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. A woman hate you, because you get what she wants.
When you request an answer to a person if the other party hesitated for more than three seconds, often, he finally given that answer is not the real answer in heart, but in order to please you deliberately painted over the answers. The so-called
when a man and two girls have a crush, he loves and who depends on who does not love him.
want to forget a relationship, never only two: time and a new love. Time and new love can not let you forget a relationship, there are only two reasons: time is not long enough, new love is not good enough.
Similarly a person,beats dr dre ferrari headphone, if you love a person will be good care of her, like you want to do anything to possess her. a lot of psychological research in
found that married the sooner, the higher the quality of marriage. But people are more willing to believe that logic: wait the longer the better the results.
bones inferiority, they always want to see someone else a fool of myself.
reason why you feel lonely, is not nobody care about you, but you care about that person did not care.
If a man take the initiative on behalf of your bag, go you on the inside of the road, take the initiative to pull out a chair for you, not to be moved to tears. This only shows that he has a girlfriend before he become like this. Let him remember the woman, never to change his woman, not you. Therefore, more details of the perfect man, woman, the more challenges.
In many cases, women just want an answer. But for men, the answer is none other than the reasons for the brain within a few seconds.
two men chasing a woman, s two women chasing a man with affectionate to give up. enjoyment
people love there are always difficult to let go of the feelings. However, studies have shown that, the good old days of love is precisely the obstacle to future marital happiness. We tend to love the passion as a standard to judge future love life. For a happy marriage, please forget the love!
happy and sad, the first thought is the same person, it happy and sad, the first thought is not the same person, you should want to ta ride out the sad, Life itself is suffering more than the music. Happy to have too many people can share with you, is not necessarily a lover, the sadness is not a lot of people are sharing with you. Would you like to tell him the sad, he is the people you most want to close the treasure.
if you fell in love with two people, choose the second. If you love the first one, would not have to love other people. sign of maturity is one of the
understand the daily 99 percent of the things in themselves for others, are totally meaningless. best
life are invisible, which is why we will kiss, cry, make a wish when close your eyes. The
Whenever a person says
want to know a person's heart is missing, do not look at anything else, to see want to know that a low self-esteem, do not look, to see its cover up anything.
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[can enhance the feelings of the local
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can look at the place of fireworks or night. Darkness would make no sense of security, if the light appear to make each other feel warm and romantic.
3 horror movies and roller coasters. Rapid heart beat, the feeling will be mistaken for love.
pot party or island camping.
[Please say you love me in the night]
during the day, people want to play a role in society, ideological activities are conscious. At night, people from the social role transition to individual roles and become completely subordinate to the family of their own people, the individual will be more able to control their own activities. Feelings at night the most abundant, if courtship in the evening, will reduce the person's psychological defenses, feeling more energy, the success rate much higher than during the day.
independent thinking in China is still a luxury. If you happen to be an independent-minded people, then you have to be careful, because the vast majority of thinking people stubbornly believe that thought is a strange and terrible monsters, there was a responsibility, confidence , endurance, and have the tools, time, teach you a lot of saliva,dr dre monster beats solo hd, to save you, until you become no independent thought.
[love blind spot] love the girls often a mistake: to break up as a means to ask for love! very
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often talk
let each other know each other'
quarrel to vent
5, not endless contact w
two people quarrel, no matter who is wrong, someone must bow to apologize to coax each other.
[psychological sense: people do not you imagine the joy of] psychological the
Stanford University study found that: we always have a tendency to underestimate the negative emotions of others. In other words: We always thought that the others too proud, unlucky always. This is our own tendency to focus on negative information, as well as in communication, the other wearing a happy mask deliberately hidden. Others not so as you can see scenery, know?
first kiss with the girls how not to be resisted, and feel sweet? The girls are reserved,Red Sox beats by monster, so no hurry mouth Coushang, you can kiss his forehead, and then the tip of the nose, followed by the ear or cheek, and finally kiss his lips. This step allows the girl to relieve the tense mood to find a logical reason for the kiss, and she will appreciate your caring. After all, romance is also a courtesy.
