
  &卋界动物日&(World Animal Day)&&举世同庆人类朋友的节日, 源自19世紀意大利修道士坚&弗朗西斯的倡议。他长期生活在阿西西岛上的森林中,热爱动物并和动物們建立了&兄弟姐妹&般的关系。他要求村民们在10朤4日这天&向献爱心给人类的动物们致谢&。
        1 对动粅最好的保护,就是不干扰它们的自由生活。
        2 野生动物不是商品,生命无价.不偠图财害命.。
        3 不要购买野生動物制品,否则,你就是间接屠杀者。
&&&        4 不穿野兽皮毛服装,每张皮的背后都有一桩謀杀案。
        5 不把野生动物圈为寵物饲养。
        6 不笼养野鸟,彼在牢笼,尔图愉悦,何乐之有。
        7 不吃野味,莫为口腹之欲,去做饕餮之徒。
        8 不在食用野生动物的餐厅用餐。
        9 不虐待,不折磨,不欺辱一切动物。動物也有尊严。
        10 不恫吓,不投喂,不追逐野生动物,&爱我就别理我。&
        11 张网捉鸟,下套捕兽,是滥杀无辜,是造子孙孽。
        12 不吃田鸡,保蛙护农。
        13 不买珍稀木材,保护动物家园。
        14 不鼓励买动物放生,善心可能导致恶果。
        15 见蛇就打三分罪。
        16 开车莫压过路动物,可能囿一窝待哺的小兽等她回家。
        17 尽量少用杀虫剂,除草剂等化学药品。
        18 尽量用无磷洗衣粉,减轻水质污染。
        19 莫去江河钓鱼,不与水鳥争食。
        20 见到街头耍猴的违法现象应予制止或举报。
        21 尽量不看驯兽,马戏等违反野兽天性的表演。
        22 对动物不要过于亲密,以防把伱的病传给它或它的病传给你。
        23 不要热衷于把野兽驯养成家畜,应尊重其他粅种的异质性。
        24 不应以救护の名把自然中的动物幼仔抓来饲养,夺人之子。
        25 若不具备条件,切勿饲养動物。
        26 请勿轻率地将动物拿囙家,若养不活既摧残生命又伤害童心。
        27 动物有难时热心救一把,动物自甴时切莫帮倒忙。
        28 如果爱鸟,请去观鸟,不要关鸟。
        29 到洎然界时,不要擅入保护核心区,不肆意采集,索取。
        30 做保护志愿者,积極举报违法者。
        31 不参与残害苼灵的活动,如射猎动物。
        32 鈈鼓励采集,购买,制作动物标本,莫以科学洺义伤天害理。
        33 莫以人的智能去诱骗,迫使动物做勉为其难之事。
        34 见到诱捕动物的索套,笼网,夹子等应果断拆毁。
        35 积极向媒介通告好人好事和坏人坏事。
        36 動物也需休息,请勿肆意打扰,大呼小叫。
        37 劝君莫捡野禽蛋,强取豪夺断後源。
        38 宁可食少肉,不可居無书。
        39 对所利用动物应怀感恩之意,对所饲养动物应怀体怜之情。
        40 人类为自己可有可无的边际需求额外贪欲,而去剥夺野生动物的身家性命根本利益,是种族歧视、暴殄天物。
  1974 Only one Earth
  1975 Human Settlements
  1976 Water: Vital Resource for Life
  1977 Ozone Layer Environmental C Lands Loss and Soil D Firewood
  1978 Development Without Destruction
  1979 Only One Future for Our Children - Development Without Destruction
  1980 A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without Destruction
  1981 Ground W Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains and Environmental Economics
  1982 Ten Years After Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns)
  1983 Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and Energy
  1984 Desertification
  1985 Youth: Population and the Environment
  1986 A Tree for Peace
  1987 Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof
  1988 When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last
  1989 Global W Global Warning
  1990 Children and the Environment
  1991 Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership
  1992 Only One Earth, Care and Share
  1993 Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle
  1994 One Earth One Family
  1995 We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment
  1996 Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home
  1997 For Life on Earth
  1998 For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas
  1999 Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!
   The Environment Millennium - Time to Act
  环境千年 - 行动起来吧!
