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Adobe的Lightroom是很多攝影師會用到的修圖軟體,並且納入了Adobe Creative Cloud,之前已經發佈了 iPad 和 iPhone 版本,而現在Lightroom 也推出了 Android版本,未來你也可以在Android手機上面使用Lightroom(目前還不支援Android平板)。作為Adobe Creative Cloud計畫的一部份,Lightroom可以搭配桌機版的Lightroom 5.4 或更新版使用。不過也可以單獨在手機上進行修圖或是編輯軟體的應用。但是在手機版上的功能當然沒有桌機版那麼強大,功能也比較少。
Lightroom 行動裝置版的功能主要包括:
可以在行動裝置上編輯影像、metadata資訊、相簿變更內容等動作,同步至 Mac 或 Windows 桌機的 Lightroom 目錄。
將智慧型手機拍攝的相片自動匯入並同步至桌上型電腦的 Lightroom 目錄。
使用 Lightroom 工具和預設項目編輯影像,包括以非破壞性處理進行影像預覽。
不過,Lightroom 行動裝置版並非免費軟體,而是包含在 Creative Cloud 完整版方案或 Creative Cloud 攝影計劃。如果你參與Creative Cloud
攝影計劃(每月新台幣320元),可以使用包括 Lightroom 5、Photoshop
CC、Lightroom 行動裝置版。而如果你不想參加的話,下載之後也可以免費使用30天。
不過,雖然是手機上的精簡版,但就像Photoshop很耗資源一樣,要跑Lightroom所需的資源還滿多的。官方建議手機的系統要 Android 4.1 版以上,處理器最低4核1.7GHz 、1GB RAM,並建議最少預留 8GB 容量空間。實際上,小編用Galaxy Note 2測試的時候,就發現執行起來已經相當吃力,並且有時App還會當掉跳出來。
打字時最怕的麻煩就是選字, 想要打得快又正確就會希望電腦能夠自動記住自己常打的詞語,尤其是家人朋友或是同事的名字,Windows 有一個大家常用的功能是相關字詞編輯工具,可以讓使用者輸入自己常用的詞語,省去選字的麻煩。以往在 Windows XP 系統裡這個工具是列在附屬應用程式下方,系統升級為 Win 7 及 8 後有很多朋友反映找不到相關字詞編輯工具在哪裡,其實只是換到輸入法下面而已,只要按下啟動鍵就可以繼續使用這項功能,讓打字更加快速方便,也不用怕在聊天時常常求快打錯朋友的名字。
Windows 7怎麼使用造詞工具?
在 Win 7 的系統狀態或開啟 Word,選擇中文注音輸入法,按下旁邊的倒三角選「使用者造詞」。
最後記得一定要按下「儲存變更」線, 剛造好的詞就能夠馬上套用。
Windows 8怎麼使用造詞工具?
接下來的步驟就與Windows 7相同了。
本文同步刊載於PC home雜誌&&歡迎加入!
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Release Info
Release Group: KILLERS(Scene)
Release Name: Justified.S06E01.HDTV.x264-KILLERS
Release Date: 21/01/2015
Filename: Justified.S06E01.HDTV.x264-KILLERS
Source: HDTV
Size: 368 MB
Genre: Action | Crime | Drama
Runtime: 60 Mins
Season & Episode: Fate’s Right Hand
Release Description
Raylan helps Ava inform on Boyd. Boyd hopes to pull off a daring heist.
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Release Info
Release Group: KILLERS (Scene)
Release Name: Cougar.Town.S06E03.HDTV.x264-KILLERS
Release Date: January 20, 2015
Filename: Cougar.Town.S06E03.HDTV.x264-KILLERS
Source: HDTV
Size: 194 MB
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 22 Mins
Season & Episode: To Find a Friend
Release Description
Jules and Ellie run the bar when Grayson helps Andy with his tryouts f Travis and Laurie spend their first weekend solo with baby Bobby.
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日本遊戲大廠 Square Enix 的一月手機遊戲新作《BRAVELY ARCHIVE D&s report》終於正式登場,本作品是改自 3DS 掌機的《勇氣默示錄》,以廣大的世界觀與多樣化的角色職業為最大特色。底下就為讀者簡單帶來這款遊戲的內容介紹吧!掌機《勇氣默示錄》的手機移植作品
《BRAVELY ARCHIVE D&s report》的前身是來自 3DS 主機上推出的《勇氣默示錄》,由於具有廣大的轉職系統與龐大壯闊的世界觀設定,因此是備受玩家好評與期待的人氣角色扮演遊戲。《BRAVELY ARCHIVE D&s report》則是以此遊戲為基礎,將遊戲背景設定在《勇氣默示錄》數百年後的世界作為舞台,玩家們將扮演一名在擁有全世界知識的圖書館中工作的新人,為了收集知識,而前往封印「水晶」內的世界冒險!
▲&3DS 主機上推出的《勇氣默示錄》頗受玩家喜愛,如今手機上也能玩到系列作了!
《BRAVELY ARCHIVE D&s report》的戰鬥系統是以回合制為主,不過加上行動力寶石的變素,讓戰鬥變得更加具有策略性質。至於角色的指令也經過設計,不是單純的攻擊與放技能而已,下面就來看看這戰鬥系統的詳細介紹吧!
《BRAVELY ARCHIVE D&s report》的戰鬥系統是以回合制戰鬥為主,當玩家的行動回合結束時才會輪到怪物進行攻擊。玩家的行動回合是仰賴寶石來進行,只要玩家血條上方還有寶石,玩家就可持續進行攻擊。打死一隻怪物就可以獲得一顆寶石,另外也有其他特殊效果的行動寶石,此時玩家就必須斟酌該如何調整你的行動順序。
在一般手機遊戲中,低星等的角色往往都沒有用武之地,不過在《BRAVELY ARCHIVE D&s report》中可不是相同的下場唷!玩家可以透過進化來讓低星等的角色逐漸變強,例如一開始系統贈送的二星女戰士歐芭兒,別因為星數低而小看她,她最後可以升至四星巨斧戰士喔!
《BRAVELY ARCHIVE D&s report》不論是在畫面表現、人物設計、戰鬥呈現等方面都屬於上上之選的優良遊戲,多樣化的職業登場也讓玩家很容易就聯想到早期的「勇者鬥惡龍 3」或是「太空戰士 3」中的多職業機制,讓玩家在隊伍配置上有更多種選擇,整體來說,《BRAVELY ARCHIVE D&s report》絕對是值得一玩的好手機遊戲(自動戰鬥超貼心~)。
目前遊戲只在 Google Play 平台上架(玩家要玩請自行Google遊戲的APK),不過 iOS 玩家也別灰心,官方近期就會推出&iOS 版本囉!
▲手遊天尊&Square Enix 繼《乖離性百萬亞瑟王》之後,終於又有值得一玩的作品了!&
iOS 5.0、Android
iOS 下載(近期登場)
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Release Info
Release Group: LOL(Scene)
Release Name: Ground.Floor.S02E07.HDTV.x264-LOL
Release Date: 21/01/2015
Filename: Ground.Floor.S02E07.HDTV.x264-LOL
Source: HDTV
Size: 146 MB
Genre: Comedy | Family
Runtime: 22 Mins
Season & Episode: Wicked Wedding
Release Description
Brody finds out that Jenny never wants to get married and does not like musicals. He then attempts to change her mind.
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Release Info
Release Group: 2HD(Scene)
Release Name: Mr.D.S04E01.HDTV.x264-2HD
Release Date: 21/01/2015
Filename: Mr.D.S04E01.HDTV.x264-2HD
Source: HDTV
Size: 173 MB
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 22 Mins
Season & Episode: S04E01
Release Description
This season, Gerry begins looking increasingly toward his future, striving for more. There’s a whole world of opportunity and perhaps his proficiencies can take him places beyond the high school level.
