光辉女郎拉克丝本子The Lady of LuminosityLux的攻击成长是多少?Em

  LOL英雄联盟光辉女郎拉克丝攻略  购买价格  :9753150  定位  :推线,眩晕,远程,法师,辅助  拉克丝天生就属于显赫的皇冠卫队,出自蒂玛西亚的模范家庭她注定要成就一番伟业。作为家族当代唯一的女儿,她接受高等教育,并参与皇冠卫队高层家族的奢华派对。拉克丝长大后,她的天赋愈加耀眼。她可以玩玩花招,让人们相信看到了其实并不存在的东西;她还能在最显眼的地方隐藏自己。甚至她还能以某种方法模仿只见过一次的高深法术,并将其颠倒转换。LUX被誉为难得一见的奇才,深受蒂玛西亚政府、军队和市民喜爱。  作为接受魔法试练的史上最年轻女士,她发现自己拥有操作光之力的独特天赋。年轻的拉克丝相信这是上天的恩赐,授予其力量以善之名行走世间。意识到这力量的价值后,蒂玛西亚军队征召并训练拉克丝参与秘密行动。拉克丝的勇敢成就令其迅速成名,最危险的一次她独自深入诺克苏斯最高指挥部内部。拉克丝放回大量关于诺克苏斯-爱欧尼亚战争的内部信息,赢得了蒂玛西亚和爱欧尼亚人民的尊敬与喜爱。拉克丝的真正目标是英雄联盟,她跟随兄长盖伦的脚步加入了联盟,为所有蒂玛西亚的人民释放天赋。  “她的指引之光让敌人精力憔悴,但他们更应该担心光明消逝之时”-盖伦·蒂玛西亚之力。    英雄数值  属性  基础数值  每级增加数值  生命值  345  +79  魔法值  250  +50  移动速度  315  +0  护甲  8  +4  魔法抵抗  30  +0  伤害  53  +3.29  生命回复  0.9  +0.11  魔法回复  0  +0.08  攻击范围  550  英雄分析  使用该英雄:  拉克丝有强大的范围控制,尽量用透明奇点减速敌人  使用棱光屏障时记得,魔杖到达最远距离后会自动返回;移动自己的位置,让返程的魔杖作用于更多的友军  透明奇点的射程优势使其可作为侦查技能使用  对抗该英雄:  拉克丝是强力控制,gank他请组队  英雄联盟视频讲解:光辉女郎-拉克丝  光辉女郎-拉克丝,拥有强力的控制技能和优秀的线上对抗能力,在团队里是一个出色的辅助型英雄。“她的指引之光让敌人精力憔悴,但他们更应该担心光明消逝之时”。  LOL光辉女郎拉克丝技能讲解  光之束缚 - 朝目标地点发射一团光球,缠绕并伤害最多2个敌方单位。第一个目标受到60/110/160/210/260(+0.7)魔法伤害,并被束缚2秒。第二个目标受到50%的效果。  冷却:16/15/14/13/12  射程:10000  耗蓝:60/75/90/105/120法力  等级1:向目标区域发射光球,束缚并伤害最多2个目标。对第一个目标造成60魔法伤害并束缚2秒,对第二个目标效果减半;耗蓝60,冷却时间16秒  等级2:向目标区域发射光球,束缚并伤害最多2个目标。对第一个目标造成110魔法伤害并束缚2秒,对第二个目标效果减半;耗蓝75,冷却时间15秒  等级3:向目标区域发射光球,束缚并伤害最多2个目标。对第一个目标造成160魔法伤害并束缚2秒,对第二个目标效果减半;耗蓝90,冷却时间14秒  等级4:向目标区域发射光球,束缚并伤害最多2个目标。对第一个目标造成210魔法伤害并束缚2秒,对第二个目标效果减半;耗蓝105,冷却时间13秒  等级5:向目标区域发射光球,束缚并伤害最多2个目标。对第一个目标造成260魔法伤害并束缚2秒,对第二个目标效果减半;耗蓝120,冷却时间12秒  点评:提到这个技能,大家都喜欢将这个技能和morg的Q比,当然,morg同志的Q伤害的确威武,单控时间又长,但这不能彻底战胜LUX的Q  首先,LUX的Q有个比morg的Q强的地方相对不显眼,因为很多情况下,作战的地面是偏白的,但是morg同志的Q那叫一个“冠希·黑·粗·长”,甚是惹眼  其次,LUX同志有E的减速,能够更好的配合Q,虽然morg的大更加令人手足无措,但是lux同志的E毕竟是小技能,冷却快,虽然减速效果不明显,但是也是有一定作用的  再者,盖伦他妹的Q能绑2个人,这其实更加有救人的能力,对面线上2人30如狼40如虎50坐地能吸土地冲向你的队友,morg只能控住一个,而LUX放的好的话,能控住2个,而且,morg的控制时间长是要升级的,而lux的Q一级就是固定的2秒,再配合上能触发被动效果。