got what we need, let's just get outta here.
outta: out of
-Knox: You're scared, too, aren't you?
-Peter: What the hell are you doing?
-Knox: He was gonna ruin your plan.
&ruin: 破坏
-Flint Gordon: Yeah, what is the plan exactly?
-Knox: Stay put, raise hell. And wait for the man the company sends when super people do bad things.
&stay put: 留在原地&raise: 提高
&And after he gets here, then I&ll beat his horn-rimmed glasses right into this skull. Right, Jesse?
&horn-rimmed: 角质架的(眼镜)&skull: 头骨
-Matt Parkman: Hey, man. This spirit walk...how long's it last?
&last: 持续
-Usutu: It's your spirit walk, Parkman. Not mine.
-Matt Parkman: Why the hell was I teleported to Africa? For that matter, how do you know my name?
&teleport: (心灵学用语)心灵运输(物体、人)
-Usutu: From your badge.
&badge: 徽章
-Matt Parkman: From my ba&You mean my police badge?
-Usutu: When I was a boy I went on the spirit walk... to find truth, to hunt.
&But my spirit animal tells me to gather... berry, many colors.
&berry: 莓【比如蓝莓blueberry,黑莓blackberry,草莓strawberry】
&They were my paint. And you were my subject, Parkman.
&subject: 主体,主题
-Matt Parkman: So you learned everything about me from this painting?
-Usutu: This I paint when I was a boy. I&m not a boy anymore.
-Angela: It fits. Good.
&fit: 适合
-Sylar: Are you really my mother?
-Angela: You've always understood on some level,
that you weren't the son of a watch repairman and a woman who collects hummel figurines.
&repairman: 修理工&figurines: 小雕塑
-Sylar: He's right, I&m&a killer, that's all I am.
-Angela: No, it's not your fault. It&s your ability. There&s a hunger that you cannot control. It&s made you that way.
&hunger: 饥渴,渴望
&But we're gonna fix that.
-Noah: I think I&ve just found a few of them. They made the news.
-TV News: police were called in what was described as an incredible scene,
&call in: 召集,召来&describe: 形容,描述&incredible
&when four gunmen came in to rob the first federal bank in Poughkeepsie, New York, this morning.
&gunman: 持枪歹徒&federal: 联邦
&One of the robbers was equipped with what appeared to be a flame thrower.
&equipped: 装备有&flame: 火焰&thrower: 投掷器
-Angela: Peter. He's in the body of one of those escapees.
&escapee: 逃亡者
-Noah: Which one?
-Angela: Jesse.
-Noah: Does he have Jesse&s ability?
-Angela: If he does, he doesn't know what it is.
-TV News: police have called in S.W.A.T. Teams and hostage&
&S.W.A.T.: special weapons and tactics team [主美国英语][常用作定语]特种武器和战术小组&hostage: 人质
-Noah: is he ready?
-TV News: Police have made several attempts to make contact...
&attempt: 尝试&contact: 联系
-Ando: what are we doing?
-Hiro: the speedster said there will be an exchange. So we sit and wait for it.
-Ando: can we get popcorn?
&popcorn: 爆米花
-Daphne: Domo arigato.
That's all the Japanese I know. What are you guys looking at anyway?
-Hiro: Go away. We were here first.
-Daphne: You can't call dibs.
&dibs: 权利
-Hiro: Can too. Dibs.
-Ando: Why are you doing this? Do you want the world to end?
-Daphne: I don't know what you're talking about. I work for a guy, I find stuff, he pays me. Simple as that.
-Hiro: You're doing this for money?
-Audience: Be quiet!
-Daphne: Is your friend always so self-righteous?
&self-righteous: 自以为是
-Ando: Hiro takes his job very seriously.
-Daphne: And what are you, like his sidekick?
&sidekick: 伙伴
-Ando: Partner.
-Daphne: Like Robin to his Batman.
&batman and robin: 1997的电影蝙蝠侠与罗宾
-Hiro: Don&t listen to her, Ando. She is trying to divide us. It&s villainly 101
-Ando: I understand what you're doing. Hiro's my best friend. We will never leave each other's side, Hiro?
&What are you doing? I was making a point over there.
