gta IV fatal error:WTV190 重装·windows8.1重装 live 也没有用,求高手帮忙

查看: 2103|回复: 13
最后登录贡献度18 金元382 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限30帖子主题精华0积分110UID2456520
中级玩家, 积分 110, 距离下一级还需 90 积分
贡献度18 金元382 注册时间积分110精华0帖子
跟标题一样 ..唉 我1.04补丁也打了 汉化V1.5_Beta也打了.我下的是11G的那个..
&&1.开始----&运行------&键入 regedit
2. 备份你的注册表
3. 去到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlWindows下
这些都是废话..我电脑本来就是300(SP3) 还改个啥球.!
最后登录贡献度227 金元8551 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限90帖子主题精华0积分1763UID2525285
游戏达人, 积分 1763, 距离下一级还需 1737 积分
贡献度227 金元8551 注册时间积分1763精华0帖子
运行 NoRSGC? 试试关掉杀毒软件
最后登录贡献度227 金元8551 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限90帖子主题精华0积分1763UID2525285
游戏达人, 积分 1763, 距离下一级还需 1737 积分
贡献度227 金元8551 注册时间积分1763精华0帖子
1.开始----&运行------&键入 regedit
2. 备份你的注册表
3. 去到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlWindows下
最后登录贡献度18 金元382 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限30帖子主题精华0积分110UID2456520
中级玩家, 积分 110, 距离下一级还需 90 积分
贡献度18 金元382 注册时间积分110精华0帖子
- -..我该关的都关了就差网线没拔了.....
最后登录贡献度227 金元8551 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限90帖子主题精华0积分1763UID2525285
游戏达人, 积分 1763, 距离下一级还需 1737 积分
贡献度227 金元8551 注册时间积分1763精华0帖子
最后登录贡献度18 金元382 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限30帖子主题精华0积分110UID2456520
中级玩家, 积分 110, 距离下一级还需 90 积分
贡献度18 金元382 注册时间积分110精华0帖子
[em04] 速度点啊...我下了2天这个11G的游戏...按照上说明运行NoRSGC.首先蹦出来少什么DLL文件 好安装了最新DX 解决了 然后蹦出某个DLL文件无法注册 好又下个xliveredist.msi
现在又出了这个东西....额滴个神啊 你在考验我的定力么.?[em19]
最后登录贡献度309 金元6276 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限90帖子主题精华0积分1864UID1802685
游戏达人, 积分 1864, 距离下一级还需 1636 积分
贡献度309 金元6276 注册时间积分1864精华0帖子
你也沒有必要在那裡急在哪裡催& & 說真的越催越不會有人想理你
你本身已經是XP&&SP3的話& & 還出這種錯誤& & ....
確定是RMN20嗎& & ?
似乎是VISTA才會出這錯誤吧& & ?& & 這點我不清楚
如果說真的完全不能解決& & 把註冊表降回SP2試試看& & 再不能就重裝系統了
最后登录贡献度18 金元382 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限30帖子主题精华0积分110UID2456520
中级玩家, 积分 110, 距离下一级还需 90 积分
贡献度18 金元382 注册时间积分110精华0帖子
[em04] 重装系统.?我笔记本式 三星 X-118的根本没光驱....[em04]
最后登录贡献度-17 金元248 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限0帖子主题精华0积分-43UID2526241
游戏亡灵, 积分 -43, 距离下一级还需 43 积分
贡献度-17 金元248 注册时间积分-43精华0帖子
RMN20& & & & Windows Vista: Need to have Service Pack 1 or higher to proceed.
最后登录贡献度84 金元3432 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限70帖子主题精华0积分679UID2163390
超级玩家, 积分 679, 距离下一级还需 121 积分
贡献度84 金元3432 注册时间积分679精华0帖子
原帖由 榊經寎 于
16:17:00 发表
[em04] 速度点啊...我下了2天这个11G的游戏...按照上说明运行NoRSGC.首先蹦出来少什么DLL文件 好安装了最新DX 解决了 然后蹦出某个DLL文件无法注册 好又下个xliveredist.msi
现在又出了这个东西....额滴个神啊 你在...... 还要装个屏蔽XLIVE补丁。。。。
Whither unfinished wish ?Où souhaitez inachevée ?Whither incompiuta desiderano ? どこ未完の願い ?未完成的心願何去何從?
