诛仙有没有单机游戏类似Devil Dark的单机游戏?

1黑暗骑士崛起:蝙蝠侠3    10.1假期已经过去大半,作为宅男的你在家里做什么?抱着你那27.5GB的不放?还是在仰望心目中的女神?与其在家中隔空望月不如抱着一起来打打游戏,绝对让你爽到爆。     如果你还认为游戏只是那些《》、和《》这类的懒羊羊那你就弱爆了。9月份是平板游戏大作迸发的一个月,在这一个月中《蝙蝠侠3》、《雷神:阿斯加德之子》都相继发布,每款都是纯爷们儿必玩的经典之作,作为极品宅男的你一定得尝试一下。·黑暗骑士崛起:蝙蝠侠3    就在上个月的27日,电影《蝙蝠侠 黑暗骑士崛起》在中国内地火热上映了。这部在海外票房已经突破六亿的暑期强档大片,吸引了不少观众前来捧场。而随着官方发布的还有一部重磅衍生,那就是iOS平台游戏——《蝙蝠侠 黑暗骑士崛起》(以下简称《蝙蝠侠》)。软件名称:《蝙蝠侠》软件:¥0元软件语言:汉语固件需求:.1 或更高软件版本:1.0软件评分:★★★★软件大小:819MB地址:    《蝙蝠侠》是一部角色扮演类都市冒险游戏,玩家需要控制的自然是主角蝙蝠侠。这款游戏的操作方式类似著名RPG游戏《侠盗猎车手》或是《蜘蛛侠》,游戏中主角的自由度非常高,不仅可以穿梭于城市之间,并可以利用自己的独门绝技飞檐走壁,领略城市的风光。游戏剧情:    想必已经有很多人看多电影《蝙蝠侠 黑暗骑士崛起》了,那么这款游戏对于他们来说一定不会觉得陌生,因为剧情采用的是同一个剧本,只不过游戏是通过一个个关卡来讲述剧情的。关卡剧情动画关卡剧情动画具有艺术风格的关卡剧情动画在游戏开始前的剧情场景图片    总体来说,《蝙蝠侠》这一款剧情丰富的游戏,玩家在游戏过程中,不仅能体会到劲爆的游戏画面带来的出色体验,还能在领略风景之余跟随主角一起去感受它的喜怒哀乐,体会一把英雄的苦涩心酸事。 2绝对力量 雷神之子·绝对力量 雷神之子     相信前一段时间大热的电影《复仇者联盟》让各位对美国的几位漫画大英雄们耳熟能详。根据笔者对周边朋友的调查了解到,大部分中国人对绿巨人,钢铁侠十分了解,但是对于雷神以及美国队长的知名度则相对次之,所以笔者今天就给各位读者一个通过游戏认识“雷神”这个角色的机会。软件名称:《雷神》软件价格:¥18元软件语言:英语固件需求:.1 或更高软件版本:1.0.3软件评分:★★★软件大小:318MB下载地址:    “雷神”托尔是源于北欧神话中神界一位非常强大的角色,它由于过于高傲被从神界贬入凡间,此后便成为人类之友,与邪恶势力作斗。著名漫画公司Mervel制作了一部以雷神托尔为主角的漫画,这部作品曾经在美国红极一时,雷神也成为美国经典的漫画人物。今天,笔者将带领大家体验一下以雷神为主角的iOS平台游戏,让各位也身临其境的感受雷神这位英雄人物的铁血与柔肠。游戏剧情:这个装束是否眼熟?在哪部电影里见过?对白与字幕为英文画面采用漫画风格雷神的正面大头贴游戏中的巨怪    《雷神:阿斯加德之子》这部游戏是基于同名漫画创造出来,为了让玩家体会到原汁原味的漫画剧情,该作还特意在每个任务前的开场动画中采用漫画加配音的模式来展现剧情。漫画中的人物生动且威武,配音真实且又符合角色的性格,体现出了游戏的大作风范。可惜的是,由于该作为英文配音英文字幕,所以对于英文水平不高的玩家来说,领略剧情会有一些不便。3杀不尽的僵尸 CS便携版·杀不尽的僵尸 CS便携版    近日,著名游戏“Critical Strike Portable 2.18”(以下简称:反恐精英便携版)又进行了更新,相比于上一个版本来说增加了新地图,游戏流畅度也有所提升。而游戏版本也提升到了2.18。    CS是每个网友都熟知的单机游戏,这款单机游戏蝉联了多年的“网吧最受欢迎游戏冠军”,它也被多家媒体评定为史上最受火爆的10大游戏。  软件名称:反恐精英便携版软件价格:免费软件语言:英语固件需求:Android 2.0.1软件版本:2.18软件评分:★★★★软件大小:28MB下载地址:    虽然后续基于CS推出了许多同类的竞技网游,但没有一款能够超越CS。目前为止,CS仍然是WCG的指定比赛项目,这足以说明游戏的受欢迎及专业程度。    废话不多说,咱继续聊聊Android版的“反恐精英”。游戏截图:    一直以来,Android平台的游戏总给人“脏、乱、差”的感觉,不过相对来说反恐精英便携版却显得那么冰清玉洁,刚进游戏时,画面主体颜色为海蓝色,这也给笔者留下了极好的印象。CS便携版游戏界面  游戏中各种血腥暴力    反恐精英Android便携版基于CS 1.6开发,部分代码相差不多。