恶灵骑士掠食者 英语怎么翻译

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例句与用法1.The mite is a tiny creature that feeds on honeybees这种螨虫是一种微小的以蜜蜂为食的动物。 2.Diagnosis method of canine acariasis犬螨虫病综合诊治方法3.Long - legged to feel its way in the darkness , a mite is on the prowl一只螨虫正拖着长腿,在黑暗中四下寻觅。 4.Something else that can reduce wheat production is the wheat curl mite其他可以使小麦减产的就是小麦卷叶螨虫。 5.The majority of mites in the soil layer eat small insects or their eggs土层中的绝大多数螨虫以小昆虫或它们的卵为食。 6.Camphor oil has recently been evaluated for its effectiveness in treating demodicoses that often occur with rosacea樟脑油对常常出现在酒糟鼻中螨虫治疗有效。 7.Clinical study of acne vulgaris of difficult treatment complicationg with infection of pityrosporum or demodex folliculorum难治性寻常型痤疮合并糠秕孢子菌及螨虫感染的临床观察8.Examine your plants now and then , don ' t wait for them to start looking sad . use a magnifying glass to look for mites经常查看一下你的植物,不要等到它们都病入膏肓了才着急。用放大镜来检查是否有螨虫等。 9.After this , approximately a quarter of the hives weakened by disease , mites , or an ageing or dead queen , will have to be replaced这之后大约四分之一的蜂箱被削去因为疾病、螨虫或是年老或死亡的蜂王必须被换掉。 10.Mites have a bewilderingly diverse variety of lifestyles , from parasites to predators , gall - formers to sap - suckers螨虫有着千变万化、令人迷惑的生存方式,从寄生虫到掠食者,从寄居在植物上的虫瘿到吸取树液为生的小虫。 &&更多例句:&&1&&


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