最后登录贡献度227 金元8551 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限90帖子主题精华0积分1763UID2525285
游戏达人, 积分 1763, 距离下一级还需 1737 积分
贡献度227 金元8551 注册时间积分1763精华0帖子
楼主,能否详细一些,最少也截个图[em61] [em61]
最后登录贡献度227 金元8551 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限90帖子主题精华0积分1763UID2525285
游戏达人, 积分 1763, 距离下一级还需 1737 积分
贡献度227 金元8551 注册时间积分1763精华0帖子
楼主算幸运了,我4天内连装了14次,从早装到晚(真事)[em61] [em61]&&吃得苦中苦,方为人上人........慢慢来
最后登录贡献度115 金元3524 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限90帖子主题精华0积分812UID2243952
游戏狂人, 积分 812, 距离下一级还需 688 积分
贡献度115 金元3524 注册时间积分812精华0帖子
最后登录贡献度192 金元7466 银行存款0 注册时间阅读权限90帖子主题精华0积分1515UID2130026
游戏达人, 积分 1515, 距离下一级还需 1985 积分
贡献度192 金元7466 注册时间积分1515精华0帖子
Powered by查看: 64|回复: 4
【福利】GTAIV 官方错误代码解决
TA的每日心情开心昨天&15:53签到天数: 59 天[LV.5]常住居民I
If you get the Fatal Error : RMN40. You need to download Windows XP Service Pack 3 from Microsoft Website .
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game 重启游戏
D3D Error - DirectX 9 video card required 需要DX9显卡
D3D Error - Failed to copy surface - Please restart the game 重启游戏
D3D Error - Failed to copy surface - Please restart the game 重启游戏
D3D Error - Failed to create texture - Please restart the game重启游戏
D3D Error - Failed to query memory. Please re-start the game.重启游戏
D3D Error - Please re-boot your system
D3D Error - Please re-boot your system
D3D Error - Please re-boot your system
D3D Error - Please re-install the game and/or re-install DirectX 重装游戏或者重装DirectX
D3D Error - Please restart the game重启游戏
D3D Error - Shader Model 3.0 or higher is required
D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
D3D Error - Unable to retrieve device capabilities. Please install latest video card driver and/or re-install DirectX 安装最新显卡驱动或者或者重装DirectX
D3D Error - Unable to retrieve device capabilities. Please install latest video card driver and/or re-install DirectX 安装最新显卡驱动或者或者重装DirectX
D3D reset failed - Please restart the game.重启游戏
Failed to delete file - Please re-boot your system
Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system
Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system
Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system
Failed to write file – Please re-boot your system
Failed to write file – Please re-boot your system
Fatal voice chat error - Please restart the game重启游戏
Initialization failed - Please re-boot your system
InitWinSock failed - Please re-boot your system and/or re-install the game
InitWinSock failed - Please re-boot your system and/or re-install the game
Invalid instruction - CPU not supported.
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
TA的每日心情开心昨天&15:53签到天数: 59 天[LV.5]常住居民I
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game&&
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game&&
Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game.
Network error - Please restart the game重启游戏
TA的每日心情开心昨天&15:53签到天数: 59 天[LV.5]常住居民I
Network error - Please restart the game重启游戏
Out of memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of video memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of virtual memory - Please re-boot your system
Out of virtual memory - Please re-boot your system
Unable to create color multisampled render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.
Unable to create color multisampled render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.
Unable to create color render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.
Unable to create depth render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.
Unable to write to disk - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
TA的每日心情开心昨天&15:53签到天数: 59 天[LV.5]常住居民I
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏
Windows Vista: Need to have Service Pack 1 or higher to proceed.
Windows XP 64 / Server 2003: Need to have Service Pack 2 or higher to proceed.
Windows XP: Need to have Service Pack 3 or higher to proceed.