还有要提到的就是morg的Q的CD是固定的,LUX的Q的CD是随升级减少的16→11  结论:LUX的Q前期略胜morg的Q,后期稍弱,但是对面走位2的话,也很强  下面讲下Q的用法:  1,对面前冲的不像会变道的样子,Q住  2,对面面前仅有一个小兵失去警惕时  3,配合E清掉小兵突然放Q让人措手不及  4,追杀时,对面走走走,绕绕绕,不需理会,继续向前走,对面绕了,速度就慢,钻树林,用E探视野,欺近敌人后,闪烁过去,贴身开Q,平A,开大,平。  曲光屏障 - 拉克丝朝目标地点掷出她的魔杖并收回来,保护她自己以及魔杖触及的所有友方英雄免受50/75/100/125/150(+0.35)伤害,持续秒。  冷却:14/13/12/11/10  射程:10000  耗蓝:60/60/60/60/60法力  等级1:拉克丝投掷魔杖,到达目标位置后返回,扭曲所接触友方单位身旁的光线,保护拉克丝和所接触的友军,3秒内吸收60伤害;冷却时间14秒  等级2:拉克丝投掷魔杖,到达目标位置后返回,扭曲所接触友方单位身旁的光线,保护拉克丝和所接触的友军,3秒内吸收85伤害;冷却时间13秒  等级3:拉克丝投掷魔杖,到达目标位置后返回,扭曲所接触友方单位身旁的光线,保护拉克丝和所接触的友军,3秒内吸收110伤害;冷却时间12秒  等级4:拉克丝投掷魔杖,到达目标位置后返回,扭曲所接触友方单位身旁的光线,保护拉克丝和所接触的友军,3秒内吸收135伤害;冷却时间11秒  等级5:拉克丝投掷魔杖,到达目标位置后返回,扭曲所接触友方单位身旁的光线,保护拉克丝和所接触的友军,3秒内吸收160伤害;冷却时间10秒  点评:这技能真的酱油,我个人是这样认为的,虽然,理论上这技能不错,但是这放buff救队友的难度不比放Q框对手的难度低。  原因如下:  1,队友逃跑时也需要不停的走位,躲闪对面的非指向性技能  2,W的弹道令人蛋疼  而且这持续时间和AP加长和初始数值都是下下之选  无非就是能多护住几个人,但是在LOL中,针对性的保护比群体保护要重要,像是LUX的W,护住3个,但是放两次能抵消的伤害,还不如安妮一个W的伤害高,何况持续时间只有3秒,虽然可以紧急时救救中点燃的人,但是实用价值真的低  比较推荐的W释放时机,在打团的时候队友位置相对固定的时候丢,一个是不用顾忌蛋疼的持续时间(因为加持上的瞬间就会被打没),二是命中率较高  透光奇点 - 创建一个区域,减速敌方单位20/24/28/32/36%(区域持续5秒)。再次施放或5秒后会引爆该区域,伤害区域中的敌人,造成60/105/150/195/240(+0.6)魔法伤害。  冷却:11/11/11/11/11  射程:1100  耗蓝:70/85/100/115/130法力  等级1:创建一片奇点区域,持续5秒,减速其上敌人20% ,5秒后爆炸造成60魔法伤害,可手动引爆;耗蓝70。  等级2:创建一片奇点区域,持续5秒,减速其上敌人24% ,5秒后爆炸造成105魔法伤害,可手动引爆;耗蓝85。  等级3:创建一片奇点区域,持续5秒,减速其上敌人28% ,5秒后爆炸造成150魔法伤害,可手动引爆;耗蓝100。  等级4:创建一片奇点区域,持续5秒,减速其上敌人32% ,5秒后爆炸造成195魔法伤害,可手动引爆;耗蓝115。  等级5:创建一片奇点区域,持续5秒,减速其上敌人36% ,5秒后爆炸造成240魔法伤害,可手动引爆;耗蓝130。  点评:这是LUX最具特色的技能了  该技能用法如下  1,清兵,配合被动A4下能收4个兵  2,线上耗血,伤害虽然不是最高,但是如果能跟上一下平A的话,那就十分可观了  3,开视野  开视野的几种常规用法  1,草丛  2,打龙和打男爵的时候能丢一个到对面可能埋伏的位置  3,对面进入视觉死角后丢一个进去帮助大招瞄准  这时候,一般人认为老夫都要讲大招了,但是很果断的你们失算了  终极闪光 - 在短暂的延迟后,拉克丝在她前方发射一束光柱,对区域中的所有敌方单位造成300/400/500(+0.85)伤害。此外终极闪光还会引燃目标受到的光芒四射效果,并再次刷新光芒四射的减益效果。  冷却:80/60/40  射程:3000  耗蓝:100/150/200法力  等级1: 蓄力后对面前直线上敌人发射冲击波,造成300魔法伤害。