不过在便携版中仍有较大改变,我们从上图可以发现加入了“僵尸”等一些其它怪物。大个儿的僵尸很像憎恶  小手枪突变AK-47    游戏当中有多种模式,其中包括僵尸模式等,地图也都可以自已选择,不过仍然有部分地图需要连网下载。    僵尸模式要比传统模式有趣的多,在整个游戏中你是所有人追杀的对象,这些人包括“僵尸、憎恶、拿C4的恐怖分子、拿AK-47的恐怖分子”等等,当然你也可以从他们手中夺取武器。·游戏中的明星《美国队长》    作为影响美国一代人的著名漫画《美国队长》近日可谓是风生水起,不仅推出了电影还正式在App Store发布了游戏。    iOS版《美国队长》秉承了漫画及电影中的大部分内容,玩家需要扮演“美国队长”来与敌人战斗,此外你还能够使用美国队长挑战特殊一系列体操动作。 游戏名称:美国队长软件价格:免费软件语言:英语固件需求:.2 或更高软件版本:1.0.4软件评分:★★★软件大小:166MB下载地址:    《美国队长》不论在电影还是漫画中都是力量的代表,他拯救人类,消灭邪恶。而在iOS游戏中也是一个十足的肌肉暴力男,不过相比之下更增加了一丝理智的成份。游戏截图:    从截图来说,笔者并不太喜欢这样的游戏画面,视角距离过远、而且没有任何有特点,偶尔还会蹦出些锯齿。不过这款游戏目前在苹果App Store处于免费状态,据笔者推测开发商也没有收费的迹象。所以对于《美国队长》爱好者来说算是一份大礼。漫画开场  剧情简介    著名游戏开发商“Marvel Entertainment”推出了一系列关于《复仇者联盟》的游戏,这些游戏都以各自漫画开场,在赢得用户好感的同时也能够叙述故事剧情。消灭两个敌人两连击    从上图中可以看出,《美国队长》的画面非常一般。游戏中的建筑物也只是简单的做了模型,看上去并不怎么逼真。    此外,这是一款类似于《DNF》的横版游戏。严格意义上来说它还有点像“跑酷”类游戏,而非RPG游戏。属于多种模式的混合。 4拳拳到肉的快感《无敌浩克》·拳拳到肉的快感《无敌浩克》     近几天的App Store可谓十分火爆,各种大型游戏发布也都接踵而至,比较有代表性的则是《复仇者行动:无敌浩克》、《》等。笔者今天将会主要为大家介绍《复仇者行动:无敌浩克》这款游戏。    这款游戏是著名开发商“Marvel Entertainment”的作品。对于习惯了EA、Gameloft的网友来说Marvel Entertainment显得有些莫生。不过我们从其推出的游戏中也能发现它主要针对“复仇者联盟”人物开发作品,游戏也只有5款。 软件名称:《无敌浩克》软件价格:¥45.00元软件语言:英语固件需求:.1 或更高软件版本:1.02软件评分:★★★★软件大小:1.05GB下载地址:    但这并不能代表他是一个走泡菜路线的游戏厂商,在尝试过《复仇者行动:无敌浩克》之后笔者认为他在画面和人物动作上还是有一定功底的,具体游戏效果怎么样还请各位网友细细往下看。 ·游戏截图    在苹果App Store中,《复仇者行动:无敌浩克》这款游戏售价高达45元人民币,这个价格相对比较昂贵。不过对于喜欢“绿巨人”的粉丝来说,这笔钱或许会花得理所应当。绿巨人标致性的跳跃动作非常华丽的开场动画    《复仇者行动:无敌浩克》拥有非常华丽的开场动画,这些我们已经能够从上图中看到。而且这款游戏以著名电影人物“绿巨人”为主题,给人的第一感觉就是十足的暴力。光影效果十分出色  各种暴力动作    通过已上截图我们可以看出《复仇者行动:无敌浩克》是一款画面非常华丽、动作丰富的游戏。所以非常适合男士玩家,如果您有兴趣的话可以前往苹果App Store购买,不过目前这款游戏尚不支持中文。5刀与剑的碰撞《地牢猎手二》·刀与剑的碰撞《地牢猎手二》    虽然暗黑三很火,但是看看我们周围,有谁玩上了呢?它高到有些离谱的售价让我们这些屌丝无钱以对。但是没关系,今天为大家推荐的这款游戏《地牢猎手二》是笔者见过所有游戏中,与暗黑的游戏类型是最为接近的。所以笔者强烈建议各位尝试一下。软件名称:《》软件价格:免费软件语言:英语固件需求:Android 2.2或更高软件版本:1.06软件评分:★★★★软件大小:9.71MB下载地址:   《地牢猎手二》是由著名的的游戏开发商Gameloft设计制作的,它与前作均发行了iOS平台和Android平台版本,游戏在玩家中反响强烈,以至在itunes的应用排行里曾长居前列,拥有良好的口碑,是一款必玩的角色扮演类RPG游戏。    