模拟人生3mod宠物 怎样将宠物狗设计成宣传片里那样多样化 如骷髅 熊猫 老虎

& 食谱里的宠物食物做好了怎么给宠物吃啊? ...
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UID449654主题阅读权限150帖子精华0积分88097金钱32775 荣誉714 人气11290 在线时间65535 小时评议29
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UID3763164主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分102金钱3355 荣誉0 人气2 在线时间2119 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 102, 距离下一级还需 98 积分
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推荐理由:人设、音乐很不错,就是故事节奏有点慢 速度很快,满意>
推荐理由:发货速度快,惊喜!但是如果游戏光盘 能跟得上版本更新速度就更好了。。。。。>
结果连盒子一起寄过来... 幅面是我收过画册里最大的一本了,对于我这种对游戏内服装和道具没啥兴趣的轻度休闲玩家来说,拆分版是最好的选择。>
推荐理由:游戏么还没玩,最近买了好多游戏,都来不及玩了。。以后有空再玩了。。挺喜欢送的那个开瓶器的。头一个看到一把剑,满心欢喜了。结果后来看居然有送开瓶器的到处找没找到,原来那把剑的造型就是开瓶器,不错蛮喜欢的,喝锐澳的时候开了,用的不错哦,很棒 发货很快,到货也很快。周五付款周日就到了。>
推荐理由:暂无评论,首评有礼>查看: 2216|回复: 6
【模拟人生3 宠物】制作人的采访【已翻译】猫猫狗狗一次可以生一窝~宠物有自己的鬼魂~
游民牧师, 积分 813, 距离下一级还需 1187 积分
金钱1844 ¥
魅力358 点
在线时间109 小时
本帖最后由 向日葵のLOVE 于
12:56 编辑
Note that some features are platform-exclusive, so please read carefully which features belong to which platform – I’ve tried to make this as clear as possible.
Heather: Can you tell me a bit about yourselves and your roles on the Sims team?
JoAnna Lio: I’m JoAnna, and I’m the director of the Pets project (on console)
Ryan Vaughan: I’m Ryan and I’m the producer on all the dogs in the PC game
Kelly Mondragon: I’m Kelly and I’m the producer on the 3DS game
H: Pets have been one of the top requested features from the community, so how do you hope that the expansion pack and the console games will meet the fans’ expectations?
R: I think one of the really cool things we’re offering on Pets with The Sims 3 is the ability to actually control the pets, and this is for the 3DS, the console, and the PC. Unlike The Sims 2, where you were just able to interact with your Pets, with The Sims 3 Pets it’s all about becoming the pet. You get to be a cat or a dog, or with the PC version, a horse, and you get to live life, and play with life as one of these animals. So you’re actually playing the game in a whole new way – you’re not thinking about your career or making money, you’re thinking about going out and hunting a mouse, or digging up your owner’s front yard. So we’ve not just added pets, we’ve added a whole new way to play the game.
H: The development team is very involved with the community – on forums, Twitter, and so forth – can you think of any examples of the ways you’ve incorporated fan feedback into The Sims 3 Pets?
The new Feral Possession Karma Power for the console version of the game
J: Yeah, for console, people really like our Karma Powers, so we’ve expanded those to include a whole load of new Karma Powers. One of the ones we’ve included is called Transmogrify. With it you can transform any Sim, cat, or dog into a different species. So if you have a cat who’s a genius, you could convert them into a Sim that’s a bookworm. There’s a whole mapping of traits, so that’s really fun.
H: With regards to the 3DS… how to you take a game that’s so big and so complex and turn it into a game that’s portable that you can carry around with you?
K: It’s challenging! We had a really nice base game to build on, so while we don’t have as big or as robust a feature set as the PC or the console, we’ve tried use the 3DS hardware to our advantage. So obviously there’s the 3D technology, which is great – to be able to see your Sims in real 3D. Then we’ve tried to use other aspects of the 3DS hardware in creative ways, so with Streetpass you can create your pet on your 3DS, and trade it with anyone you walk past who has the game on their 3DS.
We’ve also used the PlayCoins from the 3DS, so you put your 3DS in your pocket and walk around to earn your PlayCoins… and then what we’ve done is you can take those PlayCoins into the game and you can use them on Karma Powers and various things in the game, so we did have a lot of fun with the 3DS hardware.
H: Do any of you have pets of your own at all?
R: I have a black pit bull named Bella, and she’s my puppy-dog! She’s definitely been a big influence when we started getting into production in the game – seeing how dogs interact with people, and seeing some of the funny things that they do.
J: I’ve got a short-haired cat named Pearl … he’s very friendly! *
K: I have a dog… I’ve had several Dachshunds in my life, they’re the best dogs ever! *
H: Do you sometimes play the game and see your own pets’ behaviour in the game?
