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新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限20积分35精华0UID8071597帖子金钱18 威望0
Lv.2, 积分 35, 距离下一级还需 15 积分
UID8071597帖子威望0 多玩草10 草
我新下的DNF~刚下出来不是有什么防火墙这个那个的提示么``我全给允许了。然后我进游戏的时候什么问题都没有。到选择人物的时候就卡住了,就是进不去了~硬在这了。选择人物的时候。然后我朋友还告诉我~你进来了~但是我这面还是显示选择角色~不一会我朋友那面就显示我退出游戏了。我这面还是没反应~我真是要疯了。这到底怎么回事~?绝对不应该是网速问题。。我家5兆的。这是怎么了~~- -!我吧客户端删了~重新下着呢~不知道结果如何?到底怎么个意思啊 。。。。急求。。。。Thank you very much
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? 棱 僧 需 要 蛋 定 °
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限100积分67686精华5UID6437724帖子金钱460444 威望61
? 没 蛋 也 要 定 咩 °
Lv.11, 积分 67686, 距离下一级还需 22314 积分
UID6437724帖子威望61 多玩草21853 草
楼主机器是什么系统的? 这样的情况应该是win7家庭版或v系统的情况...
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限20积分35精华0UID8071597帖子金钱18 威望0
Lv.2, 积分 35, 距离下一级还需 15 积分
UID8071597帖子威望0 多玩草10 草
我家电脑貌似是windows 7旗舰版的 。。跟这有什么关系么??要怎么解决啊???谢谢了。。。
? 棱 僧 需 要 蛋 定 °
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限100积分67686精华5UID6437724帖子金钱460444 威望61
? 没 蛋 也 要 定 咩 °
Lv.11, 积分 67686, 距离下一级还需 22314 积分
UID6437724帖子威望61 多玩草21853 草
win7旗舰版可以运行ac5啊... 是32位的还是64位的? 兼容模式那看下, 或者用管理员身份运行游戏试试
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限90积分13521精华1UID4088456帖子金钱21278 威望4
UID4088456帖子威望4 多玩草2559 草
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限20积分35精华0UID8071597帖子金钱18 威望0
Lv.2, 积分 35, 距离下一级还需 15 积分
UID8071597帖子威望0 多玩草10 草
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限50积分1021精华0UID5843177帖子金钱701 威望0
Lv.5, 积分 1021, 距离下一级还需 1479 积分
UID5843177帖子威望0 多玩草10 草
原帖由 败家男子 于 29/1/ 发表
还没解决腻,关键不会整啊。这破系统我有点迷糊,完事什么管理员身份~什么什么模式~我都不道在哪了。?麻烦明白的详细告诉下被。能进游戏~但是到选择人物的时候么,就进不去了。就卡在这个地方了。之前都没问题。就是双击人 ...
我在Windows 7 RC 32/64-bit旗?版和Windows 7 32-bit家庭高?版(都是英文版)都遇到了和?主所?的同?的??,拿迅游?自己的大??到60?後迅游到期。因?手?有好用&免?的美?***,我就跑到美服玩了...
我的???境:?校?室?信2M ADSL,家?是?通1M ADSL,都使用TP-LINK????路由器。但同?的?室???境,同?的XP就?有任何??...
我的如果?置Windows XP SP3兼容模式?在?入完用?名&密?之後提示DNF.exe停止工作,?置以管理?身份?行程序不起任何作用。
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限1积分1精华0UID9890329帖子金钱-29 威望0
Lv.0, 积分 1, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
UID9890329帖子威望0 多玩草10 草
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Reminder: this page is to propose solutions to common problems. If you want to report a problem, please look in the
first, or use the . Do not report a problem here: your question will remain unanswered!
Error: please make sure that index.php is your default document for a directory. If you have just installedphpListand get this message, make sure that the DirectoryIndex setting of your Apache configuration has somewhere index.php index.html, and check that index.php is mentioned before index.html. For other webservers please consult your manual to find how to make index.php the default document for a directory. Alternatively you can delete the file &index.html& in the lists directory of phpList.