&make a point: 表明一个看法,证明一种观点
-Hiro: Target is on the move. Come on!
&target: 目标&on the move: 在移动中,在进展中guy: 家伙,男人
-Matt Parkman: This is my life. I mean, it happened exactly like this.
-Usutu: Future can only be the future for so long. Then it becomes the present.
-Matt Parkman: Except for this one. I&I don't remember this. This must be my future future.
-Usutu: It was. But not anymore. The future has&Changed.
-Matt Parkman: Yeah, changed to what?
&Come on. You can't just tell a guy that his future is changed and not&Hey, man, come on. Are you even listening to me?
&guy: 家伙,男人&even: 甚至
-Peter: So what if he doesn't show?
-Knox: He always does. He&s like Santa Claus. And then we're gonna get our pay back.
【Santa Claus作为西方传统节日圣诞节的象征之一,在每年的12月24日都会准时出现】
-Peter: I don't think I want it anymore.
-Knox: I sat in a cell next to you month after month. This is all you talked about.
&mouth after month: 月复一月
&One-stop shopping, revenge, and retirement, talk about being free.
&one-stop: 一步到位的【形容他们抢很多钱,以后都不用发愁】&retirement: 退休
&I never told you but you gave me hope. Probably saved my life.
-Peter: Yeah, but we're free now. Why do you wanna tempt fate?
&tempt: 冒&之险
-Knox: What are you so afraid of?
-Peter: I just don't wanna go back. Don&t like feeling trapped, powerless. I just wanna get back to my own life.
&trap: 陷入(困境)&powerless: 无助的
-Knox: Yeah, I bet you can't wait to get to your family and friends in Detroit.
&bet: 打赌
-Peter: Yeah, exactly.
-Knox: Except Jesse&s family's from Vegas. And he ain't got no friends.
&ain&t got: hasn&t got没有【这是典型的黑人英语,虽然ain&t也为否定,但并不和后面
&So who the hell are you?
-Noah: You do realize she's playing us, don't you? This is all one big game to her.
&play: 利用,操纵
-Sylar: Maybe. But aren't you curious to see how it all plays out?
&curious: 好奇的&play out: 演完,做完
&So how do we do this?
-Noah: &We& do nothing. I take care of the escapees and Petrelli.
-Sylar: That sounds like a one-sided partnership.
&one-sided: 一面的,片面的,单方面的
-Noah: We're not partners. You just stay close and keep your mouth shut.
&stay close: 跟紧
-Sylar: Who the hell's in charge around here?
&be in charge: 掌管,负责
-Noah: What are you doing?
-Lieutenant Chory: I&m lieutenant Chory. Who are you?
&lieutenant: (美军军衔)上尉
-Sylar: Special agent Andrew Hanson, FBI.
&agent: 特工&FBI: federal bureau of investigation美国联邦调查局
&FBI,特工Andrew Hanson。
&Lieutenant, you mind telling me why these barricades aren't 30 feet further back? You want the media up our ass?
&barricade: 障碍&feet: foot的复数,表英尺&further: far的比较级,更远一点&media: 媒体
-Lieutenant Chory: Sir, I&m in the middle&
In the middle of: 正在
-Sylar: Are you just trying to get one of these lookie-loo civilians killed?
&lookie-loo: 看热闹的【lookie-loos are people who often masquerade as buyers but have
&no real intention of ever buying】&Civilian: 市民
-Lieutenant Chory: You heard the man! Back the horses up! All hands!
&back up: 后退&all hands: 全部人员,全体人员
-Sylar: We're gonna need some coffee. Decaf.
&decaf: decaffeinated coffee脱咖啡因咖啡,无咖啡因咖啡
-Lieutenant Chory: Let's go! Three feet on the other side.
-Sylar: You drink decaf, right, Noah?
-Peter: Told you. Somebody put me in his body against my will. I swear.
&will: 意志,意愿&swear: 发誓
-Knox: Then why'd you come along with us? You had plenty of chances to bail.
&come along with: 跟&一道&plenty of: 很多&bail: 溜走
-Peter: You said you were gonna hurt people. I couldn't let that happen.
-Knox: Now I know you're full of it. Nobody's that heroic.
-May: The formula hasn't been moved in years. Why now?