J: Yeah definitely. My cat for example really likes to sleep in a bunch of different places, sometimes he gets up on the counter when he’s not really supposed to, and so in the game the cats can get up on the counters, and they can sleep on tables and beds and sofas.
H: Create-A-Pet seems to be a lot more versatile than we’ve ever seen before, so what’s the strangest pet you’ve made with Create-A-Pet?
R: There’s lots of really deep stuff we could get into, if you’ve seen any of the other demos of Create-A-Pet, then you will have seen there’s this whole layer system where you can add spots, and reshape them and change the colours, so you could make tie-dye polka-dot zebra-striped horses, and dogs that have a Great Dane’s face and a little Dachshund body. We’re going to be releasing The Sims 3 Create-A-Pet demo on Thursday, that’s coming out the same day we’re having our live Town Hall event. So you’ll actually be able to upload your pets to The Sims 3 Exchange, and they’ll be available once you get the game. We’re so excited to get this feature out to you guys and see what you guys make, I’m sure there’s going to be some pretty crazy stuff that comes out of it.
H: On the console version, is the Create-A-Pet as versatile as it is on the PC?
J: Pretty much, in fact you’ll be able to see a lot of that on Thursday when we do the demo. You can layer the different patterns and you can change the colour and the opacity. I really like making dalmatians that have different coloured spots, so like, bright green, bright pink, bright blue – it’s a lot of fun. And you can also modify the physical features of well.
H: And how about on the 3DS? Does any of this make it onto the very compact version of the game?
K: Yeah, we have most of what the others have talked about. One other thing we have on the 3DS that’s unique is we have different categories of accessories that you can accessorise your pet with. So we got really crazy with this and we have little jetpacks, and little monkey outfits and cowboy outfits that you can put on your pets, and we have loads of hats – lots of fun things you can accessorise your pet with.
H: We saw at GamesCom that your pet’s personality can change if you encourage or discourage certain behaviour. But how does the more basic training work? Say you wanted to toilet train your pet, or teach your pet not to climb on furniture, how would you do that?
R: It works a lot in the same way – you’ll have the option to re-enforce lots of pets’ behaviour. So if your cat is going round tearing all the furniture up and you re-enforced that, then you’d end up with a pretty destructive pet. A lot if it has to do with their interactions and what they’re doing… if you encourage and support these interactions, they’re going to do it more, if you discourage them they’ll do it less. So you can really train your pet into the traits you want to have.
K: On the 3DS version we also have lifetime happiness rewards that you can purchase for your pet that will stop them from scratching the wrong things or peeing in the wrong areas.
H: How long will the pet pregnancy be?
R: It kinda depends, it’s never a set amount of time. It’s usually a day or two. But it all really depends on the pets themselves, and how many puppies or kittens or foals they’re having.
H: And how many can they have?
R: They can have quite a few – cats and dogs always have a different size litter. Horses will always have just one foal at a time. But for cats and dogs, it could be one, or it could be three or four.
H: Can pets see and interact with the ghosts of Sims?
R: Yes they can. They have their own ghosts, so you’ll have cat, dog, and horse ghosts that hang around as well.
J: On console, if your cat has high enough hunting skill, they can actually help you capture ghosts, which is a very cool thing to do. There are lots of hauntings that go on at night in the town, so you can go around and capture ghosts and spirits.
H: Are there any new ways to earn money with your pets?
R: Yes there are, there’s quite a few different ways. One of the biggest ways is with the new skills. Cats and dogs will develop the hunting skill. Dogs will go out into the world and dig holes and search for different kinds of buried objects. So they might dig up some really expensive, really valuable gems and rocks for you… I think it’s the same on the console.
J: Yeah, you can do a lot of the same things. And then something that’s specific to the console is they’ll dig up relics, associated with one of the mysteries that they can do. So those will appear in the museum in one of the parts of town and you can also show them off at your house.
R: You can sell all these things for a profit, which is really cool. For the PC, another way to make money is at the new equestrian centre. So you have to build up your riding skill for your Sim, and either your racing or jumping skill for your horse. Depending on how good you are, you’ll have a better chance of winning competitions at the equestrian centre – the better you are the more money you’ll make.
K: One other cool thing worth mentioning is you can teach your pet a series of tricks, and then take your pet out in public and put on a trick show for tips.
H: Pets can be quite sensitive to their owner’s mood. For example, if I’m upset my dog might come up to me and put his head on my knee to try and comfort me, might we see our Sims’ pets try to cheer up their owners if they’re down?
J: They do so by being playful – and they give really adorable hugs. You can smooch the cat or dog, you can give them hugs it’s really cute.