Error: IMAP is not included in your PHP installation, cannot continue. There is a major confusion that has been caused by the PHP developers naming a PHP module the , even though it is used for more than just IMAP. phpList needs the IMAP functions in PHP in order to connect to the mailbox that will hold the bounces. The mailbox itself is a POP3 mailbox, or you can configure it to be a local mailbox files, but whatever the situation, the IMAP functions are necessary. IMAP functions in PHP have nothing to do with the actual IMAP protocol (at least not as far asphpListis concerned). You should be able to solve this issue by installing (and compiling) the IMAP module into PHP. If you are on a shared hosting account, you should contact your hosting provider.
Fatal Error: Cannot connect to database, access denied. Please contact the administrator This error indicates there is something wrong with your
details. A Database connection requires four things, and they are very sensitive to errors (just one little typo and it won't work): 1) a database host (the name of the server, in many cases &localhost& works, but not always), 2) a database &user& the name of the user who can connect to this host, 3) a database &password& the password to use for the connection, 4) a database &name& the name of the database to use. If any of these four are incorrect, you get the error. So, it's best to double check your settings, and otherwise ask your ISP why it doesn't work. It's possible, although a bit unlikely, that they made a mistake with their permission settings, but you never know.
HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error - The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. This error message may have different causes. If you get a &500 Server Error& when installing, your server is probably running PHP as a cgi, not as an Apache module (also known as phpsuexec). Solution: In /lists/.htaccess, find php_flag magic_quotes_gpc on and delete or comment out (with a #) this line.
(However phpList may display &Warning: Things will work better when PHP magic_quotes_gpc = on& which is addressed below)
HTTP Error 404: File (or directory) not found. The document you requested is not found. If this error message appears when trying to send a message, it is is probably caused by an incorrect value for &website& in the &configuration page& of the admin backend. If that value is correct, you should also check the config.php file for the paths in $pageroot and $adminpages. If this error occurs with any page you try to load, and if your server is running PHP as a cgi (PHPsuExec), it is possible you are erroneously getting a 404 error instead of a 500 error. Try applying the fix described for a HTTP 500 error.
Warning: The pageroot in your config does not match the current location. Check your config file. This warning indicates a misconfiguration of the following settings in : $pageroot and $adminpages. This can be fixed by entering the correct path names.
Warning: In safe mode, not everything will work as expected.
It is highly recommended to run phpList with &safe mode off&. Much has been done to make phpList work in , but once you get to systems with more than 500 users, it is likely to cause problems. Also, in safe mode, the automatic bounce processing of phpList will NOT WORK. If you are on a shared hosting account, you could contact your ISP to fix this issue.
Warning: open_basedir restrictions are in effect, which may be the cause of the next warning.
is a security related PHP setting, which will limit the opening of files to directories placed within a specified directory-tree. This warning is often displayed in conjunction with another warning, such as &The attachment repository does not exist or is not writable&. In effect, the open_basedir restrictions and related warnings imply that you won't be able to upload files to phpList, like attachments, images, and imports. You can fix this by changing the attachment repository and/or temp directory in
to a writable location, like your webroot. You will need to create the new directory on your webserver and grant it read/write permissions.
Warning: The attachment repository does not exist or is not writable. The &attachment repository& is a directoryphpListneeds for storing the attachments sent with list messages. This problem can be solved by checking in
whether an attachment repository has been defined (look for the $attachment_repository setting) and if so, whether this directory actually exists on your server and has read/write permissions. If you get this warning in conjunction with the warning regarding open_basedir restrictions, you will also need to change the directory to a writeable location, like your webroot.
Warning: The temporary directory for uploading ( ) is not writable, so import will fail. The &temporary directory& is where phpList stores temporary files, for instance when upgradingphpListor importing users. You can fix this by checking in
whether a temporary directory has been defined (look for the $tmpdir setting) and if so, whether this directory actually exists on your server and has read/write permissions. If you get this warning in conjunction with the warning regarding open_basedir restrictions, you will also need to change the directory to a writeable location, like your webroot.
