特大城市2011d3d reset failedd to crrate D3D device : Unable to find requested mode (800*600@0)

Wine Version1.7.0
Free Download
Maintainers of this version:
Old test resultsThe test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Known bugs
Other apps affected
Rift crashes in game randomly
Rift crashes when VT switch > 60 sec
&A trick to get Rift crashing less
Latest Wine upgrade made atleast my Rift constantly crashing(30 min - 1 hour after playing), but there is a trick to reduce this crashing:
It seems to degrade performance a bit, but in some places it somehow actually increases it. I guess it’s threading policy of Rift that causes it. The impact is barely noticeable by me, tell me if you have other opinions.
This setting also removes rendering artifacts, where all kind of funny white stripes and other ugly particles and planes are shown where they shouldn’t be, to make it ~pixel perfect to what it should be.
&Winetricks commands required to get Rift working properly
These have been reported by so many that I guess they are still needed. I’ve done them for me for a long time ago.
allows you to install proprietary (but free to use) programs from MS and similar providers.
You need to install vcrun2008 and d3dx9:
sh winetricks vcrun
&Miscelleanous tricks
Sometimes pressing play button does not work. Retrying it enough of times makes i enter can be used to shut down the popup and mouse to reclick the button.
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.
Rift on Mavericks hackintosh
guntherpea on Wednesday March 26th
I was having trouble getting Rift running with WINE on my Mavericks hackintosh.
I had assumed it was because it's a laptop with only an Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics setup.
I was seeing black flashing terrain textures and the player model was doing the same or disappearing.
However, after setting up the registry keys for StrictDrawOrdering and GLSL, it's been great.
The cut scenes are still a no-go, but the game looks good and runs well with all textures now.
Thanks everyone for posting those solutions.
And now we can mark off one more config that's working.
by guntherpea on
Wednesday March 26th
Biggest Performance Boost
Andy on Friday March 21st
Playing Rift or WOW the best performance boost I have seen comes from using a utility that will let you set the frequency of your CPU. I use an applet called "CPU Frequency" which sits on my Gnome menu but allows to to switch from "On Demand", which my computer runs 90% of the time, to "Performance" which sets the CPU to maximum. With it "On Demand" in Meridian I get 15-16FPS with low-medium detail. Switch it to performance and that jumps to 25-30FPS with no other changes. I get the same boost in WOW.
The other change I had to do in Rift to get nice graphics with only the occasional glitch is the "StrictDrawOrdering: enabled" in the registry. Without this setting the graphics were unplayable. Other than that Rift played "out of the box" with no other changes needed in my configuration.
Connar on Thursday December 26th
Game doesn't even get to character selection before crashing at 35-39% on the loading bar. Thats with the winetricks stuff ( VCRedist and d3dx9_43 ).
Manjaro .88
FX-8350 ( 4.5Ghz)
Radeon HD 7850 1Gb
8Gb ram
I've done the same stuff as literally everybody else, so I am at a total loss for why it'll run for people on Ubuntu and Mint, but crashes ( and has forced a hard reset a few times ) whenever I try to run the game. Any help would be appreciated.
Andres on Saturday November 16th
Rift crashes everytime i try to launch it the installer works but not the game
Greg on Sunday August 11th
For some reason I can't get more than 2 FPS, not even in low quality renderer.
On Windows with almost everything on max I get 25-35 FPS.
I'm running Mint 15 w/ Cinnamon.
Here's my system specs:
2.2 GHz Quad-core AMD processor
Radeon HD 7750 w/ 1GB RAM
I've tried Crossover w/ their default settings and I've tried Wine 1.6. I'm currently trying PlayOnLinux testing different Wine versions (Wine version doesn't seem to be the problem).
The game login box looks and works great, character selection looks great -- no lag whatsoever, the loading character screen looks great but then once it loads the screen is flickering with full screen artifacts.
I can stop that by hitting print screen button and then it looks great, but my frame rate is only 2.
I've been trying to get this working for a couple days now and no matter what I do I'm stuck at 2 FPS.
I've used Linux off and on for a long, long time but I'm not an expert in any way.
I read the comments on here and followed the PlayOnLinux instructions (except using newer version of Wine) from the comments on here but no luck fixing the frame rate.
Anyone have any ideas?
by Greg on
Sunday August 11th
by James Potts on
Thursday August 22nd
Serious lag in game
Eric N on Monday July 8th
I'm getting serious lag, so much the game is unplayable. I've got the graphics settings on low, added all the registry entries indicated on this page, set all the Catalyst settings to performance, and it got a little better, but still unplayable.
I know it's a bit insane to run games on a cheap laptop, but I've been able to run WoW, LOTRO and D&D Online without difficulty, so I thought I might be able to run Rift too.
Fedora 18 x64
AMD E-300 x2
ATI Radeon 6310 integrated graphics
by Jonathan Bennett on
Friday July 12th
Free to Play mostly works
Aaron Kling on Tuesday June 18th
Without winetricks d3dx9, the character creation 3d objects do not render and the interface renders without ever clearing, though it is still possible to create the character. With d3dx9, 3d objects do render, but not quite correctly. Some objects, like trees and flags, have shimmering black textures mixed with the correct textures. This happens with any combination of strictdrawordering and glsl. The game installed and patched fine, except that the main game executable could not find the patcher to handle the fancy on-the-fly patching, so I had to wait for the full game to download before I could go in-game. The cinematics are a terrible flashing mess, but the audio in them is perfect.