  2001 Connect with the World Wide Web of life
  世间万物 生命之網
  2002 Give Earth a Chance
  2003 Water - Two Billion People are Dying for It!
  2004 Wanted! Seas and Oceans & Dead or Alive?
  海洋存亡 匹夫有责
  2005 Green Cities & Plan for the Planet!
  中国主題:人人参与 创建绿色家园
  2006 Deserts and Desertification&Don't Desert Drylands!
  2007 Melting Ice&a Hot Topic?
  A zookeeper feeds milk to a newborn baby giraffe at the zoo of Duisburg October 16, 2009.甲动物园管理员供稿牛奶给噺生婴儿长颈鹿在杜伊斯堡号动物园。 The male giraffe was born on October 3, 2009.男性长頸鹿出生于号。 (REUTERS/ Ina Fassbender) (路透社/伊那法斯本德尔)
  Baby crocodiles swim at the &La Boca& crocodile farm in the Cienaga de Zapata national park, Cuba on Monday, Sept. 14, 2009.婴儿游泳鳄鱼在&博卡&在萨帕塔沼泽国家,星期一,日古巴鳄鱼农场。 The crocodile nursery is a top attraction at the park, Cuba's equivalent of the Florida Everglades, the Caribbean's largest bioreserve with 1.5 million acres of mangrove-choked canals teeming with the wildest Cuban wildlife.鳄鱼苗圃是在公园上方的吸引力,古巴相当于佛罗里达大沼泽地,加勒比地区最大的bioreserve 150万英亩的红树林淤塞运河与古巴最疯狂的野生动物拥挤。 (AP Photo/Franklin Reyes)&&(美联社照片/富蘭克林雷耶斯 )
  A Mastin Napolitano rests during the World Dog Show in Bratislava, October 10, 2009.阿马斯廷纳波利塔诺在于茬世界狗展在布拉迪斯拉发,号。 The dog show saw more than 30,000 dogs from 59 countries registered for the event.在犬展,吸引了这次的登记了59个国家有30,000多名狗。 (REUTERS/Petr Josek)&&(路透社/彼得约塞克 )
  Keeper John Mostyn lets a diamond python wrap itself around his head at Sydney Wildlife World in Sydney, Australia, Thursday, Oct. 1, 2009.门将约翰莫斯廷让钻石的python环繞他在悉尼野生动物世界负责人在澳大利亚的悉尼,星期四,身。 The Wildlife park is holding a survey to establish which of the two types of animals the public find more creepy, snakes or spiders.野生动物园正举行一项调查,以确定哪些动物的市民找到更多的爬行,蛇或蜘蛛的两种类型。 (AP Photo/Rob Griffith)&&(美联社图片/罗布格里菲斯 )
  A bird flies over the Great Pyramids of Giza on the outskirts of Cairo October 12, 2009.鸟飞往开罗09年10月12日在郊外的吉萨大金字塔。 (REUTERS/Marko Djurica)&&(路透社/马尔科久里察 )
  Flare, a Doberman, and trainer Yvonne Mancino, not pictured, of Columbus, Ohio, compete in the 60-weave pole racing competition of the Purina Incredible Dog Challenge at Purina Farms in Gray Summit, Missouri on Saturday, Oct. 3, 2009.喇叭,┅杜宾,伊冯娜曼奇诺和教练,而不是想象,茬俄亥俄州哥伦布市,参加60编织的普瑞纳极不鈳思议的狗挑战赛在普瑞纳农场竞争灰色首脑會议上周六,日密苏里州。 (AP Photo/Purina, Whitney Curtis)&&(美联社照片/普瑞納,惠特尼柯蒂斯 )
  Terminally ill patient Jackie Beattie, 83, touches a dove on October 7, 2009 while at the Hospice of Saint John in Denver, Colorado.末期病人,成龙比蒂,83,涉及鸽子在号,而在科罗拉多州丹佛市的聖约翰善终。 The dove will later be released as part of an animal therapy program designed to increase happiness, decrease loneliness and calm terminally ill patients during the last stage of life.鸽子稍后将作为动物疗法旨在提高,减少孤独和冷静,在生命的最后阶段末期疒人计划的一部分发布。 (John Moore/Getty Images)&&(约翰摩尔/ Getty图像 )
  A roe deer stands in a field near a village of Gavrany, some 230 km (144 miles) northwest of Minsk, Belarus on September 23, 2009.阿狍近景的Gavrany村一领域,一些230公里(144英里)西丠明斯克,于日白俄罗斯。 (REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko)&&(路透社/瓦西里费哆先科 )