R: It really has a lot to do with the relationships that they have the Sims, a Sim might come up and kinda put their hand up to have them sniff their hand, and if they have a bad relationship, the dog might back up and start growling at them. Alternatively if they have a really good relationship, the Sim might kneel down and the dog might hop up on their shoulders and give them a hug. So how they’ll interact has a lot to do with their relationship.
H: Another thing my dog does, is he suddenly becomes your best friend whenever you have food, and he hangs around the dinner table when we eat. Will dogs in the game behave like that?
R: They’ll definitely beg for treats all the time! If they have the piggy trait they’ll beg more often and they’ll kind of be sloppy eaters.
K: … and dogs in the game aren’t above snacking from the trash can, just like in real life!
J: Yeah, they’ll actually eat the trash, and roll around in the trash.
H: Will pets choose a favourite bed that they prefer to sleep in?
J: Yeah, there are a number of pet beds that you can have in your house, and they’ll have preferences much like the Sims do.
H: And what about horses? Do they prefer to sleep in the stables than in the garden – we’ve seen them sleeping just in the garden from some demos.
R: Yeah, they will have these – we’re calling them box stalls – and that’s a really good place for horses to go to sleep, or they can go in there and eat. And then your Sims can go in there and clean up the stable, and as they do that they can collect fertiliser for their garden – they’ll grow better quality fruits and vegetables in their garden if they use the fertiliser out of the box stall.
H: Is there any way to restrict the movements of the wild horses in the game – if you didn’t want them in your town centre and you wanted to restrict them to more rural parts of the neighbourhood, is there any way to restrict those movements at all?
R: You can certainly restrict them on your lot. There’s a new gnome that you can put on your lot and it’ll make sure that all the wild animals stay away from it. It’s a secret gnome but you can place it on your lot, and it’ll spook off racoons and deers and wild horses and stuff like that, so you have control of who’s coming on your lot and who’s not.
H: And finally, what are your favourite things about the expansion pack?
R: My favourite things are definitely the ability to control pets. It really turns the game into something new for players. It’s a new way to play, it’s a new way to experience life. It has a whole new set of experiences – moments of joy and sadness that go along with living life as a pet.
J: I think on console, it’s a close call between the mysteries that you can take your pets on or that you can do independent of your pets. There’s a lot of fun storylines where you can get to know the people around your town, and discover some really cool things. Then there’s also Kinect, which is a really cool way to play the game which we’ve never done before.
K: On 3DS, aside from the features I already talked about, I completely agree with Ryan. Now that the pets are full Sims and they have skills and traits, you can actually play them as you would a Sim, and it is something that’s totally new to the series.
简单翻一下好了。。- -~
好多好多啊 如果你看到过制造宠物工具的其他演示 你就可以看到整个系统你可以添加斑点
重新捏造他们的形体并且改变颜色 所以你可以做个 染色的波尔卡小点点斑马{- -|||确实有够怪的}
在主机平台上 制造宠物工具和电脑上的一样多功能吗?
是的~但是另一方面我们在3ds上加了些独特的饰品类型你可以用来装扮你的宠物{- -~谁要啊~}
比如说你想要训练你的宠物不要随地大小便 或者教他们不要乱爬沙发~你们怎么处理这个?
这个跟现实的差不多 你有选项来重新执行许多动物的行为
所以如果你的猫猫到处抓坏你的家具你可以重新执行他们 然后你会落到有一只非常有破坏性的宠物
如果你鼓励并且支持他们的互动行为 那么他们就会做到更多 如果你不鼓励他们就会做的更少
这个不固定 从没设定过时间额度~ 通常情况下是一两天 但是这也确实决定于你宠物本身
他们怀的有点少 ~猫猫狗狗通常生一窝~马通常一次只生一只~
一大方法是学习新技能 猫猫狗狗会发展他们的捕捉技巧
宠物对他们主人的情绪比较敏感~~~~~~如果说 如果我非常不高兴 我的狗狗就会跑来然后把它的头放在我的膝盖上来安慰我
另一家我狗狗做的事情 在你有吃的时候是他突然变成你最好的朋友~。并且在我们吃饭的时候它就围着餐桌打圈圈。。。。。。
他们当然会一直要吃的!如果他们有贪心的特征他们会比平常要的更多并且他们会变成肥胖的饭桶!- -||
是的。。。他们会吃垃圾。。然后再垃圾上打滚。。{我家的狗狗爱吃卫生纸 T T }
是的~~他们会有这些----我们叫他们框栏...然后那是一个马儿睡觉的好地方~ 或者他们可以去那里吃东西~
这是个秘密地精但是你可以放在你的土地上 然后它会吓走浣熊啊~小鹿啊~野马啊~和那样那样的动物~
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& & 主机板就是xbox360 pc版就是家用电脑版
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开始拼事业了 不再玩游戏了。。
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