Warning: Things will work better when PHP magic_quotes_gpc = on. The PHP setting
needs to be enabled for the smooth functioning of phpList. There are several possible ways to fix this. First you could check in the /lists/.htaccess file that it includes the line php_flag magic_quotes_gpc on. If not, try adding this line to see whether it fixes the problem. Alternatively, if your server runs PHP as CGI (PHPsuExec), you can try to enable magic_quotes_gpc by creating the file '/lists/php.ini' and adding this directive: magic_quotes_gpc = 1. If you're on shared hosting account, you can also contact your ISP to fix this.
Warning: Things will work better when PHP magic_quotes_runtime = off. The PHP setting
should preferably be disabled. If you're on shared hosting account, you can contact your ISP to fix this.
Warning: You are trying to use RSS, but XML is not included in your PHP. phpList can send
to users. To use this feature you need XML support in your PHP installation. If you're on shared hosting account, you could contact your ISP to fix this.
Warning: You are trying to send a remote URL, but PEAR::HTTP/Request is not available, so this will fail. To fetch a webpage and send it to a list of users, phpList needs the
module to be installed on your server. If you are on a shared hosting account, you can ask your ISP to install PEAR::HTTP/Request module.
Sorry not implemented yet. This usually indicates that a file is missing in yourphpListinstallation. Check that all files are correctly installed. And if you typed the url manually check that it's well spelled.
no input file specified. This is a php error message you get when running PHP as a CGI binary on Apache and indicates you requested a non-existent PHP file. This usually indicates that a file is missing in yourphpListinstallation. Check that all files are correctly installed.
Error: Your database is out of date, please make sure to upgrade. Phplist will display this error message if you forgot to initialise the database tables after installing or upgradingphpList. If this occurs after a new installation, you can fix this by using the 'initialise database' option in the
section of the admin module. After an upgrade, make sure you click on the upgrade link that is displayed in the 'System Functions' block.
Database error 1062 while doing query Duplicate entry '0-51' for key 1. If you get this error message during upgrading, you do not need to worry. The upgrade process involves writing data to the database which will generate these responses. The important thing is that the database upgrade procedure ends with &Information: Success& at the end of the page.
Database error 1071 while doing query Specif max key length is 1000 bytes This error is related to using a database with UTF-8 encoding and is a . For more info and fixes, please consult the .
Blank page. This usually indicates a parse error. Please review the changes you made while editing files like config.php or You can check config.php for parse errors by changing the error level setting inf config.php to $error_level = error_reporting(E_PARSE); See also the . Alternatively, if you have command line access, you could use the following command to check for parse errors in a specific php file: php /path/toyour/file/lists/admin/file.php
Mailer Error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host - This is a phpmailer error that might occur if you incorrectly configured the SMTP mail server settings in config.php. Please review your mail server settings in config.php. See also these forum posts: , , .
Mailer Error: Language string failed to load - For more info see
If you have enabled SMTP in config.php see . [just a few links for now]
Mailer Error: Could not instantiate mail function - For more info see . If you have enabled SMTP in config.php see . [just a few links for now]
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/ Withdrawals, DNF & suspension
Current Students
Withdrawals, Discontinue not fail (DNF or DC) and suspension
Withdrawal from a unit of study
If you drop a unit of study before the census date it is considered a withdrawal.You will not be liable to HECS/CSP payment or fees for such units of study, and it is not considered in WAM or progression calculations.A withdrawal is not listed on your formal transcript.
Discontinue not fail (DNF or DC) & Discontinue fail (DF)
If you drop a unit of study after the census date, but before week 7 of the semester it is considered as DNF or DC (discontinue not fail).This grade was formerly called &DNF&.
Under the new Sydney Student system, these grades are now called &DC&.Units with a grade of DNF or DC is not considered in WAM or progression calculations.A DNF or DC
is listed on your official transcript.You are still liable to HECS/CSP payment or fees for such units of study.