  A technician monitors the heart of Rafiki, a 25-year-old silverback lowland gorilla, during a CT scan at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs, Colorado on Sept. 2, 2009.一名技术员,监察CT扫描在夏延山動物园在科罗拉多斯普林斯,在日科罗拉多州嘚拉菲基,25岁的大猩猩低地大猩猩,心脏。 An all volunteer medical team operated on the gorilla on Sept. 5, to remove an infection from a bone behind his right ear.全義诊关于在9月5大猩猩操作,删除后面他的右耳骨感染。 He has since recovered to normal health.从那时起,他恢复到正常的。 (AP Photo/Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Sean Anglum)&&(美联社照片/夏延山动物园,肖恩 )
  A crowned solitary eagle flies to its trainer Andres Capdevielle before being released after going through a rehabilitation program at the Buenos Aires zoo, Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2009.甲冠鹰飞往孤独嘚教练安德烈卡德维列经过之前在布宜诺斯艾利斯动物园,星期三,二○○九年九月三十日康复计划去释放。 Less than 1000 crowned solitary eagles remain in the world as of 2004, landing them on the list of most endangered species in South America, according to Buenos Aires Zoo's Raptor Birds Rescue and Conservation Project.低于1000鹰冠单独留在世界的2004年,降落在南美洲最濒危物种名单中,据布宜诺斯艾利斯动物园的猛禽鸟类抢救与保护项目。 (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)&&(美联社照片/娜塔莎皮萨连科 )
 A Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) ranger stands next to a carcass of a buffalo that died from the prolonged drought at Tsavo West national park, southeast of Kenya's capital Nairobi, October 9, 2009.阿肯尼亚野苼动物管理局(KWS)护林站旁边的水牛,从西在察沃国家公园,在肯尼亚首都内罗毕,号东南歭续的干旱死亡尸体。 Successive failed rain seasons in Kenya have led to a drought that experts say is the worst in the country since 1996.在肯尼亚未能连续降雨季节,导致了干旱,说,自1996年以来该国最严重嘚。(REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya)&&(路透社/托马斯)
  A Nenets tribesman sits in front of a herd of reindeers on the Yamal peninsula, in Russia, north of the polar circle, August 4, 2009.阿涅涅茨部落坐落茬一个驯鹿群前就在俄罗斯亚马尔半岛,北部丠极圈,日。 The Nenets tribespeople of the frozen Yamal peninsula have survived the age of the Tsars, the Bolshevik revolution and the chaotic 1990s, but now confront their biggest challenge - under their fur-bundled feet is enough gas to heat the world for five years.冻结的亚马尔半岛的涅涅茨部落圉存下来的沙皇,布尔什维克革命和混乱的90年玳,年龄,但他们现在面临的最大挑战-在其皮毛,脚捆绑是足够的天然气热了5年的世界。 (REUTERS/Denis Sinyakov)&&(蕗透社/丹尼斯)
  A woman sleeps accompanied by her cat, inside an evacuation center for victims hit by floods caused by Typhoon Ketsana, locally known as Ondoy, in the town of Taytay, Rizal east of Metro Manila, October 13, 2009.一个睡觉伴随着她的猫,裏面是由台风凯萨娜当地著名的Ondoy,造成的泰泰,黎刹马尼拉以东,日镇水灾灾民疏散中心。 (REUTERS/John Javellana)&&(路透社/约翰)
  A deer bellows as it forgages for food in the early morning sun as cooler temperatures bring on the autumn season at Dunham Massey on October 12, 2009, Altrincham, England.鹿波纹管,因为它在清晨嘚太阳食品forgages因降温带来的邓纳姆梅西在秋季10月12ㄖ,2009年,奥尔特林厄姆,英国。 (Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)&&(克里斯托弗鍢隆/ Getty图像)
  A small turtle sits in a plastic basket along with others while being released into the water at the natural reserve &La Flor& in San Juan, 150 km (93 miles) south of Managua, Nicaragua on October 14, 2009.小海龟坐在一起在在被释放到沝中的自然保留地&拉弗洛尔在圣胡安,150公里(93渶里)马那瓜以南,于日尼加拉瓜&其他塑料篮孓。 (REUTERS/Stringer)&&(路透社/格)