《地牢猎手二》采用3D渲染使画面华丽壮观,各种繁杂的装备与角色技能再加上多种多样的大怪小怪可以让玩家在游戏中大呼过瘾。相比前作《地牢猎手二》还拥有更庞大的游戏地图与更丰富的支线任务,从而大大提升了游戏的乐趣与耐玩度。合理的按键布局使这款游戏无论是细节上还是整体游戏架构上真正具备了大作的风范。游戏安装方法:    先下载游戏的APK文件并在上安装并运行。再下载安装包解压后把得到的文件夹复制到gameloft\games目录下即可。(或者直接打开应用,在应用中下载数据包)6类魔兽世界游戏《黑暗之刃》·类魔兽世界游戏《黑暗之刃》    《魔兽世界》和《暗黑破坏神3》无疑是当今国内外玩家最爱的两款游戏,虽然暴雪曾有过将WOW和暗黑移植iOS平台的想法,但这终究只是个想法,毕竟落实的难度系数太大。但开发商kaihong zhou却实现了,而且是将两款经典PC大作融为一体,于是,魔兽暗黑类游戏《黑暗之刃》出炉。    这是一款无论从游戏画面、人设、内容,还是游戏操作、地图、任务等,都能看到魔兽和暗黑的影子。《黑暗之刃》最神奇的地方在于,当玩家进入游戏的刹那, 会惊呼“太像了”,简直就是暗黑3的复刻版。若是去战场刷刷装备,那就简直可以堪称是WOW了。能在iPad上找到这样一款绝世精品游戏,实属不易。笔者迫切希望尽快推荐给大家。软件名称:黑暗之刃软件价格:免费软件语言:英语固件需求:iOS 3.2 或更高软件版本:1.4软件评分:★★★★★软件大小:169MB下载地址:    《黑暗之刃》是iOS平台推出的一款开放型3D ARPG游戏,顾名思义,就是更注重打击、操作,属性是次要的。游戏中共有4大类武器和3大类防具,且是随机装备的设定,有近5万种搭配!所以玩家在寻找适合自己战斗方式的同时,也要随时更换属性好的装备。除此之外,随机地下城地图能让玩家感受到魔兽随机副本的乐趣。角色升级的方式也并非只有按部就班做任务的冒险模式,玩家也可自行选择匹配的战场来进行刷怪升级。    《黑暗之刃》的游戏画面虽然达不到完美,但足以用华丽来形容,各场景场面宏大,有大作风范。音效也不错,在iPad上的表现值得称赞。可玩性相当高,除了高自由的随机装备、随机地下城地图、自选战场,喜欢打怪刷装备的玩家更是可以尽情的刷装,随机装备的好处就在于,装备属性永无上限。包含单人、合作、多人等游戏模式,玩家可登陆iOS平台的游戏中心寻找其他玩家。    美中不足的是角色的职业选择,游戏中只有固定的一男一女两个角色可选择,不分职业,都是从冒险过程中的技能和装备来定位职业。另外一点是操作,虚拟方向摇杆比较小,不过在iPad上的效果还可以,iPhone就不那么舒适了。    《黑暗之刃》是iPad和iPhone通用应用,笔者使用iPad 2对游戏进行试玩评测。 7探索冒险大作《黑暗领域》·探索冒险大作《黑暗领域》    如果你喜欢克那只小刺猬却又不想花费¥45.00购买,那么iOS平台免费游戏《黑暗领域》绝对值得你下载。如果你想玩暗黑3却纠结于其高昂的价格和烂透了的服务器,那么iOS平台单机游戏《黑暗领域》就是你的绝佳选择。如果你厌倦了传统游戏风格开始向往轻松的动画卡通风,那么iOS平台卡通风格游戏《黑暗领域》请你绝对不要错过。    《黑暗领域》(Devil Dark)是iOS平台本周限免的游戏之一,由于笔者之前对该游戏有所耳闻,周围很多朋友极力推荐,看到限免就立刻下载试玩一番。软件名称:黑暗领域软件价格:限时免费软件语言:英语固件需求:iOS 3.0 或更高软件版本:1.0.5软件评分:★★★★★软件大小:100MB下载地址:    这款美式动画风格的暗黑类ARPG游戏,无论是开场动画还是游戏画面,都非常细腻、精致,画面很强大,各个细节都绘制的很到位,让笔者不禁慨叹美式动画的威力。    《黑暗领域》的故事发生在一个被黑暗力量笼罩着的邪恶神殿,玩家需扮演战士的角色,在充满神秘和未知的世界里探险,最终解放黑暗,是一款典型的暗黑类游戏。    游戏中庞大的物品库、高自由度的技能树、丰富的主线和支线任务、种类繁多的地图、超强力的boss和装备掉落,简直堪称ARPG游戏中的王者。如果你是一个注重游戏操作和打击感的玩家,那么《黑暗领域》绝对是你的菜。带上强劲的武器装备,纵横驰骋在神秘邪恶的村庄,为了史诗级装备和光明,畅快淋漓的战斗吧!    作为单机游戏,玩家无需支付RMB即可畅玩。当然,如果追求快速崛起的玩家,游戏还是提供了充值系统,主要用于购买装备。笔者认为不花钱同样能玩的很好,毕竟是单机游戏不是网游,而且boss有一定几率掉落极品装备。    《黑暗领域》是iPhone和的通用应用。