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有多少人昨晚像小編一樣輾轉難眠,因為睡前讀物 Ptt 掛站了!台大電子佈告欄批踢踢自凌晨 12 點多出現無法登入訊息,粉絲團「批踢踢實業坊(Ptt.cc)」也在 Facebook 上寫道:「現在 Ptt 睡了,大家也趕緊睡吧~~ 我們會盡快讓他復原的」,不過直到早上 10 點半,Ptt 才正式復活。電子佈告欄批踢踢實業坊(Ptt.cc)自 21 日凌晨 12 點起大當機,不論是想透過 PCman 或是手機 app 登入都無法順利連線,一直到早上近 11 點,才能順利登入。由於 Ptt 每日都有 10 萬人次在網站上來來去去,因此當 Ptt 粉絲頁發出「Ptt 睡眠公告」時,不少網友湧入大發崩潰留言,直喊「沒有 Ptt 根本睡不著啊」、「Ptt 不開機,難道站長不用負責嗎?」&
▲昨晚的 Ptt 一直出現錯誤訊息無法登入。
▲就連早上 10 點多還是顯示伺服器沒有回應。
不過幸好伺服器當機大約只有 10 小時左右,早上 10 點半一復原,Ptt 最熱門的八卦版立刻恢復生機,湧入大批鄉民爆掛慶祝,大家紛紛表示「人生又再次獲得希望!」不知道你是不是其中的一員,過去這十個小時也在焦慮不安之中度過呢?
▲Ptt 復活囉!終於又可以過正常的一天了!
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Release Info
Release Group: KILLERS(Scene)
Release Name: Switched.at.Birth.S04E03.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS
Release Date: 21/01/2015
Filename: Switched.at.Birth.S04E03.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS
Source: HDTV
Size: 332MB
Genre: Drama | Family
Runtime: 42 Mins
Season & Episode: I Lock the Door Upon Myself
Release Description
Bay’s criminal record could stop her from being able to disply her art. The dorm prankster is challenged by Daphne.
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Epson 在投影機領域耕耘多年,近年來更主打彩色亮度等於白色亮度一詞,比起一般的投影機,投影所呈現的效果變得更鮮豔、更能呈現物品的忠實原貌,這次我們測試入門款家用投影機 EH-TW570 定價為 $25,900 元台幣,和先前 Epson 推出的投影機相比較為平易近人,還沒嘗試過家用投影機的人可以考慮從這款開始入手。Epson 投影機採用&3LCD 的投影技術,亮度和彩度比其他採用 DLP 技術的投影機來的高,所謂&DLP 是透過紅、綠、藍三原色的色輪快速滾動混合出各式色彩,由於光源是輪流輸出,因此在過程裡會讓彩色亮度變成白色亮度的三分之一;而&3LCD 指的是將高亮度白色光源投射到一套光學套件上,該套件可將光線分成紅、綠、藍三原色,再透過聚光稜鏡聚合成像,因為光源是持續輸出的,因此和 DLP 相比能呈現出較鮮豔飽和的彩色影像。
▲Epson EH-TW570 家用投影機,支援 3LCD 投影技術。
▲白色亮度及彩色亮度皆為 3000 流明,並有&15,000:1 的對比度。
▲雖不支援無線功能,但接口配備齊全,常見的 HDMI 和 MHL 都有,讓各式裝置都能接線輸出。
Epson EH-TW570 外型就如上圖所見,採用比較傳統的造型設計,內部配置三片 0.59 吋 TFT LCD 投影晶片和 MLA 影像處理技術,可輸出 720p 的清晰影像,還新增 2D 轉 3D 功能,搭配與 Full HD 3D Glasses 格式相容的 3D 眼鏡就能在家享受立體影像。
投影鏡頭規格為&F:1.58~1.72、f:16.9~20.28 mm,投射距離為&0.9 至 10.8 公尺,最大可投出 120 吋畫面。另外,Epson EH-TW570 內建正負 30 度梯形調整功能,透過鏡頭上方的轉軸調整畫面形狀,讓投機的擺放位置更彈性。
4 種環境模式:動態、起居室、劇院、遊戲
由於 EH-TW570 本身並沒有無線投影功能,若是為了方便連線使用,可以考慮多加 Epson ELPAP07 無線傳輸模組,減少機身周圍的線材,也方便各種行動裝置直接連線。Epson EH-TW570 強調有四種不同的環境模式可以因應使用情境變換使用,例如投影在彎曲的表面時,切換至動態模式可以修正影像扭曲;若想要在家欣賞電影,可以切換到劇院模式讓畫面呈現出更有戲劇張力的感覺;玩遊戲時也可以將遊戲機連結到 EH-TW570 上,讓陰暗的遊戲場景也能清晰呈現,不怕怪物突然從角落竄出沒發現。
Epson EH-TW570 定位為入門款的家用投影機種,25,900 元的定價和其他 Epson 投影機相比算是佛心價,雖然只有 720p 的解析度,但和其他相近規格的機種比起來畫質表現可說是非常不錯,撥放顏色灰暗的電影或是多彩的音樂 MV 都能提供舒適的畫面享受;因為 EH-TW570 亮度擁有 3,000 流明的亮度,即使不在完全黑暗的房間內使用還是能看得清畫面,不過還是推薦使用時旁邊干擾的燈光能越少越好,才能享受到最佳的視覺效果。
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Release Info
Release Group: LOL(Scene)
Release Name: Supernatural.S10E10.HDTV.x264-LOL
Release Date: 21/01/2015
Filename: Supernatural.S10E10.HDTV.x264-LOL
Source: HDTV
Size: 217 MB
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Runtime: 40 Mins
Season & Episode: The Hunter Games
Release Description
After the massacre at the ranch, Dean, Sam, and Castiel double their efforts to find a cure for the Mark of Cain but there is nothing in the lore that can help them. Desperate, Castiel comes up with an idea that Sam deems the “single worst idea I’ve ever heard.” Meanwhile, Rowena continues to plot against Crowley, and Castiel tries to mend his relationship with Claire who is plotting revenge against Dean for killing her friend.
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Release Info
Release Group: 2HD(Scene)
Release Name: Schitts Creek S01E03 HDTV x264-2HD
Release Date: 14/01/2015
Filename: Schitts Creek S01E03 HDTV x264-2HD
Source: HDTV
Size: 169MB
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 30 Mins
Season & Episode: Don’t Worry, It’s His Sister
Release Description
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Release Info
Release Group: LOL(Scene)
Release Name: MasterChef.Junior.S03E03.HDTV.x264-LOL
Release Date: 21/01/2015
Filename: MasterChef.Junior.S03E03.HDTV.x264-LOL
Source: HDTV
Size: 463 MB
Genre: Cooking/Food
Runtime: 42 Mins
Season & Episode: Grandad Gordon!
Release Description
There is a giant mystery box challenge and the young hopefuls work with a dangerous protein.
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Release Info
Release Group: LOL – (SCENE)
Release Name: The.Flash..HDTV.x264-LOL
Release Date: January 20, 2015
Filename: The.Flash..HDTV.x264-LOL
Source: HDTV
Size: 231 MB / 856 MB
Genre: Action | Crime | Drama | Super Heroes
Runtime: 42 Mins
Season & Episode: Revenge of the Rogues
Release Description
While Barry strives to become fast enough to defeat Reverse-Flash, Captain Cold returns to Central City with a partner and takes Caitlin hostage to force a confrontation with the Flash.
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Release Info
Release Group: DIMENSION(Scene)
Release Name: Pretty.Little.Liars.S05E16.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION
Release Date: 21/01/2015
Filename: Pretty.Little.Liars.S05E16.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION
Source: HDTV
Size: 201 MB
Genre: Drama | Family | Mystery
Runtime: 42 Mins
Season & Episode: Over a Barrel
Release Description
Aria tries to find the strength to tell Ezra the truth. Hanna attempts to cover for Ashley.