In very unique circumstances, a student may be eligible for a fee refund or cancellation of CSP/HECS for units awarded DNF.
The academic decision to award a DNF or DC does not imply the administrative decision to give a refund will be granted.
Information is available from the If you drop a subject after week 7 of the semester it is considered as DF (discontinue fail).You are still liable to HECS/CSP payment or fees for such units of study, and it is considered in WAM or progression calculations.
Discontinue not fail (DNF) - Applying for a late change of grade
In exceptional circumstances, the Faculty can award a grade of DNF after week 7 of a semester.
This is usually only considered in cases of serious illness or misadventure beyond your reasonable control where it is impossible to complete the unit.In such cases, you are required to apply in writing to the faculty.
When considering submissions, the faculty uses the following criteria:
Well documented by a registered medical practitioner or counsellor (or other as applicable) that verifies the extent of the impact and the period of impact on the student?; and
Demonstrates the student was unable to comple and
Any pre-existing condition or issue significantly deteriorated after week 7; and
That it was beyond the control of the student to withdraw/discontinue from the unit
The student was unable, for reasons beyond the student’s control, to apply for special consideration at the time.
We also consider the following:
Previous record - are the results comparable with similar units of study in the past?
Concurrent records - how has the student performed in other units of study for the semester in question.
Note that applying for DNF does not guarantee that the request will be granted.
If you are applying during the semester, and the request is not granted, you can either continue in the unit and obtain a mark/grade based on whatever work you have done, or receive a DF - discontinue fail.Requests are to be submitted either in person to the Engineering faculty office in the PNR Building, or via email to engineering.undergraduate[at] (for undergraduate students) or engineering.postgraduate[at] (for postgraduate students)
Suspension of candidature
Suspension of study is covered by the .Students are permitted to suspend their study (leave of absence) for 1 or 2 semesters during their degree.
Students are required to inform us of suspension, and permission is automatic.The dean (or his/her delegate in such matters) can approve an additional suspension of 1 or 2 semesters.
You may be asked for a valid reason and evidence when seeking such an extended suspension.Students should apply for suspension of studies online under the My studies tab and select Course details in Sydney Student.If you are on Stage 3 of the academic progression process and have been asked to show good cause, you are still obliged to respond to the show good cause request even if you are also applying for suspension of candidature.
Discontinuation of studies
Discontinuation of studies means leaving your degree completely.Discontinuation of study is covered by the .Students should apply for discontinuation of studies online under the My studies tab and select Course details in Sydney Student.If you are on Stage 3 of the academic progression process and have been asked to show good cause, if you voluntarily decide to discontinue your degree before the due date of your show good cause response then no possible exclusion will be recorded on your academic record.Error Processing and Debugging: Types of Errors in SAS
SAS performs error processing during both the
compilation and the execution phases
of SAS processing. You can debug SAS programs by understanding
processing messages in the SAS log and then fixing your code. You can use
the DATA Step Debugger to detect logic errors in a DATA step during execution.
SAS recognizes five types of errors.
Type of error
When this error occurs
When the error is detected
when programming statements do not conform to the rules
of the SAS
compile time
when the language element is correct, but the element
might not be valid for a particular usage
compile time
when SAS attempts to execute a program and execution
execution time
when data values are invalid
execution time
when you use the macro facility incorrectly
macro compile time or execution time, DATA or PROC step
compile time or execution time
errors occur when program statements do not conform to the rules of the SAS
language. Here are some examples of syntax errors:
misspelled SAS keyword
unmatched quotation
missing a semicolon
invalid statement option
invalid data set
When SAS encounters a syntax error, it first attempts to
correct the error by attempting to interpret what you mean. Then SAS continues
processing your program based on its assumptions. If SAS cannot correct the
error, it prints an error message to the log.
In the following example, the DATA statement is misspelled,
and SAS prints a warning message to the log. Because SAS could interpret the
misspelled word, the program runs and produces output.
proc print data=
WARNING 14-169: Assuming the symbol DATA was misspelled as date.