笔者使用iPad 2对游戏进行试玩评测。83D全新网游《勇者同盟2》·3D全新网游《勇者同盟2》    你是否为买不到暗黑Key而坐立难安?你是否因暗黑3被奸商炒出的高昂价格而不知所措?你是否因“error 37”、“error 3003”、“error 315300”等各种横空出世的“error先生”而无可奈何?你又是否因电脑配置太低而运行不起傲视群雄的《暗黑破坏神3》?    如果你不幸中了其中的一箭,请立刻振作起来,iOS平台还有很多暗黑类游戏等着被你征服。如果你只爱网游,暗黑类3D网游《勇者同盟II》将是你的最佳选择。软件名称:勇者同盟II软件价格:免费软件语言:英语/破解汉化固件需求:.3 或更高软件版本:2.0.0软件评分:★★★★☆软件大小:194MB下载地址:    作为首款iPad暗黑类网游,《勇者同盟II》以其酷似暗黑的开场画面和LOGO、简单的游戏操作、整洁又多样的游戏系统,赢得了良好的口碑。玩家不要被游戏的兽人图标所蒙蔽,游戏中的人物角色和NPC均是人类,所以并不是一款传统的暴力游戏,而是以西方魔幻故事为背景的幻想类角色扮演游戏。iPad暗黑类网游《勇者同盟II》    作为一款iPad在线游戏,聊天系统是必不可少的。《勇者同盟II》的在线聊天功能,可以让玩家之间更好的进行互动,完全不逊于传统PC网游,操作与感官上甚至比PC网游更舒适。说到游戏操作,作为iPad网游,《勇者同盟II》更是为玩家带来了全新的操作体验,游戏界面包括技能快捷键、物品快捷键、任务、副本、信息栏等较全面的桌面菜单,更直观,符合玩家需求。    《勇者同盟II》的最大特色是战斗套装系统的自由性。玩家没有特定的职业,只有特定职业属性的套装,玩家可以自由穿戴任何职业的任何装备,也就是混搭,从而达到最让玩家满意的战斗体验。这种突破了传统游戏职业定位的大胆创新,非常值得玩家尝试。    该游戏采用了主流的免费游戏+道具收费模式,或许这对于那些非RMB玩家来说,是一个噩耗。若是作为各种等待暗黑3之余的消遣品,《勇者同盟II》是不错的选择。    《勇者同盟II》是iPad应用,笔者使用iPad 2对此游戏进行试玩评测。9纯爷们儿必玩《死亡板机》·纯爷们儿必玩《死亡板机》    在大多数网友意识中一直认为iOS游戏要比强很多,但事实并非如此。相比于iOS来说,Android中的Tegra 3就拥有许多专属游戏,并且画面异常华丽,丝毫不输于iOS平台。    今天我们将会为大家介绍一款画面党最爱的经典之作《死亡扳机》(DEAD TRIGGER),这款游戏基于 Tegra 3处理器优化,所以画面更为流畅、真实。此外我们也将给大家展示使用Tegra 3处理器和未使用的画面区别。     《死亡板机》是由MADFINGER推出的一款3D游戏,整个游戏客户端只有120MB左右,但内容和可玩性非常值得称赞。此外,MADFINGER还发布过《武士2:复仇》、《暗影枪神》等经典之作。·游戏截图    在测试中《死亡板机》给笔者的印象非常好,画面基本可以媲美iOS平台的《无尽之剑》等热门作品。此外,《死亡板机》以第一人称进行游戏,玩家扮演一个消灭僵尸并需要完成任务的士兵,与“生化危机”剧情类似。血盆大口(Tegra 3平台)灯泡眼僵尸(非Tegra 3平台)血腥画面(Tegra 3平台)暴力的画面(非Tegra 3平台)    如果按现在的网游标准来评定,那么《死亡板机》无疑会是一款18款游戏。从上图中就能够看出,它的画面非常血腥,但并没有给笔者反胃恶心的感觉。画面非常炫丽(Tegra 3平台)爆头瞬间(Tegra 3平台)    此外,前面已经提到《死亡板机》是一款非常绚丽的Android游戏,从上面的截图中我们已经得到验证。不论是在细节处理还是血液溅射的效果都非常值得称赞,这在Android平台当中非常难得。测试平台:A2109处理器:NVIDIA Tegra 3四核内存:存储容量:8GB    游戏下载:  10来!杀个痛快《血之荣耀》·来!杀个痛快《》     战场之上,勇士的职责就是杀戮;    血雨之间,心底的怒气才是生存的希望;    刀剑之下,怜悯的哀嚎早已被竞技场观众的欢呼所驱赶;    想要生存?就快点躲开锋利的剑;    想做王者?那就用力挥舞手中的矛。    当身上淋漓的鲜血洒满战场,你将体会到:血之荣耀。软件介绍:    《血之荣耀》是一款多平台广受欢迎的游戏。它是由全球排名前三的无线终端游戏开发公司与游戏发行商Glu Mobile制作发行的。所以对于这款游戏的制作水平值得人们期待。    