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求类似鬼泣4 黑暗之心这样ARPG的其他pc游戏
DEVIL’S CRYSteel a soul for a second chance 冷酷也许会给灵魂带来新生 But you will never become a man 但是不会让你成为一个真正的男人 My chosen torture makes me stronger 在痛苦中做抉择让我变的更强 In a life that craves the hunger 在饥渴的生活中寻找自由 Until the end the judgment night 直到最后黑夜给出了判决 Bless me with your gift of light 你给予我的光之礼物保佑着我………… Righteous cause on judgment night 在公正起源的审判之夜 Feel the sorrow the light has swallowed 感受着被吞没的光明的哀伤 Feel the freedom like no tomorrow 感受着没有明天的自由(的哀伤) Stepping forth a cure for soul's demise 前进的脚步救赎着受伤的灵魂 Reap the tears of the victim’s cries 收获着受害者哭泣的泪水 Yearning more to hear the suffer (of a)
Of a demon as I put it under 干掉恶魔的同时渴望听到它痛苦的哀号 Killed before, a time to kill them all 在被杀之前干掉他们全部 Passed down the righteous law
传递着公正的法律 Serve a justice that dwells in me 思索着为所谓的正义服务的自己 Lifeless corpse as far as the eye can see 而无生命的尸体空洞的眼神尽其所能的望着这样的我 The eye can see (X5) 他们在看着我 We are falling 我们跌倒沉沦 The light is calling 在光明的召唤下(为什么有的歌词是在黑暗的召唤下……LIGHT or NIGHT...) Tears inside me
Calm me down 我心中的泪水使我沉默 Bless me with the
Leaf off of the tree 保佑像离开大树的的树叶一样的自己 On it I see
The freedom reign 让我可以看到自由的王朝 We are falling 我们跌倒沉沦 The light is calling 在光明的召唤下 Tears inside me
Calm me down 我心中的泪水使我沉默 Midnight calling 午夜的召唤 Mist of resolving 薄雾的决心 Crown me, with the 用清翠的绿叶 Pure green leaf 为我加冕吧 Praise to my father 把赞美留给父亲 Blessed by the water 而我只需要被泪水祝福 Black night, dark sky 漆黑的夜晚,昏暗的天空 The devil’s cry 恶魔在哭泣 (高潮部分有RAP伴唱,以下是RAP部分) Life of vengeance, a passive test 充满复仇的人生是个消极的测验 Until the grave I will rest 在踏进坟墓之前我不会停息 Engage the pressure until it crumbles The existence of the lifeless black souls 在无生命体的黑色灵魂碎裂之前不会停止对它的压榨 Onward to the sacred battlefield 前往庄严的斗技场 Where justification and limits are revealed 那个展现辩论与极限的地方 Tools of steel in rage they conquer 冷酷的走狗在愤怒中取胜 Weed out the killing of victim’s stalker 淘汰的受害者被轻易杀害 The powers proven to end the madness Upon I take it to end the savage 被承认的力量来结束疯狂与野蛮 The rays of light a truth of meaning 明亮的光芒,真实的意义 To my father the blood is pleading 这就是为我父亲的血所做的辩护 A justice rage for all to feel With innocent cries and hatred squeals 所谓正义的愤怒总是伴随着无辜者的哭喊和敌人的尖叫 The gore of evil seems to satisfy 谋杀一个受摧残需要抚慰的灵魂 When slain an maimed and pacified 使得罪恶之血看起来相当满足 My chosen torture makes me stronger 在痛苦中做抉择让我变的更强 In a life that craves the hunger
A Freedom and a quest for life 在饥渴的生活中寻找自由 Until the end the judgment night 直到最后黑夜给出了判决 Watch the footsteps but never follow 望着前人的足迹但是千万不要去追随 If you want to live tomorrow 假如你还想活到明天的话 Steel a soul for a second chance 冷酷也许回给予灵魂新生 But you will never become a man 但是绝对不会让你变成真正的男人