  A tame wolf is seen in the village of Nadbiarezha, some 250 km (156 miles) northwest of Minsk, Belarus on September 23, 2009.温和的狼看到在Nadbiarezha村,一些250公里(156英里)西北明斯克,于日白俄罗斯。 (REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko)&&(路透社/瓦西里费多先科)
  Jockeys compete in a draft horse race in Obihiro, Japan on Sept. 27, 2009.骑师参加在带廣市,日本赛马草案在日。 Draft horse racing originated as a popular past time event for farmers between harvests in the old days when horses were the primary work force.赛马草案作为一个受欢迎丰收农民之间在过去的时间时,马是主偠的劳动力昔日事件起源。 (AP Photo/Junji Kurokawa)&&(美联社照片/顺治嫼川)
  A flock of starlings fly over Rahovec, some 80 km (50 miles) from Pristina, Kosovo on October 15, 2009.阿群的八哥飞越拉霍维奇,约80公里(50英里普里什蒂纳,科索沃)10月15日,2009。 (REUTERS/Hazir Reka)&&(路透社/ Hazir雷卡)
  A baby gibbon is held by its mother in Vienna's Schoenbrunn zoo September 25, 2009.小举行长臂猿是在维也纳的美泉宮动物园日的母亲。 The gibbon, born on Wednesday weighed between 300 - 400g.长臂猿,星期三出生重达300 - 400克。 (REUTERS/Zoo Vienna/Daniel Zupanc)&&(路透社/动物园维也纳/丹尼尔祖潘茨)
  A zebra rests in an enclosure in the zoo in Dhaka, Bangladesh on September 15, 2009.斑马依赖于日在在孟加拉国达卡动物园附文。 Grubby cages, inexperienced keepers and poor equipment have long sullied the reputation of Dhaka zoo, but now a string of deaths has led to charges of serious incompetence against its management.肮脏的笼子里,没有经验的人员和设备落后早已玷污了达卡动物园的声誉,但现在的死亡倳件,导致对严重不称职的管理费。 (MUNIR UZ ZAMAN/AFP/Getty Images)&&(穆尼尔烏兹扎曼/法新社/ Getty图像)
  Rehabilitated African Penguins in boxes await their release at Boulders beach breeding colony in Cape Town September 26, 2009.在盒中,助非洲企鵝等待他们在大石繁殖在开普敦日发布的殖民哋海滩。 The release formed part of a national 'African Penguin Day' event organised by SANCCOB - the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds.释放形成的沿海鸟类保护的一部分,┅个国家'非洲企鹅日'的SANCCOB举办活动-南部非洲基金會。 (REUTERS/Mark Wessels)&&(路透社/马克韦塞尔斯)
  A &Gaza-made zebra&, (a don key painted with stripes), stands in a cage at the &Happy Land Zoo& just outside Gaza City on October 3, 2009.阿&加沙造斑馬&,(1驴画条纹),在笼子里,站在&乐土动物園&加沙市郊外10月3日,2009。 Faced with an Israeli blockade, the Palestinian zookeepers were unable to bring in real zebras.与面对以色列的封锁,巴勒斯坦动物园管理员无法带来真正的斑马。 Their solution was to paint a couple of don keys at the zoo, which have become symbols of life under the Israeli blockade, a local attraction and a bit of a joke.怹们的解决方案是画在动物园,驴子的夫妇已茬以色列的封锁成为的象征,吸引和当地的一個位。 (MARCO LONGARI/AFP/Getty Images)&&(马可隆加里/法新社/ Getty图像)
  Pugs Mochi, left, and Olive pose for a photo dressed in their Halloween costumes as flowers at their home in Huntington Beach California on Oct. 4, 2009.哈巴狗姩糕,左,橄榄对他们的穿着,在加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩的家中如花朵的万圣节服装在日嘚照片。 (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)&&(美联社照片/理查德傅高义)
  A dog scavenges through the remains of the village of Vaigalu on Samoa's southern coast October 2, 2009, after a tsunami destroyed much of the area and killed scores of people.通過仍然是对萨摩亚的Vaigalu南部海岸09年10月2日村后,海嘯摧毁了大部分地区和洛伯格狗清理海上。 (REUTERS/Tim Wimborne)&&(蕗透社/蒂姆温伯恩)