今天笔者就对这款在IOS与平台皆免费的格斗类游戏进行评测。希望读者通过这篇评测能够对游戏有一个详细的认识。软件名称:血之荣耀软件价格:免费软件语言:英语固件需求:Android2.0以上软件版本:1.0.5软件评分:★★★★★软件大小:116.19MB下载地址:    《血之荣耀》这款游戏的发行商可谓是对想玩免费却高质量游戏的玩家的福音。如果大家对于移动应用有一个初步了解的话,一定会知道《无尽之剑》这款著名的游戏。该游戏因为是付费软件,远离了一部分人群,如果您喜欢这个类型的游戏,免费的《血之荣耀》将是您的不二选择。软件使用截图:    刚一打开游戏,就被一段气势宏大的视频吸引了。视频中描述了在一个人满为患的巨型竞技场里,主持人洪亮的嗓音使每一位听众躁动起来,紧接着勇士们登上战场开始进行你死我活的决斗。游戏开始时酷炫的开场动画游戏主界面涵盖了装备商店,选项,关卡选择,药剂等元素游戏中会时常穿插着过场动画(图为打倒对手)游戏中还包含了升级系统,每升一级可以提高血量,攻击力,防御等级游戏中的道具商店玩家可以购买诸如武器,盔甲之类五花八门的道具    游戏操作:    该款游戏的操控与《无尽之剑》近乎相同,当对方进攻的时候,玩家可以选择闪避,盾牌防御与反击,当成功抵抗了对方的攻击之后就可以滑动手指来反击,游戏中的角色将根据玩家触摸屏幕的位置进行相应还击。到了后期,玩家还会学习一些魔法技能,这些技能会在屏幕右下角显示,当玩家在任何时候触摸该技能都可以施展。    安装方式:    把应用下载到机器根目录里,然后用自带安装器安装即可。相比连连看这样的“女性向”游戏,《蝙蝠侠》、《血之荣耀》等3D动作游戏则是男生们的最爱,本期纯爷们游戏或许能满足你的胃口。
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$149.97 USD
"Free-to-play one-button game with a touch-friendly UI. Works fine, as well as any other Puzzle Quest game."
Recent updates
3 November
R64 is now available! Download today!
As summer transforms to fall, a mutant waits in the shadows.
- Alliance sizes have been set to 20 for all new and current Alliances.
- When Moonstone's Control Shift takes over a Countdown tile that replaces itself (like Molotov Cocktail or
Flame Jet), Moonstone now keeps ownership of the Countdown tile when it replaces itself. This fixes some bugs where Countdown tiles could have the wrong descriptions or
crash when they reverted to their original owners.
- Fixed a bug where, if a Team-Up Control Shift took control of a Countdown tile that did damage to its owner, an unrelated friendly character would take the damage. Now, because Moonstone isn't there to take the damage, no one takes it.
- Fixed a bug where the effect of matching Wolverine's Recovery tile was activating even if the Recovery tile was overwritten.
- Fixed a bug that could cause visual artifacts if passive powers triggered while matching a Trap tile or Wolverine's Recovery tile.