耗蓝 100,冷却时间80秒  等级2: 蓄力后对面前直线上敌人发射冲击波,造成400魔法伤害。耗蓝 150,冷却时间60秒  等级3: 蓄力后对面前直线上敌人发射冲击波,造成500魔法伤害。耗蓝 200,冷却时间40秒  点评:这技能经常被用来抢人头,但是顺风局能这样做,逆风局最好还是用来先手  原因如下:  1,对面逃跑时收人头对面正在集中注意力躲技能,命中率下降  2,如果是被队友控住,必杀的局面,这就是素质问题了……  3,大招收人头,造成的伤害最多打2个人,而先手经常能打到4,5人,还是输出最大化的好  4,在后期,LUX的大招就24~30秒的CD,团战经常能用2次  大招的一些其他用法:  1,刷兵(推荐大招级别较高和或是十分和平的时段,其实等级低的大招一炮打不死远程兵,不值啊)  2,对耗,经常对面来推进的时候,没有绝对优势都要等兵线,所以LUX3级的大招CD比出兵的间隔差不多,来一波兵一炮收了还能蹭对面一点血,对面就很难推  光芒四射 - 拉克丝的伤害技能为目标充能,持续6秒。拉克丝的下一次攻击会引燃该能量,对目标造成20至190的魔法伤害(大小取决于拉克丝的等级)。  冷却:无  射程:无  耗蓝:无  点评:1级的时候20点,每升一级加10点  看上去好像不是那么可观,但是其实极大的增加了lux的爆发力  这样举例,一个9级的LUX,标准的连招是Q,A一下,E,R(触发被动),A一下  虽然R后的一下经常A不出来,但是光是2次触发被动,就足足多加了200点魔法伤害,等于一个3/4级技能了,所以LUX的使用者记得多A人啊  技能加点  一般走边路,在路人没人中的时候也能中,LUX中不弱  我的加点路线是主E副Q,有大点大,最后点W  线上一般就是3级开始放E蹭人,能平A到就平A下,痛的一比,记得留一套技能的蓝,其余的多蹭人  对面的钻草丛能用洞察或是E探视野,因为有洞察,下路和中路也关注一下,有时能帮别人开开视野  6级有大了就威武了,能找些贫血在线上浪的人偷偷的走到河道中央一类的位置射他们。  光辉女郎拉克丝天赋加点、符文选择、召唤师技能  天赋我选择的是典型的9/0/21,攻击天赋点出法穿,通用天赋点洞察闪烁符文我选择的是红色法穿,***成长回蓝,蓝色减CD,紫色移速  召唤师技能选择的是和  为什么选择洞察和闪烁?  先说洞察,一个队伍有一个洞察和没洞察是完全不一样的,很多朋友可能没用过洞察,在通用天赋21点的时候,洞察的CD仅有41秒,持续10秒,实际上半分钟就能用一次  洞察不仅能帮助侦查危险区域,让对手的钻草丛成为滑稽的举动,还能帮助你的大招瞄准定位。  闪烁的话,个人感觉LUX是一个必须要和对手拉开距离的英雄,所以瞬间拉开距离的闪烁是我最喜欢的。  光辉女郎拉克丝装备选择推荐  系统推荐装备:  多兰之戒:最大生命值 +5 法力回复/5秒 +15 法术伤害  水银之靴被动(唯一): 提高移动速度 等级2;减少限制移动效果35%; +25 法术抗性  时光鞭笞者:+450 最大生命值 +525 最大法力值 +60 法术伤害,被动:每分钟增加18最大生命值,20最大法力值,2点法术伤害;最多增加180最大生命值,200最大法力值,20法术伤害  水晶节杖:+500 最大生命值 +80 法术伤害,被动(唯一):法术伤害减缓目标35%移动速度,持续1.5秒 (群体AOE和持续DOT减速15%)  霜冻之心:+500 最大法力值 +99 护甲值,被动(唯一): -20% 技能冷却时间,减少周围敌人攻击速度20%  出装顺序:  出门带上蓝水晶加上1个法力药水1个  生命药水保证自己到6前一直能在线上。定位辅助,在线上请不要这么犀利,必要时表现猥琐点都没关系。  第一次回家需要出鞋子。出的时候使用TAB键看看对面的青年们是AP流多还是AD流多,相应的出{忍者足袋}和水银之靴。  鞋子后是女神之泪第一件大件是大天使法杖之后时光鞭笞者  再之后根据需要出霜冻之心或者女妖面纱再后面增加生存能力振奋盔甲或者利维坦之甲  光辉女郎拉克丝经验玩法分享  优点/缺点  优点:火力强劲持久,技能冷却时间超短。推线,压制,刷钱能力强。技能普遍攻击距离射程远。  缺点:同有点同样突出实在是嫩头啊,HP底的实在是惨不忍睹。所以一旦玩废了,被人压制了,开始队友或者自己送钱过度,基本就可以被对过忽视了贩?杯具贩?更惨的是被人当成茶几贩?  团队中的定位  站在最后面,越后越好,开始最前用 透明奇点 探路,团战立马1个大不要节约,用完立刻(责任编辑:Newshoo)
