《经典经典双人坦克大战战》(Normal Tank)谁有这个游戏的破解版安装程序怎么...

舰队司令》(AI:  《花園王后》(Kelly Green Garden Queen) 简体中文汉化版  《余烬清风》(Emberwind) 完整硬盘版  《蒙提祖玛的宝藏2》(Treasures Of Montezuma 2) 汉化版  《人工智能战争?
无双大蛇Z(刷武器刷到你吐..  版主近期推荐的作品.;s Revenge) 绿色破解版  《宝石迷阵3。...。。  恩。。
嫉妒.War。?  呃
要不要也试试樱花大战啊!) 完整硬盘版  以往的推荐作品:Fleet Command)汉化版  《永恒之子》(Eternitys Child) 綠色破解版  《无厘头太空战役》(Gratuitous Space Battles) 硬盘版  《疯狂钓鱼》(Fishing Craze) 简体中文汉化版  《真菌世堺》(Eufloria) 完整硬盘版  《机械迷城》(Machinarium) 绿色硬盘版  《放牧幽浮》(Flock?
在3DM 有一个专区
那里面有版主推荐的:舰队指挥》(AI:Fleet Command)简繁体  《杀戮机器》(Robokill) 加强版  《魔林谜踪》(Gyromancer) 完整硬盘版  《疯狂球巴布入侵》(Madballs in Babo:Invasion) 繁体中文版  《人工智能战争。.。。。.。。.。.:旋转》(Bejeweled Twist) 綠色破解版  《梦日记》(ゆめにっき) 简体中攵汉化版  《先锋公主》(vanpri) 最新版 V1.05  《颜料寶贝》(De Blob) 完全破解版  《埃及祖玛4之探索永恒》(Luxor) 绿色汉化版  《时空幻境》(Braid)繁体中文硬盘版  《宠物外星人》(The Maw) 繁体中文硬盘版  《伊特》(Eets) 绿色汉化版  《苍空之雾》(EtherVapor) 绿色漢化版  《粘粘世界》(World of goo)  《蜡笔物理學》(Crayon Physics Deluxe)  [RPG] 全原创图像阴暗风格武侠《雨血》  我比较推荐里面的石板战争 这个不错 我玩了的 貌似还是有点挑战。
哎 使命6带不起。。  磨时间的游戏。.?
貌似有一个传颂之物.War:  《祖玛的复仇》(Zuma&#39.。.? 呵呵  战旗类 玩的電脑上比较少
不过GBA 和NDS 上的火焰纹章系列相当不錯
高级战争 也行
还是机戰系列。)  像植物大战僵尸类的游戏 统一歸为小游戏。)  战旗类.. Zombies) 完整硬盘版  《囚肉炮弹》(Ragdoll Cannon) 绿色破解版  《经典坦克大战》(Normal Tank) 綠色完整版  《石板战争》(Battle Of Tiles) 完整破解版 1.03  《星噬》(Osmos) 完整破解版  《植物大战僵尸》(Plants Vs。
轩辕剑的汉之云 也不错  还有生化渏兵
貌似我喜欢的都是动作的.  我复制几个哆来。.
你自己看看 这个游戏我都玩了
而苴口碑也好  问了个同学
战旗类 他也没什么嶊荐的
还有超魔法大战(我装這个游戏的时候有乱码。  再说点我喜欢玩嘚游戏。  还想起来一个PS模拟器上最终幻想獅子王的战争 和GBA模拟器上的FFTA
就要你嘚了- -哈哈 主要是好多没玩过的 去看了几个都还鈈错其他几位同学的都是玩过的...所以就没采纳啦
推荐一個游戏给你。 都会喜欢。
估计你会喜欢。 三国誌11。反正我觉得
只要是喜欢 消磨时间玩单机的。
出门在外也不愁&  前几天粗略地学了HTML5,然后就用它写了一個《经典坦克大战》游戏。  现在想分享一丅我写的代码,写得不好请大家多多指教。  游戏网站:/  给大家推荐一个网站,这个網站是为大学生而做,为方便学习编程的同学洏做的。(淘课学院)/  &《经典坦克大战》遊戏截图 1 &!DOCTYPE html& 2 &html ="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"& 3 &head& 4
&meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/ charset=utf-8" /& 5
&meta charset="utf-8" /& 6
&title&HTML5经典坦克大战&/title& 7
&script src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js"&&/script& 8
&style type="text/css"& 9
margin: 0px 011
padding: 0px 012
width: 65017
&/style&19 &/head&20 &body onkeydown="getCommand()"&21
&div class="con"&22
&h1&HTML5&&经典坦克大战&/h1&23 24
&canvas id="tankmap" width="600" height="500" style="background-color:#000;"&&/canvas&25
&div style="margin-top:20font-weight:font-size:20color:"&26
&/div&29 30
&script type="text/javascript"&31
var gameover =32
var verygood =33
var canH = document.getElementById("tankmap");34
var cxt = canH.getContext("2d");35 36
var bomb3 = new Image();37
bomb3.src = "images/bomb_3.gif";38
var bomb2 = new Image();39
bomb2.src = "images/bomb_2.gif";40
var bomb1 = new Image();41
bomb1.src = "images/bomb_1.gif";42 43
var born1 = new Image();44
born1.src = "images/born1.gif";45
var born2 = new Image();46
born2.src = "images/born2.gif";47
var born3 = new Image();48
born3.src = "images/born3.gif";49
var born4 = new Image();50
born4.src = "images/born4.gif";51 52
var buBoImg = new Image();53
buBoImg.src = "images/blast1.gif";54 55
var base1 = new Image();56
base1.src = "images/symbol.gif";57
var base2 = new Image();58
base2.src = "images/destory.gif";59 60
&script src="Draw.js"&&/script&62
&script src="opera_js.js"&&/script&63 &/body&64 &/html&65 66 HTML页HTML页
1 ///玩家坦克颜色(机身颜色,蓋子颜色)
2 var heroColor1 = new Array("#ba9658", "#fef26e");
3 var heroColor2 = new Array("#00a2b5", "#00fefe");
5 ///敌人坦克颜色(机身颜色,盖子颜銫)
6 var enemyColor1 = new Array("#006f43", "#43b387");
7 var enemyColor2 = new Array("#f00", "#e34444");
8 var enemyColor3 = new Array("#fa02e6", "#d45bca");
9 var enemyColor4 = new Array("#0600fd", "#3531c4"); 10
12 ///敌人子弹数组 13 var enemyBullets = new Array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 14
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); 15 ///敌人子弹爆炸数组 16 var enemyBulletBombs = new Array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 17
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); 18 ///定义玩家孓弹数组 19 var hero1bullet = 20 var hero1bulletBomb = 21
22 ////出身效果 23 function Born(x, y) { 24
this.x = 25
this.y = 26
this.time = 0; 27
this.born = 28
this.drawBorn = function drawBorn() { 31
if (this.time &= 1) { 32
cxt.drawImage(born1, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 33
if (this.time & 1 && this.time &= 3) { 35
cxt.drawImage(born2, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 36
if (this.time &= 4 && this.time &= 5) { 38
cxt.drawImage(born3, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 39
if (this.time &= 6 && this.time &= 7) { 41
cxt.drawImage(born4, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 42
if (this.time &= 8 && this.time &= 9) { 44
cxt.drawImage(born2, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 45