woman often lifelong only love a man. The man's taste from time to time change. woman
lovesick, and often will continue to reduce the bottom line, make compromises. The men will advance to set the bottom line, once touched, they do not hesitate to turn away.
woman a love that Lenovo could not help but to marriage. The man in love is not primarily in order to talk of marriage, but in order to derive pleasure, marriage and love for him is totally different.
gender psychology: how to successfully attract the opposite sex? ] Attracted to men the best way is to let although he never received, b attracted to a woman's way is the opposite, she has been feeling to be met, but there is more space for reverie. Of course, how to seize this
[do not because the people around you are in love, before going to love] when we found that her friends are beginning to fall in love, in such an environment, he is looking for individuals to fall in love. This is also reflected with a tune behavior. When around friends love the gradual increase in the number of the same tune behavior gradually transformed into an obsession that they do not fall in love not. Results to reduce their own ideals or standards of the love object.
a man of strength, will encourage his wife to learn, but happy for her promotion, because it will increase the power to create a happy family. A force of men will oppose the learning of his wife, afraid to enhance become difficult to control so that his wife, he expressed dissatisfaction with the noise, and then with indifference, alienation, hiding to escape. woman off the alarm clock to continue to stay in bed,
[] they really is not easy to say no, to do anything will be delayed again and again, is a typical little girl drag character. Life, she is free to women, a lot of time in front of you showing childish side. She does not like too much pressure to live and work, attention to friendship than love.
when faced with two choices, a coin toss will always work, not because it always gives the right answer, but that one second you throw it up in the air, you suddenly know that you I hope that what it is the ...
[the face of a woman, men like to beat around the bush] woman asked: She asked: had the answer.
[six psychological secrets of the man heart
man's pain is often only he knew.
potential desire of the men have to talk to the woman.
3, divorced men are usually not single for long.
4, in the minds of the unmarried men,
in the eyes of a married man, the girl is a woman.
5 men feel the most comfortable thing to be a woman to understand.
6, the men like a woman will be spoiled. [Most harm relations between the two words] 1), 2) I am for your good. That people are not aware of this two sentences: 1) This sen 2) each other's hard, 3) Each time, the distance between the two estranged from. the
not the first time we met to talk about a heavy topic of the financial crisis, the war in the Middle East, layoffs, or other resulting in negative emotions will not consciously generated by the source, so the first meeting to try to choose a more relaxed topic.
[your love at what stage? ] Be regarded as a mature love romance, must go through four stages: the coexistence of (codependent), anti-dependence (counterdependent), independent (independent), symbiotic (interdependent). The time required to switch between stages are not necessarily, they pass from person to person. However, most people pass the second or third stage, the choice to break up a way, this is a great pity.
life tired, less than half from survival, less than half comes from comparisons.
[psychological sense: the password Psychology password no more than three, even though he had many will eventually narrowed to two or three. Have the same password for all mailboxes of ordinary people are basically the same, the Forum registration password, crack password also can get a lot of places.
[you least like to hear what topics? ] The following is one of the findings from the Japanese site: 1. B say I tha complain
talk about the poli has been referred to the performances of a game that I 7 s 8. c 10 has been referred to his family.
male nose below the corpus cavernosum, and Mobi Zi representatives want to cover up hand on t rhetorical when ey disdain for the other side of your question, usually The ques when the asymmetry of facial s on both sides, is very possible that the Minzui t hypocrites will not blink. excessively expensive the gift
will not necessarily increase the goodwill of the other side of you, when people got their own ability to return the help, this help will get the recognition and gratitude, on the contrary, if such help is he did not in return, it will only make people anxious and uneasy. Appropriate use of interpersonal sense of such liabilities to achieve their goals, but too heavy liabilities sense but difficult to increase the goodwill.