-The Haitian: Given recent events, Mrs. Petrelli deemed it wise to keep her half closer to home.
&deem: 认为,相信
-Ando: Look, Hiro. The formula.
-Hiro: You must get it from him.
-Ando: But now?
-Hiro: I have a plan
-Sylar: Are we going in?
-Noah: I am. You're waiting out here.
-Sylar: Well, what's that gonna protect you from?
-Noah: Nothing. It's for show.
&show: 展示
-Sylar: And you're going in without your gun too?
-Noah: Knox wants me unarmed. He says he'll release the hostages.
&unarmed: 非武装的&release: 释放&hostage: 人质
-Sylar: You do realize they're not gonna let you out alive?
&alive: 活着的
-Noah: Well, that's very touching. A monster cares about my well being.
&touching: 感人的&monster: 怪物,恶人&care about: 关心
-Sylar: Well, you're so concerned with proving that you're better than me that you're willing to get yourself killed.
&concern: 关心&be willing to: 希望
-Noah: I am better than you.
-Sylar: I can help. Let me do something.
-Noah: All right, debrief the hostages. Use that silver tongue of yours diffuse their stories.
&debrief: 向&询问情况&silver tongue: 流利的口才,三寸不烂之舌&diffuse: 散播
&But under no circumstances are you to go anywhere near that buffet in there. Got me?
&under no circumstances: 无论如何,也不& 【(you) got me?常用口语,表听清了吗?】
-Sylar: Yeah.
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
-Micah: Mom? You&re not my mother.
-Tracy: No, I&m not.
&Your mom and I look so much alike. But I don't know anything about her.
&look alike: 看起来像
&God, I imagine this is so strange for you.
-Micah: Yeah, kind of.
-Tracy: I should go. I'm sorry.
-Micah: You look just like her. Are you special too, like my mom?
-Tracy: I&m not sure what you mean.
-Micah: She had a power. She was super strong like the hulk.
&the hulk: 源于美国影片hulk绿巨人中的主角hulk,因其巨大无比的力量而闻名
&It&s okay if you don't wanna talk about it.
&wanna: want to想要(口语)
&It was hard for my mom to handle at first too, gets easier though.
&handle: 处理&at first: 刚开始
-Tracy: Are you special too, Micah?
-Micah: I can talk to machines.
-Tracy: You can talk to machines?
-Micah: Yeah. Maybe I can help you get some of your answers. What&s your last name?
-Tracy: Uh, Strauss--two ss.
&额,施特劳斯 &两个s结尾。
-Micah: I can cross-reference every bit of information on both you and my mom.
&cross-reference: 互相对照,前后对照,交叉对照
&Just one match. You were both born in the same hospital in California. Same day. Same doctor too.
&match: 匹配
-Tracy: Dr. Zimmerman.
-Micah: Now you know one thing about her.
-The Haitian: I&ve got it.
-Hiro: I&ve been looking everywhere. I believe this is my briefcase.
-The Haitian: No, you are mistaken. This is mine.
&mistaken: mistake的过去分词,表弄错的
-Hiro: Wait. We call someone. Usher! Movie usher! No, hold on. Please! Ah!
-Ando: Holy crap! It worked.
&(holy)crap: 美语中常用的感叹词
-Hiro: What are you doing?
-Ando: I&m being awesome.
&awesome: 令人敬畏的【另外,直接用awesome还可表示太棒了】
-Hiro: You&re supposed to be the usher! That was the plan
&usher: 招待员,迎宾员【不是唱歌的那个usher亚瑟小子哦】
-Ando: That was your plan. I&m sick of being your costumed sidekick.
&be sick of: 对&厌倦,厌倦&costumed: 道具的
-Hiro: I knew my nemesis would get to you.
-Ando: Maybe she&s right. Maybe this robin should fly.
-Hiro: Sometimes I wonder why I bring you along at all.
&wonder: want to know想知道&bring along: 带上
-Ando: Hiro, freeze time!
-Hiro: Why isn&t it working now?
&work: 起作用
-Knox: You took away my life.
&take away: 带走【这里指剥夺】
-Noah: You're a criminal, Knox.
-Knox: Criminals get trials and lawyers. Me, I got stuck in super-Guantanamo.