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The Lady of Luminosity
Release Date:
October 19th, 2010
Mage, Support
Real Name:
Luxanna Crownguard
4.5 (+0.55)
Mana Regen:
Move Speed:
Attack Damage:
Attack Speed:
0.625 (+1.36%)
Magic Resist:
Lux, The Lady of Luminosity is a
with good supportive capabilities as well as burst damage. Her passive
grants her spells a mark, which can be activated with autoattacks for bonus damage. Her Q
is a skillshot that
the first two enemy units it hits. W
is a skillshot that
allied champions, both on outward journey and inward. E
shoots an AoE orb that slows and reveals, which can be detonated to deal damage. Her ultimate
is a long-ranged laser that activates her passive and deals heavy damage. Her Q is quite easy to avoid, but if you are caught by it Lux can use all her abilities to follow up for huge burst damage. Her ultimate's as well as other abilities' cooldowns get very low with CDR, this not only helps her deal more damage but grants her more utility too in the late-game. Commonly played in the mid lane, although she can be a successful
Born to the prestigious Crownguards, the paragon family of Demacian service, Luxanna was destined for greatness. She grew up as the family's only daughter, and she immediately took to the advanced education and lavish parties required of families as high profile as the Crownguards. As Lux matured, it became clear that she was extraordinarily gifted. She could play tricks that made people believe they had seen things that did not actually exist. She could also hide in plain sight. Somehow, she was able to reverse engineer arcane magical spells after seeing them cast only once. She was hailed as a prodigy, drawing the affections of the Demacian government, military, and citizens alike.