- Fixed a bug where matching Wolverine's Recovery tile would never affect Locked tiles (now it can, and will shatter the force bubble/web on them).
- Devil Dinosaur's Prehistoric Arms was mistakenly using Prehistoric Bite's sound effects. Now his tiny little arms have their very own sounds!
- Clarified the text of Beast's Mutagenic Breakthrough ability.
- Fixed a bug where all suggestions would be entered into chat when using some T9/predictive keyboards.
- Fixed a crash after entering emoji into some text fields.
- Improved the list of suggested Alliances on the Alliance search page. You're now more likely to see more active Alliances.
- Fixed a bug where a Team-Up description viewed at the moment a Team-Up is awarded could show the description for the wrong level of the power.
- Moved &STUNNED& and &DOWNED& labels so that they're easier to read.
For full (English Only) Patch Notes, please visit
20 October
R63 is now available! Download today!
It's that spooky time of year - ya know, that time of year just before people start to try and ice skate up-hill.
Both ways. In the snow.
- Enemy Team-Ups are now displayed on the pre-battle Boost Select Screen.
- Alliance sent Team-Up Abilities now display proper level stats when viewed in battle.
- Colossus now stays out of combat intead of leaping to the front while Invisible and Immovable Object is active
- Characters that are Airborne now no longer count down their own tiles until they land.
- The Player/Alliance Rank display in the top left corner of chapter maps now links to the player leaderboard.
- Fixed multiple issues with third party keyboard support in Alliance chat.
UI, Tweaks and Bugfixes
- Countdown tiles are now visually linked to the characters that own them. When you tap on a character, their countdown tile will pulse.
- Fixed instances of being able to make an invalid move ending the turn.
- When an Event has less than 1 unit of time left, it now displays the next lower unit to be more exact (instead of rounding up).
For example: 1D 1H will change to 1D 59M instead of staying at 1D 1H until it hits 1D.
- Suggested matches now display the three tiles to match instead of the two tiles to swap.
For full (English Only) Patch Notes, please visit
“An intricately crafted, remarkably deep experience – Marvel Puzzle Quest doesn’t merely meet the expectations of its name, it exceeds them.”
9.1 out of 10 –
“Even for those unfamiliar with the ever-expanding Marvel universe, Dark Reign’s use of collection and randomized drops make it compulsively, sickeningly playable.”
4 out of 5 –
“Takes the unlikely pairing of Marvel heroes and match-3 makes it fun. Lots to do besides the story missions. Entertaining, surprisingly humorous dialogue.”
4 out of 5 –
Update Notes
R64 is now available! Download today!
As summer transforms to fall, a mutant waits in the shadows.
- Alliance sizes have been set to 20 for all new and current Alliances.
- When Moonstone's Control Shift takes over a Countdown tile that replaces itself (like Molotov Cocktail or
Flame Jet), Moonstone now keeps ownership of the Countdown tile when it replaces itself. This fixes some bugs where Countdown tiles could have the wrong descriptions or
crash when they reverted to their original owners.
- Fixed a bug where, if a Team-Up Control Shift took control of a Countdown tile that did damage to its owner, an unrelated friendly character would take the damage. Now, because Moonstone isn't there to take the damage, no one takes it.
- Fixed a bug where the effect of matching Wolverine's Recovery tile was activating even if the Recovery tile was overwritten.
- Fixed a bug that could cause visual artifacts if passive powers triggered while matching a Trap tile or Wolverine's Recovery tile.
- Fixed a bug where matching Wolverine's Recovery tile would never affect Locked tiles (now it can, and will shatter the force bubble/web on them).
- Devil Dinosaur's Prehistoric Arms was mistakenly using Prehistoric Bite's sound effects. Now his tiny little arms have their very own sounds!
- Clarified the text of Beast's Mutagenic Breakthrough ability.
- Fixed a bug where all suggestions would be entered into chat when using some T9/predictive keyboards.
- Fixed a crash after entering emoji into some text fields.
- Improved the list of suggested Alliances on the Alliance search page. You're now more likely to see more active Alliances.
- Fixed a bug where a Team-Up description viewed at the moment a Team-Up is awarded could show the description for the wrong level of the power.
- Moved &STUNNED& and &DOWNED& labels so that they're easier to read.
For full (English Only) Patch Notes, please visit
About This Game
The best in match-3 puzzle gameplay meets Marvel’s biggest Super Heroes and Super Villains in the most epic puzzle adventure game out on your phone and tablet!
Marvel Puzzle Quest combines your favorite Marvel characters with deep RPG leveling, player-vs-player tournaments, alliances, and much more.
It’s time to unleash your inner Super Hero and wage war against your enemies.
Now featuring 100% more Deadpool!