&trial: 审判&get stuck in: 困在&super-Guantanamo.【(超级关塔那摩)关塔那摩基地位于古巴东南部的关塔那摩湾,是美国在海外建立最早的军事基地,阿富汗战争后,美军在关塔那摩海军基地设立专门关押塔利班战俘和&基地&组织成员的集中营。】
-Noah: You got a bum rap, is that it?
&bum rap: 不公正的裁决&bum: 没有价值的&rap: 轻敲,责骂
-Knox: I think you get off being judge, jury, and executioner. Now it's my turn.
&get off: 从&下;结束&judge: 法官&jury: 陪审团&executioner: 行刑手
-Peter: Knox. You don't have to do this. You can walk away. You're free now.
&walk away: 离开
-Knox: Shut up! I&m done listening to you!
&be done doing something: 我受够了做某事【再比如I&m done talking to you.我不想再
-Peter: No! No one dies today! Listen to me!
-Peter: You. What the hell did you do?
-Future Peter: I came to find you. Get you outta here.
-Peter: Outta here? Then we need to stop this.
-Future Peter: He's in trouble. The world is in trouble. Don&t you get it? You need to listen to me.
&trouble: 麻烦&in trouble: 有麻烦&get it: &口& 明白
-Peter: You shot my brother. Trapped me. Why should I believe a thing you say?
-Future Peter: You're right. I need to show you.
-Noah: Thanks Peter. You okay?
-Jesse: Peter's not here anymore.
-Claire: Where are we going?
-Meredith: You wanna learn how to fight? Lock the door.
&Are you sure you wanna do this
-Claire: Yeah.
-Meredith: All right, we'll start at the beginning. Survival.
&survival: 生存
-Claire: I&ve already mastered survival. I need to learn how to fight.
&master: 掌握
-Meredith: There are some things you can't fight, Claire.
-Knox: Looks like the man with the plan just ran out of options.
&option: 选择
-Noah: Turn yourself in. Nobody has to get hurt.
&turn oneself in: 自首
-Knox: who the hell do you think you are?
-Noah: Just a guy with a partner standing right behind you.
I told you to stay put!
-Sylar: You told me that to make sure I wouldn't, didn't you?
-Claire: What's this supposed to prove? I&ve walked through fire before and I haven't gotten burned.
-Meredith: You've never been burned?
-Claire: I&m indestructible. I can't feel pain.
&indestructible: 不可毁灭的
-Meredith: You ever suffocate? 'cause I would imagine the air is getting pretty thin in here.
&suffocate: 窒息&pretty: 非常&thin: 瘦的,薄的
-Claire: Why are you doing this?
-Meredith: Why do you wanna stop bad guys?
-Claire: I told you. To help people.
-Meredith: That's what you keep saying. But I don't believe you. Do you know what Water boarding is, Claire?
&water boarding: 水刑
-Claire: No!
-Meredith: It's a method of torture.
&torture: 折磨
&You&re not drowning, but your body tells your mind that you are. You think yore gonna die.
&drown: 溺水
Trapped, you panic. Trapped. Does that remind you of anything?
panic: 惊慌的&remind: 使想起
-Claire: Stop it! Turn it off!
turn off: 关掉
-Meredith: Is this how it was with Sylar, huh? You&re indestructible but you couldn't get away, right?
&get away: 逃脱
&Well, that must have made you feel trapped. Helpless.
-Claire: Please stop! I can't&
-Meredith: Why do you wanna stop bad guys?
-Claire: To help people!
-Meredith: I don't believe you. You tell me why.
-Claire: To hurt him, okay! To hurt him for what he did! Like he hurt me.
-Sylar: What do we do now?
-Noah: Now I get him patched up and tell the locals that these are federal prisoners and we get them back to level 5.
&patch up: 修补,平息&local: 当局的&prisoner: 囚犯
-Sylar: Yeah, okay.
-Noah: What are you doing? He&s getting away!
-Sylar: You were right. I am just a killer.
-Noah: No. No, you don't have to do this. She&s right. You don't have to do this. You can fight it.
-Sylar: No. I don't think I can. It's the hunger.
-Meredith: I&m sorry I tricked you like that. I just did it for your own good.
