
网易公司版权所有5.1版本各职业单挑能力 图文并茂娱乐点评榜
作者:吧友来源:贴吧发布时间: 15:25:47转帖到个人空间
  TOP11:奶萨 拥有极强的抬血能力,是被迫奶了一万年的专业人士,极度不易单杀,可以和你耗到天荒地老。
  TOP10:武僧 拥有强大的机动性,不俗的伤害,就是缺少反控,身子骨又太脆弱,加上大多数武僧玩家仍在摸索中,作为新职业暂排第十。
  TOP9 盗贼 5.1仍在继续还债中,见光死,嘎嘣脆,感动中国的十大人物。闻者伤心,见者流泪。
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2.黑暗信件?(忘了,应该是在任务” 侵略点:歼灭者”中打怪掉落的信件触发的任务.)  任务过程:将信件交给荣誉堡要塞中的先知克里.然后触发2个后续任务.后续任务1:黑暗之心&&&&&&&& 接受任务:先知克里(荣誉堡要塞) &&&&&& 已杀死恐惧恶魔:& 0/10&&&&&& 位置:阿葛纳尔之池后续任务2:主宰&&&&&&&&&&& 接受任务:军队指挥者达纳斯.托尔贝恩(荣誉堡要塞)&&&&&& 已杀死残忍者阿拉萨尔斯 : 0/1&&& 位置:阿葛纳尔之池  任务过程:这2个触发的后续任务.杀怪点在同一个位置.要顺便一起接.杀掉任务怪就完成(主宰任务好东西奖励.必做).3.不浪费,就不缺乏&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 接受任务:大铁匠戴夫利(荣誉堡外的岗哨)&&&& 可利用的金属 :0/8&&&& 可利用的木头 :0/8&&   任务过程:捡够任务物品完成。后续任务:将剩余的变不需要的&&&&&&&&& 接受任务:大铁匠戴夫利(荣誉堡外的岗哨)  任务过程:摧毁4座炮台。在光荣之路的北面路边就是,摧毁4座任务完成。4.萨斯葛尔必须被烧毁&&&&&&&& 接受任务:空军指挥戴毕瑞(远征军哨塔)&& 道具:炸弹桶?  任务过程:跑萨斯葛尔炸掉4座哨塔任务完成。5.聪明人的工作(某任务触发?)&&&&&&&&&&&&& 接受任务:工头比干莫斯(荣誉堡外的矿洞)&& 已杀死补食中的地壳穿刺者 :0/15&&   任务过程:在矿洞西南方向区域内杀掉指定数量的任务怪完成。&&&&
6.当这个矿坑在震动(某任务触发?)&&&&& 接受任务:工头比干莫斯(荣誉堡外的矿洞)   已杀死甘纳格工人:& 0/12&&& 矿坑位置:荣誉堡外面。接受任务的NPC后面一个矿坑。  任务过程: 进矿洞杀死12支甘纳格工人。后续任务:幕后的黑手&&& 接受任务:工头比干莫斯(荣誉堡外的矿洞)& 已杀死希卡洛:& 0/1&&&&&   任务过程:希卡洛在矿坑最深处.进去杀了任务就完成.7.丢失的公文&&&&&&&&&& 接受任务: 打捕食的地壳穿刺者& 随机掉落“磨损的皮箱”触发就完成任务。  任务过程:触发任务后,将磨损的皮箱交给夏纳废墟北面的NPC―塞伊亚*红发,完成任务。8.一份多年的礼物&&&&&&&&&& 接受任务:神父摩葛*戴维迪克斯(荣誉堡旅馆)  任务过程:在荣誉堡南面,远征队军械库的南面,有一幢残破的小屋,任务道具“光明的奥秘”就在小屋的门口。拾取回荣誉堡旅馆交还任务完成。9.长须兄弟&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 接受任务:旅店老板希德*琳巴迪(荣誉堡旅馆)  任务过程:长须兄弟位于猎鹰哨站南面(参考地图)。&& <FONT color=#.光荣之路&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 接受任务:先知克里(荣誉堡要塞)  净化被践踏的残骸: 0/8&&&&&&&  任务过程:在光荣之路上,仔细看地上的一些骨头。净化8具残骸任务完成。后续任务:特尔哈曼神庙&&&&&&& 接受任务:先知克里(荣誉堡要塞)  任务过程:去特尔哈曼神庙向NPC―智者阿曼交还任务完成。11.如果情况紧急……&&&&& 接受任务者:“惊X”史哥利德.幸运心(飞艇失事点)& 飞艇残骸: 0/30&&&& 残骸位置:地图上标识的黑色圈子.黑色圈外的不知道有没.  任务过程:在地图中黑色圈内拾取飞艇残骸,在座骑上仍可看到齿轮状的可拾取物.后续任务:野放的虚空行者&& 接受任务:“惊X”史哥利德.幸运心(飞艇失事点)&& 浓缩的虚空行者精华:& 0/10&&&   任务过程:在地图黑色点(扭曲原野)附近杀虚空行者.打到10个任务物品就完成.12.围捕劫掠者&&&&&& 接受任务:雷噶西(飞艇失事点)&尚未孵化的掠夺者蛋:& 0/12&&&   任务过程:在最西南方向.开12个蛋就完成任务.后续任务:地狱野猪,另一种白肉&&&& 接受任务:雷噶西(飞艇失事点)&& 任务道具:净化用混和物.净化过的地狱野猪肉: 0/8&&&   任务过程:在地狱火半岛猎杀随处可见的地狱野猪.打野猪得到污染的地狱野猪肉.用道具净化..随机得到”有毒的XXX”和”净化过的XXXX”.得到8个任务物品就完成.后续任务:技术高超&&&&& 接受任务:雷噶西(飞艇失事点)&& 原始的食腐鸟尸体:& 0/12  任务过程:在地狱火半岛猎杀随处可见的鸟.一般在有动物骨头处的鸟居多(他们食腐,所以它们一看到附近有尸体.马上就会冲过来- -!),感觉掉落机率太小..13.地狱火防御堡垒(完成该任务后可重复接)&&&&& 接受任务:士官长崔西.波特威欧(荣誉堡)  任务过程:占领3座堡垒.任务就完成(打开地图,很明显的3处堡垒.东瘟疫的任务做过了吧.那就知道怎么做.要提醒的是.在这3处地方杀不同阵营的玩家.会得到XXX微记).14.寻找希戴&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 接受任务:隐士欧拜德(特尔哈曼神庙)  任务过程:希望就在路边山脚下(不过死了T。T)找到希戴完成任务。后续任务:玛酷鲁的复仇&&&&&& 接受任务:玛酷鲁(特尔哈曼神庙)&&&&& 玛格哈先祖珠串 : 0/10  任务过程:在玛格哈营地杀任何玛格哈XX怪。会掉落任务物品“玛格哈先祖珠串”10个完成任务。后续任务:赎罪&&&&&&&&&&& 接受任务:隐士欧拜德(特尔哈曼神庙)  任务过程:直接进特尔哈曼神庙的旅馆中。找智者阿曼交还掉任务。后续任务:夏纳圣物&&&&&&&&&&& 接受任务:智者阿曼(特尔哈曼神庙)&&& 夏纳圣物 :0/10&&&&   任务过程:在夏纳废墟捡取地上的夏纳圣物10个.完成任务.后续任务: 先知的圣物&&&&&&&& 接受任务:智者阿曼(特尔哈曼神庙)&&&& 道具:先知的圣物  任务过程:在希戴的尸体附近.幻象一出现.对着”复仇者希戴”使用任务道具.任务完成.后续任务:先知的圣物&&&&&&&&&& 接受任务:智者阿曼(特尔哈曼神庙)& 道具:先知的圣物  任务过程:在希戴尸体前等幻象出现,使用一下任务道具完成任务。