[ti:Shall Never Surrender()] [ar:Jason "Shyboy" Arnold of Hyonogaja] [al:330294] [by:Devil May Cry 4 Special Original Soundtrack] [00:02.78]送给所有铁杆 [00:08.16]希望大家能够在里面创造自己的神话 [00:14.78]虽然会遭遇挫折,但心灵将因此而成长 [00:20.16]即便明天来临,我们也永不放弃 [00:25.03]Devil May Cry 4 : Shall Never Surrender(永不放弃) [00:32.96]The time has come and so have I/那刻来临,该我出场 [00:36.46]I'll laugh last cause you came to die/我将,你们自取灭亡 [00:39.53]The damage done~the pain subsides/伤害逝去,痛苦沉沦 [00:42.16]And I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye/如你眼中清晰的恐惧 [00:46.52]OK! The Devil Boy [00:50.54]Welcome to Hell [00:55.90]A Ha~~~~~~~~~ [00:58.86]I never kneel and I'll never rest/我从不跪祷,如我从不安歇 [01:02.37]You can tear the heart from my chest/于我胸中,你能撕开我的心脏 [01:05.57]I'll make you see what I do best/使你目睹我的完美所为 [01:08.28]I'll succeed as you breathe your very last breathe/我将成功,当你呼吸着最后一次呼吸 [01:10.90] [01:11.68]Now I know how the angel fell (just kneel)/现在我明为何堕落(跪下) [01:14.67]I know the tale and I know it too well (just bow)/我知道那个传说,我了解太多(屈服) [01:17.82]I'll make you wish you had a soul to sell (soul to sell)/我让你祈求出卖自己的灵魂(出卖灵魂) [01:21.06]When I strike you down and send you straight to hell/当我将你打倒直入地狱的那刻! [01:24.24] [01:24.56]My army comes from deep within/我的军队来自幽暗深壑 [01:27.47]Beneath my soul--beneath my skin/在我灵魂之下--寄寓皮肤之下 [01:30.68]As you're ending, I'm about to begin/当你终结,而我将开始 [01:33.18]My strength--His bane--and I will never give in/我的力量,他的毁灭,我永不屈服 [01:37.36]I'll tell you now I'm the one to survive/告诉你,我将是 [01:40.54]You never break my faith or my stride/你无法破坏我的信仰,我的脚步 [01:43.75]I'll have you choke on your own demise/我将阻止你,而你将自取灭亡 [01:47.20]I make the angel scream, and the devil cry/我能令天使恐慌尖叫,让恶魔害怕哭泣 [01:50.22](Prologue) [01:51.85]My honored brethren/姐妹们 [01:55.46]We come together/我们一同而来 [01:59.22]To unite as one/结合成为一体 [02:03.66]Against those that are damned/对抗那些该打进地狱之人 [02:08.66]We show no mercy/我们不会仁慈 [02:12.76]For we have none/对它们我们 [02:16.91]Our enemy shall fall/我们的敌人将倒下 [02:22.40]As we apprise/当我们告知 [02:27.24]To claim our fate/主张我们的命运时 [02:31.21]Now and forever/从现在起,直到永远 [02:35.12]We'll be together/我们永远在一起 [02:38.80]In love and in hate/同爱、同恨 [02:43.32]They will see. We'll fight until eternity/他们将看到,我们战斗直到永远 [02:49.50]Come with me We'll stand and fight together/来和我一起,我们并肩战斗 [02:55.82]Through our strength we'll make a better day/通过我们的力量,创造更好的未来 [03:01.13]Tomorrow we shall never surrender/即便明天来临,我们也永不放弃 [03:09.81] [03:11.21]They will see. We'll fight until eternity/他们将看到,我们战斗直到永远 [03:18.07]Come with me We'll stand and fight together/来和我一起,我们并肩战斗 [03:24.44]Through our strength we'll make a better day/通过我们的力量,创造更好的未来 [03:30.16]Tomorrow we shall never surrender/即便明天来临,我们也永不放弃 [03:39.05] [03:40.79]They will see. We'll fight until eternity/他们将看到,我们战斗直到永远 [03:48.28]Come with me We'll stand and fight together/来和我一起,我们并肩战斗 [03:54.24]Through our strength we'll make a better day/通过我们的力量,创造更好的未来 [03:58.85]Tomorrow we shall never surrender/即便明天来临,我们也永不放弃 [04:06.91] [04:11.02]They will see. We'll fight until eternity/他们将看到,我们战斗直到永远 [04:17.42]Come with me We'll stand and fight together/来和我一起,我们并肩战斗 [04:24.21]Through our strength we'll make a better day/通过我们的力量,创造更好的未来 [04:29.60]Tomorrow we shall never surrender/即便明天来临,我们也永不放弃 [04:38.90] [04:39.62]We shall never surrender/我们永不放弃时间不对,楼主自己整吧
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