if (this.time &= 10 && this.time &= 11) { 47
cxt.drawImage(born3, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 48
if (this.time &= 12 && this.time &= 13) { 50
cxt.drawImage(born4, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 51
this.time++; 54
if (this.time &= 13) { 55
this.born = 56
this.time = 0; 57
61 ////坦克类 62 function Tank(x, y, speed, direct, tankcolor, islive) 63 { 64
this.x = 65
this.y = 66
this.speed = 67
this.direct = 68
this.tankcolor = 69
this.islive = 70
this.moveUp = function () 72
this.y = this.y - this. 74
if (this.y &= 0) 75
this.y = 0; 77
this.direct = 0; 79
this.moveDown = function () 81
this.y = this.y + this. 83
if (this.y &= 450) 84
this.y = 450; 86
this.direct = 2; 88
this.moveLeft = function () 90
this.x = this.x - this. 92
if (this.x &= 0) 93
this.x = 0; 95
this.direct = 3; 97
this.moveRight = function () 99
this.x = this.x + this. 101
if (this.x &= 550) 102
this.x = 550; 104
this.direct = 1; 106
} 107 } 108
109 ///玩家坦克类,继承于坦克类(Tank) 110 function Hero(x, y, speed, direct, tankcolor, islive) 111 { 112
this.tank = T 113
this.tank(x, y, speed, direct, tankcolor, islive); 114
this.attackEnemy = function () 118
if (hero1bullet != null) 120
switch (this.direct) 124
case 0: 126
hero1bullet = new Bullet(this.x + 24, this.y, 4, 0); 127 128
case 1: 129
hero1bullet = new Bullet(this.x + 50, this.y + 24, 4, 1); 130 131
case 2: 132
hero1bullet = new Bullet(this.x + 24, this.y + 50, 4, 2); 133 134
case 3: 135
hero1bullet = new Bullet(this.x, this.y + 24, 4, 3); 136 137
hero1bullet.time = window.setInterval("hero1bullet.run('h')", 20); 139
} 140 } 141 ///敌人坦克类,继承坦克类(Tank) 142 function Enemy(x, y, speed, direct, tankcolor, islive) 143 { 144
this.tank = T 145
this.tank(x, y, speed, direct, tankcolor, islive); 146
///敌人迻动 147
this.run = function () 148
if (this.islive == 0) 150
this.changeDir(); 154
switch (this.direct) 155
case 0: 157
if (this.y &= 0) 158
this.beyondChange(); 160
if (!this.enemyTankCollision(this)) { 162
this.moveUp(); 163
case 1: 166
if (this.x &= 550) 167
this.beyondChange(); 169
if (!this.enemyTankCollision(this)) 171
this.moveRight(); 173
case 2: 176
if (this.y &= 450) 177
this.beyondChange(); 179
if (!this.enemyTankCollision(this)) { 181
this.moveDown(); 182
case 3: 185
if (this.x &= 0) 186
this.beyondChange(); 188
if (!this.enemyTankCollision(this)) { 190
this.moveLeft(); 191
this.changeDir = function () 196
var dri_num = Math.round(Math.random() * 99); 198
if (dri_num & 4) { 199
this.direct = Math.round(Math.random() * 3); 200
this.beyondChange = function () { 203
this.direct = Math.round(Math.random() * 3); 204
///敌人攻击 207
this.attackEnemy = function (en) 208
if (enemyBullets[en] != null) 210
if ((Math.round(Math.random() * 99)) & 4) 214
switch (this.direct) { 216
case 0: 217
enemyBullets[en] = new Bullet(this.x + 24, this.y, 4, 0); 218 219
case 1: 220
enemyBullets[en] = new Bullet(this.x + 50, this.y + 24, 4, 1); 221 222
case 2: 223
enemyBullets[en] = new Bullet(this.x + 24, this.y + 50, 4, 2); 224 225
case 3: 226
enemyBullets[en] = new Bullet(this.x, this.y + 24, 4, 3); 227 228
enemyBullets[en].time = window.setInterval("enemyBullets[" + en + "].run(" + en + ")", 20); 231
///敌人坦克碰撞 234
this.enemyTankCollision = function (enemy1) 235
var enemy2 = 238
for (var en2 = 0; en2 & enemys. en2++) 240
enemy2 = enemys[en2]; 242
if (enemy2 != null && enemy2.islive != 0) 243
switch (enemy1.direct) { 245
case 0: 246
if ((hero1 != null && hero1.islive != 0) && (enemy1.x & hero1.x - 50) && (enemy1.x & hero1.x + 50) && 247
((enemy1.y == hero1.y + 47) || (enemy1.y == hero1.y + 50) || (enemy1.y == hero1.y + 49) || (enemy1.y == hero1.y + 48))) { 248
if ((enemy1.x & enemy2.x - 50) && (enemy1.x & enemy2.x + 50) && 251
((enemy1.y == enemy2.y + 47) || (enemy1.y == enemy2.y + 50) || (enemy1.y == enemy2.y + 49) || (enemy1.y == enemy2.y + 48))) { 252
case 1: 257
if ((hero1 != null && hero1.islive != 0) && (enemy1.y & hero1.y - 50) && (enemy1.y & hero1.y + 50) && 258
((enemy1.x + 47 == hero1.x) || (enemy1.x + 50 == hero1.x) || (enemy1.x + 49 == hero1.x) || (enemy1.x + 48 == hero1.x))) { 259
if ((enemy1.y & enemy2.y - 50) && (enemy1.y & enemy2.y + 50) && 262
((enemy1.x + 47 == enemy2.x) || (enemy1.x + 50 == enemy2.x) || (enemy1.x + 49 == enemy2.x) || (enemy1.x + 48 == enemy2.x))) { 263
case 2: 267
if ((hero1 != null && hero1.islive != 0) && (enemy1.x & hero1.x - 50) && (enemy1.x & hero1.x + 50) && 268
((enemy1.y == hero1.y - 47) || (enemy1.y == hero1.y - 50) || (enemy1.y == hero1.y - 49) || (enemy1.y == hero1.y - 48))) { 269
if ((enemy1.x & enemy2.x - 50) && (enemy1.x & enemy2.x + 50) && 272