|& |&|& | &|
07:52:46 ]
  总体来说就是介绍了珠宝加工的一些基本情况,对珠宝加工的技能说明及应用,冲技能的情况,原料来源以及前景进行了介绍。  Thanks Pern for guide.   "Let me start by saying that I love the profession of Jewelcrafting, I've got 375 skill in it myself and I'm super excited about the future. I've collected some of the common questions people have come to me with, as well as some obvious FAQ-style questions to make a makeshift guide for Jewelcrafting. I would like to add to this guide as well as do more Jewelcrafting research, but I need your help! I'm compiling a list of all the Jewelcrafting recipes, the materials required, the items produced, and where to find everything. If you find a recipe, please post it here so I can add it, same for rare gems."   大致就是玩家(Pern)已经把珠宝加工从0冲到了375并收集了很多的图样,现在对于一些常见问题的回答。  Where do I start?   Apprentice through Artisan Jewelcrafting may ONLY be trained in Silvermoon City (Horde) and The Exodar (Alliance). This is of course subject to change, but at the moment plan on a trip to those cities. Master Jewelcrafting may be trained at Thrallmar (Horde) and Honor Hold (Alliance) in Hellfire Peninsula.   珠宝加工专业从哪里开始?  学徒级到工匠级的珠宝加工只能在银月城(部落)或EXodar(联盟德莱尼主城)学到。这当然会进行更改,现在只是为了使玩家到这些城里来。大师级的珠宝加工在地狱火半岛的Thrallmar(部落)或Honor Hold(联盟)学习。  What do you need for Jewelcrafting?   Primarily, ore and gems. There are a few that use alchemy mats, a few that use enchanting mats, and a few that use assorted mob drops, but nothing in such quantity that it would merit taking a second profession other than mining.   珠宝加工需要什么?  基础是矿石和宝石,有一些需要用到炼金产品,附魔产品或者是一些掉落的物品。但是没有比第二技能是采矿对自己帮助更大。  Where can I use Jewelcrafting?   Anywhere, there are no fixed resources required (like a Forge or Moonwell). Most Jewelcrafting items require a Jeweler's Kit to produce, this is a trade item you can buy from nearly any Trade Goods vendor for 8s.   我在哪里可以进行珠宝加工?  任何地方,没有什么固定需要的地点(象是熔炉或者月井)。大多数的珠宝加工物品需要珠宝加工工具来制造,这是个你可以在几乎所有的商业物品商那里以8个银币买到的商业物品。  What can I make with Jewelcrafting?   As the flavor text specifies, you will learn how to cut precious gems and craft jewelry. Specifically, Jewelcrafting allows you to make rings, necklaces, trinkets, a few crowns, and socketable gems. This is a very unique profession in that it produces two types of gains, new gear for accessory slots and augmentation of existing gear. It's a hybrid between a production profession like tailoring and the service profession of enchanting.   通过珠宝加工我能得到什么?  你将学会怎样切割宝石和镶嵌珠宝。重要的是,珠宝加工可以制造戒指,项链,饰品,少量皇冠和用于镶嵌的宝石。这是一个非常特殊的专业,它可以提供两部分价值:制造一些装饰品部位的物品和提升已经得到的物品。它是制造业比如裁缝和服务业比如附魔的混合体。  How good are these accessories?   