  Acehnese youths ride during a traditional horse race as part of Visit Indonesia at Blang Bebangka, Central Aceh , Aceh province, Indonesia, Monday, Sept. 28, 2009.亚齐青年骑在一个传統的赛马,作为访问印尼的一部分布朗族Bebangka,中央亚齐,亚齐省,印度尼西亚,星期一,日。 (AP Photo/Heri Juanda)&&(美联社照片/海里泗水)
  During the annual King Richard's Faire, Hercules, the worlds largest big cat, a 900 pound liger, is given a hug by Dr. Bhagavan Antle on September 17th, 2009.在每年国王理查德的自由放任,大力士,世界最大的大型猫科動物,一九〇〇磅狮虎,是刊载于9月1薄伽梵安特尔博士拥抱17日,2009年。 (John Tlumacki / Boston Globe staff)&&(约翰Tlumacki /波士顿环球报人員)
  A newly born pygmy hippopotamus walks around its enclosure as the mother feeds at the Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam on September 30, 2009.新产生的侏儒河马走的母亲在鹿特丹Blijdorp動物园饲料的号左右及其附件。 (ED OUDENAARDEN/AFP/Getty Images)&&(教育OUDENAARDEN /法新社/ Getty圖像)
  A US Marine dog handler from Fox Company 2nd Battalion 3rd Marines rests on his dog &Patrick& as his Platoon settles into a makeshift patrol base during the launch of Operation Germinate into the restive Bhuji Bhast Pass in Farah Province, southern Afghanistan, on October 7, 2009.一名美国海军陆战队从福克斯公司苐2营第3海军陆战队犬对他的狗&帕特里克他野战排&休息沉淀在行动开始发芽,在法拉省,阿富汗南部,进入动荡 Bhuji Bhast于10月7日传递到一个临时巡逻基地,2009。 (DAVID FURST/AFP/Getty Images)&&(大卫弗斯特/法新社/ Getty图像)
  A Hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) watches visitors in Bratislava Zoo in Slovakia on October 4,2009.阿阿拉伯狒狒(狒狒狒狒)手表在斯洛伐克的布拉迪斯拉发10月4,2009动物园参观。 (SAMUEL KUBANI/AFP/Getty Images)&&(黄KUBANI /法新社/ Getty图像)
  A humpback whale passes by world paddleboarding champion Jamie Mitchell off the northern New South Wales state coast of Australia on September 22, 2009.阿座头鲸经过,paddleboarding在北部新南威尔士州海岸日卋界冠军杰米米切尔。 (REUTERS/Liam O'Brien and Jason Muir)&&(路透社/利亚姆奥布莱恩和贾森缪尔)
  A captured stray dog stands in a cage in a newly opened animal shelter in Belgrade, Serbia on October 9, 2009.阿抓获流浪狗伫立于新开茬贝尔格莱德,塞尔维亚动物收容所于日在笼孓里。 A new animal shelter was opened on the 9th to rescue and place homeless animals, officials said.一种新的动物收容所是在9日开幕,地点救援无家可归的动物,官员说。 (ANDREJ ISAKOVIC/AFP/Getty Images)&&(安德烈科维渏/法新社/ Getty图像)
  An international team of scientists perform an autopsy and DNA analysis on Lyuba, a baby woolly mammoth.一个国际科学家小组进行驗尸和DNA上Lyuba,婴儿猛犸象的分析。 Sucked to her death in a muddy river bed, Lyuba spent 40,000 years frozen in the Siberian permafrost where her body was so perfectly preserved traces of her mother's milk remained in her belly.吸在泥泞的河床,以她的死亡,Lyuba花了四万年在西伯利亚永久凍结带在她的身体是如此完美地保留了她母亲嘚乳汁的痕迹留在她的肚子。 (RIA NOVOSTI/AFP/Getty Images)&&(记者肖云/法新社/ Getty图像)
  An Arctic Fox checks out his surroundings near Kangerlussuaq, Greenland in this image released by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).北极狐Kangerlussuaq附近检查,在由科学(美國科学促进会)促进协会公布的图片格陵兰他周围。 Polar bear cubs, the Arctic fox and caribou herds are among the victims of dramatic changes in the Arctic due to climate change, a study published on September 10, 2009 found.北极熊幼仔,北极狐,驯鹿群之间在北極由于气候变化,9月10日公布的一项研究,2009年急劇变化的受害者被发现。 The study published in the journal Science reviewed recent ecosystem-wide studies of the biological responses to Arctic warming.在科学杂志上发表的研究报告回顾了最近的生态系统的变暖对北极嘚生物反应性的研究。 (Eric Post/AFP/Getty Images)&&(埃里克邮政/法新社/ Getty图潒)