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,HTC 計畫於三月份的發表會上,發表主打拍照功能的 M 系列手機作為新的旗艦機型,同時將發佈它的第一款智慧手錶。這款新機將在MWC 2015期間亮相,而之前傳出的產品代號為「HTC Hima」,被確認為「M9」,也就是HTC的旗艦新機種。HTC One M9目前已知的情報
延續 HTC 之前頗受好評的One M8,新手機M9採用了 HTC 一貫的金銀灰色系。不僅配備了 2070 萬畫素的後置鏡頭,並且搭配採用UltraPixel技術的前置鏡頭,在暗處拍出的影像將會更加清晰。根據現有消息,M9 將搭載高通 8 核 SnapDragon 處理器,採用杜比 5.1 環繞聲技術,同時應用了 HTC 最新的 Sense 7 介面。
▲之前網路流傳的HTC Hima模擬圖
從上面這張底部圖看來,機身的厚度好像與耳機接口差不多,USB插槽則可能是新一代的 USB Type-C。而從下面這張正面照看來,在機身的上下依然有前置雙喇叭。
2011 年度,HTC 的淨利潤曾一度達到了 20 億美元,而此後,業績卻一再下滑,不過 2014 年第二財季財報顯示這家公司已扭虧為盈,並且在第四季達到了 15 億美元的總銷售額。新款手機與首款智能手錶的發佈有望幫助 HTC 重拾業績。
此外,HTC 的首款智慧手錶也將在三月發佈,雖然相關的資訊較少,不過爆料大師最近又在Twitter上表示,HTC取消了之前代號為「CWZ」、「WWZ」智慧穿戴裝置的計畫,不過這次發表會依然會推出穿戴式裝置,不過並非採用Android Wear平台。
之前代號為「CWZ」、「WWZ」的兩個計畫,傳說是採用Android Wear平台的智慧手錶的計畫。而取消了這兩項計畫,HTC又會推出什麼樣的產品呢?目前已知 HTC 將會和運動服裝公司 Under Amour 合作,這家美國運動品牌公司於 2013 年發佈了運動檢測設備 Armour39,並收購了健康應用公司MapMyFitness。
據悉,HTC 將於三月在巴賽隆納的世界移動通信大會MWC 2015期間的前後發佈新產品,諸如三星,華為等智慧手機製造巨頭,也都已表示參展。這款智慧手錶的發佈表明,繼去年發佈Re相機後,HTC 想要在逐漸放緩的智慧手機市場之外尋找商機。
而根據HTC在16日發出的邀請函,將在3月1日於西班牙巴塞隆納舉行新產品發表會。這份邀請函標題為「utopia in progress」顯示了HTC打造烏托邦的計畫,不過在邀請函上並未透露任何產品的訊息。
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Release Info
Release Group: DIMENSION(Scene)
Release Name: Parks.and.Recreation.S07E03E04.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION
Release Date: 21/01/2015
Filename: Parks.and.Recreation.S07E03E04.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION
Source: HDTV
Size: 335 MB
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 22 Mins
Season & Episode: William Henry Harrison & Leslie and Ron
Release Description
Season 7, Episode 03 – “William Henry Harrison”
Leslie’s team work to strengthen her case that the Newport land should be turned into a national park. Meanwhile, Ron fights back by bringing on a celebrity as a minority owner.
Season 7, Episode 04 – “Leslie and Ron”
Leslie and Ron attempt to work out their differences.
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如果要將儲存在 CD、手機或電腦內的音樂檔案,利用播放程式轉換成可以聆聽的音樂,就必須經過一連串的編解碼和數位類比轉換過程。由於目前大多數的音樂都是使用脈衝編碼調變〈Pulse-code modulation,縮寫:PCM〉的方式儲存,這是一種將類比訊號轉成數位量化訊號的方式,為了能夠更清楚連貫的了解音樂播放過程,筆者先簡單介紹一下音訊如何被數位化。
▲數位音訊的記錄和播示意圖,圖上半顯示將類比聲波轉換為 PCM 數位訊號的簡易流程,然後儲存於儲存媒介中,圖下半為將數位 PCM 訊號轉換為類比聲波的簡易流程。
如果只針對音訊並且用非常淺顯的方式來說明,PCM 在將類比訊號轉換成數位訊號的過程中,主要包含三格步驟:「取樣 Sampling」、「量化 Quantization」、「編碼 Coding」。首先針對原始類比訊號進行取樣,取樣的內容主要為在每段固定時間內的振幅,如果以下圖 PCM 取樣來表示,就是在每一個固定時間內〈X 軸刻度〉記錄下當時的振幅。接下來再將上述所取得的值,轉換成離散時間訊號,最後再根據 PCM 規範,給予每一個量化後的數值一個特殊的編碼,最終的產物就成了我們常見的數位音訊。
▲Linear-PCM 示意圖,在固定時間間隔〈 X 軸〉下,記錄當下的振幅大小〈黑色點〉,圖中為一個 4-bit 的 LPCM 取樣結果,在實際錄音時會使用較高的 bit 數和更短的間隔,如 CD 品質的音樂為 16-bit〈2 的 16 次方=65536 階〉,每個間隔為 1/44100 秒。
接下來在播放端發生的事情,就是將上述記錄下來的數位音訊,利用數位類比轉換器〈Digital to analog converter,縮寫 DAC〉,將數位訊號轉換回類比訊號。這個由數位訊號回製成類比訊號的過程也就是我們常說的 D/A 轉換〈Digital to analog convert〉,而負責處理這樣過程的處理晶片,就是我們常說 DAC 晶片。
目前比較常見的 DAC 晶片大多基於 &D&S 類比數位轉換架構,採用脈衝密度轉換技術,在解碼的過程中會對原始的 PCM 插入過取樣〈Oversampling〉點。接下來這些插入的取樣點再與原始訊號,由多通積分電路進行比較,數值大於原始訊號的就定義為 1,小於原始訊號就定義為 0,原本的 PCM 訊號通過這插值運算後就變成只有 0 和 1 的脈衝密度調變〈Pulse-density modulation,縮寫 PDM〉訊號。然後 PDM 訊號再經過一個開關電容網路構成的低通濾波器,1 轉換為高電壓訊號,0 轉會為低電壓訊號,通過級聯積分進行階躍非線性轉換,最後就成了可以被耳機或喇叭轉換成為聲音的訊號。
但由於過取樣的離散訊號會有大量高頻能量,如果不進行處理會產生大量諧波,為了消除這些諧波並使訊號流暢,PDM 訊號往往會經過一個高通濾波器來量化高頻雜訊,再進入高頻雜訊整形〈noise shaping〉電路處理,將高頻雜訊分離到更高的頻率區段〈人耳聽不到的區段〉,然後當這些訊號通過輸出點設置的低通濾波器時,這些高頻的量化雜訊就可以被大幅衰減或移除;目前絕大多數的 DAC 都使用以上的轉換過程,不同的 DAC 有著不同的過取樣率和低通濾波器設計,理論上更高的過取樣可以降低低通濾波器的參數要求,進而達到有效降低雜訊的效果。
▲數位類比轉換器外觀,圖中為德儀 PCM5100A。
上面提到的數位類比轉換,主要是牽涉到常見 PCM 訊號轉換成類比訊號的流程,和我們常見的音樂格式,例如 MP3、WAV 和 FLAC 到底有甚麼關係?如果就簡單的說法,上面那些檔案格式是藉由不同方式來包裝 PCM 訊號,當在播放的過程中,播放軟體必須經由解碼器將這個包裝解開,轉換回數位類比轉換過程可以識別的 PCM 訊號。
但是不同的包裝方式有著截然不同的檔案大小,所使用的編碼也不同,並且少部分編碼方式,在過程中會藉由將音訊資料捨棄,來達到降低最終檔案大小的目的。因此要了解不同檔案格式,筆者先來介紹最原始不進行壓縮的音樂儲存格式:線性脈衝代碼調變〈Linear Pulse Code Modulation,縮寫 LPCM〉。
▲各種不同音樂格式的 Logo
LPCM 又常被稱為 Uncompressed PCM,是一種不經過壓縮來儲存錄製音頻的格式,以連續線性的取樣方式來擷取類比音訊轉換成數位訊號,就是我們上一節所介紹的數位音訊的記錄過程,檔案格式在 IBM PC 中比較常以 WAV〈Waveform Audio File Format〉的格式存在,在 Macintosh 中常以 AIFF〈Audio Interchange File Format〉格式呈現。
WAV 格式是基於資源交換檔案標準〈Resource Interchange File Format,縮寫 RIFF〉檔案格式,RIFF 格式與 AIFF 和 IFF 格式類似,這類的檔案格式特點就是沒有經過任何壓縮手續,所以檔案體積比其他儲存格式來得大上不少。又由於檔案較大,所以在傳輸流量方面也是相當驚人,如果以192kHz/24bit 〈7.1ch〉音樂來說,最高理論數據流量就高達36Mbps!