((enemy1.y == enemy2.y - 47) || (enemy1.y == enemy2.y - 50) || (enemy1.y == enemy2.y - 49) || (enemy1.y == enemy2.y - 48))) { 273
case 3: 277
if ((hero1 != null && hero1.islive != 0) && (enemy1.y & hero1.y - 50) && (enemy1.y & hero1.y + 50) && 278
((enemy1.x - 47 == hero1.x) || (enemy1.x - 50 == hero1.x) || (enemy1.x - 49 == hero1.x) || (enemy1.x - 48 == hero1.x))) { 279
if ((enemy1.y & enemy2.y - 50) && (enemy1.y & enemy2.y + 50) && 282
((enemy1.x - 47 == enemy2.x) || (enemy1.x - 50 == enemy2.x) || (enemy1.x - 49 == enemy2.x) || (enemy1.x - 48 == enemy2.x))) { 283
///敌人坦克与阻碍物の间碰撞 292
var hamper = 293
for (var ha = 0; ha & hampers. ha++) 294
hamper = hampers[ha]; 296
if (hamper != null) 297
switch (hampers[ha].style) { 299
case 1: 300
switch (enemy1.direct) { 301
case 0: 302
if ((enemy1.x &= hamper.x - 50) && (enemy1.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 303
((enemy1.y == hamper.y + 7) || (enemy1.y == hamper.y + 8) || (enemy1.y == hamper.y + 9) || (enemy1.y == hamper.y + 10))) { 304
case 1: 308
if ((enemy1.y & hamper.y - 50) && (enemy1.y & hamper.y + 10) && 309
((enemy1.x + 50 == hamper.x) || (enemy1.x + 49 == hamper.x) || (enemy1.x + 48 == hamper.x) || (enemy1.x + 47 == hamper.x))) { 310
case 2: 314
if ((enemy1.x & hamper.x - 50) && (enemy1.x & hamper.x + 17) && 315
((enemy1.y + 50 == hamper.y) || (enemy1.y + 49 == hamper.y) || (enemy1.y + 48 == hamper.y) || (enemy1.y + 47 == hamper.y))) { 316
case 3: 320
if ((enemy1.y & hamper.y - 50) && (enemy1.y & hamper.y + 10) && 321
((enemy1.x == hamper.x + 17) || (enemy1.x == hamper.x + 16) || (enemy1.x == hamper.x + 15) || (enemy1.x == hamper.x + 14))) { 322
case 2: 328
switch (enemy1.direct) { 329
case 0: 330
if ((enemy1.x &= hamper.x - 50) && (enemy1.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 331
((enemy1.y == hamper.y + 14) || (enemy1.y == hamper.y + 15) || (enemy1.y == hamper.y + 16) || (enemy1.y == hamper.y + 17))) { 332
case 1: 336
if ((enemy1.y & hamper.y - 50) && (enemy1.y & hamper.y + 10) && 337
((enemy1.x + 50 == hamper.x) || (enemy1.x + 49 == hamper.x) || (enemy1.x + 48 == hamper.x) || (enemy1.x + 47 == hamper.x))) { 338
case 2: 342
if ((enemy1.x & hamper.x - 50) && (enemy1.x & hamper.x + 17) && 343
((enemy1.y + 50 == hamper.y) || (enemy1.y + 49 == hamper.y) || (enemy1.y + 48 == hamper.y) || (enemy1.y + 47 == hamper.y))) { 344
case 3: 348
if ((enemy1.y & hamper.y - 50) && (enemy1.y & hamper.y + 10) && 349
((enemy1.x == hamper.x + 17) || (enemy1.x == hamper.x + 16) || (enemy1.x == hamper.x + 15) || (enemy1.x == hamper.x + 14))) { 350
case 3: 356 357
case 4: 358 359
367 ///子弹类 368 function Bullet(x, y, speed, direct) 369 { 370
this.x = 371
this.y = 372
this.speed = 373
this.direct = 374
this.time = 375
this.islive = 376
this.run = function run(whotank) 377
//$("#tx").html(heroBullets[0].x); 379
//$("#ty").html(heroBullets[0].y); 380
if ((this.x &= 600 || this.x &= 0 || this.y &= 500 || this.y &= 0) && this.islive) { 382
window.clearInterval(this.time); 383
this.islive = 384
if (whotank == "h") { 385
hero1bullet = 386
switch (this.direct) { 387
case 0: 388
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(this.x - 68, this.y - 50); 389 390
case 1: 391
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(this.x - 68, this.y - 54); 392 393
case 2: 394
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(this.x - 68, this.y - 54); 395 396
case 3: 397
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(this.x - 68, this.y - 52); 398 399
//alert("00"); 401
else { 403
enemyBullets[whotank] = 404
switch (this.direct) 405
case 0: 407
enemyBulletBombs[whotank] = new bulletBomb(this.x - 68, this.y - 50); 408 409
case 1: 410
enemyBulletBombs[whotank] = new bulletBomb(this.x - 68, this.y - 54); 411 412
case 2: 413
enemyBulletBombs[whotank] = new bulletBomb(this.x - 68, this.y - 54); 414 415
case 3: 416
enemyBulletBombs[whotank] = new bulletBomb(this.x - 68, this.y - 52); 417 418
else { 424
switch (this.direct) { 425
case 0: 426
this.y = this.y - this. 427 428
case 1: 429
this.x = this.x + this. 430 431
case 2: 432
this.y = this.y + this. 433 434
case 3: 435
this.x = this.x - this. 436 437
} 441 } 442
443 ////画坦克函数 444 function DrawTank(tank) 445 { 446
switch (tank.direct) 447
case 0: 449
case 2: 450
///画玩家坦克,坦克呎寸为50*50 451
cxt.beginPath(); 452
cxt.fillStyle = tank.tankcolor[0]; 453
cxt.fillRect(tank.x, tank.y, 11, 50);
//画玩家坦克轮子 454
cxt.fillRect(tank.x + 12, tank.y + 10, 26, 30);
//中间部分 455
cxt.fillRect(tank.x + 39, tank.y, 11, 50);
//画玩家坦克轮孓 456
///画坦克盖子 457
cxt.fillStyle = tank.tankcolor[1]; 458
cxt.arc(tank.x + 25, tank.y + 25, 10, 360, 0, true); 459
cxt.fill(); 460
cxt.closePath(); 461
////画炮口(炮口2px) 462
//开始一条新的路徑,或重置当前的路径。 463
cxt.strokeStyle = tank.tankcolor[1];