All in all, it's playable. I spent about an hour with no game impacting problems. Hopefully, the minor graphical issues can be fixed soon. I can provide logs or other info if it would be helpful.
My setup:
Wine: 1.5.31
winetricks: d3dx9
OS: Fedora 18 64-bit
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955
Ram: 4 GB DDR2
Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 9600 GT (proprietary 319.12 drivers)
Unable to play
Catalin B on Tuesday May 21st
Arch Linux x64
Latest Wine version.
It seems that pressing play after patch will not do anything.
Gob on Monday December 31st
Has anyone been able to install the game with the online installer named RIFT-Install.exe?
Whenever I try this, it fails after accepting the license agreement (page faults).
Wine 1.5.20, 64 bit gentoo.
by 9iZDYUHG on
Thursday January 3rd
Thursday January 3rd
by 9iZDYUHG on
Thursday January 3rd
Installing Rift on Max OSX 10.8.2
Ethan on Friday November 2nd
Hello it was frustrating but I was able to install rift on my mac and though I should share since it required some steps that weren't mentioned. (note I used the mac ports pkg handler)
For some reason the installer that I downloaded from Trion kept returning errors after accepting the License agreement making it useless. Luckily I was able to install it from the install disc I got when I originally installed the game.
1.) If haven't already install Xcode then install wine.
2.) If you haven't yet installed wine tricks.
4.) Install XQuartz.
5.) Reboot your mac.
6.) Use wine tricks to install the following files: vcrun d3dx9_43
7.) insert the install DVD into your optical drive.
8.) locate the installer on the DVD. (note auto run.exe doesn't work so you have to find it manually.)
9.) Execute the installer in wine and install the game. The game will offer to install Direct X and Visual C++ 2008. If you followed step 6 correctly you already have these so uncheck these boxes. Make sure the box to open rift is check and click done.
10.) A the launcher will open and it should update it's self
11.) log in and click update depending on how old your install DVD is the patcher may require you to redownload the entire game. Don't worry it will do this automatically.
12.) For some reason the streaming client doesn't work (in my case at least) so you must wait for the patcher to finish completely.
13.) Click Play.
I've yet to play the game since I just did this but I'll be sure to report my experience later.
by Ethan on
Friday November 2nd
Stuck loading screen causes computer to freeze
jwong on Monday August 6th
I'm fairly new to wine and ubuntu in general. The initial loading screen and character screen start up fine with no graphical glitches, but once I select a character and hit play, it changes to the loading screen and just stops at 0%. I am unable to access the ubuntu desktop once this happens and have to perform a hard restart.
Using Ubuntu 12.04 and Wine 1.4.
AlwaysOffscreen enabled
DirectDrawRenderer opengl
Multisampling disabled
OffscreenRenderingMode fbo
UseGLSL enabled
VertexShaderMode hardware
I've also installed vcrun2008 and d3dx9_43.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Works, but has issues.
KP on Friday July 13th
- LinuxMint 12
- wine stable 1.4.1
- Installed vcrun2008 (from winetricks)
- Installed d3dx11_43 (from winetricks)
Video settings: GLSL : enabled
Direct Draw Renderer : opengl
Offscreen rendering mode : fbo
Multisampling : disabled
rift.cfg : "LegacyRenderer = False" (located in wine drive: "c:/users/[name]/Application Data/RIFT")
Works fine, however cut-scenes and load-screens consist only of bright flashing colors. Also, there are quickly flashing polygons (about a quarter second or less) that seem to be caused from moving objects within the game (floating bugs/stuff, swaying trees, etc). These flashes are quick but they are frequent. They are tolerable, but annoying. The sound so far is working flawlessly.
by Kevin on
Monday July 30th
by Metalfyre on
Friday November 8th
by Jeff on
Sunday March 2nd
Still crashs sometimes
Geriain on Saturday July 7th
Hey folks, I've done every mentioned tweak with winetricks and in the regedit ( even the StrictDraw-option ) and edited the config file. The problem is it runs fluently even on high settings ( wine 1.5.8 ) but from time to time the game still crahes, leaving me with a bugging desktop and need to emergency-logout. Is there someone also encountering that problem even after editing the registry?
Figured this one out.
Jonathan Challinger on Friday February 24th
Ok, the problem was that it is leaving a process in the background eating 100% CPU after exit. And this is on a laptop! I need to fix it so I don't have to remember to kill the process...
Poor performance
Jonathan Challinger on Wednesday February 22nd
i7 2670qm, nvidia gtx 560m 1.5GB
Running kubuntu 11.10, wine 1.3.20.
Getting 10-15 fps in freemarch with nothing going on. Fullscreen FX, projected textures off, AA set to multisampling, not supersampling, 4x AF (set in nvidia-settings), everything else maxed, tried a variety of registry tweaks. Even if I run minimum settings I still only get 20-30FPS with nothing going on, drops drastically in any kind of real combat.
Any suggestions?
by Jonathan Challinger on
Wednesday February 22nd
Additional steps
Dan on Monday January 2nd
As I mentioned in my test data on Fedora x86_64, in addition to the things listed above, there are a few more things that might need to be done to get this running:
1. Wine Gecko
2. d3dx9_43 from winetricks (d3dx9 did not install this)
3. 32-bit driver libs (if the system is 64-bit)
4. Prepend "taskset -c 0" to the beginning of the command in the Rift shortcut, as mentioned in this bug:
Good configuration
Micha?l on Monday October 31st
For me, on Linux Mint 11 x86_64, with nVidia GTS 450, I've found the perfect configuration with PlayOnLinux :
Wine 1.3.20 (after, I have flashing & white texture resolve with StrictDrawOrdering but bad performance)
**manual** installation of Direct X June 2010. With wintetricks or POL I have flashing loading screen (the DLL in windows/system32 are not good with 2kb size)
GLSL : enabled
Direct Draw Renderer : opengl
Offscreen rendering mode : fbo
Multisampling : disabled
I've test all version of Wine from 1.3.17 to 1.3.31 and display options.