這對於大部分的儲存媒介〈光碟、記憶卡〉來看,是很難承受如此巨大的流量,而且就算能夠穩定維持傳輸速度,整個影音的儲存容量也是難以接受。因此即便如藍光〈Blu-ray〉光碟這麼大容量的儲存媒介,也大多選擇將音樂規格下降到 48kHz/16bit,而且在這規格下的 5.1 聲道也已經需要 4.5Mbps 流量。
而常見的音訊 CD 格式是由飛利浦和索尼公司開發,這種格式也是單純的無壓縮儲存方式,將單首音樂存放在一個 CDDA 檔案中,輸入的採樣頻率為 44.1kHz/16bit。立體聲的資料流量為 1.4Mbps,所以一首歌歌曲擷取出來往往需要數十 MB 存放空間,為了因應減緩儲存空間的需求,對音訊進行壓縮就成為常見的手法。而音頻壓縮又分成無損壓縮和有損壓縮,在介紹常見的壓音樂格式前,我們先來看一下這兩種壓縮方式的不同處。
無損壓縮演算法,就其字面意思即可知,這是一種可以被完整還原成原始資料的壓縮演算法。這類型演算藉由運算邏輯,將儲存的資料由更簡化的代碼來表示,達到減少儲存空間的目標。如果以其他壓縮技術來舉例的話,這是比較近似於 ZIP 和 RAR 之類的壓縮格式,此類型壓縮演算法可以有效減少音樂訊號占用的空間,並且解碼後前後的資料完全一致,就如同壓縮一本《天龍八部》的小說文字檔,解壓縮後不會變成《射鵰英雄傳》一樣。
所以理論上對音訊數據是沒有任何影響,比較顯著的問題是解碼過程中必須消耗一部分運算能力,如果解壓裝置的運算能力不足以應付解碼需求,就有可能對即時音頻播放產生影響。此外無損壓縮的壓縮比是比不上有損壓縮,對於一些講求傳輸速率的線上串流音樂來說,這樣的壓縮比往往還是不足。比較常見的無損壓縮音訊檔案格式大多以 FLAC、APE、WavPack、TTA、WMALossless、AppleLossless 和 TAK 為主。
有損壓縮演算法也如同字面敘述一般,在壓縮的過程中會對原始音訊進行刪減,這種類型的刪減並不是隨意刪除音訊資料,是經由一套非常精密的聲音心理學模型下去設計。去除人類較難聆聽到的聲音,例如超越 20kHz 的聲音訊號,或是在一個高音量聲音後面的微弱聲音訊號等等。
雖然會造成音質部分下降,但是有損音訊壓縮好處就是有非常高的壓縮比,一般無損壓縮的壓縮比大約在 1:2 左右,但是有損音訊壓縮可以達到 1:12 甚至更高的壓縮比,並且還能提供相對不錯的聲音品質。這也是為何有損音訊壓縮檔案還是被廣泛使用的原因,目前比較常見的有損壓縮音訊檔案為 MP3,Windows Media Audio(WMA),Ogg Vorbis(OGG),AAC。
Waveform Audio Format&〈WAV〉:
WAV 是由微軟和 IBM 公司所開發的一種音訊編碼格式,是一種基於 RIFF 檔案格式,內部由使用小端序的多位元整數方式儲存,儲存的音訊未經過任何壓縮,為標準的線性 PCM,所以在聲音方面不會出現失真的情況。但檔案體積在眾多音訊格式中算得上是最大的,主要常見於 Windows 作業系統中,標準 WAV 副檔名是 .wav。
Audio Interchange File Format&〈AIFF〉
音頻交換文件格式〈AIFF〉是由 Apple 在 1988 年基於美商藝電的交換檔案格式〈Interchange File Format〉基礎開發而成,同樣內部音訊為標準線性 PCM,目前多被用在 Apple 公司的 OS X 作業系統上。標準 AIFF 文件的副檔名是 .aiff 或 .aif,比較需要注意的是,由於標準 AIFF 格式沒有規定替代性的位元組順序,Apple 又開發了一種 AIFF-C 壓縮結構的檔案格式,理論上壓縮過的 AIFF 文件的副檔名應該是 .aifc,但是少部分還是保留 .aiff 和 .aif 副檔名。
Free Lossless Audio Codec&〈FLAC〉
FLAC 就名稱上即可知道這格式是免費開放「Free」和無損音訊編碼「Lossless Audio Codec」,這個音樂壓縮格式的源碼是完全開放。也由於這個原因,FLAC 幾乎相容於所有作業系統平台,不僅在 Windows 下有非常成熟的音訊製作程式,同時也被多數第三方軟體所支援。部分公司出品的數位播放機甚至能夠支援硬體播放 FLAC,可以說是目前市面上支援度最廣泛的無損音訊壓縮格式。
FLAC 只支援定點取樣,這是為了確保沒有任何浮點運算帶來的約數錯誤而影響音質,也由於只需要整數運算,FLAC 相對於大多數編碼而言,對計算速度的要求並不會太高。同時 FLAC 具備 CRC 和 MD5 標記校驗機制,FLAC 的編碼演算法在少量檔案損壞下,依然能夠修復且正常播放。在壓縮的過程中還有 0〈最快〉至 8〈最小〉的壓縮選項,不同選項下只影響壓縮的速度和壓縮比,最終的檔案始終是無失真的音訊檔案,同時 FLAC 也支援 cue 表單和標籤;標準 FLAC 副檔名是 .flac。
Monkey&s audio&〈APE〉
APE 音訊檔案格式是由軟體 Monkey's Audio 壓縮而成,其開發者為 Matthew T. Ashland,和 FLAC 相同也是源碼開放的音訊壓縮格式。Monkey's Audio 相較於其他的無損壓縮格式有其優點和缺點,優點是比其他常見的無損壓縮格式的壓縮比高,一般來說能夠達到 55% 上下,但其缺點就是解碼速度較慢。
並且由於 Monkey's Audio 使用浮點運算機制,會調動占用系統更高頻率和更高處理量的浮點運算,尤其在快速轉換播放位置時,較容易出現明顯的延遲現象。同時 Monkey's Audio 只提供查錯功能而無修復功能,如果檔案發生損壞,損壞點之後的資料有可能會遺失。
另外就是 Monkey's Audio 並非自由軟體而是準自由軟體〈Semi-free Software〉,這使得一些基於自由軟體的作業系統不能直接將其功能收入其中,所以在軟體的支援範圍會比較窄。目前官方只提供 Windows 支援,其他如 GNU/Linux 和 Macintosh 平台並沒有完整支援,標準 Monkey's Audio 副檔名是 .ape。
WavPack 音訊檔案格式是 David Bryant 所開發,自由、開放原始碼的無失真音訊壓縮格式,WavPack 可以說是目前的後起之秀,其版本不斷地在更新中,同時支援無失真和失真壓縮模式,並且支援多聲道音訊、高取樣頻率音樂、支援 MD5 雜湊函式資料校正和快速檢索等功能。
WavPack 有多樣化的壓縮選項,允許用戶選擇 8~32 位元的整數和 32 位元浮點壓縮格式,不同的選項下演算法和壓縮比例也有很大的不同。壓縮率介於 30% 到 70% 之間,並且在失真壓縮模式下,會產生兩個檔案,其中一個為壓縮比高的有損音訊檔案,另一個為帶有回復失真資料的修正附加檔案,其後能夠再利用附加檔案來回復成無失真的原始音訊。而壓縮比較高的失真檔案也能夠單獨播放,讓用戶有著更加彈性的使用方式,標準 WavPack 副檔名是 .wv。
Windows Media Audio Lossless&〈WMAL〉
Windows Media Audio Lossless 為微軟開發的一種無損音樂壓縮格式,使用者只須擁有 Windows Media Player 9.0 以上版本,即可使用這個格式來壓縮從 CD 上擷取下來的音樂,並且支援多聲道和高解析度音訊的壓縮。但由於各版本之間差異性非常高且沒有公開原始碼,使得非微軟自家的播放器往往無法正確解碼出真正的無損音訊,並且在多種播放器上的支援度也不是非常高。標準 WMALossless 的副檔名和普通有損 WMA 音樂格式同樣是 .wma,造成辨識上的不易。
Apple Lossless Audio Codec&〈ALAC〉
Apple Lossless Audio Codec 是由 Apple 開發的無損音訊壓縮編碼格式,最早在 2004 年隨著 iTunes4.5 一起發布,編解碼速度和壓縮比例一般,並且缺乏錯誤修正機制,但完整支援 iTunes 標籤。而且在 2011 年已經公開原始碼,雖然非自由軟體,但在各平台間流通性還是相當不錯,標準 ALAC 副檔名是 .m4a。
True Audio&〈TTA〉
True Audio 同樣也是自由、開源的無損音訊編解碼器,支援多聲道音訊壓縮和 8~24 位元,和 32 &位元 IEEE 浮點型音訊 WAV 格式的無損壓縮,支援損毀檔案校正的機制,也支援持 ID3v1 和 ID3v2 兩種標籤。該音訊格式的最大目的是最佳化硬體執行編碼演算法,不過目前流通程度較其他音訊格式來得低,標準 True Audio 副檔名是 .tta。
Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor&〈TAK〉
Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor 是由 Thomas Becker 所開發的無損音訊壓縮格式,直到去年才有穩定的版本出現,具有不錯的壓縮比和支援多執行緒編碼,也具備偵錯和錯誤容忍機制。但由於開發者尚未將原始碼公開,所以目前支援度並不高,標準 Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor 副檔名是 .tak。
MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III&〈MP3〉
有損音樂格式中最出名大概就非 MP3 莫屬,其原由是 1991 年德國 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft 組織所發明和標準化的音樂格式,是現在最流行的有損音訊壓縮格式。起初的目的是為了大幅降低資料量,使用了大量音訊刪減技術,其中包含利用心理聲學原理來判斷哪一些音訊資料可以捨棄,將人耳不易察覺的聲音訊號移除,成功達成非常高的壓縮比例。MP3 可以依據不同位元率進行調整,讓使用者自由權衡音質和檔案容量。
MP3 是一種失真壓縮技術,利用多樣的技術將音質損失下降到最小,而在 1998 年 Mike Cheng 發表遵循 LGPL 的新編碼器 LAME 後,讓音質和編碼速度又有一次改善。但在低位元率的情況下,MP3 還是有著顯著的音質衰退,但 MP3 音質瑕疵在較吵雜的環境和低階揚聲器下並不明顯,所以廣泛的被一般使用者所接受。並且在早期數位音樂的發展過程中,由於當時的儲存媒介容量都較小,壓縮比非常大的 MP3 格式因此扮演了相當重要的角色。
雖然根據 MPEG 規範,MPEG-4 標準中的 AAC(Advanced Audio Coding)將接替 MP3 成為下一代標準。但由於 MP3 廣泛流通性和大量的軟、硬體支援,目前 MP3 格式似乎沒有衰退的現象,標準 MPEG-1 或 MPEG-2 Audio Layer III 的副檔名是 .mp3。
Windows Media Audio&〈WMA〉
Windows Media Audio 是微軟開的一種有損音訊壓縮格式,WMA 相容於 MP3 的 ID3 標籤並支援額外標籤,在低位元率下 WMA 有著比 MP3 更好的音質,但高位元率並不明顯。此外,Windows Media Audio Professional 可以儲存 5.1甚至 7.1 聲道音樂,讓 WMA 格式相較於 MP3 有著更多的優勢。
早期 WMA 為微軟自有的音樂格式,但在後續其他如 Apple 公司開始支援後,WMA 的流通情況也算非常普及。WMA 7 以後開始支援憑證加密,如未經授權憑證非法拷貝音樂,拷貝的音樂是無法收聽的,標準 Windows Media Audio 副檔名是 .wma。
Ogg Vorbis&〈OGG〉
Ogg Vorbis 也是一個自由且開放的音訊壓縮格式,目前由 Xiph.Org 基金會所維護,而且 Ogg 比較特別的一點是,Ogg 同時也是一個開放標準的容器格式,可以納入各式自由且開放原始碼的編解碼器,包含音效、視訊、文字和後設資料處理。在音訊儲存方面,Ogg 提供 Vorbis 編解碼器作為音效層面應用,同時推出針對語音設計的壓縮編解碼器 Speex,和無損音訊壓縮 OggPCM 等作為音效層面使用,Ogg 也支持串流音訊傳輸,但整體來說單純用來保存音樂的例子較少,反倒比較常出現在一些應用程式,如遊戲軟體之類的程式中,標準 Ogg Vorbis 副檔名是.ogg。
Advanced Audio Coding&〈AAC〉
Advanced Audio Coding 主要是基於 MPEG-2 音訊編碼技術而開發出來,是由 Fraunhofer IIS、杜比實驗室、AT&T、Sony 等公司共同開發的音訊壓縮編碼格式。出現於 1997 年,目的是為了取代規格較舊的 MP3 格式,然後在 2000 年又整合入 MPEG-4 標準特性。目前 AAC 可以支援最多 48 個音軌,15 個低頻音軌和 5.1 多聲道,最高採樣頻率為 96kHz、8~32bit 精度,同時具有更高的壓縮比和優異解碼效率。
比較大的問題是 AAC 格式有多種規格,目前總共分為九種規格用來適應不同的場合需求,但也造成使用上容易混亂。同時文件的副檔名也有三種,分別為 .aac 使用 MPEG-2 Audio Transport Stream,為舊版本的 AAC 編碼、.mp4 使用簡化過的 MPEG-4 進行封裝 AAC 編碼、.m4a 用來封裝純音樂的 MP4 檔案的副檔名。
為了權衡儲存空間和音訊品質,並且減少儲存媒介所需的傳輸速率壓力,一般無失真壓縮音訊編碼大多能減少將近一半的檔案體積,能夠有效減緩愛收藏音樂的使用者硬碟空間壓力。同時由於多數無失真壓縮音訊編碼支援標籤和曲目的功能,在音樂整理上有其方便性,讓無失真壓縮音訊檔案格式成為一個相當不錯的選擇。並且大多數無損音樂壓縮格式支援偵錯和修正損壞檔案的能力,較小的體積和錯誤修正機制在網路傳輸分享上也有著較高的穩定度,所以大多數高品質音樂購買網站都使用 FLAC 等具備校錯能力的無損音訊壓縮格式當作主要的販賣格式。
但是選擇適合的無損壓縮音訊檔案格式就成了另一個重要的問題,雖然無損壓縮就如同 RAR 和 ZIP 一樣,解壓縮後的資訊和壓縮前完全一致,但少部分無損音訊壓縮編解碼原碼並非完全開放,少部分情況下會發生解碼器和編碼器版本不符,造成後續解碼出來的音訊並非真正無失真音訊。再來就是無損壓縮音訊檔案格式的普及性問題,少部分無損壓縮音訊檔案格式在眾多播放程式間支援度較低,可能會發生該格式解碼器並未被某個播放程式支援而無法播放的情況,所以選擇一個廣泛被使用,並且程式碼開源且是自由軟件的無失真壓縮音訊檔案格式,對於一般使用者來說是較適當的選擇。
如果對儲存空間有考量的使用者,尤其在大多數智慧型手機儲存空間吃緊的情況下,有損壓縮音樂檔案就成為最好的選擇。目前大多數的有損音樂都以 MP3 格式儲存,即便是較少見 OGG、M4A 和 WMA 也都被多數音樂播放程式所支援。雖然在音質上無法和上列兩種類型的音訊格式做比較,但大多數用上心理聲學原理做音訊刪減的有損壓縮格式,刪除的音訊都為背景雜訊和人耳較不易察覺的細微聲音,因此能在兼顧檔案大小的情況下,提供相對優良的音樂品質。
並且好的有損音訊壓縮編碼器,能為大多數使用者在 128kbps 下提供相近於 CD〈1411.2 kbps〉的音樂品質。當然,多數使用者在簡單的訓練之後都能聽出差異,但是對於多數在較吵雜環境下聽音樂的使用者來說,這少許的音質劣化還在容忍的範圍之內。
那麼有損音樂格式中該選擇哪個?實際上 MP3 和其後繼者 M4A 是目前流通最廣泛的有損音樂格式,在各平台和播放器之間支援度也是最高,而且兩者都可以提供非常優異的壓縮比,因此這兩種格式可以說是目前有損音樂儲存的最佳選擇。
愛樂者對於音質的追求不曾間斷,在追尋 High-Fidelity 的路途上每一個細節都事關重大,尤其是音響播放的源頭-音樂檔案,於是對於數位音樂的儲存格式當然非常在意。但畢竟我們最終的目的是欣賞音樂傳遞出的美與感動,而不是音樂格式的好壞,面對於實際使用情況,選用適合當下環境的音訊檔案格式,也許是更適合的作法。
相信看完了以上淺顯的介紹內容,讀者們應該可以更加輕鬆地挑選出適合自己的數位音訊儲存格式。當然還有少數本篇未介紹的音訊儲存格式,例如 .au 這個由 Sun Microsystems 公司所開發的音訊壓縮編碼等等,但是由於這些類型的音訊儲存格式流通性非常低,並且詳細的相關資訊較少,所以有興趣的讀者可以先自行搜尋相關資料。另外,除了 PCM 規範的音訊紀錄格式之外,還有另一個最近非常流行 Direct Stream Digital(DSD)音頻訊號儲存格式,期待將來有機會再和各位詳細介紹。
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Release Info
Release Group: MTD – (SCENE)
Release Name: Joey_Badass-B4.DA.SS-2015-MTD
Release Date: January 20, 2015
Filename: Joey_Badass-B4.DA.SS-2015-MTD
Source: CDDA
Filesize: 108 MB
Artist: Joey Badass
Album: B4 DA SS
Label: Pro Era
Genre: Rap
1. Save The Children 3:35
2. Greenbax (Interlude) 0:48
3. Paper Trail$ 3:14
4. Piece Of Mind 3:38
5. Big Dusty 4:53
6. Hazeus View 3:39
7. Like Me (Feat. Bj The Chicago Kid) 4:26
8. Belly Of The Beast (Feat. Chronixx) 3:56
9. No. 99 2:51
10. Christ Conscious 2:53
11. On & On (Feat. Maverick Sabre & Dymeond Lewis) 4:40
12. Escape 120 (Feat. Raury) 3:47
13. Black Beetles 3:50
14. O.C.B. 3:43
15. Curry Chicken 3:33
16. Run Up On Ya (Feat. Action Bronson & Elle Varner) (Bonus Track) 4:08
17. Teach Me (Feat. Kiesza) (Bonus Track) 4:18