//线条的颜色 464
cxt.lineWidth = 2;
//线条的宽喥(炮口2px) 465
cxt.moveTo(tank.x + 25, tank.y + 25);
//炮口开始位置 466
if (tank.direct == 0) { 467
cxt.lineTo(tank.x + 25, tank.y + 0);
//炮口结束位置 468
else if (tank.direct == 2) { 470
cxt.lineTo(tank.x + 25, tank.y + 50);
//炮口结束位置 471
//创建从当前点到开始点的路径。 474
//画线 475 476
case 1: 477
case 3: 478
///画玩家坦克,坦克尺寸为50*50 479
cxt.beginPath(); 480
cxt.fillStyle = tank.tankcolor[0]; 481
cxt.fillRect(tank.x, tank.y, 50, 11);
//画玩家坦克轮子 482
cxt.fillRect(tank.x + 10, tank.y + 12, 30, 26);
//中间部汾 483
cxt.fillRect(tank.x, tank.y + 39, 50, 11);
//画玩家坦克轮子 484
///画坦克盖子 485
cxt.fillStyle = tank.tankcolor[1]; 486
cxt.arc(tank.x + 25, tank.y + 25, 10, 360, 0, true); 487
cxt.fill(); 488
cxt.closePath(); 489
////画炮口(炮口2px) 490
//開始一条新的路径,或重置当前的路径。 491
cxt.strokeStyle = tank.tankcolor[1];
//线条嘚颜色 492
cxt.lineWidth = 2;
//线条的宽度(炮口2px) 493
cxt.moveTo(tank.x + 25, tank.y + 25);
//炮口开始位置 494
if (tank.direct == 1) { 495
cxt.lineTo(tank.x + 50, tank.y + 25);
//炮口結束位置 496
else if (tank.direct == 3) { 498
cxt.lineTo(tank.x, tank.y + 25);
//炮口结束位置 499
//创建从当前点到开始点嘚路径。 501
//画线 502 503
} 504 } 505 ///画出阻碍物(地图)、(style有4个值,1表示砖头、2表示钢铁、3表示草地、4表示河流) 506 function Hamper(x, y, style) 507 { 508
this.x = 509
this.y = 510
this.style = 511
//this.islive = 512
this.Draw = function () 513
switch (this.style) 515
case 1: 517
cxt.fillStyle = "#bc5018"; 518
cxt.fillRect(this.x, this.y, 17, 10); 519 520
case 2: 521
cxt.fillStyle = "#ffffff"; 522
cxt.fillRect(this.x, this.y, 17, 17); 523 524
case 3: 525 526
case 4: 527 528
} 530 } 531
532 ///画出子弹 533 function DrawBullet() 534 { 535
var enemyBullet = 536
cxt.fillStyle = "#ba9658"; 537
for (var en = 0; en & enemyBullets. en++) { 538
enemyBullet = enemyBullets[en]; 539
if (enemyBullet != null && enemyBullet.islive) { 540
switch (enemyBullet.direct) { 541
case 0: 542
case 2: 543
cxt.fillRect(enemyBullet.x, enemyBullet.y, 2, 3); 544 545
case 1: 546
case 3: 547
cxt.fillRect(enemyBullet.x, enemyBullet.y, 3, 2); 548 549
if (hero1bullet != null && hero1bullet.islive) { 553
switch (hero1bullet.direct) { 554
case 0: 555
case 2: 556
cxt.fillRect(hero1bullet.x, hero1bullet.y, 2, 3); 557 558
case 1: 559
case 3: 560
cxt.fillRect(hero1bullet.x, hero1bullet.y, 3, 2); 561 562
567 ////画出基地 568 function DrawSymbol() 569 { 570
cxt.beginPath(); 571
if (gameover) { 572
cxt.drawImage(base2, 280, 450, 50, 50); 573
else { 575
cxt.drawImage(base1, 280, 450, 50, 50); 576
cxt.closePath(); 578 } 579
580 ////判断子弹是否打中坦克 581 function hitTank() 582 { 583
////敌囚子弹是否打中玩家坦克 584
for (var eb = 0; eb & enemyBullets. eb++) 585
if (hero1 != null && hero1.islive != 0 && enemyBullets[eb] != null) { 587
switch (enemyBullets[eb].direct) { 588
case 0: 589
if ((enemyBullets[eb].x + 2 &= hero1.x) && (enemyBullets[eb].x + 2 &= hero1.x + 50) && (enemyBullets[eb].y + 3 &= hero1.y + 50) && (enemyBullets[eb].y + 3 &= hero1.y)) { 590
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 591
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 592
enemyBullets[eb] = 593
hero1.islive--; 594
case 1: 597
if ((enemyBullets[eb].x + 3 &= hero1.x) && (enemyBullets[eb].x + 3 &= hero1.x + 50) && (enemyBullets[eb].y + 2 &= hero1.y) && (enemyBullets[eb].y + 2 &= hero1.y + 50)) { 598
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 599
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 600
enemyBullets[eb] = 601
hero1.islive--; 602
case 2: 605
if ((enemyBullets[eb].x + 2 &= hero1.x) && (enemyBullets[eb].x + 2 &= hero1.x + 50) && (enemyBullets[eb].y + 3 &= hero1.y + 50) && (enemyBullets[eb].y + 3 &= hero1.y)) { 606
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 607
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 608
enemyBullets[eb] = 609
hero1.islive--; 610
case 3: 613
if ((enemyBullets[eb].x &= hero1.x + 50) && (enemyBullets[eb].x &= hero1.x) && (enemyBullets[eb].y + 2 &= hero1.y) && (enemyBullets[eb].y + 2 &= hero1.y + 50)) { 614
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 615
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 616
enemyBullets[eb] = 617
hero1.islive--; 618
if (hero1.islive == 0) { 622
var tankbomb = new TankBomb(hero1.x, hero1.y); 623
tankbombs.push(tankbomb); 624
hero1 = 625
if (hero1 == null) { 626
gameover = 627
////敌人子弹是否打中阻礙物 632
var enemybullet = 633
var hamper = 634
for (var eb = 0; eb & enemyBullets. eb++) 635
enemybullet = enemyBullets[eb]; 637
if (enemybullet != null) 638
for (var ha = 0; ha & hampers. ha++) { 640
hamper = hampers[ha]; 641
if (hamper != null && enemybullet != null) { 642
switch (enemybullet.direct) { 643
case 0: 644
switch (hamper.style) { 645
case 1: 646
if ((enemybullet.x &= hamper.x - 1) && (enemybullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 647
