介绍世界上最矮人——钱德拉 巴哈杜尔.格莱二世 当吉 英语短文 60词左右

发布于: 19:00:02
& 世界之大,无奇不有。吉尼斯世界纪录就是记录奇妙的。吉尼斯世界纪录度过了60年,给我们带来了许多的不可思议和无限的惊奇。现在就来看看这奇异的一对吧。哈哈…… 休息天,自然是来点轻松的,小伙伴们,快来译一译吧! & 认真翻译者奖励沪元150。
翻译没有标准答案,只有精益求精。让大家对翻译产生兴趣,并且持之以恒,在练习和讨论中进步,就是这个节目抛出去的板砖引出来的美玉了。 请翻译以下文字。 翻译内容:
The VERY odd couple: Shortest man ever (21.5ins) meets tallest living person (8ft 1in) outside the Houses of Parliament for Guinness World Record Day
Published: 10:15 GMT, 13 November 2014 | Updated: 16:44 GMT, 13 November 2014
It was a meeting of epic proportions.& & The world's tallest and shortest men met for the first time this morning to commemorate Guinness World Record Day. & Sultan K?sen, who is 8ft 1in. tall, and Chandra Dangi, who measures just 21.5ins., posed for photos outside the Houses of Parliament to mark the book's 60th anniversary. &
The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion. & The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date. & Mr&K?sen, 31, from Ankara,Turkey, became the world's tallest living man in 2009, when he took the title from 63-year-old Xi Shun, fromChina, who measured 7 ft 8.95 ins. in 2005. & Mr Dangi, who lives in the isolated NepalesevillageofReemkholi, some 335miles southwest ofKathmandu, is the shortest adult human to have their height verified by Guinness. & & =======小夜宵·汉译英========= & 志合者,不以山海为远。 & &
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It was a meeting of epic proportions.
The world's tallest and shortest men met for the first time this morning to commemorate Guinness World Record Day.
Sultan Kösen, who is 8ft 1in. tall, and Chandra Dangi, who measures just 21.5ins., posed for photos outside the Houses of Parliament to mark the book's 60th anniversary.
身高八尺一寸的苏丹和21英寸的丹吉 在议会的建筑外摆拍,来纪念这第六十个纪念日。
The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion.
The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date.
吉尼斯世界纪录年刊在2004年也创造了一项属于自己的世界纪录:它成为了世界上最畅销的 版权书。而吉尼斯世界纪录日也是为了这天而设置的。
Mr Kösen, 31, from Ankara,Turkey, became the world's tallest living man in 2009, when he took the title from 63-year-old Xi Shun, fromChina, who measured 7 ft 8.95 ins. in 2005.
Mr Dangi, who lives in the isolated Nepalese village of Reemkholi, some 335miles southwest of Kathmandu, is the shortest adult human to have their height verified by Guinness.
21.5ins.,是21.5英寸还有0.5呢?2、The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion. 为庆祝这一盛事,这两位和其他几百人一道,参加了数项吉尼斯纪录挑战。为庆祝这一盛会,除他俩之外,还有来自世界各地的、参加多项吉尼斯纪录的挑战的数百人。意思理解错误。
21.5ins.,是21.5英寸还有0.5呢?2、The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts ac...谢谢你的认真点评,我经常在细节出现问题,across the world也拉了……
The VERY odd couple: Shortest man ever (21.5ins) meets tallest living person (8ft 1in) outside the Houses of Parliament for Guinness World Record Day
It was a meeting of epic proportions.
The world's tallest and shortest men met for the first time this morning to commemorate Guinness World Record Day.
Sultan Kösen, who is 8ft 1in. tall, and Chandra Dangi, who measures just 21.5ins., posed for photos outside the Houses of Parliament to mark the book's 60th anniversary.
The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion.
The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date.
Mr Kösen, 31, from Ankara,Turkey, became the world's tallest living man in 2009, when he took the title from 63-year-old Xi Shun, fromChina, who measured 7 ft 8.95 ins. in 2005.
31岁的 柯森先生来着土耳其安卡拉。他于2009年成为世界现存最高的人。在他之前保有这一称号的是 63岁的中国人喜顺,他在2005年的身高是7英尺8.95英寸。
Mr Dangi, who lives in the isolated Nepalese village of Reemkholi, some 335miles southwest of Kathmandu, is the shortest adult human to have their height verified by Guinness.
1、It was a meeting of epic proportions.