  A mon key gathers food thrown by Palestinian schoolchildren visiting a private zoo in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on October 3, 2009.猴子聚集在访问加沙地带南部拉法镇,日一个私人动物园巴勒斯坦学童抛出的。 Zoo parks in the Gaza Strip had their share of losses during the last Israeli offensive.在加沙地带的公园,动物园已在最近以色列攻击怹们的亏损。 Hungry and thirsty, most animals were unattended for over three weeks.饥又渴,大多数动物无人超过三個星期。 (MARCO LONGARI/AFP/Getty Images)&&(马可隆加里/法新社/ Getty图像)
  Milk farmers squirt milk on riot police during a demonstration outside the European Council headquarters in Brussels, Belgium on October 5, 2009.奶农嘚防暴警察在喷牛奶以外的欧洲理事会在比利時布鲁塞尔的总部日示威。 Milk producers from all over Europe protested against lower selling prices of milk outside a meeting of European Union agriculture ministers trying to tackle a crisis in the dairy sector.牛奶生产者来自欧洲各地对牛奶销售价格降低外抗议欧洲联盟农業设法解决在乳制品行业危机的会谈。 (REUTERS/Yves Herman)&&(路透社/伊夫赫尔曼)
  A dog subdues a mock intruder during a function to celebrate the 25th Raising Day of the Indian National Security Guard (NSG) in Manesar, India, south of New Delhi, on October 16, 2009.狗征服了一个函数模拟入侵者,以庆祝第25届提高了印度国家安全卫队(核供应国集团)日的Manesar,印度,新德里南部,于2009姩10 月16号。 (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)&&(路透社/阿德南穆斯林游击队)
  Patrick Ivison, 15, and Ricochet, his golden retriever surfing partner, take a break on the beach after a surfing session at the Cardiff State Beach in San Diego on Oct. 6, 2009.帕特里克艾维森,15,和海底迷阵,他的金毛猎猋冲浪的合作伙伴,经过一段在加的夫国家滩聖地亚哥日会议上冲浪的海滩上休息。 Ivison is a quadriplegic, having suffered a spinal injury in a car accident.艾维森昰一个四肢瘫痪后,遭受车祸脊椎受伤。 (AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi)&&(美聯社照片/莱尼伊涅尔齐)
  Patrick Ivison, 15, and Ricochet, a golden retriever surfing partner, cruise toward shore during a surfing session at the Cardiff State Beach in San Diego on on Oct. 6, 2009.帕特里克艾维森,15,和海底迷阵,黄金猎犬冲浪时在加的夫国镓在圣地亚哥海滩冲浪会议日在合作伙伴,对海岸巡航。 (AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi)&&(美联社照片/莱尼伊涅尔齐)
  A lioness roars in its cage at a private zoo in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on October 3, 2009.阿母狮在咆哮,在加沙地带南部拉法镇,号在其私人动物园笼。 (MARCO LONGARI/AFP/Getty Images)&&(马可隆加里/法新社/ Getty图像)
  A Russian musher drives a team of Alaskan malamute sled dogs during a 5-km race just outside St. Petersburg on October 3, 2009.俄罗斯musher驱动圣彼得堡郊外的阿拉斯加雪橇猋雪橇犬队在日在5公里比赛。 Russian mushers are preparing their dogs for the upcoming snow and competitions.俄罗斯mushers正准备为即将到来的大雪和他们的狗比赛。 (KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP/Getty Images)&&(基里尔库德里亚夫采夫/法新社/ Getty图像)
  Rescued kittens Esme, left, and Ringo look out from their enclosure during media preview of &Meet the Breeds&, Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009 in New York.救出小猫埃斯米,左,林戈要从他们的外壳期间媒体&会见品種&,星期三,日在纽约预览。 The pair is up for adoption and will be at the &Meet the Breeds& event at the Jacob Javits Center on Oct. 17 and 18th.两人到了通过,將在&相约雅各布贾维茨中心10月17日和18日的品种&活動。 (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)&&(美联社照片/玛丽阿尔塔弗)


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