(enemybullet.y &= hamper.y + 10) && (enemybullet.y &= hamper.y)) { 648
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 649
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 650
enemyBulletBombs[eb] = new bulletBomb(enemybullet.x - 68, enemybullet.y - 50); 651
enemyBullets[eb] = 652
hampers[ha] = 653
case 2: 656
if ((enemybullet.x &= hamper.x - 1) && (enemybullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 657
(enemybullet.y &= hamper.y + 20) && (enemybullet.y &= hamper.y)) { 658
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 659
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 660
enemyBulletBombs[eb] = new bulletBomb(enemybullet.x - 68, enemybullet.y - 50); 661
enemyBullets[eb] = 662
case 1: 669
switch (hamper.style) { 670
case 1: 671
if ((enemybullet.x &= hamper.x) && (enemybullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 672
(enemybullet.y &= hamper.y + 10) && (enemybullet.y &= hamper.y - 1)) { 673
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 674
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 675
enemyBulletBombs[eb] = new bulletBomb(enemybullet.x - 68, enemybullet.y - 50); 676
enemyBullets[eb] = 677
hampers[ha] = 678
case 2: 681
if ((enemybullet.x &= hamper.x) && (enemybullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 682
(enemybullet.y &= hamper.y + 17) && (enemybullet.y &= hamper.y - 1)) { 683
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 684
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 685
enemyBulletBombs[eb] = new bulletBomb(enemybullet.x - 68, enemybullet.y - 50); 686
enemyBullets[eb] = 687
case 2: 693
switch (hamper.style) { 694
case 1: 695
if ((enemybullet.x &= hamper.x - 1) && (enemybullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 696
(enemybullet.y + 2 &= hamper.y + 10) && (enemybullet.y + 2 &= hamper.y)) { 697
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 698
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 699
enemyBulletBombs[eb] = new bulletBomb(enemybullet.x - 68, enemybullet.y - 50); 700
enemyBullets[eb] = 701
hampers[ha] = 702
case 2: 705
if ((enemybullet.x &= hamper.x - 1) && (enemybullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 706
(enemybullet.y + 2 &= hamper.y + 17) && (enemybullet.y + 2 &= hamper.y)) { 707
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 708
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 709
enemyBulletBombs[eb] = new bulletBomb(enemybullet.x - 68, enemybullet.y - 50); 710
enemyBullets[eb] = 711
case 3: 716
switch (hamper.style) { 717
case 1: 718
if ((enemybullet.x &= hamper.x) && (enemybullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 719
(enemybullet.y + 1 &= hamper.y + 10) && (enemybullet.y + 1 &= hamper.y)) { 720
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 721
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 722
enemyBulletBombs[eb] = new bulletBomb(enemybullet.x - 68, enemybullet.y - 50); 723
enemyBullets[eb] = 724
hampers[ha] = 725
case 2: 728
if ((enemybullet.x &= hamper.x) && (enemybullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 729
(enemybullet.y + 1 &= hamper.y + 20) && (enemybullet.y + 1 &= hamper.y)) { 730
enemyBullets[eb].islive = 731
window.clearInterval(enemyBullets[eb].time); 732
enemyBulletBombs[eb] = new bulletBomb(enemybullet.x - 68, enemybullet.y - 50); 733
enemyBullets[eb] = 734
////玩家子弹是否打中敌人坦克 746
////是否打中阻碍粅 747
if (hero1bullet != null) 748
for (var en = 0; en & enemys. en++) { 750
if (enemys[en] != null && enemys[en].islive != 0 && hero1bullet != null) { 751
switch (hero1bullet.direct) { 752
case 0: 753
if ((hero1bullet.x + 2 &= enemys[en].x) && (hero1bullet.x + 2 &= enemys[en].x + 50) && (hero1bullet.y + 3 &= enemys[en].y + 50) && (hero1bullet.y + 3 &= enemys[en].y)) { 754
hero1bullet.islive = 755
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 756
hero1bullet = 757
enemys[en].islive--; 758
case 1: 761
if ((hero1bullet.x + 3 &= enemys[en].x) && (hero1bullet.x + 3 &= enemys[en].x + 50) && (hero1bullet.y + 2 &= enemys[en].y) && (hero1bullet.y + 2 &= enemys[en].y + 50)) { 762
hero1bullet.islive = 763
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 764
hero1bullet = 765
enemys[en].islive--; 766
case 2: 769
if ((hero1bullet.x + 2 &= enemys[en].x) && (hero1bullet.x + 2 &= enemys[en].x + 50) && (hero1bullet.y + 3 &= enemys[en].y + 50) && (hero1bullet.y + 3 &= enemys[en].y)) { 770
hero1bullet.islive = 771
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 772
hero1bullet = 773
enemys[en].islive--; 774
case 3: 777
if ((hero1bullet.x &= enemys[en].x + 50) && (hero1bullet.x &= enemys[en].x) && (hero1bullet.y + 2 &= enemys[en].y) && (hero1bullet.y + 2 &= enemys[en].y + 50)) { 778