注意这里只是meeting。。回家是不是过于意译了2、他们两人也和其他人一样参加了大会庆典 漏译who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world 3、2004年吉尼斯世界纪录大全成了最畅销的一本书
漏译broke a record of its own 4、孙玺
句子会通顺些5、坎德拉-巴哈杜尔,住在离加里满都西南335米的地方,是吉尼斯认证的最矮的男人。漏译who lives in the isolated NepalesevillageofReemkholi猫猫,做完后记得检查哦,还有译文忠实于原文是第一步哦
打破了由中国63岁的孙玺7英尺8.95英寸的身高纪录。 这句也漏了
The VERY odd couple: Shortest man ever (21.5ins) meets tallest living person (8ft 1in) outside the Houses of Parliament for Guinness World Record Day奇葩的一对人:在吉尼斯世界纪录日这一天,世界上最矮的人(21.5英寸)与世界上最高的人(8英尺1英寸)在国会大厦前相遇了。It was a meeting of epic proportions.
这是一次百年难遇的会面The world's tallest and shortest men met for the first time this morning to commemorate Guinness World Record Day.世界最高的人与最低的人在这天早上第一次相遇,共同纪念吉尼斯世界纪录日Sultan Kösen, who is 8ft 1in. tall, and Chandra Dangi, who measures just 21.5ins., posed for photos outside the Houses of Parliament to mark the book's 60th anniversary. Sultan Kösen8英尺1英寸高,而Chandra Dangi仅21.5英寸高,两人在国会大厦外摆拍见证吉尼斯世界纪录60周年纪念日The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion. 两个人与来自世界各地参与了数次吉尼斯纪录尝试的人们一同参加庆祝这一盛典The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date.一年一度打破自己的纪录,在2004年吉尼斯世界名录成为最畅销的版权图书,而设立吉尼斯世界纪录日用来纪念这些日期Mr Kösen, 31, from Ankara,Turkey, became the world's tallest living man in 2009, when he took the title from 63-year-old Xi Shun, fromChina, who measured 7 ft 8.95 ins. in 2005. Kösen先生,31岁,来自土耳其安卡拉,在2009成为世界上在世的最高人,取代了来自中国的喜顺,他曾在2005年被测量身高7英尺8.95英寸Mr Dangi, who lives in the isolated NepalesevillageofReemkholi, some 335miles southwest ofKathmandu, is the shortest adult human to have their height verified by Guinness.Dangi先生,居住在位于Kathmandu西南方向335英里的独立的尼泊尔小村庒Reemkholi,他被吉尼斯官方证实是世界上最矮的成年人 答题用时:[26:40]
1、The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date.一年一度打破自己的纪录,在2004年吉尼斯世界名录成为最畅销的版权图书,而设立吉尼斯世界纪录日用来纪念这些日期the annual 这里annual加上the 成了特指的名词,根据后面copyright book 可以看出是指一本书, 所以在这里是
The VERY odd couple: Shortest man ever (21.5ins) meets tallest living person (8ft 1in) outside the Houses of Parliament for Guinness World Record Day奇妙组合:在吉尼斯世界记录日,世界上最矮男子(21.5英寸)与世界上最高的人在国会大厦外相遇It was a meeting of epic proportions. 这是一次史诗般的会面The world's tallest and shortest men met for the first time this morning to commemorate Guinness World Record Day. 最高的人和最矮的人的首次会面是为了纪念今早的吉尼斯世界纪录日Sultan Kösen, who is 8ft 1in. tall, and Chandra Dangi, who measures just 21.5ins., posed for photos outside the Houses of Parliament to mark the book's 60th anniversary. Sultan Kosen,八英尺一英寸高,Chandra Dangi,测量身高仅为21.5英寸,在国会大厦外摆好姿势照相,纪念吉尼斯世界纪录的60周年盛典。The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion. 他们俩与世界各地来的数次挑战吉尼斯纪录的人们共同庆祝这一盛会。The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date. 此次大会打破了自己在2004年创下的最畅销版权书的纪录,吉尼斯世界纪录日是为了纪念那天而设立的。Mr Kösen, 31, from Ankara,Turkey, became the world's tallest living man in 2009, when he took the title from 63-year-old Xi Shun, fromChina, who measured 7 ft 8.95 ins. in 2005.Kosen先生,31岁,来自土耳其安卡拉,2009年称为世界上在世的最高人,取代了来自中国的鲍喜顺,他63岁,2005年时身高测量纪录为七英尺八点九五英寸。Mr Dangi, who lives in the isolated Nepalese village of Reemkholi, some 335 miles southwest of Kathmandu, is the shortest adult human to have their height verified by Guinness.Danqi先生, 住在与世隔绝的尼泊尔Reemkholi小村庄中,为加德满都西南方,约335英里,被吉尼斯确认为是成年人类中最矮的人。