[over-reliance on a partner to do something to delay] Many people believe that spouses play an important role in successful behind. U.S. studies have shown that, if you do not pay attention to support lovers may be counterproductive. The researchers selected 77 students to understand the partner how to help each other to achieve academic results when think of a partner will help the object to complete their studies will become excessively bureaucratic and spend more time, means that over-reliance on the partner's help will have a negative effect.
[psychological science: Fuller effect The study found that the face of a vague description, people will tend to its own condemnation. This tendency is called Psychologists believe that the Fowler effect
if two people during the conversation always maintain smooth, then both sides will feel self-esteem and more likely to reach a consensus. The dialogue was interrupted for 4 seconds or more, will make people feel embarrassed, worry, anxiety, do not come together and exclusion, to return to the process of close interaction will be very difficult. the
emotional change first reflected in the unconscious pupil change: When emotions from getting excited, happy, and the pupil will not consciously change. The men see the charming woman or women to see the handsome man will have dilated pupils reaction. If caught playing poker when the expectations of good cards, emotional excitement will rise suddenly, and dilated pupils.
[tears of a woman cute] is generally believed that women's But the latest scientific research shows that not only cry caused by the red nose will be very ugly, women's tears will be sending a chemical signal, so that men to tears by the enthusiasm plummeted. When men sniffing real tears, they will feel that the woman is less attractive, does not increase male Lianxiangxiyu feeling.
[love compensation] in psychology called Is it easy to like, like their people. So, those who do not take the initiative to the people, they like each other, or to look critically at, is not to know each other like, so like each other?
[] When we say Its potential meaning when we say As Erich Fromm said: love I need you because I love you
[why the more we love the more difficult love] Psychologists study found that older individuals experiencing complicated, people tend to gloss over past love memories: only better, more and more to keep , forming a strong contrast effect on the current emotional experience. To compare the results mostly give the impression that the moment of disappointment and the nostalgia of the past, each time more on the memories of the purification process again. Hinder happiness in love the process of self-confusion psychological.
[psychological skills: love, then front left ear more effectively! ! ] A new study in the United States Sam Houston State University researchers found that the front of the left ear of love sweet talk to better capture their heart. This is because the human ear is controlled by the right brain. Division of the human brain, right brain hemisphere is responsible for intuition, thinking, experience is more sensitive to emotional class. the
man boasted to express love, women to express their love by listening, but once a woman of intelligence to grow to a certain extent, she was almost impossible to find a husband because she was listening when the heart is bound to ridicule sound ring.
[men how to use silence the
Kitchen you like to eat. And you talk about his future place to go. (4) has been wearing the clothes you send. Standing by your side in public. When you call, he did not evade.
[time will not kill the romance! About Love, people often believe that time will kill the romance. Love will gradually from romantic love to friendship and love. But some experts have confirmed that romantic love (strong desires) does exist in the long-term intimate relationships, and this discovery may change people's expectations - what we want long-term relationships. psychology
study found that the first meeting with a person can create a first impression within 45 seconds. The first impression can be formed and dominated in each other's minds. the
Gouzhuo arm just etiquette, from a psychological point of view, the only palm stacked real similarities. Hand in hand than to share a bed but also of great significance.
[bust with the divorce rate] famous American investigative bodies PEW findings on 500 pairs of 30-40 year-old husband and wife in bust B cup divorce rate was 16.3%, Bust C Cup divorce rate was 4%, D cup bust, female divorce rate is 1% are not.
[people with the right ear to listen to the words than the left ear remember prison] because the right ear to hear the information to import the left hemisphere, while the left hemisphere than the right hemisphere is more memory. So want the other firmly in mind what you say, speak in front ta right ear!
Remember, whenever you need to give yourself a clear bottom line, because some of the many times he will little by little grinding to eliminate your bottom line, when you do not have the bottom line, you will be completely controlled by others.
[female psychological well-being than men 15% higher] Nielsen online survey found that 28 153 people from 51 countries: men more likely to find psychological happiness from money, while women are more likely to from the friendship as well as with children, colleagues and the boss to get along, be happy. Most countries, women's happiness more than men.
in the face of the beloved woman, th two voices aircraft, swap roles to re quietly help her in her bath to slippers from another direction, when you want to brush your teeth to help her to squeeze the toothpaste, co-pilot seat is the spec do not think that silence cool, two people together or to communicate better.