As one of the youngest women to be tested by the College of Magic, she was discovered to possess a unique command over the powers of light. The young Lux viewed this as a great gift, something for her to embrace and use in the name of good. Realizing her unique skills, the Demacian military recruited and trained her in covert operations. She quickly became renowned for her the most dangerous of which found her deep in the chambers of the Noxian High Command. She extracted valuable inside information about the Noxus-Ionian conflict, earning her great favor with Demacians and Ionians alike. However, reconnaissance and surveillance was not for her. A light of her people, Lux's true calling was the League of Legends, where she could follow in her brother's footsteps and unleash her gifts as an inspiration for all of Demacia.
"Her guiding light makes enemies wary, but they should worry most when the light fades."
- Garen, The Might of Demacia
(Innate) Lux's damaging spells charge any enemies with energy for 6 seconds. Lux's basic attacks or Final Spark will ignite the energy, dealing 10 + (8 x level) +
Ability Power) magic damage to the target.
QLight Binding
(Active) Lux releases a sphere of light in a line, dealing 100% magic damage to the first enemy and second nearby unit. Additionally, the first unit struck is snared for 2 seconds, and the second unit for 1 second.
Range: 1175
50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 mana
Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 seconds
Magic Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260
Ability Power)
WPrismatic Barrier
(Active) Lux shields herself for up to 3 seconds and throws out her wand to a target location, applying the same shield to friendly champions in its path. Her wand then returns to her, again shielding friendly champions and Lux herself upon touching it.
Cost: 60 mana
Range: 1075
Missile Speed: 1400
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds
Shield Strength: 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180
Ability Power)
ELucent Singularity
(Active) Lux sends an anomaly of twisted light to a target area, revealing it and slowing enemies within for up to 5 seconds. At the end of the duration or if Lucent Singularity is activated again, the zone will detonate and deal magic damage to enemies in the area.
Cooldown: 10 seconds upon casting
Range to Center of AoE: 1100
Radius of Damage AoE: 350
Radius of Sight AoE: 575 (estimate)
Slow zone radius: 350
Cost: 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 mana
Slow: 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36%
Magic Damage: 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240
Ability Power)
Additional Information about the Skill:
Spell shields will only block the damage portion of Lucent Singularity.
RFinal Spark
(Active) After gathering energy for half a second, Lux will fire a broad and long-range beam of light in a line that will instantly deal magic damage to all enemies in the area. Any enemies that already have the Illumination debuff have it ignited for magic damage, then re-applied.
Range: 3,000
Cost: 100 mana
Cooldown: 80 / 65 / 50 seconds
Magic Damage: 300 / 400 / 500
Ability Power)
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E’s slow increased.
Compared to her game-ending burst combos, Lux is weakest while charging her lasers early on. While we’re happy with her power curve overall, we’re aiming to toss some love where to help enforce the non-damaging parts of Lux’s identity - namely, her strong kiting. While we’re going light on the changes, the added bit of disruption on her earliest rank-up should see the Lady of Luminosity able to secure more getaways from anyone looking to knock her lights out.
E - Lucent Singularity
SLOW: 20/24/28/32/36% => 25/30/35/40/45%
Passive damage up. Q damage down.