9.1 out of 10 “An intricately crafted, remarkably deep experience -- Marvel Puzzle Quest doesn’t merely meet the expectations of its name, it exceeds them.” -
(Editors’ Choice Award)
o Assemble the ultimate team from your favorite Marvel Super Heroes and Super Villains such as Captain America, Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor, Loki, Punisher, Black Widow, Venom, and much more!
o Harness the power of Iso-8 to upgrade your team and collect comics to unlock new characters and abilities.
o Introducing new characters from the Marvel Universe and continually expanding game features!
o Brand new tournaments and events are launched each month to offer players fresh gameplay to explore.
o Unmatched strategy and depth!
Embark on a journey of a global scale and unleash your strength and wits with your favorite Marvel characters to outsmart and defeat your opponents.
o Build Alliances among your friends and compete against rival Alliances.
o Snag the top rank in Tournaments, Alliances, and Season Play for new character rewards and other prizes!
o Stop Norman Osborn and his worldwide terror spree and watch the story unravel as different forces such as the X-Men, S.H.I.E.L.D. and H.A.M.M.E.R. (Dark Avengers) compete for resources and influence.
o Be a part of the Marvel Universe in an epic story written by Marvel veterans Frank Tieri (Iron Man, Wolverine, Weapon X) and Alex Irvine (Iron Man: The Rapture, Daredevil Noir) based on the Dark Reign storyline, a monumental narrative in Marvel history.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP SP3
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.00GHz or better
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD 3000 / Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT / ATI Radeon HD 4650
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 250 MB available space
Sound Card: Windows Compatible Card
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2,070.4 hrs on record
I really wanted to like this game, but the path chosen by the developers makes this one of the most frustrating experiences with a game I have ever had. The hours I have listed on this game are not technically accurate as I had it running in the background for days/weeks at a time. However I have easily put in 100's of hours into trying to like this game, hoping that the devs would fix the issues and it would improve. Ultimately I finally realized that there was near zero chance that would happen because the devs want the game to be this way.First the lets talk about the good - If you enjoy PuzzleQuest you will like the mechanics, the incorporation of the Marvel license is topnotch both with writing and character design. If you can be content with just playing the story missions and only a small subset of the available champions then go ahead. However if you are like me and want to play with the new champions when they are released and play the special events then you will pay. And if you pay realize that it is only a matter of time before that which you paid for is nerfed or sidelined or otherwise invalidated by whatever the newest cash grab from D3 is.Here is how it works, lets say you have a set of beginning characters (called 2 star for their rarity) and are having fun. You see that a new character is being released (omg Nick Furry?! I want to play that one too!). In order to get covers for that character you have to buy them with real money, oh except you can't really buy them straight you have to buy a &pack& and hope you get the covers you want (along with a bunch of stuff you don't want). If you aren't willing to go that route then you will have to jump through some very specific hoops, namely you will be &competing& with other players for a chance to win the cover. You do this by direct competition (through a very very broken PvP style contest that I am not even going to get into its so bad) or by grinding away at special missions, missions that are designed to be overpowering and that will wound or kill your characters (requiring you to &rest& or buy medpacks with money). I don't know if I can stress how grindy these missions will be if you actually want a shot at the new cover, we are talking hours of playtime, but what is even worse is D3 picks the times you need to play. This is ultimately why I had to stop, in order to be successful with the rubber-banding and the like you had to be playing near the finish of each sub-event and each main event. That means you can't even just grind it out on your own time you needed to be hardcore during specific hours (forgot real life commitments). What I finally realized was there is no end game. That process described above is it. It doesn't get easier just harder, and not from a skill level just from a time commitment and frustration level. D3's entire model is to reward low level players greater then high level players to make them think rewards are quick and easy. Once you are hooked however you will constantly lose you chance at the new covers to the next wave of new players getting their hooks set. No only do I not recommend this to anyone I would be very cautious about ever playing anything from D3.