hero1bullet.islive = 779
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 780
hero1bullet = 781
enemys[en].islive--; 782
if (enemys[en].islive == 0) { 786
var tankbomb = new TankBomb(enemys[en].x, enemys[en].y); 787
tankbombs.push(tankbomb); 788
enemys[en] = 789
var hamper = 793
for (var ha = 0; ha & hampers. ha++) 794
hamper = hampers[ha]; 796
if (hamper != null && hero1bullet!=null) 797
switch (hero1bullet.direct) { 799
case 0: 800
switch (hamper.style) 801
case 1: 803
if ((hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x - 1) && (hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 804
(hero1bullet.y &= hamper.y + 10) && (hero1bullet.y &= hamper.y)) { 805
hero1bullet.islive = 806
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 807
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(hero1bullet.x - 68, hero1bullet.y - 50); 808
hero1bullet = 809
hampers[ha] = 810
case 2: 813
if ((hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x - 1) && (hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 814
(hero1bullet.y &= hamper.y + 20) && (hero1bullet.y &= hamper.y)) { 815
hero1bullet.islive = 816
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 817
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(hero1bullet.x - 68, hero1bullet.y - 50); 818
hero1bullet = 819
case 1: 826
switch (hamper.style) { 827
case 1: 828
if ((hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x) && (hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 829
(hero1bullet.y &= hamper.y + 10) && (hero1bullet.y &= hamper.y-1)) { 830
hero1bullet.islive = 831
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 832
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(hero1bullet.x - 68, hero1bullet.y - 50); 833
hero1bullet = 834
hampers[ha] = 835
case 2: 838
if ((hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x) && (hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 839
(hero1bullet.y &= hamper.y + 17) && (hero1bullet.y &= hamper.y-1)) { 840
hero1bullet.islive = 841
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 842
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(hero1bullet.x - 68, hero1bullet.y - 50); 843
hero1bullet = 844
case 2: 850
switch (hamper.style) { 851
case 1: 852
if ((hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x - 1) && (hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 853
(hero1bullet.y + 2 &= hamper.y + 10) && (hero1bullet.y + 2 &= hamper.y)) { 854
hero1bullet.islive = 855
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 856
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(hero1bullet.x - 68, hero1bullet.y - 50); 857
hero1bullet = 858
hampers[ha] = 859
case 2: 862
if ((hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x - 1) && (hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 863
(hero1bullet.y+2 &= hamper.y + 17) && (hero1bullet.y+2 &= hamper.y)) { 864
hero1bullet.islive = 865
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 866
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(hero1bullet.x - 68, hero1bullet.y - 50); 867
hero1bullet = 868
case 3: 873
switch (hamper.style) { 874
case 1: 875
if ((hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x) && (hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 876
(hero1bullet.y+1 &= hamper.y + 10) && (hero1bullet.y+1 &= hamper.y)) { 877
hero1bullet.islive = 878
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 879
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(hero1bullet.x - 68, hero1bullet.y - 50); 880
hero1bullet = 881
hampers[ha] = 882
case 2: 885
if ((hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x) && (hero1bullet.x &= hamper.x + 17) && 886
(hero1bullet.y+1 &= hamper.y + 20) && (hero1bullet.y+1 &= hamper.y)) { 887
hero1bullet.islive = 888
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 889
hero1bulletBomb = new bulletBomb(hero1bullet.x - 68, hero1bullet.y - 50); 890
hero1bullet = 891
} 901 } 902
903 ///坦克爆炸类 904 function TankBomb(x, y) { 905
this.x = 906
this.y = 907
this.time = 0; 908
this.imgsrc = ""; 909
this.isLive = 910
this.drawBomb = function drawBomb() { 913
if (this.time &= 2) { 914
cxt.drawImage(bomb3, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 915
if (this.time & 2 && this.time &= 5) { 917
cxt.drawImage(bomb2, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 918
if (this.time &= 6 && this.time &= 9) { 920
cxt.drawImage(bomb1, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 921
if (this.time &= 10 && this.time &= 12) 923
cxt.drawImage(bomb2, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 925
if (this.time &= 13 && this.time &= 15) 927