NOTE: The data set WORK.TEMP has 1 observations and 1 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used:
0.17 seconds
0.04 seconds
proc print data=
0.14 seconds
0.03 seconds
Some errors are explained fully by the message that
SAS other error messages are not as easy to interpret because
SAS is not always able to detect exactly where the error occurred. For example,
when you fail to end a SAS statement with a semicolon, SAS
does not always
detect the error at the point where it occurs because SAS statements are free-format
(they can begin and end anywhere). In the following example, the semicolon
at the end of the DATA statement is missing. SAS prints the word ERROR in
the log, identifies the possible location of the error, prints an explanation
of the error, and stops processing the DATA step.
proc print data=
ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: DATA statement used:
0.11 seconds
0.02 seconds
proc print data=
ERROR: File WORK.TEMP.DATA does not exist.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
0.06 seconds
0.01 seconds
Whether subsequent steps are executed depends on which
method of running SAS you use, as well as on your operating environment.
can add these lines to your code to fix unmatched comment tags, unmatched
quotation marks, and missing semicolons.
/* '; * &; */;
Semantic errors occur when the form of the elements in a SAS statement
is correct, but the elements are not valid for that usage.
Semantic errors
are detected at compile time and can cause SAS to enter syntax check mode.
(For a description of syntax check mode, see .)
Examples of semantic errors include the
specifying the wrong number of arguments for a
using a numeric variable name where only a character
variable is valid
using illegal references to an array.
In the following example, SAS detects an
illegal reference
to the array ALL.
data _null_;
array all{*} x1-x5;
0.02 seconds
data _null_;
array all{*} x1-x5;
ERROR: Illegal reference to the array all.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: DATA statement used:
2.28 seconds
0.06 seconds
The following is another example of a semantic error.
In this DATA step, the libref SOMELIB has not been previously assigned in
a LIBNAME statement.
set somelib.
0.00 seconds
ERROR: Libname SOMELIB is not assigned.
set somelib.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
WARNING: The data set WORK.TEST might be incomplete.
When this step was stopped
there were 0 observations and 0 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used:
0.17 seconds
Execution-time errors are errors that occur
when SAS executes a program that processes data values. Most execution-time
errors produce warning messages or notes in the SAS log but allow the program
to continue executing. The location of an execution-time error is usually given as line
and column numbers in a note or error message.
Common execution-time errors include the following:
illegal arguments to
illegal mathematical operations (for example,
division by 0)
observations in the wrong order for BY-group processing
reference to a nonexistent member of an array
(occurs when the array's subscript is out of range)
open and close errors on SAS data sets and other
files in INFILE and FILE statements
INPUT statements that do not match the data lines
(for example, an INPUT statement in which you list the wrong columns for a
variable or fail to indicate that the variable is a character variable).
An execution-time error can also occur when you encounter an
out-of-resources condition, such as a full disk, or insufficient memory for
a SAS procedure to complete. When these conditions occur, SAS attempts to
find resources for current use. For example, SAS might ask the user for permission
to delete temporary data sets that might no longer be needed, or to free the
memory in which macro variables are stored.
When an out-of-resources condition occurs in a windowing
environment, you can use the SAS CLEANUP system option to display a requestor
panel that enables you to choose how to resolve the error. When you run SAS
in batch, noninteractive, or interactive line mode, the operation of CLEANUP
depends on your operating environment. For more information, see the CLEANUP
system option in
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary, and in the SAS documentation for your operating
In the following example, an execution-time error
occurs when
SAS uses data values from the second observation to perform the division operation
in the assignment statement. Division by 0 is an illegal mathematical operation
and causes an execution-time error.
options linesize=64 nodate pageno=1 pagesize=25;
input Item $ 1-14 TotalCost 15-20
UnitsOnHand 21-23;
Nylon cord
Ceiling fans
proc print data=
format TotalCost dollar8.2 UnitCost dollar8.2;
0.02 seconds
options linesize=64 nodate pageno=1 pagesize=25;
input Item $ 1-14 TotalCost 15-20
UnitsOnHand 21-23;
NOTE: Division by zero detected at line 12 column 22.