I hope this help someone
by Tony on
Monday October 31st
by Micha?l on
Monday October 31st
by Tony on
Tuesday November 1st
by Micha?l on
Tuesday November 1st
by Samu Voutilainen on
Wednesday November 9th
by Micha?l on
Friday November 11th
by Tony on
Friday December 2nd
Can't Play
jason on Saturday October 22nd
So far I'm out of luck trying to get Rift to play on my Ubuntu 11.04 32bit box.
Every time I try to run the app within wine I press the "play" button and either get a black screen entirely or it will show the loading screen and get up to 18% and freeze.
Below is what I received out of the terminal.
Any ideas?.
BTW I am *new* to Linux gaming and wine.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x28.
fixme:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile data 0x1b26608, data_size 1020, filename "memory", defines (nil), include 0x33f608, entrypoint "main",
target "ps_2_0", sflags 0, eflags 0, shader 0x33f818, error_messages 0x33f81c stub!
fixme:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile data 0x1b26af0, data_size 1054, filename "memory", defines (nil), include 0x33f608, entrypoint "main",
target "ps_2_0", sflags 0, eflags 0, shader 0x33f818, error_messages 0x33f81c stub!
fixme:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile data 0x1b26a08, data_size 225, filename "memory", defines (nil), include 0x33f608, entrypoint "main",
target "vs_2_0", sflags 0, eflags 0, shader 0x33f818, error_messages 0x33f81c stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33ee7c,0x), stub!
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:ieframe:taskbar_list_SetProgressState iface 0x16f390, hwnd 0x40088, flags 0 stub!
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:ole:CoInitializeSecurity ((nil),-1,(nil),(nil),0,3,(nil),0,(nil)) - stub!
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_locator_ConnectServer 0x1e77b8, L"root", (null), (null), (null), 0x, (null), (nil), 0x413ed84)
fixme:shell:SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID L"Trion.Rift": stub
wine: Unhandled exception 0xc0000409 at address 0x41345c (thread 0042), starting debugger...
err:seh:setup_exception_record stack overflow 872 bytes in thread 0040 eip 6844949c esp 00240fc8 stack 0xxx340000
by Samu Voutilainen on
Sunday October 30th
Cannot Install Rift via Client or Play!
Tobias T. on Wednesday October 19th
I have problems about Installing Rift.
If i start the Rift live Patcher it says:
[Error reading setup initaialization file]
I downloadet it many times from other locations and its still the same.
I installed Rift on my Windows System, then i copyd the hole Folder on my Ubuntu System and if i try to start the Rift.exe nothing happened.
My System Datas
AMD Athlon X2 5.2GHz / 4GB Ram
Ubuntu 11.10 with all actual updates and wine 1.3.30.
Nvidia geForce GT 520 with the latest driver Version.
I also tryd
other Wine Versions and its everytime the same.
Can anyone help me out?
PS. sry about my bad english, Linux is everywhere :)
by Tobias T. on
Wednesday October 19th
void on Sunday October 9th
Ubuntu 11.04, Patch 1.5 hotifix#4
it works. Just sometimes audio disappear if you tab with some youtube or Vlc videos.
Fps ~13 with medium quality.
by Samu Voutilainen on
Sunday October 30th
Sound is bad
Angel on Friday October 7th
I'm starting think this is a wine+pulseaudio issue because this is the 2nd game I sound issues on. WOW will randomly loose sound and the only way to fix it is to change my sound settings luckily I can do this in game.
However in Rift my sound starts to stutter then it will cut out and the only way to fix it is to reboot the game.
I've noticed that when loading a character the sound is fine until about 85% then bam stuttering galore. I've tried all the changes mentioned here to no avail. no matter what I do my sound just get's choppy.
by Samu Voutilainen on
Sunday October 30th
Bad performances with Nvidia card
Tuxbubling on Saturday September 17th
I played this game on an ATI 6870 without major problem except being unable to use anything else than the low quality renderer.
So i decided to switch to an Nvidia card and got a GTX 570 to replace the 6870.
After tweaking a bit with regedit, i got the game working _correctly_.
Character selection is all black but the game is fine in "fbo" orm mode or character selection ok but no ground texture in backbuffer mode.
Sure the quality has improved _a lot_ over the ATI. But problem that remains is framerate. I see here and there on forums people supposed to run it "near ultra" with a good Nvidia card on wine.
i can't get more than 35fps with a big 9FPS in meridian with less than medium settings. Even switching to low quality renderer doesn't give more than 5/10 fps boost -_-
by Tuxbubling on
Saturday September 17th
by capstone on
Monday October 17th
by Tuxbubling on
Sunday October 23rd
Solution for msvcp90.dll
inf loop on Tuesday September 13th
I found a post that mentions renaming the following files under windows/winsxs/manifests to something other than .manifest
by Samu Voutilainen on
Sunday October 30th
System Spec for the 1.3.28 Error
Khelben on Monday September 12th
Kubuntu 11.04 with all actual updates and wine 1.3.28.