XNetStartup failed - Please re-boot your system and/or re-install the game
Insufficient Memory to Start Game - Please close some applications and restart the game
CReplayMgr::StartWorkerThread: Could not create the replay-save thread - Please close some applications and restart the game
Could not create the render thread - Please shut down some applications and restart the game
Code is expecting version %d but file %s has version %d! - Please reinstall GTA IV
Unable to retrieve D3D Device - Please reboot your machine or reinstall your display driver
Failed to load kernel32.dll - Please reboot your machine
Failed to load ntdll.dll - Please reboot your machine
Failed to load winmm.dll - Please reboot your machine
Failed to access kernel function - Please reboot your machine
Failed to access kernel function - Please reboot your machine
Failed to access kernel function - Please reboot your machine
Failed to access kernel function - Please reboot your machine
Failed to access WINMM.DLL function - Please reboot your machine
Failed to access WINMM.DLL function - Please reboot your machine
Failed to access WINMM.DLL function - Please reboot your machine
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - XLivePBufferAllocate( ) FAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: QPC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: QPF\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: NtQPC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: GTC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: GT\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: BP\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: EP\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: QPC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: QPF\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: NtQPC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: GTC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: GT\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: BP\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: EP\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE
Network event manager ran out of event ids - Please restart GTA IV
TA的每日心情慵懒 06:14签到天数: 38 天[LV.5]常住居民I
Please restart the game重启游戏
站长推荐 /2
,,D奈桓呤指嫠呶野 求谢,我进入游戏的时候突然出现GTA IV FATAL ERROR,,RMN40
补充下, Need to have Service Pack 3 or higher to proceed,Windows XP,GTA IV FATAL ERROR,2就这样,
你的XP版本不够高,这个游戏需要至少SP3的版本。关于XP的版本,“系统”里面显示了XP的版本 也就是说你要重新装个SP3(Service Pack 3)的XP系统,单击“我的电脑”-右键-属性,
GTA IV FATAL ERROR:WINDOWS XP:need to have service pack 3 or highter to proceed ------------------&侠盗猎车手四致命错误: Windows XP中:必须有Service Pack 3或高于着手& 另外你要进入游戏,必须满足以下3点。(一定要按顺序) ⒈你一定要下载并安装Windows XP(SP3),Vista要安装并下载SP1的服务包。 ⒉下载或更新最新的 Windows Live. 实际情况是改了注册表在XP SP2中也能玩。具体操作:1.开始----&运行------&键入 regedit2.备份你的注册表 (可以省略此步骤)3.到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows下4.双击CSDVerison,把200(SP2)改成300(SP3)5.关掉注册表 6.重启电脑 7.开玩
需要xp sp3或者更高的系统版本,如Vista、win7等等才能支持游戏~!
出门在外也不愁装了《侠盗猎车手4V1.04膝盖中箭组高清画面整合硬盘版》游戏弹出GTA IV FATAL ERROR:Out of video memory-please r - 3DMGAME论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
标题: 装了《侠盗猎车手4V1.04膝盖中箭组高清画面整合硬盘版》游戏弹出GTA IV FATAL ERROR:Out of video memory-please r
作者: 哒布溜秋_麻花腾& & 时间:
19:26 & & 标题: 装了《侠盗猎车手4V1.04膝盖中箭组高清画面整合硬盘版》游戏弹出GTA IV FATAL ERROR:Out of video memory-please r
作者: 凝智断崖& & 时间:
作者: whyhappy& & 时间:
作者: imkillua& & 时间:
作者: 小白棉花糖& & 时间:
作者: pat991& & 时间:
E3 1230 V3
HD 7850 2G
8G DDR3 1600
Windows 8 pro
作者: ts_qyd& & 时间:
解决办法很简单,在vehicle文件中,大多数MOD名字后的数据都有“100& &&&999”,这两个数字所对应的的所有的数字,就是该MOD& &“在全地图出现的几率&&和&&最大数量”, 改为&&“ 2& && &2”,就好了。
QQ截图00.png ( 15:08, 14.24 KB) / 下载次数 20/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MjY3NTM5N3wyMGE2NzUyMnwxNDE1MDI5OTY3fDB8MA%3D%3Dscreen.width*0.8) this.width=screen.width*0.8" alt="" />
作者: 哒布溜秋_麻花腾& & 时间:
ts_qyd 发表于
楼主,不是你硬件的问题。GTA4本身有一定额的游戏内部内存,就是说游戏用本身的自带虚拟内存文件来随机刷车 ...
作者: rlqkas& & 时间:
删除C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA IV下的 Settings 文件夹
作者: 痛了哭了& & 时间:
作者: 彡ミ=天罪=彡ミ& & 时间:
我下载了&&进入游戏& &换面不停地摇晃旋转& &车子不停的加速前进& & 求大神帮帮忙
作者: u571z& & 时间:
ts_qyd 发表于
楼主,不是你硬件的问题。GTA4本身有一定额的游戏内部内存,就是说游戏用本身的自带虚拟内存文件来随机刷车 ...