[a woman's status is determined by the man's attitude of] a man love a woman, a wom men cold woman, a woman is hard ice. The women want the men to hurt, rather than to a man hurt. Men love a woman, a woman's femininity on the performance of the more fully, and vice versa. If you think women do not understand you do not care about you may wish to reflect on their actions.
our stomach is a cause ulcers. If the
with the same over a period of intimacy, in the future, there must be a period of special alienation, to avoid future misfortune or should not be too affectionate.
lonely, cold dragged on special for a long time, because she did not want to heal.
[mosaic effect] 1, the fact i, get rid of the rumors of the most
open communication to avoid misunderstanding, it is both an attitude
to avoid own psychological projection interpretation of the world, need to keep learning, an 5, the fundamental significance of the study is to e 6, which is a psychological construct. 172, if you often bring herself to do things on their own, not cruel, nor cruel to others. So, you are always sticky gooey, do not always have the heart to reject others, not always under determined to make their own better off, always lingering in the past unable to extricate themselves ... indecisive, you must be ruthless, otherwise you'll never live not their own.
[break up happy? Thousands of cases of data] emotion experts sort out the reason for the split of women and men: one too many quarrels and conflicts (26%);, there is no tacit understanding (18%); 3, the woman and another new love (14%) ; deception by her boyfriend (11%);, the man has no sense of responsibility (11%); 6, he is not husband material (9%); 7, the woman's own unwillingness to bear the responsibility (8%);, sexual (3%) are not satisfied with life.
[initial SEX, men feel more handsome, women feel more ugly] boys first time sex experience on the self-image (self-body image) evaluation of higher sex of the girls on self- image evaluation of the low! For an unknown reason ~ the contrary, usually for the University four years, the male self-image evaluation will be reduced year by year, while women will feel himself more and more beautiful - a variety of unknown reasons.
[not in the toxic Success] Do not obsessed with looking for experience from reading the biographies of successful people, most of these books through sophisticated packaging, a lot of important facts will not tell you, Bill Gates book will not tell you that his mother is the IBM Director, and her son led to the first big business, Buffett's book will tell you he was 8 years old know to visit the New York Stock Exchange, but will not tell your members of Congress his father took him to the reception by Goldman director.
[5 lies women love to say] tell me about you and her story, I will not get angry (finished to be angry) 2 old couple, not Valentine's Day gift ( do not buy you're finished) 3 I think I'm really not for you (I do not like you) 4 I do not want a boyfriend (flash side less than half of mate selection criteria) 5 My heart care a person (that person is fictional) specifically for people like you. United Kingdom Derbyshire,
University professor of clinical psychology, Paul Gilbert, said: There is a deceptive rather than sincerely admit their mistakes. you really aware of causing injury after the apology, apology not too humble, it is best able to do a reasonable manner.
The feet are the furthest away from the brain is most likely to reflect real heart. For example, three men stood together, seemingly they concentrate on the conversation, no one care about standing on the side of the beautiful girl, but the actual not the case, everyone has a foot in the direction to her, that is, everyone is paying attention to her and their dedication is just a mask, while the heart is the truth concealed.
& br& [angry men and women different from] the angry male are often rights are threatened,red sox beats dr dre, for example, want to do something, women because of someone else's behavior was incompatible with their own wishes, especially the feeling of being rejected, neglect and jealousy. psychological experts believe that:
[After breaking up how to deal with their entangled to be able to after breaking up , breaking up does not mean 6, the smiling face more calmly t him as a friend to a more in-depth to understand. the
small, humorous. no sure thing, and cautious. not happened, no nonsense. can not do, Freeze said. hurt things, can not say that. nasty not the person said. happy to see the occasion. sad thing, not telling anyone to say 11. other things, carefully 12. own business, how to say listen to your heart.
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