With 1.3.27 everything was fine
1.3.28 has crashed rift again
Khelben on Monday September 12th
Updated today to .28 and can't play Rift anymore
Terminal output you will finde below
env WINEPREFIX="/home/rhuarc/.wine" wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /Unix /home/rhuarc/.wine/dosdevices/c:/users/rhuarc/Startmenü/Programme/RIFT/RIFT\ spielen.lnk
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
wine: Call from 0x7b839d72 to unimplemented function msvcp90.dll.?
wine: Unimplemented function msvcp90.dll.?
called at address 0x7b839d72 (thread 001f), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: unimplemented function msvcp90.dll.?
called in 32-bit code (0x7b839d72).
Register dump:
CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b
EIP:7b839d72 ESP:0033edec EBP:0033ee50 EFLAGS:(
I S - -P-C)
EAX:7b825ef1 EBX:7b893ff4 ECX:7e64e0b9 EDX:0033ee14
ESI: EDI:0033eee4
Stack dump:
7e623b60 7e64e0b9 f077d8
00 00d71000
c74a0 7b839d2a 671b9274
=>0 0x7b839d72 in kernel32 (+0x29d72) (0x0033ee50)
1 0x7e623ac8 in msvcp90 (+0x33ac7) (0x0033ee80)
2 0x7e61056d in msvcp90 (+0x2056c) (0x0033eec4)
3 0x in qtcore4 (+0x1f986) (0x0033eec4)
4 0x6701fae2 in qtcore4 (+0x1fae1) (0x0033eed8)
5 0x671010ef in qtcore4 (+0x1010ee) (0x0033ef0c)
6 0x in qtcore4 (+0x10728f) (0x0033ef70)
7 0x00409ce9 in riftpatchlive (+0x9ce8) (0x)
8 0x00408bf2 in riftpatchlive (+0x8bf1) (0x)
9 0x0043a89c in riftpatchlive (+0x3a89b) (0x0033fdc8)
10 0x0043ab84 in riftpatchlive (+0x3ab83) (0x0033fddc)
11 0x00517bfc in riftpatchlive (+0x117bfb) (0x0033fe00)
12 0x00516f7c in riftpatchlive (+0x116f7b) (0x0033fe90)
13 0x7b8593fc call_process_entry+0xb() in kernel32 (0x0033fea8)
14 0x7b85a49f in kernel32 (+0x4a49e) (0x0033fee8)
15 0x7bc71dc8 call_thread_func+0xb() in ntdll (0x0033fef8)
16 0x7bc754de in ntdll (+0x654dd) (0x0033ffc8)
17 0x7bc49f4e call_dll_entry_point+0x61d() in ntdll (0x0033ffe8)
0x7b839d72: subl
Debug info
Name (114 modules)
prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000e services.exe
0000001c explorer.exe
0000001e (D) C:\Programme\RIFT Game\riftpatchlive.exe
0 0 0x7b839d72 in kernel32 (+0x29d72) (0x0033ee50)
1 0x7e623ac8 in msvcp90 (+0x33ac7) (0x0033ee80)
2 0x7e61056d in msvcp90 (+0x2056c) (0x0033eec4)
3 0x in qtcore4 (+0x1f986) (0x0033eec4)
4 0x6701fae2 in qtcore4 (+0x1fae1) (0x0033eed8)
5 0x671010ef in qtcore4 (+0x1010ee) (0x0033ef0c)
6 0x in qtcore4 (+0x10728f) (0x0033ef70)
7 0x00409ce9 in riftpatchlive (+0x9ce8) (0x)
8 0x00408bf2 in riftpatchlive (+0x8bf1) (0x)
9 0x0043a89c in riftpatchlive (+0x3a89b) (0x0033fdc8)
10 0x0043ab84 in riftpatchlive (+0x3ab83) (0x0033fddc)
11 0x00517bfc in riftpatchlive (+0x117bfb) (0x0033fe00)
12 0x00516f7c in riftpatchlive (+0x116f7b) (0x0033fe90)
13 0x7b8593fc call_process_entry+0xb() in kernel32 (0x0033fea8)
14 0x7b85a49f in kernel32 (+0x4a49e) (0x0033fee8)
15 0x7bc71dc8 call_thread_func+0xb() in ntdll (0x0033fef8)
16 0x7bc754de in ntdll (+0x654dd) (0x0033ffc8)
17 0x7bc49f4e call_dll_entry_point+0x61d() in ntdll (0x0033ffe8)
wine: Call from 0x7b839d72 to unimplemented function msvcp90.dll.?
msvcp90.dll crash
J. Antonio Romero on Wednesday August 31st
Since upgrading to 1.3.27 (Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit) I've been unable to run the game at all.
Running the patcher (clean prefix, aside from vcrun2008, d3dx9 and obviously Rift) gives me this:
And adding/switching the msvcp90 override to native gives me this instead:
The only workaround I've found so far is to revert to 1.3.26 and prepare a new prefix with it and _never_ run 1.3.27 on it. Apparently 1.3.27 updates the builtin msvcp90.dll because running the updated prefix with the previous version of wine still gives me the first error.
Has anyone else encountered this?
by J. Antonio Romero on
Wednesday August 31st
by Joshua on
Sunday September 4th
by JK Wood on
Sunday September 4th
Mike Hollis on Saturday August 27th
1.3.27 appears to have fixed the projected texture lag for me, if you havn't turned it on in a while, take a look it may run just fine for you now if you're up to date.