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Release Info
Release Group: SPARKS(Scene)
Release Name: John.Wick.2014.BDRip.x264-SPARKS
Release Date: 21/01/2015
Filename: John.Wick.2014.BDRip.x264-SPARKS
Source: BluRay
Size: 551 MB
Genre: Action | Thriller
Video: x264 , 720×300
Audio: English | AAC
IMDB Rating: 6.8/10
RT Critics: 7.4/10
Directed By: Chad Stahelski, David Leitch
Starring: Keanu Reeves, Michael Nyqvist, Alfie Allen
Release Description
An ex-hitman comes out of retirement to track down the gangsters that took everything from him.
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Release Info
Release Group: SPARKS – (SCENE)
Release Name: John.Wick.p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS
Release Date: January 20, 2015
Filename: John.Wick.p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS
Source: BLURAY
Size: 4.37 GB
Genre: Action | Thriller
Video: x264 | 6 | 5477 Kbps
Audio: English | AC3 | 640 Kbps
Subs: English
IMDB Rating: 7.4/10
RT Critics: 6.8/10
Directed By: Chad Stahelski, David Leitch
Starring: Keanu Reeves, Michael Nyqvist, Alfie Allen
Release Description
An ex-hitman comes out of retirement to track down the gangsters that took everything from him.
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Release Info
Release Group: Hive-CM8 (P2P)
Release Name: Interstellar.2014.DVDScr.XVID.AC3.HQ.Hive-CM8
Release Date: 21/01/2015
Filename: Interstellar.2014.DVDScr.XVID.AC3.HQ.Hive-CM8
Source: DVDScr
Size: 2.28 GB
Genre: Adventure | Sci-Fi
Video: XviD | 720 x 314
Audio: English | AC3 | 224 kbps
IMDB Rating: 8.9/10 from 407,642 users
RT Critics: 7/10
Directed By: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain
Release Description
With our time on Earth coming to an end, a team of explorers undertakes the most important miss traveling beyond this galaxy to discover whether mankind has a future among the stars.
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It’s true — Hollywood has fully exported its heroes to the newest media kid on the block, video games. It wasn’t enough for Martin Sheen to play the chain smoking Illusive Man in ;s Mass Effect 2 , or Kevin…
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Release Info
Release Group: GECKOS (Scene)
Release Name: Alexander.and.the.Terrible.Horrible.No.Good.Very.Bad.Day.p.BluRay.x264-GECKOS
Release Date: January 20, 2015
Source: Retail BluRay
Size: 6.67 GB
Genre: Comedy | Family
Video: MKV | 8 | 10062 Kbps
Audio: English | DTS | 1509 Kbps
IMDB Rating: 6.4/10 from 4,749 users
RT Critics: 5.8/10
Starring: Steve Carell, Jennifer Garner, Ed Oxenbould
Release Description
Alexander’s day begins with gum stuck in his hair, followed by more calamities. Though he finds little sympathy from his family and begins to wonder if bad things only happen to him, his mom, dad, brother, and sister all find themselves living through their own terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
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Release Info
Release Group: RELOADED(Scene)
Release Name: Citizens.of.Earth-RELOADED
Release Date: 21/01/2015
Retail Date: 21/01/2015
Filename: Citizens.of.Earth-RELOADED
Source: Steam
Size: 1.62 GB
Genre: RPG
Critics: N/A
Published by: Atlus
Developed by: Eden Industries
Release Description
Citizens of Earth is an RPG that places you in the shoes of the Vice President of the World! He’s a classic bureaucrat: charming, charismatic, but practically useless. After recently winning the vice presidency, he returns to his rural home town for some vacation. But he soon inadvertently discovers that there is some very strange stuff happening around town. Feeling a sense of responsibility as an elected official you decide to do something about it! But being the bureaucrat you are, you don’t actually want to get your hands dirty. Thus you go about using your charisma to recruit normal townsfolk to help you investigate and fight your battles for you.