The obvious shining point of Jewelcrafting accessories is that accessories are traditionally rare to characters below level 30, so being able to create accessories customized for characters leveling up is wonderful. Past level 30, the Jewelcrafting gear is vastly outpaced by dungeon loot. Past 30, Jewelcrafting items seem to be at roughly a "quest reward" level, and as of yet there are no "ringers" that would warrant taking off dungeon loot for. I imagine this may be addressed at launch via rare designs and just more designs in general. Endgame Jewelcrafting is not about accessories though, it's all about the gems!  那些装饰品部位的物品的品质如何?  珠宝加工的闪光点是,很少有戒指,项链,饰品等装饰品适合低于30级的人物,所以随着人物等级的提升得到相应等级的装饰品是非常棒的。超过30级后珠宝加工的装饰品被副本战利品远远的超过,还没有发现那些可以超越副本战利品的东西。我猜想稀有设计图的出现将会改变这一局面。珠宝加工远远不止这些装饰品的制造,它最重要的是围绕着"宝石"的。  Which classes benefit most from Jewelcrafting?   Since accessories can be used by anyone, and there are gem cuts to augment virtually every stat, all classes benefit most from Jewelcrafting. There are necklaces with high attack power, rings with armor and defense, trinkets with mana regeneration, socketed gems with crit rating. This really is a unique profession in that it doesn't seem biased toward any class or role.   那个职业最适合学习珠宝加工?  因为装饰品可以被任何人使用,而且宝石切割几乎可以得到增加各种各样属性的珠宝,所有的职业都适合于学习珠宝加工。有高AP的项链,加装甲和防御的戒指,回魔的饰品,暴率的可镶嵌宝石。这是一个不偏重于任何一个职业或者种族的独特的专业。  Which professions work well with Jewelcrafting?   I would strongly recommend picking up Mining if you plan on Jewelcrafting. The reason is threefold. First, it's cheaper. :) Second, your materials may be in short supply due to the greater demand and lesser portability of ore versus bars, and you can't do much with bars (I imagine the ore market will boost when the expansion is released, but overall the demand for bars comes from many sources, the demand for ore is exclusively on Jewelcrafting). Third, by mining you will find gems naturally on the nodes while mining in ADDITION to the gems you will get when you Prospect all of that ore, not to mention stones for statues.   那个专业对珠宝加工帮助最大?  如果你打算学习珠宝加工,我强烈建议你学习采矿来配合它。原因有3个。第一点,非常的便宜。第二点,你有可能因为需求极大而材料(矿石VS矿锭)携带不方便而材料短缺,你很少利用矿锭(我猜想资料片发布的时候矿的市场将极度上扬,毕竟矿锭的有多个来源,而珠宝加工极度依赖矿石而不是矿锭)。第三点,你可以通过采矿找到与矿石共生的自然宝石,还可以通过勘探技能得到宝石,还有制造雕像需要的石头。  If not mining, I might recommend Enchanting, as nearly everything you can produce as a Jewelcrafter is of at least Uncommon rarity, and in many cases isn't worth selling on the Auction House due to oversaturation. Since very little of it is Soulbound however, there's not much difference if you simply stick Enchanting on an alt.   如果除去采矿,我将推荐你学习附魔,因为几乎你制造的所有的东西最少是绿色的物品,在大多数情况下因为饱和而不值得拍卖。因为这些物品极少数是拾取绑定的,因此与一个附魔师合作也没有多大区别。  What should I skill up on?   There are two major standbys for leveling Jewelcrafting, Stone Statues and Trade Goods.   Those practically worthless stones that drop from mining nodes are converted into Stone Statues for a cheap Renew (10 hp/s for 15s at the Rough level up to 50 hp/s for 15s at the Dense level) and cheap Jewelcrafting levels.   