&trick: 欺骗,耍诡计&for one&s own good: 对某人有利【父母爱对孩子说的一句话it&s all for your own good 这都是为了你好】
-Claire: Right.
-Meredith: It's only been a couple days since you went through all that.
&a couple: 几个&couple: 夫妇,几个,数个&go through: 经历
&You got a really good family. You got a nice home.
-Claire: I know. You're right.
-Meredith: You don't just wake up one day and know what life's all about.
wake up: 醒来
&You know, you gotta build it brick by brick. And you gotta learn to save yourself before you can save the world.
&brick by brick: 一点一点地砌,渐渐地&brick: 砖
&That ain't nothing wrong with just being a 17-year old girl for a while. You got that?
&ain&t: isn&t&for a while: 一会儿,暂时
-Claire: Yeah. I got that.
-Meredith: Come here.
-Matt: Who is she? What happened to her?
-Usutu: It's your future, Parkman. Not mine.
-Matt: Yeah.
-Usutu: We cannot understand these things.
-Matt: This is it. This is it. I can feel it. This is the reason I&m here.
&My spirit walk. So that means I can stop that from happening, right?
-Usutu: You really want to know?
-Sandra: School just called. Claire didn't show up today. You know anything about that?
-Meredith: Oh, I&m sorry. You know, I just thought that since&
-Sandra: You don't get to do that.
&Think about Claire. That&s me. Not you. I&m the one who's been here, changed her diapers, checked her spelling. Me, not you.
&diaper: 尿布&check: 检查&spelling: 拼写
-Meredith: Sandra, I&m not trying to&
-Sandra: Do you think this is a game? She just got attacked. Hurt.
-Meredith: Yeah, that's right. And she's looking to push back. And there's nothing you can do stop that.
&push back: 向后推,推回【奋力反击】
&In fact, smothering her, that&s the best way to drive her away real quick.
&smother: 使窒息
-Sandra: Don't you ever assume to know anything about me and my daughter.
&assume: 认为,以为
-Meredith: I just did what I thought was best to keep her here. Safe.
-Claire: I got it.
-Claire&s friend: You ready?
-Claire: One second.
&I totally forgot about the cheerleader sleepover retreat. I&m sorry. Is it...cool?
&sleepover: 在外过夜&cool: 常用美语,相当于okay
-Sandra: Sure.
(Reseda, California)
-Dr. Zimmerman: Barbara?
-Tracy: No, my name is Tracy Strauss. Are you Dr. Zimmerman?
不,我是Tracy Strauss。您是Zimmerman医生吗?
-Dr. Zimmerman: The one from Beverly hills, huh? Come in.
-Tracy: How do you know I&m from Beverly Hills? Do you know me?
-Dr. Zimmerman: Know you? I created you.
-Matt: No, don't think it&s working.
-Usutu: Here. Try this.
-Aside: And as the search for self continues, we look for answers everywhere.
&In nature. In god. In tiny tragedies that may never be understood.
&tiny: 极小的,微小的&tragedy: 悲剧
But still, we are driven to it.
drive: 驱使
&Single-minded on one goal. To find our purpose on this earth.
&single-minded: 专一的&purpose: 目标
&No matter what the ramification...The friendships that may be hurt...Or the deals with the devil we need to make.
&ramification: 分支,衍生物&friendship: 友情&deal: 交易,协定&devil: 魔鬼,恶魔
-Sylar: I guess you were wrong about me.
-Angela: We'll see.
-The Haitian: Am I being replaced?
&replace: 代替
-Noah: Only for a while.
&for a while: 暂时(一会儿)
&Just until I find his weakness. And then I&m gonna kill him.
&weakness: 弱点
词汇解析:Essayer&&& 校对:Daisy
看英雄学英语 尽在爱酷英语
爱酷英语 help out: 帮助解决问题 brake out: 逃脱,逃走 put away: 储存,把…收好 stick around: 在附近徘徊(停留) It’s your call: 决定权在你 end up: 以…告终 power up: 加电,电源回复,充电 make a point: 表明一个看法,证明一种观点 play out: 演完,做完 be in charge: 掌管,负责 back up: 后退 silver tongue: 流利的口才,三寸不烂之舌


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