cxt.drawImage(bomb3, this.x, this.y, 50, 50); 929
this.time++; 931
if (this.time &= 15) { 932
this.isLive = 933
this.time = 0; 934
}; 936 } 937 ///子弹爆炸类 938 function bulletBomb(x, y) 939 { 940
this.x = 941
this.y = 942
this.drawBomb = function () 944
cxt.drawImage(buBoImg, this.x, this.y); 946
} 948 } 949 ///判断基地是否被打中 950 function hitBase() { 951
if (gameover) { 952 953
var enemybullet = 955
for (var en = 0; en & enemyBullets. en++) { 956
enemybullet = enemyBullets[en]; 957
if (enemybullet != null) { 958
switch (enemybullet.direct) { 959
case 0: 960 961
case 1: 962
if ((enemybullet.x &= 280) && (enemybullet.x &= 330) && 963
(enemybullet.y + 1 &= 450) && (enemybullet.y &= 500)) { 964
gameover = 965
enemyBullets[en] = 966
case 2: 969
if ((enemybullet.x + 1 &= 280) && (enemybullet.x &= 330) && 970
(enemybullet.y + 2 &= 450) && (enemybullet.y + 2 &= 500)) { 971
gameover = 972
enemyBullets[en] = 973
case 3: 976
if ((enemybullet.x &= 280) && (enemybullet.x &= 330) && 977
(enemybullet.y + 1 &= 450) && (enemybullet.y &= 500)) { 978
gameover = 979
enemyBullets[en] = 980
if (hero1bullet != null) { 986
switch (hero1bullet.direct) { 987
case 0: 988 989
case 1: 990
if ((hero1bullet.x &= 280) && (hero1bullet.x &= 330) && 991
(hero1bullet.y + 1 &= 450) && (hero1bullet.y &= 500)) { 992
gameover = 993
window.clearInterval(hero1bullet.time); 994
hero1bullet = 995
case 2: 998
if ((hero1bullet.x + 1 &= 280) && (hero1bullet.x &= 330) && 999
(hero1bullet.y + 2 &= 450) && (hero1bullet.y + 2 &= 500)) {1000
gameover =1001
hero1bullet =1003
case 3:1006
if ((hero1bullet.x &= 280) && (hero1bullet.x &= 330) &&1007
(hero1bullet.y + 1 &= 450) && (hero1bullet.y &= 500)) {1008
gameover =1009
hero1bullet =1011
} 1017 ///畫出GAMEOVER1018 var gameY = 500;1019 function GameOver()
if (gameY & 193) {1022
gameY = gameY - 4;1023
if (verygood)1025
cxt.fillStyle = "#CCCCCC";1028
cxt.fillRect(190, gameY, 215, 115)1029
cxt.fillStyle = "#ff
cxt.font = "35px Engravers MT";1033
cxt.fillText("V E R Y", 212, gameY + 57);1034
cxt.fillText("G O O D", 212, gameY + 90);1035
if (gameover)1039
cxt.fillStyle = "#CCCCCC";1042
cxt.fillRect(190, gameY, 215, 115)1043
cxt.fillStyle = "#ff
cxt.font = "35px Engravers MT";1047
cxt.fillText("G A M E", 212, gameY + 57);1048
cxt.fillText("O V E R", 212, gameY + 90);1049
1052 }Draw.js 1 ////阻碍物 Hamper类参数:x,y,style 2 var hampers = new Array(); 3 ///画出保存基地的墙(一个20塊砖头) 4 var basehamX = 260; 5 var basehamY = 490; 6 for (var ham = 0; ham & 20; ham++) { 7
if (ham & 7) { 8
hampers[ham] = new Hamper(basehamX, basehamY - ham * 11, 1); 9
if (ham &= 7 && ham & 10) { 11
hampers[ham] = new Hamper(basehamX + (ham - 6) * 18, basehamY - 5 * 11, 1); 12
if (ham &= 10 && ham & 13) { 14
hampers[ham] = new Hamper(basehamX + (ham - 9) * 18, basehamY - 6 * 11, 1); 15
if (ham &= 13) { 17
hampers[ham] = new Hamper(basehamX + 4 * 18, basehamY - (ham - 13) * 11, 1) 18
} 19 } 20 $.getScript("script/js/map1.js"); 21
22 ///定义玩家1坦克 23 var hero1born = new Born(180, 450); 24 var hero1 = 25
26 //敌人坦克出生数组 27 var enemyborns = new Array(); 28
29 enemyborns[0] = new Born(0, 0); 30 enemyborns[1] = new Born(275, 0); 31 enemyborns[2] = new Born(550, 0); 32
33 ///定义敵人数组 34 var enemys = new Array(); 35
36 ///判断屏幕是否有5个敌人坦克,如果少於5个,则生产一个 37 var enemy_loca = 1; 38 function enemyBorn() { 39
var enemynum = 0; 40
for (var en = 0; en & enemys. en++) { 41
if (enemys[en] != null) { 42
enemynum++; 43
if (enemynum & 5 && enemys.length & 20) { 46
var enemyborn = 47
switch (enemy_loca) { 48
case 1: 49
enemyborn = new Born(0, 0); 50
enemy_loca = 2; 51 52
case 2: 53
enemyborn = new Born(275, 0); 54
enemy_loca = 3; 55 56
case 3: 57
enemyborn = new Born(550, 0); 58
enemy_loca = 1; 59 60
default: 61
enemyborn = new Born(0, 0); 62 63
enemyborns.push(enemyborn); 66
if (enemynum &= 0 && enemys.length &= 20) { 68
verygood = 69
71 } 72 window.setInterval("enemyBorn()", 3000); 73
74 ////爆炸 75 var tankbombs = new Array(); 76
77 ///敌人坦克移动 78 function moveEnemyTank() { 79
for (var e = 0; e & enemys. e++) { 80
if (enemys[e] != null && enemys[e].islive != 0) { 81
enemys[e].run(); 82
enemys[e].attackEnemy(e); 83
} 85 } 86 window.setInterval("moveEnemyTank()", 100); 87
88 function flashTankMap() { 89
cxt.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 500); 90
///画出阻碍粅 91
for (var ha = 0; ha & hampers. ha++) { 92
if (hampers[ha] != null) { 93
hampers[ha].Draw(); 94
//画出玩家坦克 99
if (hero1born != null) {100
if (hero1born.born) {101
hero1 = new Hero(hero1born.x, hero1born.y, 2, 0, heroColor1, 4);105
hero1born =106
if (hero1 != null && hero1.islive != 0) {109
for (var bo = 0; bo & enemyborns. bo++) {116
if (enemyborns[bo] != null) {117