Trade Goods are mats required for some of your Jewelcrafting recipes that are made from base metals, very similar to the clothcrafting or engineering schema in that at the "Copper" level you use the "Delicate Copper Wire" trade good in almost everything you do, and it uses 2 Copper Bars. So this is an item you can make for cheap skill that you will use to gain more skill, and is one of the only times in Jewelcrafting that Bars will be more important than Ore. :)   我将如何提升珠宝加工技能?  有两部分来提升珠宝加工技能。制作雕像或者商业物品。那些在采矿中得到的实际上没有什么价值的石头将被转化为雕像(从低级的15s内回复10hp/s到高级的15s内回复50hp/s)来提升低等级的珠宝加工。  商业物品是珠宝加工图样中需要的一些共矿锭中得到的产品,很像裁缝或工程师们在低级别是需要用"Delicate Copper Wire"(2个铜锭制作) 来制作几乎所有的东西。(这段不是很明白,似乎是资料片中的一些改动)这是你可以用来提升低等级珠宝技能的物品,这也是珠宝加工技能中唯一矿锭需求大于矿石的时候。  What should I stockpile now to level Jewelcrafting?   As far as rare items at higher levels, you're pretty much on your own because the recipes could change at a moment's notice, but think about elemental essences and the like.   我现在需要囤积什么来提升珠宝加工技能?  因为需要的稀有物品都是高等级的,而且物品图样有可能会改变,你无需特意囤积什么。如果一定要的话可以囤积些元素精华什么的。  How high can I get with materials from Azeroth?   310, this is pretty much the same for all other professions as far as I've seen.  我能将珠宝加工提升到什么等价用从艾泽拉斯大陆得到的材料?  从我得到的资料来看与其它的专业一样,310是极限了。   What is Prospecting?   Prospecting is a skill that can be trained at level 20 Jewelcrafting from any Jewelcrafting vendor. It grants the Prospecting ability in your ability book. In game text:   Prospecting   2 sec cast   Search 5 ore of a base metal for precious gems. This will destroy the ore in the process. &  The function is incredibly similar to Disenchant, it kills the ore but has a chance at returning materials used in your profession. In this case, gems.   勘探技能是什么?  勘探是在珠宝技能20的时候从珠宝加工商那里学到的技能。它会加入到你的技能书里:  勘探  2s释放  搜寻5个基础矿石得到宝石。将会摧毁矿石本身。  与拆魔非常的相似,摧毁矿石但是有机会得到专业能够用的材料--宝石  What gems can be found with Prospecting?   From all testing so far, you can get any gem that is naturally found on the node of that ore type (eg Shadowgem from Copper, Citrine from Mithril, Azeorthian Diamond from Thorium, Flame Spessarite from Fel Iron)   用勘探可以得到什么宝石?  从目前测试情况看,你可以得到在采矿中得到的所有宝石(如 从铜矿中得到暗影宝石,秘银矿中得到黄水晶,瑟银矿中得到艾泽拉斯钻石,Fel Iron中得到Flame Spessarite)  Are there any restrictions to Prospecting   Two actually. First of all, as the description states you can only search ore of a base metal. This excludes noble metals such as Silver, Gold, Truesilver, Eternium, and Khorium (any ore with "green" rarity). Second, you must have Jewelcrafting skill roughly equivalent to the mining skill required to mine that ore (eg 175 for Mithril, 300 for Fel Iron, 350 for Adamantite)   勘探有什么局限性么?  实际上有2个。第一,你只能在基础矿石中勘探,因此贵重金属如银矿石,金矿石,真银矿石,Eternium,Khorium(那些绿色的矿石)不在其中。第二,你的珠宝技能要相当于这些矿石的采集技能(如秘银需要175,Fel Iron需要300,Adamantite需要350)  I have a ton of gems, now what?   