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  《2014北京城市地图集BEIJING CITY ATLAS》的地圖覆盖了北京六环路以内的城区及全部郊区县。中心城区使用大比例呎地图,详细地表示了北京道路交通城区街道路网以及政府机关、公園景点、购物中心、医院、学校等与您生活工作息息相关的全方位信息。
新书热卖榜中文洺: 剑桥现代历史地图集(1912)英文名: Cambridge Modern History Atlas, 1912别名: 历史地图收藏版本: 1912发行时间: 1912年哋区: 英国文字语言: 英文简介: The following maps are from "The Cambridge Modern History Atlas" edited by Sir Adolphus William Ward, G.W. Prothero, Sir Stanley Mordaunt Leathes, and E.A. Benians. Cambridge University P London. 1912. Users can access the index to locate place names within the atlas.Title Page, Preface, Contents and IntroductionTitle PagePrefacePreface and Contents VII Contents VIII and IXContents X and XIAddenda and CorrigendaIncluding the index of local names.Europe K) Map 1The Age of Discovery (685K) Map 2The Ottoman Advance in Europe and Asia Minor (784K) Map 3Italy, c. K) Map 4 Inset: Valley of the Po.The Empire showing the Division into Circles (685K) Map 5The Burgundian Lands (457K) Map 6The Iberian Peninsula in the time of Ferdinand and Isabel (457K) Map 7France Under Louis XI (810K) Map 8Universities of Europe (383K) Map 9Dominions of the House of Habsburg in Europe at the Abdication of Charles V. (392K) Map 10Eastern Frontier of France. Wars of France and the Empire, 1521-59. (383K) Map 11Germany at the Accession of Charles V. (834K) Map 12Southern Germany and England. The Peasant Movements of the Sixteenth and early Seventeenth Centuries. (916K) Map 13Germany. The Schmalkaldic War. (503K) Map 14The Swiss Confederation. (466K) Map 15England and Wales under the Tudors (877K) Map 16Scandinavia in the time of Gustavus Vasa (790K) Map 17Western and Central Europe The Progress of the Reformation of K) Map 18France The Religious Wars (767K) Map 19Inset: The Neighbourhood of ParisPoland and Lithuania The Union of Lublin K) Map 20Hungary at the end of the Sixteenth Century (996K) Map 21The Netherlands The Wars of Independence (775K) Map 22Scotland in the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries (899K) Map 23Northeastern Atlantic Elizabethan Naval War (292K) Map 24Savoy in K) Map 25Italy at the end of the Sixteenth Century (674K) Map 26Ireland at the beginning of the Sixteenth Century (787K) Map 27Religious Divisions of Germany c. K) Map 28Germany: The Thirty Years War , Campaigns in Bohemia, the Palatinate, Lower Saxony & Denmark (735K) Map 29The Grisons (Graubunden) and the Valtelline (548K) Map 30Germany: The Edict of Restitution K) Map 31Eastern Baltic and Northern Poland: Wars of Sweden with Poland and Russia
(394K) Map 32Germany: The Thirty Years War 1630-48, The Swedish Campaigns (846K) Map 33England and Wales at the Outbreak of The Civil War (387K) Map 34England and Wales after the Campaigns of K) Map 35England and Wales: The Civil War (1006K) Map 36Ireland
(455K) Map 37Ireland According to the Act of Settlement 26th September and Subsequent Orders (429K) Map 38The Thirty Years War: The French War 1635-48 and the Dutch War with Spain 3K) Map 39Germany: The Peace of Westphalia (517K) Map 40Europe in K) Map 41North Sea and English Channel: The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 17th Century (781K) Map 42Portuguese, Dutch and English in the East c. K) Map 43Eastern Spain and Western Italy: The Franco-Spanish War 7K) Map 44The Netherlands and Western Germany: The Wars of
(875K) Map 45Eastern France: Territorial Acquisitions During the Reign of Louis XIV (415K) Map 46Ireland
(456K) Map 47South Eastern Europe: Wars of Turkey with the Empire, Venice and Poland
(1.01MB) Map 48Northern Italy: Wars of the Eighteenth Century
(449K) Map 49West European Waters: Anglo-French Naval Wars
(742K) Map 50Europe in 1721 after the Treaties of Utrecht & Nystad (980K) Map 51Russia in K) Map 52The Baltic Lands K) Map 53Scandinavia, Russia and Poland: The Northern War, 2K) Map 54Inset: Schleswig-HolsteinBrandenburg Prussia Expansion
(341K) Map 55Scotland and Northern England: Campaigns of the Pretenders (847K) Map 56Central Europe: Wars of Frederick the Great (879K) Map 57Poland: The Partitions (448K) Map 58Prussia: Territorial Expansion
(567K) Map 59Austrian Empire: Exclusive of Italian Posessions and the Austrian Netherlands. Territorial Changes
(394K) Map 60Russia: Territorial Expansion
(791K) Map 61The Empire and the Netherlands c. K) Map 62Europe in K) Map 63India: The Beginnings of the British Dominion (533K) Map 64Africa in the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries (764K) Map 65The Gold and Salve CoastsEuropean Colonisation in North America to K) Map 66French Expansion and British Conquests in North America to K) Map 67Inset: QuebecThe Thirteen Colonies at the End of the Colonial Period (409K) Map 68West Indies in K) Map 69Eastern North America in 1812: The War of Independence and the War of 5K) Map 70Mexico and Texas:
(434K) Map 71Expansion of the United States (560K) Map 72The United States: The Secession (376K) Map 73The Civil War in the United States (855K) Map 74The West Indies and the Philippine Islands: The Spanish American War (367K) Map 75United States: Distribution of Population & Principal Railways in K) Map 76United States: Distribution of Population & Principal Railways in K) Map 77United States Economic Regions (205K) Map 78France before the Revolution (1.02MB) Map 79Paris during the Revolution (555K) Map 80Eastern Frontier of France: Revolutionary Campaigns .02MB) Map 81Britanny and Vendee (468K) Map 82Northern Italy: Bonaparte's Campaign 19K) Map 83Central Europe after the Peace of Basel and of Campo Formio (459K) Map 84Egypt and Syria (284K) Map 85Italy in K) Map 86European Waters: Naval Wars
(674K) Map 87Inset: The French and Flemish CoastSouth West Germany and North Italy: The War of the Second Coalition
(1.09MB) Map 88Central Europe 1803 after the Peace of Luneville 1801 and the Secularisations K) Map 89Switzerland under the Act of Mediation, K) Map 90North Atlantic Naval War 9K) Map 91Central Europe: Wars of the Third Coalition .17MB) Map 92Inset: The Neigborhood of AusterlitzCentral Europe: The Austrian War MB) Map 93Inset: Neighborhood of ViennaFrench Empire and Central Europe 1811 Political Divisions (980KB) Map 94Spain and Portugal: The Peninsular War and other Wars of the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries (1.04MBK) Map 95Central Russia: The War of K) Map 96Germany and Eastern France: The War of Liberation
(1.08MBK) Map 97Insets: The Neighbourhood of Paris and The Neighbourhood of LeipzigNorth Eastern Frontier of France: The Waterloo Campaign (394K) Map 98India in 1804: The Mysore & Maratha Wars
(886K) Map 99The Eastern World: European Colonies and Dependencies K) Map 100The Western World: European Colonies and Dependencies K) Map 101Europe after the Congress of Vienna (880K) Map 102France since K) Map 103Italy since 1815: The Struggle for Unity (893K) Map 104Inset: Stages in the Union of Italy 1859-70Ottoman Empire in Europe
(842K) Map 105Spanish and Portuguese Settlements in America (671K) Map 106Inset: Latin America after the Wars of Independence 1825The Germanic Confederation K) Map 107Russia in Europe in the 19th Century (1004K) Map 108Inset: The Neigbourhood of WarsawThe Netherlands 1815-39, Holland & Belgium since K) Map 109Ottoman Empire in Asia since K) Map 110The Austrian Dominions since K) Map 111Switzerland in the Nineteenth Century: The Sonderbund War (558K) Map 112England and Wales: Parliamentary Representation in 1832 Before the Reform Bill (519K) Map 113England and Wales: Parliamentary Representation in 1832 After the Reform Bill (522K) Map 114The Black Sea: The Crimean War (478K) Map 115Denmark and the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein: The War of K) Map 116Central Europe: The War of K) Map 117Inset: N.E. BohemiaEastern France: The Franco-Prussian War 6K) Map 118Inset: Neighbourhood of MetzOttoman Empire in Europe 0K) Map 119The Balkan Peninsula
(964K) Map 120England and Wales
(932K) Map 121India in the 19th Century British Expansion
(936K) Map 122Northern India: The Mutiny 9K) Map 123The Western Frontier of India and Neighbouring Countries (1.01MB) Map 124Inset: Valley of The Kabul RiverThe Eastern Frontier of India and Neighbouring Countries: French and English Expansion
(409K) Map 125The Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland (1.01MB) Map 126British North America 1840-67 Political Divisions in 1867 before Confederation (469K) Map 127Insets: The Alaska Boundary and The Maine BoundaryThe Austrailian Colonies in the 19th Century (734K) Map 128Inset: Austrailia in 1851: The Early SettlementsThe Dominion of New Zealand (912K) Map 129Africa in K) Map 130Inset: Africa in 1870Northwestern Africa French Colonisation (455K) Map 131Egypt Under British Protection and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (516K) Map 132Inset: Lower EgyptSouth Africa since 1815: Kaffir and Boer Wars (953K) Map 133West Indies and Central America K) Map 134South America K) Map 135Northern Asia: Russian Expansion in the XIXth century (455K) Map 136The Japnese Empire: The Russo-Japanese War, .09K) Map 137The Chinese Empire K) Map 138Inset: The Neighbourhood of PekingThe Pacific Ocean, K) Map 139The World: Colonial Possesions and Commercial Highways, K) Map 140Europe in K) Map 141阿特拉斯 _百度百科
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[1]传说中创建王国的是海神在一个小岛上有位父母双亡的少女波塞冬娶了这位少女并生了五对双胞胎于是波塞冬将整座岛划分为10个区汾别让给10个儿子来统治并以长子为最高统治者 因为这个长子叫做亚特拉斯?τλα?因此称该国为亚特兰蒂斯王国
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