Latest update loses Sound
Starseed13 on Thursday August 11th
I just ran my Ubuntu update and Wine was updated.
Now, I have no sound.
Still set on ALSA, and Emulation mode.
Anyone else experience this?
by Starseed13 on
Thursday August 11th
by Mike Hollis on
Sunday August 21st
Fix for the "Play>Cancel>Play" Bug
matthew on Tuesday August 9th
I found a solution to when you try to play RIFT, but it just keeps saying Play then Cancel. I went to winecfg and removed all DLL overrides related to DirectX. I think it's d3d9 in directly, but unsure. Either way, if you never installed DirectX it will allow you to go in game.
by Anthony Rolow on
Sunday October 30th
Rift 1.4 PTS and upcomming patch
Racshan on Tuesday August 2nd
If someone can aid with it, PTS version of Rift needs to be tested.
For me it crashes, while another person was able to start and play on PTS server, so we need more testers.
Please see
for instructions on installing Rift-alpha.
Here is a thread with my test results
by matthew on
Tuesday August 2nd
by Khelben on
Thursday August 4th
by matthew on
Thursday August 4th
Rift stuck at play button
matthew on Monday August 1st
Using the latest wine with rift 1.3 hotfix does not work. It gets stuck at the play button. When I use Crossover Games I can get in game but all the textures are pitch black making the game unplayable all together.
by Khelben on
Tuesday August 2nd
by matthew on
Tuesday August 2nd
Ok the next patch
DJ on Wednesday June 29th
One problem brings more apparently. Its been reported and they say next patch.
Trion has found the problem
DJ on Monday June 27th
The next patch should fix the problem.
Thanks to Trion for caring about our problems.
At the end of my rope
Jeff Licquia on Monday June 27th
Made progress up to the point where it appears that RIFT is doing something weird with vectored exception handlers.
I've filed a b it should be in the list of bug links above.
Info about crash after 1.3 Hotfix 2
Jeff Licquia on Saturday June 25th
I'm not a Wine expert, but I do know my way around C code.
This message is the core of the problem:
err:seh:setup_exception_record stack overflow ...
If you look at the code in Wine where that message is reported, you'll see that the very next statement is "abort_thread(1);".
That does what it looks like it does--stops the thread with extreme prejudice.
Unfortunately, some other thread is waiting on that thread to do something interesting, and so the game hangs.
That's what this message is all about:
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x1f27bd0 "?" wait timed out in thread 0041, blocked by 003a, retrying (60 sec)
Turning on thread IDs in the debug output shows that the stack overflow line came from the thread identified here (003a in the message above).
If you leave the game running, it will repeat that message every 60 seconds essentially forever.
(I didn' perhaps some other timeout kicks in at some point.)
The real question is: what caused the stack overflow?
That's the hard part.
by Jeff Licquia on
Saturday June 25th
by Jeff Licquia on
Saturday June 25th
by Jeff Licquia on
Saturday June 25th
by Samu Voutilainen on
Saturday October 29th
Trion might be looking into fix
DJ on Friday June 24th
There are a few mentions on rift forums and an Asst. Community Manager of the forums said he was passing it along and that will be looking into it.
Don't know if they will fix it or not, but I will keep hoping.
Patch 1.3 Hotfix 6-24-2011
Starseed13 on Friday June 24th
I am having a connection issue. Once I input my password, then hit "Play", it starts loading with the Rift logo, but continues idling here.
This happened yesterday with the new patch 1.3, but I restarted the game and it went right to the User Agreement page. It worked. But today, it stops before the User Agreement screen, I believe. I cannot play without getting past this logo.
by Michael Carlstrom on
Friday June 24th
by Khelben on
Saturday June 25th
latest update
talonz on Friday June 24th
the latest hotfix has caused rift to cash at start up with the following error, anyone else getting this ?
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from apartment threaded to multi-threaded
err:seh:setup_exception_record stack overflow 1700 bytes in thread 0031 eip 7bc3df05 esp 0b2b0c8c stack 0xb2bbb0000
by Lyle on
Friday June 24th
by Mike Hollis on
Friday June 24th
by James on
Friday June 24th
Friday June 24th
by Adam McCormick on
Saturday June 25th
New Wine guide on Telarapedia
Jeff Licquia on Tuesday June 14th
I've created a Wine page on Telarapedia, the Rift wiki.
It's here:
I've also linked it from the "System Requirements" page.
It may be helpful for people trying out Rift on Wine and are having troubles.
Feedback, edits, etc. welcome.
Long List of Failures
Hateborne on Monday June 13th
Alright, basically I've got no backgrounds, 2-4 FPS in a major city, and ZERO textures. I have purely black textures. No lighting, no spell effects, and didn't test sound yet.
I was given a massive list of nonsense through the console.
The console open was fairly large, so I copied to a standard Windows friendly text file (*.txt) and uploaded
for easier reading.
I will post more information as needed, just let me know what else I can do. I would like to help get this working for others (as well as my own use!).
by Jeff Licquia on
Tuesday June 14th
by Hateborne on
Friday June 17th
Sound stuttering
Sarah on Wednesday June 1st
I experience heavy sound stuttering when playing Rift. It's like listening to a slow motion rapper on crack. Hard to describe, but extremely annoying. Also, sometimes the cacophony just stops for no appearant reason, and sound remains mute until I quit the game and restart it.
Fiddling with the options in the ingame audio menu didn't change anything.