楼主我用SparkIV v0.6.9 打开 vehicles.img 找不到车子的出现几率 求解
作者: & & 时间:
彡ミ=天罪=彡ミ 发表于
我下载了&&进入游戏& &换面不停地摇晃旋转& &车子不停的加速前进& & 求大神帮帮忙 ...
作者: u571z& & 时间:
顶起&&还有哪位遇到此类问题么 怎么解决呀
作者: ts_qyd& & 时间:
刷车器和载具出现概率是两码事,载具出现概率位置是(我把游戏装在G盘了):&&G:\Grand Theft Auto IV\common\data文件夹里,一个叫做vehicles.ide的文件,用鼠标右击——用记事本方式打开,7楼图片中红色圈圈就是出现的概率和最多数量的数据,根据自己喜好,随便改吧
作者: ts_qyd& & 时间:
作者: ts_qyd& & 时间:
还有就是如果替换载具MOD的话,出现概率和出现数量最好都改成0,否则游戏弹出GTA IV FATAL ERROR:Out of video memory-please........
作者: u571z& & 时间:
本帖最后由 u571z 于
22:10 编辑
ts_qyd 发表于
还有就是如果替换载具MOD的话,出现概率和出现数量最好都改成0,否则游戏弹出GTA IV FATAL ERROR:Out of vi ...
错误提示“gta iv fatal error: unrecoverable fault - please restart the game”
作者: ts_qyd& & 时间:
作者: ts_qyd& & 时间:
u571z 你用的是原版的GTA4? 还是终极mod版? 还是真实纽约版? 还是什么别的版?
作者: ts_qyd& & 时间:
我下载了&&进入游戏& &换面不停地摇晃旋转& &车子不停的加速前进& & 求大神帮帮忙
作者: ts_qyd& & 时间:
重装了游戏,只用原版车子。没有装车辆MOD&&果然出这个了 “GTA IV FATAL ERROR:Out of video memory-please.”
作者: u571z& & 时间:
ts_qyd 发表于
u571z 你用的是原版的GTA4? 还是终极mod版? 还是真实纽约版? 还是什么别的版? ...
我 Rockstar Games\GTA IV下无 Settings 文件夹 ....& && &装的是 《侠盗猎车手4 v1.04 膝盖中箭组高清画质整合硬盘版》
现在是卡一个跟踪任务的BUG&&错误提示“gta iv fatal error: unrecoverable fault - please restart the game”&&
作者: u571z& & 时间:
任务:Action Speak Louder Than Word&&“任务提示:先到指定地点拿炸弹,然后到唐尼布莱克的车那,安上炸弹,然后在一边等候,等唐尼布莱克上车后,一路跟车”
卡这个任务3天了,每次跟到一半就跳出 提示&gta iv fatal error: unrecoverable fault - please restart the game&
作者: ts_qyd& & 时间:
不可恢复的故障。&&文件或者程序损坏,估计是安装包的问题,或者是你电脑里运行库和驱动的问题。 给你个链接,下载ICE2.0版吧:& && &你电脑什么配置?再不行的话重装系统吧。
作者: u571z& & 时间:
windows7& &i5-GHz&&8GRAM&&N.GF.GTX 760&&
我刚刚重装游戏哎 ......& &实在不行只好放弃了
作者: u571z& & 时间:
ts_qyd 发表于
不可恢复的故障。&&文件或者程序损坏,估计是安装包的问题,或者是你电脑里运行库和驱动的问题。 给你个链 ...
作者: ts_qyd& & 时间:
windows7& &i5-GHz&&8GRAM&&N.GF.GTX 760&&
我刚刚重装游戏哎 ......& &实在不行只好放弃了
我的是 WIN7&&INTER i7-3770K&&3.5GHz八核&&16GRAM&&nGTX660
作者: u571z& & 时间:
ts_qyd 发表于
我的是 WIN7&&INTER i7-3770K&&3.5GHz八核&&16GRAM&&nGTX660
重装系统,不是重装游戏。可能软件不符或不 ...
求助过此任务 555~& &
任务:Action Speak Louder Than Word
我的存档& &[/url]
作者: ts_qyd& & 时间:
求助过此任务 555~& &
作者: wjssdwj& & 时间:
我安装好了怎么进不去游戏啊跳完免启动补丁的画面要载入游戏的时候就跳出&&SecuLauncher: failed to start application. [2000]&&这是什么意思啊
作者: jasonhunt& & 时间:
作者: wjssdwj& & 时间:
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