美国队长2 寒冬战士寒冬战士翻译,知道的来.也箱uy

美国队长2:寒冬战士(Captain America The Winter Soldier)_英文电影_VOA英语学习网
在你左边 On your left.在你左边 On your left.左边 我知道了 Uh-huh, on my left. Got it.别说了 你别说了 Don't say it! Don't you say it!在你左边 On your left!怎么还说 Come on!
93分钟之前 海盗登船时 It was sending up their last payload他们正在发射最后一颗卫星 when pirates took them, ninety-three minutes ago.对方有什么要求 Any demands? 十五亿 A billion a
是 巴托克 Yes, Batroc.杜兰德 启动引擎 Durand. Start the engine.好 Okay.你好 水手 Hey, sailor.闭嘴 怎么回事 想当英雄吗 Shut up. What is it? Want to be a hero? 我可等够了 Well
罗曼诺夫特工没有不想做的事 Agent Romanoff is comfortable with everything.手下的人各行其是 I can't lead a mission你叫我怎么带队执行任务 when the people I'm leading have missions of
我们需要量子级的精密威胁分析 we needed a quantum surgeon threat analysis.这次我们远远地走在前面 For once we're way ahead of the curve.拿***指着所有人 你管这个叫保护吗 By holding a gun at e
现在这个原则也动摇了 I guess I'm not quite sure what that is anymore.我以为自己可以随时回军队 And I thought I could throw myself back in遵守命令 保家卫国 and follow orders, serv
失陪一下 Excuse me.又有麻烦了吗 部长先生 More trouble, Mr. Secretary? 取决于你怎么定义麻烦 It depends on your definition.我们办公室只隔了四十层 I work forty floors away没人劫船你都不肯来吗 an
但说真的 你想干什么都行 But seriously, you could do whatever you want to do.你喜欢干什么 What makes you happy? 不知道 I don't know.启动通讯加密程序 Activating communications e
我好像没给过你钥匙 I don't remember giving you a key.你觉得我需要吗 You really think I'd need one? 我老婆把我赶出来了 My wife kicked me out.我都不知道你结婚了 Didn't know you were ma
我父亲以前在101空降师 进来吧 My father served in the 101st. Come on in.那张照片是我和尼克认识五年后拍的 That photo was taken five years after Nick and I met,那时我在哥伦比亚国务院 when I
交易出了岔 结果尼克送了命 The sale went sour and that led to Nick's death.如果你真了解尼克?弗瑞 If you really knew Nick Fury就该知道这不可能 you know that's not true.不然你为什么会来见我
开什么玩笑 Are you kidding me? 他往车库去了 封闭大桥 He's headed for the garage. Lock down the bridge!罗杰斯队长 立刻投降 Stand down, Captain Rogers. Stand down.重复 立刻投降
那就看看那个鬼魂到底想要什么 Well, let's find out what the ghost wants.尼克?弗瑞被残忍地谋杀了 Nick Fury was murdered in cold blood.但凡是个正常人 To any reasonable person,都会说他是烈士
你熟悉这地方吗 You know it? 以前很熟悉 走吧 I used to. Let's go.标准战术小队 Standard tac-team.两前两后 侧翼还有两个 Two behind, two across, two coming straight at us.如果被发现了
快 快 跑快点 Let's go! Let's go! Double time!快 罗杰斯 快点 Come on Rogers, move it!快点 集合了 Come on! Fall in!罗杰斯 我说集合 Rogers! I said fall in!这里没戏 This i
若要夺走自由 他们会反抗 was that if you try to take that freedom, they resist.战争教会了我们很多 The war taught us much.人类需要自愿放弃自由 Humanity needed to surrender its fre
其实也就是从克格勃换到了九头蛇 But I guess I just traded in the KGB for Hydra.我本以为知道我在为谁撒谎 但... I thought I knew whose lies I was telling, but...现在我也分不清了 I guess
不记得了 谁有心思听她说话 I don't know, who listens at that point? 好像不是大问题啊 Doesn't sound much of a problem to me.是吗 她把我的后背抓的疼死了 Really? Cause she's killing my
然后呢 And what then? 老天 皮尔斯会杀了我的 Oh, my God. Pierce is gonna kill me.然后呢 What then? !然后洞察计划的直升航母会除掉他们 Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off
河豚毒素B 能把脉搏降到一分钟一下 Tetrodotoxin B. Slows the pulse to one beat a minute.班纳发明用来控制压力的 Banner developed it for stress.对他没多大作用 但我们发现了它的新用途 Didn't work
只是也许 我们可以挽救 just maybe, we can salvage what's left...我们什么都不挽救 We're not salvaging anything.我们不止要摧毁航母 We're not just taking down the carriers,尼克 我
很遗憾神盾局没法控制一切 Sadly, S.H.I.E.L.D can't control everything.包括美国队长 Including Captain America.这里的身份认证靠生物识别 This facility is biometrically controlled,这胸
你站错边了 特工 You picked the wrong side, agent.先看看自己的处境吧 Depends on where you're standing.关闭舰湾闸门 Close the bay door!快关上闸门 快关上 Close the bay door now!
你知道我是在哪里想清楚的 波哥大[哥伦比亚] And you know where I learned that: Bogota.你没有问 只是做了该做的事 You didn't ask, you just did what had to be done.牺牲两百万性命 I can brin
Youtube 诚实预告片最新一期,无情吐槽美队2。
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