This happens on Ubtunu 10.04 64bit with PulseAudio. Likely PA is the culprit, although everything else is working fine, including other Wine games. Could be something else entirely.
Using padsp didn't help either – no change. When I uncheck everything except OSS driver in winecfg, there is no longer sound at all in Rift.
Since PulseAudio never caused problems for me before, I'm reluctant to remove it from my system.
by Starseed13 on
Wednesday June 1st
by Sarah on
Friday June 3rd
fix for missing background
Jeff Licquia on Sunday May 29th
For people using the
directions for Ubuntu, I was able to get the game playable by switching "OffscreenRenderingMode" in the registry from "backbuffer" to "fbo".
I also have "UseGLSL" set to "enabled" with success.
The cutscenes don't play (flashing colors), and the character chooser shows most everything as black, but the game itself seems to work flawlessly.
I even have the Low Quality Renderer off.
Ubuntu 11.04, Wine 1.3.21 (from the c-korn PPA with the PulseAudio patch), NVIDIA 270.41.06 drivers.
by Starseed13 on
Monday May 30th
by Khelben on
Friday June 10th
by Khelben on
Saturday June 11th
by Starseed13 on
Saturday June 11th
Jeff on Wednesday May 25th
What drivers are you using?
by Starseed13 on
Saturday May 28th
Starseed13 on Monday May 23rd
Here is my Screenshot showing no ground:
by Roberto on
Monday May 23rd
by Starseed13 on
Tuesday May 24th
by Starseed13 on
Wednesday May 25th
by Roberto on
Friday May 27th
by Starseed13 on
Friday May 27th
by Roberto on
Saturday May 28th
by Starseed13 on
Saturday May 28th
by Starseed13 on
Saturday May 28th
by Roberto on
Friday May 27th
by talonz on
Sunday May 29th
by Starseed13 on
Sunday May 29th
Patch 1.2 Hotfix #6
Starseed13 on Sunday May 22nd
I was able to play Rift briefly, then 1.2 broke it.
Over the past couple days I have not been able to log in to play, or even get the character load screen.
So, I decided to look at other Wine-supported games.
I came across this code: winetricks ddr=opengl multisampling=enabled orm=backbuffer
After I did that, I tried logging in... and whatever it did worked.
Now, the only thing I need a fix for now is the environment is barely there.
My character and others and NPC's are visible.
But, it's difficult playing a game where there is no ground.
Anyone know a workaround/fix for this?
Solved Problem with character rendering issues
Marco on Monday May 16th
Hi Everyone,
i had problems with the rendering of the character models. The problem was, that there were no characters (own, NPCs).
I solved the problem the following way:
1. Installed and configured wine and RIFT like described here:
2. regedit
3. Changed the Value of "Use GLSL" from enabled to disabled
This worked for me :) Just a hint if somebody is expiriencing the same
by Roberto on
Monday May 23rd
Cant find the game
raymond on Sunday May 8th
So I can install the game fine, it patches fine, and then plays fine.
However, once i log off the game and go back into wine and use
wine "C:\Program Files\RIFT game\Rift.exe"
wine: cannot find 'C:\Program Files\RIFT game\Rift.exe'
Why cant wine find the game, when it plays just fine?
by raymond on
Sunday May 8th
by Marco on
Monday May 16th
Fatal Error
Brian on Saturday April 30th
Getting this Fatal Error after I pressed Play:
Direct3D Initialization Error
I have tried added the reg. edit with this:
with no luck...
Cinematics Not Working
Sven Willenberger on Friday April 15th
Installed RIFT (live) into a fresh bottle, used winetricks to install d3cx9_43 (from june2010) and vcrun2008 (following
-- I also tried a bottle without the registry tweaks.
The game characters and such seem to work, but the intro movie and the character creation cutscene simply result in a lot of flashing -- the audio can be heard but there is no video, just epilectic-seizure-inducing screen flashing.
Anyone else experience this or have a fix?
Wine version 1.3.17 on Archlinux x86_64 (I tried both a WINEARCH=win32 and WINEARCH=win64 bottle with identical results).
by Jeff on
Saturday June 4th
Rift on gentoo fails to install
Linubie on Friday April 8th
I have done the following steps:
using a clean .wine directory:
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-rift/
using the latest winetricks to install:
winetricks vcrun
and finally starting the patcher:
wine Rift_LIVE_Patcher_setup.exe
ends up with:
fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x2cx23fce0 4
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x3e6
fixme:ole:NdrClearOutParameters (0x33b058,0x7e38a96a,0x33b3a0): stub
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x3e6
fixme:ole:NdrClearOutParameters (0x33b058,0x7e38a96a,0x33b3a0): stub
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x100a8 "/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/wine-9999/work/wine-9999/dlls/ntdll/heap.c: main process heap section" wait timed out in thread 0030, blocked by 0023, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x100a8 "/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/wine-9999/work/wine-9999/dlls/ntdll/heap.c: main process heap section" wait timed out in thread 0033, blocked by 0023, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x100a8 "/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/wine-9999/work/wine-9999/dlls/ntdll/heap.c: main process heap section" wait timed out in thread 0030, blocked by 0023, retrying (60 sec)
The progress bar stops at half of the installshield wizard and it doesn't go any further to select the installation directory etc.
are there any suggestions out there ? :)
by Acidphase on
Thursday July 21st
Patcher loading issue
Mac Kedo on Thursday April 7th
I'm using Ubuntu 10.4, wife is using 10.10.
We're both on Wine 1.3.17.