Release Gameplay Screenshots
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Release Info
Release Group: EVO (P2P)
Release Name: Alexander.and.the.Terrible.Horrible.No.Good.Very.Bad.Day.2014.BRRip.XviD.AC3-EVO
Release Date: January 20, 2015
Filename: Alexander.and.the.Terrible.Horrible.No.Good.Very.Bad.Day.2014.BRRip.XviD.AC3-EVO
Source: Retail BluRay
Size: 1.36 GB
Genre: Comedy | Family
Video: AVi | 720×304 | 2000 Kbps
Audio: English | AC-3 | 448 Kbps
IMDB Rating: 6.4/10 from 4,749 users
RT Critics: 5.8/10
Directed By: Miguel Arteta
Starring: Steve Carell, Jennifer Garner, Ed Oxenbould
Release Description
Alexander’s day begins with gum stuck in his hair, followed by more calamities. Though he finds little sympathy from his family and begins to wonder if bad things only happen to him, his mom, dad, brother, and sister all find themselves living through their own terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
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This year’s Super Bowl will be streamed for free over the internet in full HD, no cable subscription required. Completely unbundling the big game is an effort on NBC’s part to promote its TV Everywhere service, which ironically requires a…
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Release Info
Release Group: GECKOS (Scene)
Release Name: Alexander.and.the.Terrible.Horrible.No.Good.Very.Bad.Day.2014.BDRip.x264-GECKOS
Release Date: January 20, 2015
Filename: Alexander.and.the.Terrible.Horrible.No.Good.Very.Bad.Day.2014.BDRip.x264-GECKOS
Source: Retail BluRay
Size: 580 MB
Genre: Comedy | Family
Video: MKV | 720×302
Audio: English | AAC
IMDB Rating: 6.4/10 from 4,749 users
RT Critics: 5.8/10
Directed By: Miguel Arteta
Starring: Steve Carell, Jennifer Garner, Ed Oxenbould
Release Description
Alexander’s day begins with gum stuck in his hair, followed by more calamities. Though he finds little sympathy from his family and begins to wonder if bad things only happen to him, his mom, dad, brother, and sister all find themselves living through their own terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
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Release Info
Release Group: GECKOS – (SCENE)
Release Name: Alexander.and.the.Terrible.Horrible.No.Good.Very.Bad.Day.p.BluRay.x264-GECKOS
Release Date: January 20, 2015
Filename: Alexander.and.the.Terrible.Horrible.No.Good.Very.Bad.Day.p.BluRay.x264-GECKOS
Source: BLURAY
Size: 4.36 GB
Genre: Comedy | Family
Video: x264 | 6 | 6199 Kbps
Audio: English | DTS | 1509 Kbps
Subs: English
IMDB Rating: 6.4/10
RT Critics: 5.8/10
Directed By: Miguel Arteta
Starring: Steve Carell, Jennifer Garner, Ed Oxenbould
Release Description
Alexander’s day begins with gum stuck in his hair, followed by more calamities. Though he finds little sympathy from his family and begins to wonder if bad things only happen to him, his mom, dad, brother, and sister all find themselves living through their own terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
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Candide Thovex is having another one of those days in an aptly named new YouTube video, “One of those days 2.” The professional skier from France has released yet another amazing point of view of his extreme skiing, and in…
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The rate at which people are upgrading their iPhone, iPod touch and iPad devices to iOS 8 is slowing in the post-holiday season. As noted on Apple’s own , though iOS 8 adoption is edging toward the 70 percent milestone it’s barely hit the 69 percent mark on Tuesday.
That’s a rather paltry one percentage point jump over an adoption rate of 68 percent as measured just two weeks ago. And by comparison, that figure was a healthy four percentage points increase over the previous December 22 update....
"" is an article by . Make sure to , , and .
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NBCUniversal today
that it's debuting a new "Super Stream Sunday" promotion, which will allow all U.S.-based users to watch 11 continuous hours of NBC content through the
and through the
app on the iPad/iPod touch without the need for a cable subscription.
Super Stream Sunday, which starts on February 1 at noon Eastern Time, will include , the Super Bowl XLIX halftime show with Katy Perry, and the Super Bowl XLIX pre- and post-game shows. It will also feature an episode of The Blacklist.
Accessing NBC content
or within the NBC Sports Live Extra app typically requires a cable subscription and authentication through logging into the service, but for the Super Stream Sunday period, no logins will be required, allowing everyone to watch the Super Bowl for free. NBC is running the promotion in an effort to make people aware of its TV Everywhere offerings, which offer television content on a range of devices with a cable subscription.
While iPad and iPod touch users can watch the Super Bowl using the NBC Sports Live Extra app, NBC is
content to the iPhone as it does not have NFL live-streaming rights for smartphones due to an exclusive deal the NFL has with Verizon Wireless.
Verizon Wireless and the NFL plan to introduce a Super Bowl Stadium app that will offer "exclusive in-stadium video content" that includes commercials and replays shown from four camera angles. Users not in the United States or Mexico can access the Super Bowl through the NFL's .
can be downloaded from the App Store for free. []
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Release Info
Release Group: CROOKS
Release Name: Strange.Empire.S01E11.HDTV.x264-CROOKS
Release Date: January 19,2018
Filename: Strange.Empire.S01E11.HDTV.x264-CROOKS
Source: HDTV
Size: 355 MB
Genre: Drama | Western
Runtime: 42 Mins
Season & Episode: TBA
Release Description
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Facebook today
it is () stepping up fight against spammers by making certain changes to cut down on the number of posts in the News Feed which file as deliberate hoaxes or misleading news stories.
These include click-bait headlines such as “Man sees dinosaur on hike in Utah” and scams offering users, say, a chance to “win a lifetime supply of coffee,” if only you’d be so kind as to follow the link, please....
"" is an article by . Make sure to , , and .
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Late last year, the folks at Google released the Android 5.0.2 update for Nexus 7 2012 WiFi. Even though it was believed that the Android 5.0.2 update will be released for other Nexus devices shorty after, the factory images for Nexus 7 2013 WiFi and Nexus 10 weren’t released until a few days ago. We told you […]
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This post is brought to you by Lucid Software, creator of Lucidchart. Does your organization have people in several remote locations who need to work on visual documents together? Now you can forget about e-mailing files, saving versions and all…
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Despite the multitude of password management apps that are available, like 1Password and LastPass, many people continue to use easily guessable words and number strings to protect their sensitive information.
One of the most popular passwords in 2014, for example, was "123456," according to a list of leaked 2014 passwords gathered by
(via ). The second most used password was "password," followed by "12345," "," and "qwerty." Both "123456" and "password" have also been popular in past years, ranking as the top two most commonly used passwords in 2013.
Similar number strings were the sixth and seventh most popular 2014 passwords, followed by the words "baseball," "football," and "dragon."
"Passwords based on simple patterns on your keyboard remain popular despite how weak they are," said Morgan Slain, CEO of SplashData. "Any password using numbers alone should be avoided, especially sequences. As more websites require stronger passwords or combinations of letters and numbers, longer keyboard patterns are becoming common passwords, and they are still not secure."To get its list of the worst passwords in 2014, its fourth annual year of collecting password data, SplashData looked at more than 3.3 million passwords that were leaked across 2014. Passwords came primarily from users in North America and Western Europe.
Based on the data that it gathered, SplashData recommends against using keyboard sequences like "1qaz2wsx" or "qwertyuiop," and it advises users not to use a favorite sport. Baseball and football made the top 10 list of most common passwords, while hockey, soccer, and golfer were in the top 100. Team-based passwords like Yankees, Eagles, Steelers, Rangers, and Lakers also made the top 100 list.
Birthdays and birth years are also not recommended, nor are names, with common monikers like Michael, Jennifer, Thomas, and Jordan listed within the top 50 most commonly used passwords. Swear words, phrases, hobbies, athletes, car brands, and film names were also heavily featured in SplashData's top 100 list.
Using a password management app like , , or
is highly recommended, to generate random passwords that are used for a single site and that are more secure than self-generated words, numbers, and phrases.
Widely publicized data leaks across 2013 and 2014 seem to have spurred more people to choose stronger passwords, as the top 25 passwords represented just 2.2 percent of passwords exposed. Along with the , many companies including Home Depot, Target, and Staples saw major data leaks.
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AT&T announced on Tuesday that it is now making a new calling package available, allowing its customers to get unlimited calling to Mexico. Available for a monthly price of $5 per line, the AT&T World Connect Value calling plan offers free unlimited calls to Mexico, as well as discounted calls to 225 countries....
"" is an article by . Make sure to , , and .