Below 300 Jewelcrafting skill, gems are only used as part of jewelry creations, and although you will need a lot of gems to skill up, they don't really take value until past 300.   Past 300, the Outland-exclusive gems can be "cut" into gems that can be added to socketable equipment.   我有大量的宝石了,接下来?  在珠宝技能低于300时,宝石只能用于制作珠宝,虽然你需要大量的宝石来冲技能,但是它们只有技能达到300之后才能真正实现它们的价值。  技能超过300之后,外域出产的宝石可以用来切割成能够用于镶嵌的宝石。  Aren't socketable gems just portable enchants?   Gems are "portable" in the sense that a Jewelcrafter can cut a gem and sell it on the Auction House, but they have restrictions too. Gems can't be added to gear that does not have pre-existing sockets, enchants can be.   可镶嵌的宝石不就是可方便携带的附魔么?  宝石是可方便携带的因为珠宝加工师们可以切割并拍卖它们,但是它们也有局限性。宝石不能镶嵌在没有预先打孔的装备上,但是附魔可以。  Can I stand in Orgrimmar all day cutting gems for people to make money?   While it is true that gems are significantly easier to acquire than enchanting materials, there is a cooldown imposed on gem cutting. From all testing so far, this cooldown appears to be 10 minutes for Uncommon gems and 60 minutes for Rare gems. I can easily see Jewelcrafters selling the ability to cut a gem though for this very reason, since your time is a premium and the recipes are rare.   我可以整天待在奥格瑞玛切割宝石并卖给其他人么?  相对于附魔材料来说宝石可以比较方便的得到,但是宝石切割是有冷却的。从目前测试来看,对于绿色宝石冷却时间10分钟,蓝色宝石冷却长达1小时。因为时间宝贵而且图样很稀有,珠宝加工商切割宝石并卖出是理所当然的。&  How do I cut gems?   Gem cutting requires a gem, a recipe for the specific "cut" of gem you're aiming for, and a Simple Grinder, which is just a trade item found on nearly any trade goods vendor for 2g50s.  我怎样才能切割宝石?  宝石切割需要一个宝石,一个可以"特定切割"这种宝石的图样,一个可以从几乎任何商业物品商那里用2g50  s买到的打磨刀。   What does specific cut mean?   As mentioned in the Jewelcrafting preview, there is more than one way to cut each type of gem. For example, a Golden Draenite can be cut Brilliant (+6 Intellect), Gleaming (+6 Spell Critical Rating), Thick (+6 Defense Rating), Rigit (+6 Hit Rating), or Smooth (+6 Critical Strike Rating), and these are just the ones we know of so far. Every cut requires a different recipe, so you can imagine already how many potential recipes there are!   特定切割是什么意思?  在珠宝加工预览中提到,同一种宝石有不同的切割方式。如,一个Golden Draenite可以切割成灿烂的(+6智力),闪烁的(+6法爆率),厚重的(+6防御率),rigit(+6命中率)或者平滑的(+6爆率),这些仅仅是目前我们所知道的。每种切割方法都需要不同的图样,你可以想象下我们有多少可能的图样在。  Where do I find these recipes?   In the alpha, a small selection of gem cutting recipes have been placed on the Master Jewelcrafters in Thrallmar and Honor Hold. In the release, these recipes are designed to be world drops. I imagine some of them will be vendor-bought, but the vast majority of gem cuts will be found in the world. Additionally, there are some blue gem recipes that have so far been found only in Nagrand.  我们怎样得到这些图样?  在内测中,少量的切割图样在Thrallmar 和 Honor Hold的珠宝大师那里可以买到。在这次CB中,这些图样变成世界掉落了。我想其中的一些可能能够买到,但是绝大多数的切割图样将在世界的各个地方找到。另外,有些蓝色品质的宝石图样现在仅能在 Nagrand找到过。  Blue gems?   