We can load the patcher, do the patch update, and hit play.
The patcher screen disappears, and nothing else happens.
We have loaded all the recommended items listed here on the forums.
Any other suggestions as to what we're doing wrong?
We're at a complete loss.
by james on
Sunday April 10th
Renderer Version
Nudge on Wednesday April 6th
If you encounter a Renderer version issue, you need try setting your renderer version in the rift.
drive_c/users//Application Data/RIFT/rift.cfg [LegacyRenderer = True]
also set the [ProjectedTexturesEnabled = False] but still checking
Can't create 'Character
Khelben on Sunday April 3rd
I'm working/playing on a fresh installation of Lubuntu 10.10 with all Updates installed and latest wine 1.3.
The PC is a Intel Q9250 with 4 GB RAM, a Nvidia GFX 460 from MSI and Nvidia closed source driver.
I have no problem to run Lord of the Rings or Runes of Magic but in Rift I can't create a Charakter - see this screen capture for details.
by Sean Rickerd on
Sunday April 3rd
by Khelben on
Sunday April 3rd
by Alex on
Sunday April 3rd
by mahamar on
Monday April 4th
by Khelben on
Monday April 4th
by Alex on
Monday April 4th
by Khelben on
Monday April 4th
by Khelben on
Monday April 4th
by Tim Ryan on
Monday April 4th
New Video Record doesn't work
Brent Rose on Wednesday March 30th
The 1.1 patch for Rift came out today with a new command:
Which is meant to create a recording of your session until you turn it off/exit the game.
Using this in 1.3.16 causes an immediate drop to the Rift Error Handler and I see this in the wine logging:
fixme:d3d:swapchain_init The application requested more than one back buffer, this is not properly supported.
Please configure the application to use double buffering (1 back buffer) if possible.
fixme:d3d:swapchain_init Add OpenGL context recreation support to context_validate_onscreen_formats
fixme:d3d9:Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9 stub
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33eed0,0x), stub!
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from apartment threaded to multi-threaded
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:d3d:state_zfunc D3DCMP_NOTEQUAL and D3DCMP_EQUAL do not work correctly yet.
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation ((nil),0x33e49c): stub
fixme:win:GetRawInputDeviceList (pRawInputDeviceList=(nil), puiNumDevices=0x33e4fc, cbSize=8) stub!
fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no instance created for interface {ea1afb91-9e28-4b86-90e9-9e9f8a5eefaf} of class {56fdf344-fd6d-11d0-958a-a090}, hres is 0x
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:MiniDumpWriteDump NIY MiniDumpWithHandleData
wine client error:47: write: Bad file descriptor
I'm not a dev but am I reading the above correctly that it's something not implemented in Wine that's the culprit?
Or is there a new dependency to add in for this? (Perhaps via Winetricks?)
Nate on Wednesday March 30th
Confirming that RIFT runs acceptably on the latest git version of Wine, although for me the performance is actually better than in Windows!
err:module:import_dll Library d3dx9_43.dll not found
DJ Dunn on Tuesday March 29th
this is my error
err:module:import_dll Library d3dx9_43.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\RIFT Game\\rift.exe") not found
stable gentoo system
wine 1.3.15 from gentoo portage
winetricks 185 from gentoo portage
first thing i did was install wine 1.3.15
then i did
and closed it to create the .wine folder
then i did
# winetricks d3dx9 vcrun2008
i installed the patcher for rift
I let the patcher update
ran the new patcher, patcher installed the game
tried to hit play
err:module:import_dll Library d3dx9_43.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\RIFT Game\\rift.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library d3dx9_43.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\RIFT Game\\rift.exe") not found
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\Program Files\\RIFT Game\\rift.exe" failed, status c0000135
by Tim Ryan on
Tuesday March 29th
by Brian Wilcox on
Saturday April 2nd
Running on Mac OS X
Adam McCormick on Tuesday March 22nd
All I've got RIFT running on Mac OS X 10.6, only hitches were that I had to use the devel port and upgrade to the most recent XQuartz. Had vcrun2008 installed while I was trying to get the system running but no DLL overrides in place. That may have to be installed via Winetricks as well for RIFT to work.
Tuesday March 22nd
by Adam McCormick on
Tuesday March 22nd
Need help with installing Rift
Brian Gross on Monday March 21st
Okay so I downloaded the Wineskin App, installed the Engine 1.3.14 and created a Wrapper. I purchased the game online and when I try to click the Download Client button it downloads for a minute and pulls up a small screen with a bunch of weird symbols. I'm not sure what to do at this point and I really want to play the game :D if anyone could help me I would be much appreciative! Thanks!
Monday March 21st
Stefan T on Friday March 18th
The game is very stable for me. No crash ever.
But the game is very demanding. I can also imagine that
your hardware is getting too hot.
You should watch your sensors, e.g. nvidia-settings or
the ATI tool, whatever graphics card you have.
by Stefan T on
Friday March 18th
False skin colors anybody?
Stefan T on Friday March 18th
I had to upgrade the NVidia drivers to 270.29, because of my new graphics card (GTX560) which is not supported on the stable branch.
Now the skins of all player characters have a purple/blue tint. Not very much, but quite noticable. This does not happen with the low quality renderer (for which I would not have bought a new graphics card).
Using Wine 1.3.15, btw.
I tried using the latest drivers, 270.30, which are not available for Ubuntu as packages, but they did not change anything.