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Release Info
Release Group: RELOADED(Scene)
Release Name: Saints Row Gat out of Hell-RELOADED
Release Date: 20/01/2015
Retail Date: 20/01/2015
Filename: Saints Row Gat out of Hell-RELOADED
Source: Steam
Size: 4.97 GB
Genre: Action
Critics: N/A
Published by: Deep Silver
Developed by: Volition
Release Description
Johnny Gat is on a mission to shoot the Devil in the face! In this standalone Saints Row action game Saints Row IV: Gat Out of Hell, players take on the role of Johnny Gat as he is sent into hell via a nefarious spirit board incident and left to combat demons, the horrors of the underworld (including prominent historical figures) and, of course, the Devil himself. Play as either Johnny Gat or Kinzie Kensington as you tear apart Hell in a quest to save the leader of the Saints’ soul. Historical icons, old friends, older enemies, a talking gun, a full length musical number, and a whole lot of other shenanigans all await you in the open world expansion playground that is Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell.
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Not that Apple’s patent filings are indicative of anything more than a vague direction it might take at some point in the future, but today’s patent grant for an eye-tracking technology gives some hope that Apple is at least researching ways to enhance interactions in iOS and OS X.
today on the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) website today, the invention titled “Systems and methods for counteracting a perceptual fading of a movable indicator” is rich in both breadth and scope....
"" is an article by . Make sure to , , and .
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Rogue Amoeba today announced the launch of
for Mac, which allows users to record audio from any source, including Skype, Safari, or hardware inputs like microphones. As described by the company, "if it can be heard on Mac OS X, Audio Hijack can record it."
Audio Hijack 3 follows in the footsteps of Rogue Amoeba's Audio Hijack, which was first released in 2002, and Audio Hijack Pro, a second version that added additional features and support for various audio plugins. Version 3 of the software introduces a new look and dozens of new functions to make this the most full-featured version of Audio Hijack yet.
Audio Hijack 3 includes a new audio capture interface, which lets users see the sound as it's being captured using a pipeline-style view that organizes different types of audio into Blocks for full customization.The most visible change is Audio Hijack's new audio capture interface. The terrific pipeline-style view of exactly how audio flows makes Audio Hijack 3 a snap to learn for veteran and rookie users alike. Different types of Blocks bring in audio from application and hardware sources (Source Blocks), adjust it with audio effects (Effects Blocks), then record it and send it out to speakers (Output Blocks). The fully customizable layout means users can configure the exact pipeline they need, to get the audio results they want.The app is organized into three sections, including Sessions, Recordings, and Schedule, and Session Templates let users complete common tasks quickly. It's possible to record multiple formats at once, or different sources in sync, and there are simple tools for accessing various audio effects.
Dirty audio can be fixed with Denoise, Declick, and Dehum tools, and there are new preset options for saving configurations. For the first time, Audio Hijack can record in lossless FLAC format and in high-efficiency AAC.
Jason Snell of
and Chris Breen of
have both written detailed reviews of Audio Hijack 3 that are well worth reading to get a solid sense of what's new and how the software works.
Audio Hijack 3 is available for Macs running OS X 10.9 and up. It can be downloaded from
for $49. New users will need to pay the standard $49 price, but people who purchased an Audio Hijack product in the past can upgrade to Audio Hijack 3 for $25. Customers who purchased Audio Hijack Pro
can download the new software for free.
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Fans of BBC shows on Netflix have been on a bit of a ride lately. First, there was the possibility that the licensing agreement between the two companies was going to expire January 31. And then everyone freaked out because…
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Google today
an update for its Chrome iOS app with several new features, perhaps most notably the ability to transfer from Chrome on your mobile device to a browser on OS X thanks to integration with Handoff.
The Handoff support works seamlessly, allowing users to continue browsing a mobile webpage on their desktop of choice, but the update also brings a couple of other updates to Chrome on iOS, namely a graphical overhaul in line with Google's Material Design aesthetic and general optimization for "bigger phones."
The Chrome team is excited to announce Chrome 40 for iPhone and iPad. Chrome 40.0.2214.61 contains a number of improvements including:
-New look with Material Design bringing bold graphics, fluid motion, and tactile surfaces
-iOS 8 optimizations and support for bigger phones
-Support handoff from Chrome to your default browser on OS X
-Stability improvements and bug fixes The update is available now and
can be downloaded for free from the App Store. []
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Google on Tuesday
a much appreciated refresh to its
for the iPhone and iPad. Chrome version 40 brings out a reworked appearance built around Material Design, Google’s guidelines for the look and feel of software across mobile, desktop and the web.
Material Design in Chrome brings “bold graphics, fluid motion and tactile surfaces,” as per release notes accompanying the 58-megabyte download.
In addition to Material Design, the new Chrome also supports Handoff, an iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite feature allowing you to start browsing on your iPhone or iPad and pick up on your Mac’s default browser right where you left off....
"" is an article by . Make sure to , , and .
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Steve Jobs shunned trips to Washington, D.C., during his tenure as Apple CEO, but Tim Cook has been a frequent visitor to Capitol Hill to personally amp up Apple’s lobbying efforts, which have more than doubled since 2009. A new…
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is the first application to let you control your Nest thermostat directly from your iPhone or iPad’s Notification Center. Already available for Mac (), Thermos has now made its way to iOS with a Notification Center widget that allows Nest user to adjust the temperature of the thermostat, as well as setting it to Away, or turning it off altogether....
"" is an article by . Make sure to , , and .
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Release Info
Release Group: EVO (P2P)
Release Name: The.Infinite.Man.2014.HDRip.XviD.AC3-EVO
Release Date: 20th January 2015
Filename: The.Infinite.Man.2014.HDRip.XviD.AC3-EVO
Source: HD
Size: 1.387 GB
Genre: Comedy
Video: XviD, 720×304 at 1900 Kbps
Audio: English, AC-3 at 384kbps
IMDB Rating: 7.3/10 from 239 users
RT Critics: 92%, average ratings 7.9/10
Directed By: Hugh Sullivan
Starring: Josh McConville, Hannah Marshall, Alex Dimitriades
Release Description
A man’s attempts to construct the ultimate romantic weekend backfire when his quest for perfection traps his lover in an infinite loop.
Release Quality
Associated Links
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Download Links
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Holding a mobile phone while driving is an activity that is frowned upon. Texting and driving is not only a social faux pas, but could also earn you a traffic ticket in some jurisdictions or, worse, cause you to wind…
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Apple's iPhone 6 and 6 Plus may boost the company's iPhone sales to a new record in the year-ending Q1 2015, says Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty in a recent investor note. In line with other analyst predictions, Huberty and her team expect iPhone sales in the December holiday quarter to reach as high as 69 million units, eclipsing
of 51 million units sold in Q1 2014.
Huberty also predicts strong Mac sales based on
of 5.8 million units, well above Morgan Stanley's earlier estimate of 5.2 million units and exceeding the
the company sold in fiscal Q4 2014. While the iPhone and Mac climb, iPad demand year-over-year is expected
with 22 million units shipped in Q1 2015, down slightly from
in the same quarter of 2014.
Looking ahead, Huberty believes Apple is on the cusp of a "super" iPhone upgrade cycle that will see an increased number of iPhone owners upgrading from their older iPhone models. The results from Morgan Stanley's Alphawise survey suggest that 35 percent of iPhone owners have an iPhone 4s or older. These older model iPhone owners are likely to upgrade in the next two years with nearly two-thirds of the predicted 200 million iPhone shipments in 2015 being purchased by these upgrade-eligible customers.
The Apple Watch also is expected to command interest in 2015 with 3 million units shipped during the first quarter of availability, predicts Huberty. Surveys
the wearable will be popular among iPhone owners, pushing sales to a predicted 30 million units in 2015.
the results for its first fiscal quarter of 2015 (fourth calendar quarter of 2014) and provide future earnings guidance on Tuesday, January 27. The quarterly earnings statement will be released around 1:30 PM Pacific/4:30 PM Eastern, with a conference call to discuss the report following at 2:00 PM Pacific/5:00 PM Eastern.


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