The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date.此次大会打破了自己在2004年创下的最畅销版权书的纪录,吉尼斯世界纪录日是为了纪念那天而设立的。这里the annual 联系后面it所指
copyright book
这是一个史诗般的聚会。今天早上,世界上最高和最矮的人头一次相遇,为了庆祝吉尼斯世界纪录日。Sultan Kösen,8.1寸高, Chandra Dangi,,21.5英尺高,相聚在议会门前合影留念,来纪念吉尼斯这本书出版60周年。除了他俩之外,还有成百上千的人从世界各地赶来参加这一庆祝活动,他们都是吉尼斯纪录的保持者。当2004年吉尼斯这本书成为世界上销量最好的书时,这一一年一度的活动也打破力量自己的记录。吉尼斯世界纪录日就为了纪念这一日期而设立的。 31岁的来自土耳其的Kösen先生,在2009年成为了世界上最高的人,超越了上一个记录的保持者,来自中国的63岁的习顺,他在2005年的标准身高是7米8.95英尺。Dangi先生被吉尼斯确认为有记录以来的世界上最矮的成年人。他生活在Reemkholi的一个偏僻小镇上,在Kathmandu 西南方向大约335米。people who have the similar goals wouldn't feel far from the mountains or seas.答题用时:[13:05]
It was a meeting of epic proportions.
这是一次场面史诗般的会面。The world's tallest and shortest men met for the first time this morning to commemorate Guinness World Record Day. 今天早晨,世界上最高的人于最矮的人首次会面,以此庆祝吉尼斯世界纪录日。Sultan Kösen, who is 8ft 1in. tall, and Chandra Dangi, who measures just 21.5ins., posed for photos outside the Houses of Parliament to mark the book's 60th anniversary. 苏丹·克塞,身高8英尺1英寸,与身高仅21.5英寸的钱德勒·唐吉在议会大楼外合影,以此纪念《吉尼斯世界纪录》60周年。The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion. 二人同另外上百人一起在世界各地参加了众多记录挑战来纪念这个庆典。The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date. 《吉尼斯世界纪录》在2014年成为世界上最畅销的版权书籍, 它的年销量也打破了世界吉尼斯记录。因此人们以吉尼斯世界纪录日来纪念这一天。Mr Kösen, 31, fromTurkey, became the world's tallest living man in 2009, when he took the title from 63-year-old Xi Shun, fromChina, who measured 7 ft 8.95 ins. in 2005. 来自土耳其安卡拉的克塞在2009成为世界上在世的最高的人,他从63岁的中国人西顺手中得来该称号,西顺在2005年以7英尺8.95英寸的身高享有这 一纪录。Mr Dangi, who lives in the isolated NepalesevillageofReemkholi, some 335miles southwest ofKathmandu, is the shortest adult human to have their height verified by Guinness.来自尼泊尔的唐吉住在加德满都西南方约335英里处的一个叫做林河里的偏远小村里,他是吉尼斯记录过的世界上最矮的成年人。答题用时:[20:10]
1、The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion.二人同另外上百人一起在世界各地参加了众多记录挑战来纪念这个庆典。这里who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world
It was a meeting of epic proportions. 这是一场盛世聚会 The world's tallest and shortest men met for the first time this morning to commemorate Guinness World Record Day.今早 世界最高人和世界最矮人第一次聚首庆祝世界吉尼斯纪录日Sultan Kösen, who is 8ft 1in. tall, and Chandra Dangi, who measures just 21.5ins., posed for photos outside the Houses of Parliament to mark the book's 60th anniversary. 8尺1高的Sultan Kosen和21.5英寸矮的Chandra Dangi在国会大厦门口合影以此庆祝吉尼斯纪录书诞辰60周年The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion他们与其他吉尼斯纪录参赛者同聚一起共庆这一华盛. The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date.2004年,吉尼斯纪录书打破了自己曾创下的世界最热卖书籍的纪录,为纪念与此,自后每年的这一天便命为吉尼斯纪录日 Mr Kösen, 31, from Ankara,Turkey, became the world's tallest living man in 2009, when he took the title from 63-year-old Xi Shun, fromChina, who measured 7 ft 8.95 ins. in 2005.31岁的Kosen先生来自土耳其Ankara,他在2009年成为世界上最高之人,根据2005年纪录,在Kosen之前世界最高人是来自中国63岁的Xi Shun. Mr Dangi, who lives in the isolated NepalesevillageofReemkholi, some 335miles southwest ofKathmandu, is the shortest adult human to have their height verified by Guinness.j据吉尼斯证实,Dangi先生是世界最矮小的人类,他来自于与世隔绝的尼泊尔小村庄,距离Kathmandu西南方向335英里的地方
The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion他们与其他吉尼斯纪录参赛者同聚一起共庆这一华盛.这句不错哦~~加油!