Anybody got an idea on how to fix this?
by Jeff on
Sunday May 15th
by Stefan T on
Monday May 16th
by Jeff on
Tuesday May 24th
by Stefan T on
Tuesday May 24th
by Stefan T on
Tuesday May 24th
by Jeff on
Tuesday May 24th
by Stefan T on
Wednesday May 25th
by Timo on
Wednesday May 25th
by Jeff on
Friday May 27th
by Timo on
Friday May 27th
by Jeff on
Sunday May 29th
by Jeff on
Saturday May 28th
by Jeff on
Saturday May 28th
by Jeff on
Saturday May 28th
by Timo on
Sunday May 29th
by Jeff on
Sunday May 29th
by Timo on
Sunday May 29th
by Jeff on
Sunday May 29th
by Stefan T on
Sunday May 29th
Hideaki on Wednesday March 16th
Those anyone else have issues with client stability while playing Rift? It seems like the game will just error out and crash after 10 or 15 minutes.
Using a clean wine directory, winetricks dx3d9 and vcrun2008, only Rift installed.
by inf loop on
Friday March 18th
by Hideaki on
Friday March 18th
How to fix low frame-rate on High and Ultra
Hideaki on Friday March 11th
For those of you having low frame-rates on high and and ultra settings, disabling Projected Textures in the Advanced Video settings will significantly increase performance.
Core i5 760 - 2.8GHz
GeForce GTX 460 - 1GB
Playing on High settings, with Projected Textures off, frame rates are only slightly worse than on Windows.
by inf loop on
Wednesday March 16th
ERROR: Use client launcher
Marcel Tavares on Wednesday March 9th
Hello guys.
First of all, please forgive any mistakes in my english! =)
Ive been "fighting" about 1 week ago...
I had many problems, but i was able to handle it...
First the directx problem and others, but i did a fresh install of 1.3.15 + winetrics / direct9 from june / vcrun2008 and oh yeah: riftpatch.exe is running.
But, sadly, after i enter my login/password, I click play and: Error: Use client launcher
This is what I have in console:
wine /media/Marcel2/Rift/RIFT\ Game/riftpatchlive.exe
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias 180, std (d/m/y): 20/02/2011, dlt (d/m/y): 16/10/2011
fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no instance created for interface {ea1afb91-9e28-4b86-90e9-9e9f8a5eefaf} of class {56fdf344-fd6d-11d0-958a-a090}, hres is 0x
fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x2002a, 0x175418): stub
fixme:win:FlashWindowEx 0x32e85c
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl WS_SIO_UDP_CONNRESET stub
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl WS_SIO_UDP_CONNRESET stub
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x
fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias 180, std (d/m/y): 20/02/2011, dlt (d/m/y): 16/10/2011
fixme:win:FlashWindowEx 0x32c9f0
fixme:win:FlashWindowEx 0x32ba9c
fixme:win:FlashWindowEx 0x329408
^Cfixme:console:CONSOLE_DefaultHandler Terminating process 8 on event 0
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x at address 0x (thread 0009), starting debugger...
err:mmtime:TIME_MMTimeStop Timer still active?!
Any help? =(
by Sean Rickerd on
Wednesday March 9th
by Marcel Tavares on
Wednesday March 9th
by Sean Rickerd on
Wednesday March 9th
by Marcel Tavares on
Wednesday March 9th
by Sean Rickerd on
Wednesday March 9th
by Marcel Tavares on
Wednesday March 9th
by Sean Rickerd on
Wednesday March 9th
by Marcel Tavares on
Wednesday March 9th
by Sean Rickerd on
Wednesday March 9th
by Marcel Tavares on
Wednesday March 9th
by Sean Rickerd on
Wednesday March 9th
by Marcel Tavares on
Wednesday March 9th
by Marcel Tavares on
Tuesday March 22nd
by Timo on
Wednesday May 25th
vcrun2008, must be installed from winetricks to get patchers to work
Daniel on Wednesday March 9th
vcrun2008, must be installed from winetricks to get patchers to work.
'winetricks vcrun'
Flashing screen
Tim Ryan on Friday March 4th
I installed the game with no problems, but it will not play. When I hit the play button, it goes to full screen, then the entire screen starts flashing. If I hit escape, it continues on to what looks like a screen to choose your shard, but it is so messed up I can't read anything, and it's still flashing. I run WoW and LOTRO on this same system, and they both run perfectly. It's a Core i7 running 64bit Gentoo, and wine 1.3.14.
by Sean Rickerd on
Friday March 4th
by Tim Ryan on
Saturday March 5th
by Sean Rickerd on
Saturday March 5th
Still not working on Mac OS 10.6.6
Sykkel on Wednesday March 2nd
Installs fine, game opens, but cannot connect to selection server.
Loading reaches 71 or 77 percent.
From rift.log: [WRN][ENG] 23:30:10.607 Failed to connect to selection server using any address
Anyone having any better luck on Mac OS?
Thursday March 3rd
by Adam McCormick on
Tuesday March 22nd
Low framerates
inf loop on Wednesday March 2nd
the game runs fine and is very playable but the framerate is pretty low.
So, on High settings @ the average framerate is 15fps and on low settings or low renderer is just 2 fps higher. I believe that the game is chocking the cpu (Core2Duo) , since my gfx adapter is pretty good (GTX 560Ti).
Do you have tips on raising the framerate?
Do not install over the Beta
Brent Rose on Monday February 28th
FYI - Make sure to either remove your Beta install of Rift or install to a new wineprefix.
Installing over the Beta can result in a corrupted install.
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