Nylon cord
Item=Nylon cord TotalCost=35 UnitsOnHand=0 UnitCost=. _ERROR_=1
NOTE: Mathematical operations could not be performed at the
following places. The results of the operations have been
set to missing values.
Each place is given by:
(Number of times) at (Line):(Column).
1 at 12:22
NOTE: The data set WORK.INVENTORY has 3 observations and 4
NOTE: DATA statement used:
2.78 seconds
0.08 seconds
proc print data=
format TotalCost dollar8.2 UnitCost dollar8.2;
NOTE: There were 3 observations read from the dataset
2.62 seconds
The SAS System
Nylon cord
Ceiling fans
SAS executes the entire step, assigns a missing value
for the variable UnitCost in the output, and writes the following to the SAS
a note that describes the error
the values that are stored in the input
the contents of the program data vector at the
time the error occurred
a note explaining the error.
Note that the values that are listed in the program data
vector include the _N_ and _ERROR_ automatic variables.
These automatic variables
are assigned temporarily to each observation and are not stored with the data
In the following example of an execution-time error,
the program processes an array and SAS encounters a value of the array's subscript
that is out of range. SAS prints an error message to the log and stops processing.
options linesize=64 nodate pageno=1 pagesize=25;
array all{*} x1-x3;
if measure & 0 then
proc print data=
0.02 seconds
options linesize=64 nodate pageno=1 pagesize=25;
array all{*} x1-x3;
if measure & 0 then
ERROR: Array subscript out of range at line 12 column 7.
x1=. x2=. x3=. I=. measure=3 _ERROR_=1 _N_=2
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of
WARNING: The data set WORK.TEST might be incomplete.
step was stopped there were 1 observations and 5
NOTE: DATA statement used:
0.90 seconds
0.09 seconds
proc print data=
NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the dataset WORK.TEST.
0.81 seconds
Data errors
occur when some data values are not appropriate for the SAS statements that
you have specified in the program. For example, if you define a variable as
numeric, but the data value is actually character, SAS generates a data error.
SAS detects data errors during program execution and continues to execute
the program, and does the following:
writes an invalid data note to the SAS log.
prints the input line and column
numbers that
contain the invalid value in the SAS log. Unprintable characters appear in
hexadecimal. To help determine column numbers, SAS prints a rule line above
the input line.
prints the observation under the rule line.
sets the automatic variable _ERROR_ to 1 for the
current observation.
In this example, a character
value in the Number variable
results in a data error during program execution:
options linesize=64 nodate pageno=1 pagesize=25;
input Name $ N
proc print data=
The SAS log shows that there is an error in line 8,
position 5-6 of the program.
0.01 seconds
options linesize=64 nodate pageno=1 pagesize=25;
input Name $ N
NOTE: Invalid data for Number in line 8 5-6.
Name=Joe Number=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=2
NOTE: The data set WORK.AGE has 3 observations and 2 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used:
0.06 seconds
0.02 seconds
proc print data=
NOTE: There were 3 observations read from the dataset WORK.AGE.
0.01 seconds
The SAS System
You can also use the INVALIDDATA= system option to assign
a value to a variable when your program encounters invalid data. For more
information, see the INVALIDDATA= system option in
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
statement uses the ? and the ?? format modifiers for
error reporting. The format modifiers control the amount of information that
is written to the SAS log. Both the ? and the ?? modifiers suppress the invalid
data message. However, the ?? modifier also sets the automatic variable _ERROR_
to 0. For example, these two sets of statements are equivalent:
input x ?? 10-12;
input x ? 10-12;
In either case, SAS sets the invalid values of X to
missing values.
types of macro-related errors exist:
macro compile time and macro execution-time errors,
generated when you use the macro facility itself
errors in the SAS code produced by the macro
For more information about macros, see
SAS Macro Language: Reference.
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