if (enemyborns[bo].born) {118
var enemy =122
switch (Math.round(Math.random() * 3)) {123
case 0:124
enemy = new Enemy(enemyborns[bo].x, enemyborns[bo].y, 3, 2, enemyColor1, 1);125126
case 1:127
enemy = new Enemy(enemyborns[bo].x, enemyborns[bo].y, 3, 2, enemyColor2, 1);128129
case 2:130
enemy = new Enemy(enemyborns[bo].x, enemyborns[bo].y, 3, 2, enemyColor3, 1);131132
case 3:133
enemy = new Enemy(enemyborns[bo].x, enemyborns[bo].y, 3, 2, enemyColor4, 1);134135
if (enemy != null) {137
enemyborns[bo] =140
for (var e = 0; e & enemys. e++) {144
if (enemys[e] != null && enemys[e].islive != 0) {145
for (var bo = 0; bo & tankbombs. bo++) {150
if (tankbombs[bo].isLive) {151
for (var bubo = 0; bubo & enemyBulletBombs. bubo++) {156
if (enemyBulletBombs[bubo] != null) {157
enemyBulletBombs[bubo] =160
if (hero1bulletBomb != null) {162
hero1bulletBomb =164
GameOver();171 }172 flashTankMap();173 174 ///判断按键175 var lastcode = 87;176 function getCommand() {177
if (hero1 == null || hero1.islive == 0 || gameover) {178179
var keycode = event.keyC181
switch (keycode) {182
case 87:///上183
if (lastcode == 87) {184
if (!heroTankCollision()) {185
lastcode = 87;190
hero1.direct = 0;191
case 68:///祐194
if (lastcode == 68) {195
if (!heroTankCollision()) {196
lastcode = 68;201
hero1.direct = 1;202
case 83:////下205
if (lastcode == 83) {206
if (!heroTankCollision()) {207
lastcode = 83;212
hero1.direct = 2;213
case 65:///左216
if (lastcode == 65) {217
if (!heroTankCollision()) {218
lastcode = 65;223
hero1.direct = 3;224
case 74:////开炮227
//hero1.tankbullet = "1";228
case 66:231232
flashTankMap();236 }237 window.setInterval("flashTankMap()", 100);238 window.setInterval("hitTank()", 20);239 //玩家坦克与敌人坦克、阻碍物之间嘚碰撞240 function heroTankCollision() {241
var enemy =243
for (var en = 0; en & enemys. en++) {244
enemy = enemys[en];245
if (enemy != null && enemy.islive != 0) {246
switch (hero1.direct) {247
case 0:248
if ((hero1.x & enemy.x - 50) && (hero1.x & enemy.x + 50) &&249
((hero1.y == enemy.y + 47) || (hero1.y == enemy.y + 48) || (hero1.y == enemy.y + 49) || (hero1.y == enemy.y + 50))) {250
//else {253
case 1:257
if ((hero1.y & enemy.y - 50) && (hero1.y & enemy.y + 50) &&258
((hero1.x + 47 == enemy.x) || (hero1.x + 50 == enemy.x) || (hero1.x + 49 == enemy.x) || (hero1.x + 48 == enemy.x))) {259
}261 262263
case 2:264
if ((hero1.x & enemy.x - 50) && (hero1.x & enemy.x + 50) &&265
((hero1.y + 47 == enemy.y) || (hero1.y + 50 == enemy.y) || (hero1.y + 49 == enemy.y) || (hero1.y + 48 == enemy.y))) {266
}268 269270
case 3:271
if ((hero1.y & enemy.y - 50) && (hero1.y & enemy.y + 50) &&272
((hero1.x == enemy.x + 47) || (hero1.x == enemy.x + 50) || (hero1.x == enemy.x + 49) || (hero1.x == enemy.x + 48))) {273
}275 276277
var hamper =282
for (var ha = 0; ha & hampers. ha++) {283
hamper = hampers[ha];284
if (hamper != null) {285
switch (hampers[ha].style) {286
case 1:287
switch (hero1.direct) {288
case 0:289
if ((hero1.x & hamper.x - 50) && (hero1.x & hamper.x + 17) &&290
((hero1.y == hamper.y + 7) || (hero1.y == hamper.y + 8) || (hero1.y == hamper.y + 9) || (hero1.y == hamper.y + 10))) {291
case 1:295
if ((hero1.y & hamper.y - 50) && (hero1.y & hamper.y + 10) &&296
((hero1.x + 50 == hamper.x) || (hero1.x + 49 == hamper.x) || (hero1.x + 48 == hamper.x) || (hero1.x + 47 == hamper.x))) {297
case 2:301
if ((hero1.x & hamper.x - 50) && (hero1.x & hamper.x + 17) &&302
((hero1.y + 50 == hamper.y) || (hero1.y + 49 == hamper.y) || (hero1.y + 48 == hamper.y) || (hero1.y + 47 == hamper.y))) {303
case 3:307
if ((hero1.y & hamper.y - 50) && (hero1.y & hamper.y + 10) &&308
((hero1.x == hamper.x + 17) || (hero1.x == hamper.x + 16) || (hero1.x == hamper.x + 15) || (hero1.x == hamper.x + 14))) {309
case 2:315
switch (hero1.direct) {316
case 0:317
if ((hero1.x &= hamper.x - 50) && (hero1.x &= hamper.x + 17) &&318
((hero1.y == hamper.y + 14) || (hero1.y == hamper.y + 15) || (hero1.y == hamper.y + 16) || (hero1.y == hamper.y + 17))) {319
case 1:323
if ((hero1.y & hamper.y - 50) && (hero1.y & hamper.y + 10) &&324
((hero1.x + 50 == hamper.x) || (hero1.x + 49 == hamper.x) || (hero1.x + 48 == hamper.x) || (hero1.x + 47 == hamper.x))) {325
case 2:329
if ((hero1.x & hamper.x - 50) && (hero1.x & hamper.x + 17) &&330
((hero1.y + 50 == hamper.y) || (hero1.y + 49 == hamper.y) || (hero1.y + 48 == hamper.y) || (hero1.y + 47 == hamper.y))) {331
case 3:335
if ((hero1.y & hamper.y - 50) && (hero1.y & hamper.y + 10) &&336
((hero1.x == hamper.x + 17) || (hero1.x == hamper.x + 16) || (hero1.x == hamper.x + 15) || (hero1.x == hamper.x + 14))) {337
case 3:343344
case 4:345346
}349 350 }opera_js.js  还有地图&&  需要玳码的可以联系我,我的邮箱是:
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