Lux isn’t struggling too hard these days, and yet her success tapers off at higher levels of play. We’re giving a bit of a nudge to the skilled Lux players out there by shifting power into successful spell-weaving instead of single spell-hits. This shouldn’t rock the boat for the average player (as activating your passive just once at level 6 breaks even on damage), but rewards Luxes who optimize their combos.
Passive - Illumination
DAMAGE: 18-154 (at levels 1-18) => 18-190 (at levels 1-18)
Q - Light Binding
DAMAGE: 60/110/160/210/260 => 50/100/150/200/250
Fixed a visual bug where Lux could sometimes appear to cast multiple R - Final Sparks in rapid succession. Only the final Final Spark was real! Ghost lasers should no longer appear.
W missile speed up.
We’re pretty happy with how ’s changes to Prismatic Barrier are playing out, but it seems we went a little too far in hampering Lux’s personal safety. This change won’t affect its use on allies all that much, but should make firing your shield and running away from danger feel more responsive.
W - Prismatic Barrier
THROWBACK: Prismatic Barrier is slightly slower as it goes out, but is much faster on return (overall faster from )
W gives more benefit if you've been double-hit, but less shield on single-hits. Missile now slower on the way out, faster back in.
The mechanics of this can be a bit complicated, so let’s break down what’s happening. Currently, Lux gives a shield for her allies, and then immediately rewrites that shield on return. This means that in a vast majority of cases, you’re only giving one shield - since the first one you gave was refreshed almost immediately. With this change, not only is it easier to actually hit your allies, but they get more benefit when you do! That’s the good news.
So it’s all pretty good for Lux. Unless you’re the Lux, in which case you now have a worse shield that takes longer to get to you (that’s the bad news). What gives? Well, Lux’s safety, damage, utility and range are all top-notch. Readers of the patch notes may look at that list and say ‘Hey, that’s a lot of strengths’. And you’d be right - rebalancing the shield is our chance to give Lux an actual weakness to all-ins and assassins without removing the reasons to pick her entirely. Now Lux will just have to play a lot more carefully and patiently around those incredible ranges she’s packing if she expects to get the same results as before.
W - Prismatic Barrier
IT’S BETTER FOR YOUR ALLIES: Refreshes on second hit => Stacks and refreshes on second hit
IT'S LIKE A BOOMERANG: Missile speed is slower on the way out, but accelerates back to Lux faster after reaching max range
SHIELD AMOUNT: 80/105/130/155/180 => 50/65/80/95/110
RATIO: 0.35 ability power => 0.2 ability power
Ability icons updated.
BASE MANA: 335 => 384
Q cost down. Has 100% effectiveness on secondary targets.
"As one of the more fair champions in League of Legends, Lux was feeling a little left out to the midlane party when all these longer-range mages started showin’ up and controlling fights. Light Binding’s really aligned with what Lux is looking to do (that is, catch opponents off guard and blast them into the next season), so we’re upping the rewards for being successful, as well as enabling her to ‘fish’ with it more as a way to keep opponents on their toes."
Q - Light Binding
COST: 50/60/70/80/90 mana => 50/55/60/65/70 mana
THE LIGHT SHALL BURN YOU: Light Binding deals 100% of its damage and root to the secondary target as well
W shields immediately. E gains a bunch of feel improvements.
"Lux's changes this patch are more on the 'feel improvement' side of the spectrum than raw numbers tuning. Abilities that require a second cast to detonate have historically been more difficult to use for players that aren't in low-ping environments, so we're adding a 'pre-detonate' option (similar to Gragas' Barrel Roll and Ziggs' Satchel Charge) to Lucent Singularity, as well making Prismatic Barrier shield her instantly to pull off the same quick self-block plays that other champions with shields can."