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66.0 hrs on record
???? this game. Literally ???? this game.Why? Because it is actually really REALLY FUN. And THAT is exactly the Problem!How so you ask? Simple! Because it is yet another free-to-play, pay-to-win game. It is a good game disguising a hideous marketing strategy. It is absolutely repulsive.Because you're gonna start playing this game and go &Oh man! This game is really fun! I want to keep playing it!& but then slowly the realization starts to seep in... YOU CAN'T. Why not? Well, lets see here... did you lose that last round? Bit of random bad luck and didn't quite make it? Want to try the round again? WELL TOO BAD!! Your heros are out of health now and won't be full again until THREE HOURS FROM NOW. Hey, did the game just give you a sweet new character as a reward for beating a stage? Great! Too bad you're out of spaces for new characters in your hero roster that you can only expand using the game's premium currency! Oh and by the way, your reward expires in five days and then you'll lose it forever, good luck trying to farm premium currency through the stages in game! Oh, I'm sure it won't take you very long if you've got a strong team of heros to keep plowing through with... Oh, what's that? They're all out of health again? Guess you're ????ed! LOLS!! Seriously, this is the only game I've ever played that gives you rewards that you're never able to actually use.And it all just spirals on downhill from there. You want to get anywhere in this game? &Give us your money!& And not just some of your money... ALL OF YOUR MONEY! Because lets face it, it would be EASY to release a normal, playable version of this game for say $15... but they don't want just a little of your money. They want ALL OF YOUR MONEY. There is a never ending supply of money that this game can drain away from you. Because that's how it was designed. And it is a damned crying shame!Avoid this piece of garbage like the Plague. Or Ebola. Whatever horrifying desease floats your boat. XP
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107.8 hrs on record
The writing for this game is just so bad. I mean, the game is subtitled Dark Reign, so one would think it would follow the story of the Dark Reign story ark, but the story is so distorted that it barely has anything to do with the Dark Reign. And there is no new content at all, events just repeat in a circle...
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0.1 hrs on record
This game is another in a long line of games created to part people with there cash in an unending stream. These games are the bane of the gaming industry and will lead to another crash like we had in 1983. Do not spend in game cash on this game play it but dont spend any cash. It does not deserver your money, the freemium model needs to die.
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0.1 hrs on record
This version of the game features the flaws of the mobile version. As detailed in reviews below, the mechanic for health is an issue, and then there is the AI, which is designed to cheat. It will be able to use abilities it does not have the points for, and Team Ups are messed up in the AI's favour.The final thing which makes me uninstall the game less than half an hour into playing, is that you cannot link your mobile and Steam accounts together, despite the quote from the developer that &The PC version runs off the same code and servers as the mobile versions. Battle against anyone, regardless of what device they're using&, that couldn't be any further from the truth.So, they hope you will double dip, spending money in both versions. Well, not this guy, and hopefully you won't either :) If you're thinking about installing this version and you're already invested in the mobile version, change your mind.
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7.0 hrs on record
Might as well be pay to win, pathetic
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0.4 hrs on record
i wouldnt have minded the freemium crap if the game wasnt all jolty and awful to play
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2.8 hrs on record
I like this game as your going against overs not just like candy crush ect plus you can rank up ect..
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18.1 hrs on record
Pros:1. It's a nice game! Has a Bejeweled-like turn-based battle system with level up system.2. It's free to download.Cons:1. For slow connections, it's a big file with around 700+MB.2. Requires an internet connection.3. It would be enjoyable if you have friends that will play too (and beneficial).
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0.6 hrs on record
This is your standard match 3 game, but with characters from Marvel and leveling. If you like these three things, it's probably a good choice...unlesss you ever want to play without an internet connection.I love in NYC, and ?is would be ?e perfect type of game to play on my Windows 8.1 tablet on the subway...but I can't. This is a huge problem and so I cannot recommend this game unless offline play is enabled.
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0.7 hrs on record
Another one of those Marvel games trying to make buck, pretty bad.
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71.1 hrs on record
good game , annoying character system ... As a Marvel fan I think this game is just fine ... for some one who likes to spend some time on Marvel and have fun , this game is just the right choice
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282.6 hrs on record
This is a good puzzle game. It has just two problems no real pvp in the game and it can be really addictive.
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12.5 hrs on record
There is cool, there is awsome, then... There is Marvel puzzle quest
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345.9 hrs on record
During the entire time I've played this, I haven't spent a penny and I've had no problems.
I'm not sure why people keep saying it's Pay to win.
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450.1 hrs on record
Free to play but hard to avoid paying if you want to do well.
I have been playing this for a while now, sunk to much money into it and regret it to some extent. However, having paid a bunch of money into it I now can compete to some extent, there are still a ton of people out there who will completely own me without trouble but for the most part if I want to I can rank high in the challenges.
Anyway, I do play this game daily, I enjoy the 30 minutes or so I play and sometimes get very involved in a specific type of event (the non-pvp events). Good overall game, I just wish they never nerfed the healing of black widow...:(
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0.6 hrs on record
You can obviously tell this is a mobile port. the port is suprisingly good however and the gameplay is a ton of fun. if you have never played a puzzle quest game, then this is the game to start with.
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29.2 hrs on record
Mr Chow like this game its fun. If u no like this game i will chop you weewee like deadpool.
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117.7 hrs on record
If you like Marvel Superheroes and Candy Crush, you'll like this game.
You'll be addicted for quite a while.
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25.2 hrs on record
oddly addicting... the game is enjoyable made match 3 games appealing to me. It definately is a pay to win game so if you dont want to hand over the cash or get lucky with the freebies its pretty hard to build up and keep playing especially with limited slots for heros
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Title: Marvel Puzzle Quest
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 5 Dec, 2013
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