1、这是一次史诗般的相遇 这句不错2、The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date.2004年,在每年一次次打破自己所创纪录的同时,吉尼斯世界纪录成为世界上最畅销的版权书籍。吉尼斯世界纪录日就是为纪念这样的一个日子而设立。这里the annual 联系后面it所指 都是同一个 指的是 copyright book 应该是吉尼斯世界纪录年刊本身在2004年也打破了一项纪录,然后balabala
一兜说:1、这是一次史诗般的相遇 这句不错2、The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright b...感谢一兜的细心点评,纠错的地方在查看原文翻译时同样也注意到了,完全理解错了,汗颜~~~捂脸~~~
By Stephanie Linning for MailOnline
Published: 10:15 GMT, 13 November 2014 | Updated: 16:44 GMT, 13 November 2014
It was a meeting of epic proportions.
The world's tallest and shortest men met for the first time this morning to commemorate Guinness World Record Day.
Sultan Kösen, who is 8ft 1in. tall, and Chandra Dangi, who measures just 21.5ins., posed for photos outside the Houses of Parliament to mark the book's 60th anniversary.
The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion.
The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date.
Mr Kösen, 31, from Ankara,Turkey, became the world's tallest living man in 2009, when he took the title from 63-year-old Xi Shun, fromChina, who measured 7 ft 8.95 ins. in 2005.
Mr Dangi, who lives in the isolated Nepalese village of Reemkholi, some 335miles southwest of Kathmandu, is the shortest adult human to have their height verified by Guinness.
The VERY odd couple: Shortest man ever (21.5ins) meets tallest living person (8ft 1in) outside the Houses of Parliament for Guinness World Record Day非常奇怪的一对:在吉尼斯世界纪录日这一天,身高分别是54.61cm,269cm的两人在英国国会大厦前相遇合影,一个最矮,一个最高。 By Stephanie Linning for MailOnlinePublished: 10:15 GMT, 13 November 2014 | Updated: 16:44 GMT, 13 November 2014It was a meeting of epic proportions.
这是一个可载入史册的身高悬殊会议The world's tallest and shortest men met for the first time this morning to commemorate Guinness World Record Day. 在吉尼斯记录日这一天早上,世界上最高的和最矮的两个人相约在一起庆祝。Sultan Kösen, who is 8ft 1in. tall, and Chandra Dangi, who measures just 21.5ins., posed for photos outside the Houses of Parliament to mark the book's 60th anniversary. Sultan Kösen身高2.69米,而Chandra Dangi身高却只有0.54米,他们两人在英国国会大厦前拍照留念,作为吉尼斯纪录60周年庆典书籍的封面。The two men join hundreds of others who are taking part in a number of record attempts across the world to celebrate the occasion. 身高迥异的两人与成百上千的人一样,参加各式各样的纪录,试着在全世界范围内庆祝这一时刻。The annual broke a record of its own in 2004 when it became the world's best-selling copyright book. Guinness World Record Day was set up to commemorate the date. 2004年的年刊打破了纪录,一度成为世界上最畅销的书籍。吉尼斯世界纪录日正是为了纪念这一天而成立。Mr Kösen, 31, from Ankara,Turkey, became the world's tallest living man in 2009, when he took the title from 63-year-old Xi Shun, fromChina, who measured 7 ft 8.95 ins. in 2005. Kösen,31岁,来自土耳其首都安卡拉,是2009年度世界上最高的人,取代了63岁的中国人喜顺的头衔,他在2005年的身高是2.36m.Mr Dangi, who lives in the isolated Nepalese village of Reemkholi, some 335miles southwest of Kathmandu, is the shortest adult human to have their height verified by Guinness.Dangi,住在尼泊尔一个被孤立的村庄里—林河里村,距离尼泊尔首都加德满都西南方335英里,是吉尼斯纪录官方认定最矮的人。答题用时:[00:02]
身高8英尺1英寸的Sultan Kosen与测高仅为21.5英寸的Chandra Dangi,在吉尼斯大厅外,纪念吉尼斯的60年成立日


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