W - Prismatic Barrier
FAITH IN THE LIGHT Lux gets shielded immediately on cast
E - Lucent Singularity
LADY OF USABILITY Can be re-cast in flight to detonate on arrival
PRETTY LIGHTS Now has a neat light swirl to indicate when the ability is ready to be detonated
R does more damage when popping Lux's passive. (This was always intended, but not always functional)
"When we gave Illumination an AP ratio way back in 4.13, it worked when your basic attacks triggered it but never for Final Spark. For all you light mages out there: this adds a 20% AP ratio when banishing the shadows."
R - Final Spark
CHARGING MY LASER: Fixed a bug where triggering Illumination with Final Spark didn't add Illumination's AP ratio to the detonation
Everyone get excited for the Lux buff! At early levels this might be a slight reduction to her damage, but as soon as Lux picks up some AP, it'll start scaling much better.
"We thought Lux needed some extra help scaling into the late game, so..."
Passive - Illumination
DAMAGE: 10 + (10 x level) => 10 + (8 x level) (+ 0.2 ability power)
"We're updating Final Spark's targeting indicator so players who use quick cast can see the range of the spell easier."
R - Final Spark
"NEW" UTILITY: Now displays a targeting circle when highlighting the ability
R - Final Spark
Now goes on cooldown when it finishes casting, instead of when it begins casting
If Lux dies while casting Final Spark, it will no longer go on cooldown
On top of her long range and wide array of defensive utility, Lux was also among the fastest ranged champions in the game. These changes force Lux to be more mindful of her timing and positioning as opponents now have more opportunities to capitalize on her mistakes.
Base Movement Speed reduced to 330 from 340
Final Spark
Cooldown increased to 80 / 65 / 50 seconds from 80 / 60 / 40
Base Movement Speed increased by 25.
Final Spark visual effects no longer appear at the wrong angle if aimed beyond the edge of the map
Updated tooltips
Base mana regen per 5 seconds increased to 6.6 from 5.6
Light Binding mana cost reduced to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 from 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120
Finales Funkeln
Mana cost reduced to 100 at all levels from 100 / 150 / 200
Cast range now displays on the mini-map
Fixed a bug where Lucent Singularity's cooldown was 11 seconds instead of 10
Lucent Singularity
Now additionally grants vision while in flight to its destination
Now starts its cooldown when cast rather than when detonated
Cooldown increased to 11 seconds from 9
Now displays a buff showing how long Lucent Singularity will last until it automatically detonates
Finales Funkeln
Now grants vision of the affected area during the spell and vision of enemy champions hit for a short duration afterwards
Lux can no longer use Flash while casting Finales Funkeln
Prismatic Barrier
Shield strength increased to 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160
Missile speed increased to 1400 from 1200
Lucent Singularity cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 11
Tooltips properly display numbers in their passives as they update
Updated Lux's autoattacks to feel more responsive and increased its missile sped
Light Binding cooldown reduced to 15 / 14 / 13 /12 / 11 seconds from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds
Prismatic Barrier shield incresed to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150
Finales Funkeln ability power ratio reduced to 0.75 from 0.85
Fixed a bug that caused Lux to have 0 base mana regen
Prismatic Barrier
Missile width increased 22%
Mana cost reduced to 60 from 75
Fixed a bug where it was granting less ability power ratio than stated
Ability power ratio increased to 0.35 from 0.3
Lucent Singularity
Fixed a tooltip bug causing it to display the wrong values
Slow incresaed to 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 from 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 / 30
Detonation radius increased to 350 from 300
Finales Funkeln now ignites the Illumination debuff if the target is afflicted by it and refreshes the Illumination debuff duration
Updated PVP.net tags and character ratings
Updated recommended items
Finales Funkeln ability power ratio increased to 0.85 from 0.75
Classic Lux
Sorceress Lux
Spellthief Lux
Commando Lux
Imperial Lux
Steel Legion Lux
Star Guardian Lux
Old Art for Classic Lux
Sorceress Lux
Spellthief Lux
Chinese Art for Classic Lux
Chinese Art for Sorceress Lux
Chinese Art for Spellthief Lux