There are six "uncommon" (green rarity) Outland gems: Blood Garnet, Flame Spessarite, Deep Peridot, Golden Draenite, Shadow Draenite, and Azure Moonstone. They come with relatively similar and common drop rates from Fel Iron, Adamantite, and Khorium nodes, as well as Fel Iron and Adamantite prospecting. In addition to this, there are super rare blue (blue rarity) gems that are found the same way with an exceedingly lower drop rate, these gems tend to produce fabulous effects when cut.  蓝色品质的宝石?  有6种绿色品质的外域宝石:Blood Garnet, Flame Spessarite, Deep Peridot, Golden Draenite, Shadow Draenite, and Azure Moonstone. 它们通常能够以普通的几率在着Fel Iron, Adamantite, and Khorium矿石找到,或者通过勘探Fel Iron and Adamantite矿石得到。在此之外,有更加稀有的(蓝色品质的)宝石可以通过同样的方法以极低的几率得到,这些宝石通过切割将会得到惊人的效果。  What kind of effects?   From the limited number of rare recipes I have so far, the stat gain from rare gems is a very marginal increase over their uncommon equivalents. For example, the Brilliant Golden Draenite gives +6 Intellect, but the extraordinarily rare Brilliant Dawnstone, with an even more rare recipe drop, gives +8 Intellect.   什么样的效果?  通过目前我得到的很少的图样,通过蓝色品质的宝石得到的属性要比同类的绿色品质的宝石得到很大的提升。比如,Brilliant Golden Draenite提供+6智力,而同等蓝色品质的宝石切割后提供+8智力。  Are rare gems really worth it then?   Absolutely! For the extra day of stripmining it takes you to find a Dawnstone, you can have 100 days of playtime with a piece of Tier 7 armor that has 2 more intellect than everyone else's. Understand that as a line item, the increase is not that significant, but when you consider that it is a bonus above and beyond everything else you have, getting the best gems you can for your gear will be crucial.   蓝色品质的宝石真的值么?  毋庸置疑!利用额外的一天来寻找一块Dawnstone,你可以抵得上用100天的游戏时间来得到比其他的衣服多2个智力的T7套的物品。当然增长可能没有那么重要,但是如果你发现某属性是你迫切需要的,得到最好的宝石将是至关重要的。  What is the best gem you've seen so far?   Brutal Earthstorm Diamond   +3 Melee Damage & Chance to Stun Target   Requires at least 5 Red gems and at least 5 Yellow gems and at least 5 Blue gems   "Only fits in a meta gem slot."   你看到的最好的宝石是什么?  Brutal Earthstorm Diamond  +3近战伤害 命中时有几率击晕目标......  最少抵得上5个红珠宝,5个黄珠宝和5个蓝珠宝  "仅能在meta珠宝孔中镶嵌"  What does the 5 Red, Yellow, and Blue gems thing mean?   Good question.   5个红珠宝,5个黄珠宝和5个蓝珠宝意味着什么?  这是个好问题。  Gem Cuts known so far:   目前有的宝石切割工艺  Cut Color Effect1 Effect2   Lustrous Blue Mana/5   Solid Blue +耐力   Sparkling Blue +精神   Stormy Blue +魔法穿刺   Dazzling Green +智力 Mana/5   Enduring Green +耐力 +防御率   Jagged Green +耐力 +爆击率   Radiant Green +魔法穿刺 +法爆率   Brutal Meta 近程攻击有机率击晕敌人   Destructive Meta +法爆率 +魔法反射   Glinting Orange +敏捷 +命中率   Inscribed Orange +力量 +爆击率   Luminous Orange +智力 +治疗效果   Potent Orange +法爆率 +法术伤害   Glowing Purple +耐力 +法术伤害   Royal Purple Mana/5 +治疗效果   Shifting Purple +敏捷 +耐力   Sovereign Purple +力量 +耐力   Bold Red +力量   Delicate Red +敏捷
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